The Truth Absolute
From Letters From God and His Christ
4/7/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord God of Israel, God of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen, known and unknown, The God of all: There is one truth, one absolute, one constant in all creation, in which the fullness of God dwells - YahuShua HaMashiach, He who is called Christ and Jesus.
All else is fantasy, great vexation of spirit. For the people are corrupt; by the deceits of their own hearts are they led away... My beloved ones are misled, they have all gone astray, a whole generation scattered upon the wind! For the ways of men are an abhorrence to Me, their every religion is an abomination. The sins of men are great, and their iniquity increases beyond measure. Behold, they make for themselves molded images, useless things, and by the mouths of wicked men every false way is upheld in vain. For the people have no knowledge, nor do they understand; they are perverse, a most wicked generation, a people who hold out their cup with both hands, that they might fill themselves with abomination. Behold, the broth of abominable things is in their vessels, yet they are eager to drink. They are foolish and can not discern.
The works of men are evil, even from their youth. Thus the little children shall be My inheritance, and the babes My jewels. For the innocent come forth as lights shining out of darkness, gifts born from the womb. They are precious; to be cherished is every child in their youth. For the innocent are of more value than gold and silver, prized above precious stones... Therefore, woe to this world and all who dwell in it! WOE TO ALL WHO AFFLICT MY LITTLE ONES! SAYS THE LORD. For I shall strike the earth in My wrath and punish the wicked! I shall strike the earth, and bring swift discipline upon all who lead My people from the Truth! In My great anger, I shall strike them down and bring everlasting punishment upon the evil of heart, for death is reserved for the wicked!... A valley of dead and dry bones, darkness and blackness, a void of lifeless nothingness!
Behold, I shall pour out in My anger and destroy in My fury! With eternal fire, I shall take vengeance upon all My enemies, until they are utterly consumed! For thus is the second death, prepared for the wicked; thus is the second death, in which the evil of heart shall be consumed! Destruction and annihilation, evil blotted out!... The death of which the redeemed in Messiah need not fear, for they have passed from death to Life, from despair into Joy, and from judgment unto Salvation; taken from the earth to their rightful places, of which I had prepared for them from the beginning; bought for a price, purchased in blood, the blood of The Lamb.
Therefore come to Me, My beloved little ones, for you know My face!
Come forth, O sons and daughters of God, for The Lord has redeemed you!
Come out, My people, for The Holy One of Israel has called you by name!...
Come and enter into My joy, and be lifted up;
Be seated at My right hand, forevermore!...
Do not look back, nor hesitate;
Turn not the head, nor twist the shoulder;
Do not look back, for abominations dwell there!...
Sodom and Gomorrah!
For the time of My watchmen has come, and the Day of Punishment is made clear; behold, it waits at the doors!... Terrible judgment poured out without mixture! Destruction of the cities! The distress of all nations!... WOE TO THE SONS OF MEN! WOE TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH, FOR NOW SHALL BE YOUR PERPLEXITY! SAYS THE LORD.
Therefore, thus says The Lord God: Great patience and steadfast faith is required in these last days. For great and terrible things are coming, days which have no equal! For upon the earth, evil of every kind proliferates and comes forth; iniquity is upheld, and righteousness is trampled underfoot! Damnable heresies are taught in the churches, and blasphemy is heard within the synagogues; temples of false gods litter the face of the earth, and mosques pollute the land like a plague; abomination, blasphemies without end, lies upon lies fed to the masses as truth!... Shall I not come forth and destroy?! Shall I not come out swiftly and take vengeance upon My enemies?! Shall The Lord not bring swift destruction upon them, until not one stone is left upon another?!
The days are evil! Says The Lord. The light of the eye has darkened, iniquity fills the heart, and sins of every kind come forth from the people without respite! They do not relent, nor has one truly turned aside from his evil way! For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and those void of The Spirit can not discern; therefore, those with unclean lips prosper, and the desolate kiss them upon the mouth. For this generation is most vile and can not discern. For they hate the one who rebukes in the gate, and they despise the one who speaks a message from God... Shall I not cause the land to tremble for this?! Shall it not break apart under their feet?! For I shall open the mouth of sheol, and a great multitude shall fall into it! The nations shall mourn, and all those who remain shall be overcome with grief! For from the least even to the greatest, they have all forsaken the Word of The Lord!
Therefore, I call My beloved to choose starvation, to forsake all this worldly food. For only that which comes down from Heaven has life in it, and only those who eat of the manna which I shall give them shall be satisfied; yea, they shall be lifted up, high upon healing wings! For this world is awash in sin, every cup overflows with abomination, every way leads to death. Thus those who take pleasure in unrighteousness shall be cut off, and those who choose evil shall be condemned... And so it begins, the short season of him cast down, when evil reigns in all the earth.
Thus says The Lord, The Risen One: Therefore I call to My saints, that they may stay sober and be vigilant, because their enemy, the adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he might devour. Behold, he stalks his prey and grabs hold by that which is already in their hearts. Beloved, believe not the lies, nor give into fear, nor doubt; resist the devil. Be steadfast, immovable, abounding in faith, for I am with you, The Beloved One who has rebuilt the temple of God in you. For it was thrown down, yet I have restored it, and even I shall do so again... For as it is written: I am the image of The Invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. By Me were all things created, both visible and invisible, in the heavens and on Earth. Whether thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers, all things that are and were created were created through Me and for Me. I am before all things, and in Me all things consist.
Therefore, give heed to My words and understand,
For as I had spoken to My friends in times past,
So now do I also speak to you...
For the time has come, and is coming, and is already here,
When all signs and wonders shall be made manifest,
When all prophecy shall be fulfilled...
Rejoice, for your redemption draws near!
And though the time of great sorrows has come in,
Hold fast, for these days shall be shortened...
No more pain, no more tears or death, all sorrows passing away;
Rebirth, a time of refreshing which shall never end!
Therefore, remember My words and have peace:
One God...
One Son, The Only Way to The Father...
One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit;
One Food, One Bread and One Drink...
One Body...
Of which I am all,
The All in All.
- The Truth Absolute
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- previous letter: Prophecy against Ishmael
- next letter: The Vineyard