All matters relating to the appropriation of funds



All matters relating to the appropriation of funds, the payment of moneys not provided for by previous authority of law, the procurement of equipment and supplies; and all matters affecting the receipt, disbursement, transfer or other use of City money and the audit of the same; provided, however, that should any matter be referred to any other committee requiring an appropriation the said legislation should be re-referred to the Committee on Appropriations following the action of the aforesaid committee.


Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez

Vice Chair

Kenyatta Johnson

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Brian J. O’Neill
Jannie Blackwell
Cherelle Parker
David Oh
Allan Domb


Helen Gym

Vice Chair

Blondell Reynolds Brown

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Cherelle Parker
Kenyatta Johnson
Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez

All matters relating to the Department of Commerce



All matters relating to the Department of Commerce, and its departmental boards; the port and airport facilities, and the rates and charges for the use thereof; the City Representative, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, the Philadelphia Commercial Development Corporation and the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation. All matters relating to the Civic Center complex, celebrations, parades and other similar functions. All matters relating to the promotion of commerce, economic development and employment within the City. All matters relating to the expenditure of Federal and State funds for the promotion of economic development and employment within the City.


Curtis Jones, Jr.

Vice Chair

Cherelle Parker

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Jannie L. Blackwell
Blondell Reynolds Brown
Kenyatta Johnson
Allan Domb
Al Taubenberger
Derek Green
David Oh



All issues regarding the disabled population of Philadelphia.



The Committee shall undertake to examine all issues regarding the disabled population of Philadelphia; and to propose recommendations and/or laws where appropriate to elevate this population to accessibility in their daily activities with the able-bodied population of Philadelphia.


Derek Green

Vice Chair

Helen Gym

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Jannie L. Blackwell
Cindy Bass
Al Taubenberger
Allan Domb
Cherelle Parker

All matters relating to education in the public schools of Philadelphia



All matters relating to education in the public schools of Philadelphia excepting matters referred to the Committee of the Whole.


Jannie L. Blackwell

Vice Chair

Blondell Reynolds Brown

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

David Oh
Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez
Mark Squilla
Helen Gym
Cherelle Parker


All matters relating to air and water quality and environmental initiatives



All matters relating to air and water quality; environmental initiatives such as green space, waste management and clean fuel; and new technologies to conserve resources.


Blondell Reynolds Brown

Vice Chair

Cindy Bass

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Jannie L. Blackwell
Helen Gym
Al Taubenberger
Derek Green
Cherelle Parker


Investigations of individual members of the Council



The Committee shall conduct investigations of individual members of the Council after:

a. The Council by majority vote shall have approved the filing of charges against such members for alleged violations of Chapter 20-600 of the Philadelphia Code or these Rules; and
b. The Council shall have approved by majority vote a resolution authorizing such investigation.
There shall be separate resolutions relating to each individual, to be considered separately by the Council and each resolution shall contain a list of all charges and alleged violations. The accused member of Council may provide self representation or may be represented during such an investigation by counsel.

If a member under investigation should resign from positions in Council or from office before the completion of the investigation, the investigation may be terminated by a majority vote of all members of the Committee. Upon completion of an investigation of a member of Council, the Committee shall make its recommendation to the Council, and the Council shall take whatever actions it deems appropriate. All matters which come under this Committee, including hearings, actions and recommendations shall be conducted in public, except when the Committee by majority vote goes into executive session.


Darrell L. Clarke

Vice Chair

Brian J. O’Neill

Members (Consisting of all city council members)
All matters relating to finance, taxation and the indebtedness of the City



All matters relating to finance, taxation and the indebtedness of the City; more specifically, all matters relating to taxes, water and sewer rents, fees, charges, fines, penalties, the operating and capital budgets; the care and control of public funds; all matters relating to electoral and Councilmanic loans and the Sinking Fund; and all matters relating to revenue sharing from the Commonwealth and of the United States government.


Jannie Blackwell

Vice Chair

Bobby Henon

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Mark Squilla
William K. Greenlee
Cindy Bass
Blondell Reynolds Brown
David Oh
Allan Domb
Cherelle Parker

Investigations of individual members of the Council



All matters relating to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority and the City’s Five Year Financial Plan.


