Top definition
A loser, poser, lame-ass.

One who talks the talk, but could never walk the walk.

One who talks shit and doesn't back it up, but rather ends up eating their shit in return.

A fuckin 'tard.
Bill: "Hey Bob, you're a big pussy!"
Bob: "oh yeah, well..(breaks Bill's face in half)...who's the fuckin' pussy now you fuckin Jabroni?!"

Damn Jabroni's, I'm always breaking my foot off in their asses!
by The Hunter May 27, 2004
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A slang term in professional wrestling first used by the Iron Sheik and then again later by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It is derived from the word jobber, which is someone who routinely loses, or "does the job".
The Rock says, "Know your role and shut your mouth, jabroni!"
by beau99 May 03, 2010
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Dirty Sanchez Plush

It does not matter how you do it. It's a Fecal Mustache.

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" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">
Jabroni is really an Italian profanity. It is slang for "ass hole" or "dumb ass"
hey you freakin "Jabroni" whats the matter with you?
by Brian atenco May 25, 2004
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Dirty Sanchez Plush

It does not matter how you do it. It's a Fecal Mustache.

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Put down used by kick-ass wrestler The Rock
by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004
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Dirty Sanchez Plush

It does not matter how you do it. It's a Fecal Mustache.

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A punk/idiot. Someone who you try to avoid. Someone with no redeeming qualities.
Oh hey look it's Pauly c! What a jabroni. We should probably leave.
by Ct860 December 11, 2013
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Dirty Sanchez Plush

It does not matter how you do it. It's a Fecal Mustache.

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A Jabroni is someone who sucks. Jabroni's are often inferior in skills such as light-sabering, dancing, or playing video games. Jabroni's can not make decent cocktails.
Our roommate is such a Jabroni.
by Lindser Pants Amadeus November 12, 2010
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Golden Shower Plush

He's warmer than you think.

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One who is not good at his chosen profession or current task.

A jabroni talks smack but has no way of backing up his mouth.

A jabroni lets his mouth say stupid things when it shouldn't.
To quote The Rock... "Who... in the Blue Hell are you... jabroni?"
As if to say, "Who are YOU to interrupt me?"
by Lee Miller January 06, 2003
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