Peroxysome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC-1α; encoded by the gene PPARGC1A in humans) is a crucial component in training-induced muscle adaptation because it is a co-activator of transcriptional factors that control gene expression in coordinated response to exercise. It has been suggested that a Gly482Ser substitution in PPARGC1A has functional relevance in the context of human disorders and athletic performance. To test this hypothesis, we examined the genotype distribution of PPARGC1A Gly482Ser in a group of Polish athletes and confirmed the results obtained in a replication study of Russian athletes. We found that the 482Ser allele was under-represented in the cohort of Polish and Russian athletes examined compared with unfit controls (P < 0.0001). A statistically significant low frequency of the 482Ser allele was observed among the endurance,strength-endurance, and sprint-strength groups of Polish athletes (P = 0.019, P = 0.022, and P < 0.0001, respectively). The replication study revealed that the 482Ser allele was also less prevalent in Russian endurance and strength-endurance athletes (P = 0.029 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Our results suggest that the PPARGC1A Gly482Ser polymorphism is associated with elite endurance athletic status. These findings support the hypothesis that the PPARGC1A 482Ser allele may impair aerobic capacity: thus, the Gly482 allele may be considered a beneficial factor for endurance performance.

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The PPARGC1Agene Gly482Ser in Polish and Russian athletes
Agnieszka Maciejewska Department of Genetics , University of Szczecin , Szczecin, Poland, Marek Sawczuk Department of Genetics , University of Szczecin , Szczecin, Poland , Pawel Cieszczyk Institute of Physical Culture, University of Szczecin , Szczecin, Poland , Irina A. Mozhayskaya Sports Genetics Laboratory , St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture , St. Petersburg, Russia & Ildus I. Ahmetov Sports Genetics Laboratory , St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture , St. Petersburg, Russia ; Laboratory of Molecular Genetics , Kazan State Medical University , Kazan, Russia
Pages 101-113 | Received 01 Mar 2011, Accepted 12 Sep 2011, Published online: 29 Nov 2011
Pages 101-113
Received 01 Mar 2011
Accepted 12 Sep 2011
Published online: 29 Nov 2011