Darrell L. Clarke

Vice Chair

Brian J. O’Neill

Members (Consisting of all City Council members)


All matters relating to finance, taxation and the indebtedness of the City



All matters related to international relationships, international commerce, international visitors, international business, global marketing and investments from overseas. All matters related to foreign governments and overseas entities, cultural exchanges, trade missions, global partnering and strategic alliances. All matters related to developing and promoting Philadelphia’s creative/innovative economy on a global basis. All matters related to making Philadelphia a world class city and international destination for international persons and entities.


David Oh

Vice Chair

Al Taubenberger


Cherelle Parker
Allan Domb
Mark Squilla
Blondell Reynolds Brown
Derek Green

All matters relating to the creation and maintenance of housing within the City, including public housing and affordable private housing; all matters relating to the alleviation of homelessness and services provided to homeless individuals within the City.



All matters relating to the creation and maintenance of housing within the City, including public housing and affordable private housing.


Allan Domb

Vice Chair

Jannie Blackwell


Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez
Cindy Bass
Cherelle Parker
Al Taubenberger
Helen Gym

All matters relating to labor relations, the Civil Service Commission, the Personnel Director, and the Board of Pensions and Retirement



All matters relating to labor relations, the Civil Service Commission, the Personnel Director, and the Board of Pensions and Retirement.


Cherelle Parker

Vice Chair

Brian J. O’Neill


Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez
Allan Domb
Derek Green
Helen Gym
Al Taubenberger

All matters within the scope of the Law Department



All matters within the scope of the Law Department, the Administrative Board, the codification of Councilmanic ordinances, claims against the City based upon moral obligation to make payment, all matters affecting the former County offices, all matters concerning elections, recall and special elections, all matters relating to the implementation of the Charter, or amendments thereto, and all other matters in which legal aspects are involved; and all other matters relating to cooperation with the Federal, State, inter-City and inter-County governments.


William K. Greenlee

Vice Chair

Derek Green


David Oh
Helen Gym
Curtis Jones, Jr. 
Brian J. O’Neill
Cindy Bass

All matters related to the legislative acts of Council.



All matters related to the legislative acts of Council. It is to check with the Executive and Judicial branches on the enforcement of laws passed by Council, on the carrying out of projects voted by the Council, the budgetary expenditures as allowed in the various budget funds, and matters relating to the Pennsylvania Convention Center.


Kenyatta Johnson

Vice Chair

Brian J. O’Neill

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Derek Green
Helen Gym
Blondell Reynolds Brown


All matters relating to licenses and inspections



All matters relating to licenses and inspections, building safety and sanitation, and building, housing, and electrical codes and standards.


Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez

Vice Chair

Allan Domb

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

William K. Greenlee
Kenyatta Johnson
Mark Squilla
Al Taubenberger
Curtis Jones, Jr.

All matters relating to the Department of Recreation



All matters relating to the Department of Recreation, the Recreation Coordination Board, City parks, including Fairmount Park, and the recreational program conducted by the Board of Public Education of the School District; the Board of Trustees of Camp William Penn, professional sports facilities and ground appurtenant thereto; matters relating to the Mann Music Center and Robin Hood Dell, the annual Mummers Parade; and matters relating to the management of certain historical shrines acquired by the City through ownership or custody.


Cindy Bass

Vice Chair

Curtis Jones, Jr.

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Kenyatta Johnson
Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez
David Oh
Al Taubenberger
Cherelle Parker

All matters relating to the public health, and the Air Pollution Control Board



All matters relating to the public health, and the Air Pollution Control Board; the coordination of health programs and facilities with Federal and State governments. Promoting a healthy environment and the elimination of pollution.

All matters relating to the Department of Human Services and its departmental boards; the care and placing of dependent, mentally disabled, neglected, incorrigible and delinquent children and the mentally disabled, aged, infirm and destitute adults whose support ifs maintained out of the City Treasury or out of other funds which are administered by City Boards or Commissions; and matters relating to the City penal, reformatory and correctional institutions, homes for the indigent and other welfare institutions operated by the City. All matters relating to the rehabilitation and treatment of narcotic and drug addicts.


