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writing resources

This website breaks down the elements of narrative writing, explaining the sophisticated ways authors use these elements to influence the reader:

elements of fiction

Below you can find a range of writing prompts in a variety of text types(narrative, comparison, description, persuasion).

To start, here are 2 links you may want to have a look at:

daily teaching tools

Now you could try some of these:

Most of these prompts come from the website


  1. On the other side of that door
  2. Late again
  3. What I’ve always wanted
  4. A sound I’d never heard before
  5. Everyone else was laughing.
  6. What if . . .
  7. The last time I saw him
  8. At that moment I should have left.
  9. Just a brief encounter
  10. I knew how it felt to be an outsider.
  11. Hidden away in the back of a drawer
  12. What I should have said
  13. Waking up in a strange room
  14. There were signs of trouble.
  15. Keeping a secret
  16. All I have left is this photo.
  17. It wasn’t really stealing.
  18. A place I pass by every day
  19. Nobody can explain what happened next.
  20. Staring at my reflection
  21. I should have lied.
  22. Then the lights went out.
  23. Some might say it’s a weakness.
  24. Not again!
  25. Where I’d go to hide out from everyone
  26. But that’s not my real name.
  27. Her side of the story
  28. Nobody believed us.
  29. It was time to change schools again.
  30. We climbed to the top.
  31. The one thing I’ll never forget
  32. Follow these rules and we’ll get along fine.
  33. It may not be worth anything.
  34. Never again
  35. On the other side of the street
  36. My father used to tell me
  37. When nobody was looking
  38. If I could do it over again
  39. It wasn’t my idea.
  40. Everyone was staring at me.
  41. It was a stupid thing to say.
  42. Hiding under my bed
  43. If I tell you the truth
  44. My secret collection
  45. Footsteps in the dark
  46. Trouble, big trouble
  47. Laughing uncontrollably
  48. It was just a game to them.
  49. an embarrassing experience
  50. The first day
  51. The last day
  52. The small disastrous
  53. an encounter that changed your life
  54. Sometimes devices can be more trouble than they’re worth
  55. a frightening experience
  56. a memorable journey
  57. an encounter with someone you were in awe of
  58. Rejected
  59. your first visit to the countryside (or to a large city)
  60. A new friend
  61. Friends no more
  62. people should be careful of what they wish for
  63. a silly misunderstanding
  64. a dangerous experience
  65. appearances can be deceiving
  66. a difficult decision
  67. an event that marked a turning point
  68. an act of heroism
  69. an act of cowardice
  70. breaking the rules
  71. taking a stand
  72. a strange visitor
  73. an amazing trip
  74. away from home
  75. a traffic accident
  76. a day when everything went right (or wrong)
  77. an experience that made you laugh until you cried
  78. the day you decided to change your life
  79. the experience of being lost
  80. an unexpected encounter
  81. surviving a natural disaster
  82. an experience that taught you a lesson
  83. an important discovery
  84. an experience that helped you grow up


  1. How to survive a night of babysitting
  2. How to pitch a tent in the rain
  3. How to train your dog
  4. How to kick a bad habit
  5. How to overcome insomnia
  6. How to mow your lawn
  7. How to succeed at school
  8. How to plan the perfect party
  9. How to enjoy the weekend for under $20
  10. How to make the perfect ….
  11. How to keep peace with a brother or sister
  12. How to bathe a cat or dog
  13. How to complain effectively
  14. How to develop self-confidence
  15. How to get along with an teacher without sucking up
  16. How to plan your homework
  17. How to make the perfect drink
  18. How to save money while saving the environment
  19. How to build a great sandcastle
  20. How teachers make up lessons
  21. How parents make us feel guilty

Comparing & contrasting

  1. Two perspectives on the same place: morning and night
  2. Two fast-food restaurants
  3. Two stages of a person’s life
  4. Two places you have visited
  5. Two perspectives on the same place: past and present
  6. Two politicians
  7. Two pets you know or have had
  8. The rules set for you as a child and the rules you plan to set for your own children
  9. Two professional athletes
  10. Two views of your parents: when you were in prep & now
  11. Your experiences before and after giving up a bad habit
  12. Two neighborhoods
  13. Two vampires
  14. Two ways to break a bad habit
  15. A real vacation and a dream vacation
  16. Two hosts of late-night talk shows
  17. A good boss and a bad boss
  18. Two video games
  19. Two types of exercise
  20. Your family home and the house of your dreams
  21. Harry Potter–on the page and on the screen
  22. Two memorable teachers
  23. Two restaurants
  24. Two coffee shops
  25. Two close friends


  1. a waiting room
  2. a basketball, baseball glove, or tennis racket
  3. a cell phone
  4. a treasured belonging
  5. a laptop computer
  6. a favourite restaurant
  7. your dream house
  8. your ideal roommate
  9. a closet
  10. your memory of a place that you visited as a child
  11. a locker
  12. an accident scene
  13. a city bus or subway train
  14. an unusual room
  15. a child’s secret hiding place
  16. a bowl of fruit
  17. an item left too long in your refrigerator
  18. backstage during a play or a concert
  19. a vase of flowers
  20. a rest room in a service station
  21. a street that leads to your home or school
  22. your favourite food
  23. an art exhibit
  24. an ideal apartment
  25. your old neighborhood
  26. a small town cemetery
  27. a hospital emergency room
  28. a particular friend or family member
  29. an inspiring view
  30. a work table
  31. a refrigerator or washing machine
  32. a Halloween costume
  33. the inside of a spaceship
  34. the scene at a concert or athletic event


  1. Though texting is a valuable way of communicating, some people spend too much time sending messages by phone instead of interacting with others face to face. Explain why you agree or disagree with this observation.
  2. Most of the so-called reality programs on television are highly artificial and bear little resemblance to real life. Drawing on one or more specific programs for your examples, explain why you agree or disagree with this observation.
  3. Online learning could take the place of classroom learning. Explain why you think this is a good or a bad idea.
  4. Some people are paid way too much. Do you agree?
  5. Teachers at some schools are now allowed to randomly inspect students’ lockers and backpacks. Explain why you support or oppose this practice.
  6. Explain why you do or do not favour a majorreform of English spelling so that each sound is represented by only one letter.
  7. Should mobile phones be banned in schools?
  8. Children over 10 should be allowed to vote. What do you think?
  9. Australians should have more holidays and longer vacations. What do you think?
  10. Participating in team sports should be compulsory. What do you think?
  11. People have become overly dependent on technology. What do you think?
  12. Privacy is not the most important right. What do you think?
  13. Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense. What do you think?
  14. To encourage healthy eating, there should be higher taxes on soft drinks and junk food. What do you think?
  15. Zoos are like prisons for animals and should be shut down. What do you think?
  16. A student organization should be formed to rescue and care for the lost cats and dogs. What do you think?
  17. No-one should be allowed to drive a car unless they make up for the pollution they cause in some way.
  18. The government has been asked to change the work and school week to 4 days, with a 3 day weekend. What do you think?
  19. In a speech to the head of your school, explain why snack and soda vending machines should be included or removed from all schools.
  20. Explain why you support or oppose school uniforms.
  21. Research has shown that a short afternoon nap can promote physical well-being and improve mood and memory. Explain why you support or oppose napping times at school or work, even if this means a longer work day.

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September 2017
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Word of the day

Word of the Day

orifice discuss

Definition:(noun) An opening, especially to a cavity or passage of the body; a mouth or vent.
Synonyms:opening, porta
Usage:The nose was but a gaping orifice above a deformed and twisted mouth.

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