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You Have Entered In

1/31/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: Who are all these who stand before Me in arrogant accord? What people is this who have despised Me and My Word? Ignorant and sinful people, you have all become as false gods before Me, detestable idols meet only to be broken in pieces! For each one of you, from the least to the greatest, have turned from Me, each to his own way!... You worship yourselves!
Yes, you uphold every false image and stand firm for the sake of your own detestable doctrines! You revel in your perverse traditions, to your own shame! You flee all accountability and rest comfortably in your sin, bearing a multitude of bitter fruit in unrighteousness!... Lawless people, you have despised both Me and My Law! Therefore it shall weigh heavily upon you, and you shall bear its weight in the Day of The Lord, every jot and every tittle! Says The Lord.

Therefore hear the Word of The Living God, for thus says The Lord: You have entered in; yes, The Day is here and ALL have entered in! Therefore grab hold of The Holy One of Israel, and pray that you are counted worthy to escape![1] Fall on your faces and wail loudly, die to yourselves, cry out! Call upon the name of Salvation, and repent!
Did I not say to you that all your knowledge was useless,[2] and all your thoughts and imaginings were in vain? For I am The Lord, and I shall surely do according to the counsel of My own will. Yet the scholars cry, “False!” And those who call of themselves Christian plot in vain against My messengers.
And the people of Israel walk proudly, exalting themselves by their own knowledge, though they remain ignorant, for The Truth remains hidden from their eyes[3]... Oh My people, when will you cast yourselves down?! When will you be humbled?! When will you forsake your so-called knowledge and be set free?! I AM THE LORD! YES, I AM HE! There is no knowledge apart from Me, and there can be no understanding save it is given you by Mashiach! HE is your Master!

Have you not felt these pangs, O earth?! Have you not recoiled in pain, O heavens?! Has not fear grabbed hold of you, O mighty nations?! Blind and hard peoples, REPENT! For My face is turned against you, My shoulders are set, and My hand is ready to strike! Behold, I shall strike the waters, and they shall rise up against you; from bitterness to the raging of the seas, the waters shall oppress you! I shall strike the mountains, and they shall speak and bring forth a great noise; they shall consume you and bury your cities! I shall strike the heavens, and it shall rain down fire and flooding rain, with a great multitude of hail! Lo, I shall strike the foundations of the earth, and the whole world shall be shaken! Says The Lord.

He who stretched out the heavens
And laid the foundations of the earth!
YAHUWAH, He who formed it and causes to be!...

For the whole world is but a footstool beneath My feet,
A rock in My hand made of limestone, easily broken...

Says The Lord.

  1. Jump up Luke 21:36
  2. Jump up See: "your knowledge is useless"
  3. Jump up 2 Corinthians 3:14-16


  • Excerpts from You Have Entered In (with music)
  • You Have Entered In (with music)