Cindy Bass

Vice Chair

Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

William K. Greenlee
Helen Gym
Derek Green
Al Taubenberger
Blondell Reynolds Brown


All matters relating to City property and buildings



All matters relating to City property and buildings, excluding Fairmount Park and other City parks; the cleaning, maintenance and repair of the same; the organization and assignment of all court rooms, Councilmanic meeting rooms, adequate office space in connection with the efficient operation of the same; the assignment of office space, storage space and other buildings owned or leased by the City for City use; all matters relating to the Department of Records, all matters relating to the Gas Commission; the City water and sewage disposal systems; and matters relating to the furnishing of gas, electricity, and steam from City facilities wherein such facilities are not under lease to others.


Bobby Henon

Vice Chair

William K. Greenlee

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Mark Squilla
David Oh
Allan Domb
Helen Gym
Curtis Jones, Jr. 

All matters relating to the Police and Fire Departments



All matters relating to the Police and Fire Departments, civilian defense and its coordination with Federal and State governments; fire codes and fire prevention programs.

Matters relating to the illegal use and possession of narcotics and drugs, cooperation with law enforcement agencies, Courts, Departments of Public health and Department of Public Welfare and educational and research organizations to control and prevent the illegal traffic in and use of narcotics and drugs.


Curtis Jones, Jr.

Vice Chair

Kenyatta Johnson

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Jannie L. Blackwell
Derek Green
William K. Greenlee
Helen Gym
Al Taubenberger


Designed to improve and expedite the business and procedure of Council



The Committee shall make recommendations designed to improve and expedite the business and procedure of Council, and its committees, propose to Council any amendments to the rules deemed necessary regarding the organization of the Council, including the rules of parliamentary procedure. It may consider any matters of a general nature.

All matters relating to municipal development and zoning, the City Planning Commission, Housing and Redevelopment Authorities, the Art Commission and such other matters on the Council President may determine.


William K. Greenlee

Vice Chair

Mark Squilla

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Cindy Bass
Blondell Reynolds Brown
Kenyatta Johnson
Bobby Henon
Maria D. Quiñones Sanchez
Curtis Jones, Jr.
Al Taubenberger

All matters relating to the Department of Streets and its departmental boards



All matters relating to the Department of Streets and its departmental boards; more specifically City streets, bridges, alleyways and driveways, the roads and drives in Fairmount Park; the light of the same; sanitation as to the general cleanliness and health of the City as it relates to the above City streets, etc., including the cleaning of the City streets, the removal and disposal of ashes, garbage, refuse, ice and snow, and the construction, repair, maintenance and operation of incinerators for the disposition of ashes, garbage and refuse; traffic engineering regulations, as to traffic flow and parking on City streets and on the roads and drives in Fairmount Park; the establishment of traffic signs, signals, markings and devices for the regulation and control of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and all matters relating to the surveying functions of the City.


Mark Squilla

Vice Chair

Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

David Oh
Kenyatta Johnson
Cindy Bass
William K. Greenlee
Al Taubenberger

All matters relating to City information technology



All matters relating to City information technology planning and implementation; how appropriate technologies can assist in making the City safe and livable for all; increasing technological literacy of City residents and improving their access to technology.


Brian J. O’Neill

Vice Chair

Mark Squilla

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

Derek Green
Allan Domb
Helen Gym

All matters relating to transportation facilities of any kind and the charges, regulations and operations of same



All matters relating to transportation facilities of any kind and the charges, regulations and operations of same. Relations with the State Public Utility Commission and the Federal Interstate Commerce Commission; matters relating to tolls and charges on State, Federal and Interstate bridges and highways.


Kenyatta Johnson

Vice Chair

Mark Squilla

Members (Consisting of not less than five (5) members)

David Oh
Al Taubenberger
Allan Domb
Cherelle Parker
Curtis Jones, Jr.