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Sunday 01 June 2014

Why the English can't say hello

Author Kate Fox suggests we revive the phrase 'How do you do?' to help shy English people greet one another

Hay Festival 2014
A man gets some reading done at Hay Festival  Photo: Clara Molden

As a greeting, the phrase "How do you do?" has somewhat fallen out of favour in recent years.

Now a social anthropologist has called for a campaign to bring it back, arguing the English have not known how to interact since.

Kate Fox, the co-director of the Social Issues Research Centre and fellow of the Institute for Cultural Research, claimed the demise of the greeting has left England puzzled.

Its loss, she said, has left people unable to meet one another and instinctively know how to respond, with its replacements offering an array of opportunities for faux pas.

Speaking at the Hay Festival, she argued that "every other nation on Earth" had developed a simple, standardised greeting understood by all – except England.

When asked about the "death" of "how do you do" as a phrase, Fox told the audience: "I know people think that 'how do you do' is an archaic, stuffy, sort of upper classy-type thing to say.

"But we really should be mounting a campaign for its revival because since 'how do you do' declined as a standard greeting we haven't known what to say.

"There is a 'nice to meet you', but quite a lot of upper middle class people aren't happy with that because the etiquette books frown on it for very stupid reasons.

"We don't know what to do with our hands, we don't know whether to kiss once or twice.

"Every single other nation on the planet has a straightforward ritual for greeting someone. We seem to be the only ones who can't reach a consensus on what's appropriate."

Her book, Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour, first published 10 years ago, has now been updated to explore the changes in society over the last decade, and the stereotypes of English behaviour.

Referring to the national habit of talking about the weather, she said making small talk about the English climate was the equivalent of chimps picking fleas off one another.

Fox said: "I thought about the weather as being what anthropologists call 'grooming talk', similar to grooming among chimps and primates.

"They groom each other's fur and pick fleas off each other, even when they're perfectly clean, as social bonding.

"This is what the weather is for the English. It's a conversation starter, an ice breaker, a simple greeting. It can be used for all sorts of social reasons.

"When you say, oh gosh isn't it cold, you're not asking for a meteorological report. It's a way of saying hello, or I'd like to talk to you, without having to say anything quite so direct."

Fox also detailed the rise of the internet and social media, and how it has changed the way the English interact.

"In the last 10 years, probably the biggest change has been the internet and social media," she said. "It's a social microclimate, a bit like a pub with its own social rules.

"They actively encourage conversation with strangers, including conversation about intimate details of your private life, talking openly to a whole pile of strangers. Not something we normally do.

"The English on the internet tend to be even more giddily disinhibited than other nations, because we don't get much opportunity to do this.

"There's almost a kind of paradox going on in that the devices we use to engage in this giddy, hyper-sociability online have allowed even greater avoidance in public places.

"We now have this whole new range of ways of avoiding conversation, avoiding eye contact, which is your mobile, your tablet, your laptop, or whatever."

She told an audience a foreign friend had been convinced the English were a nation of intellectuals, because everyone she saw on public transport was busy reading.

"Unfortunately I had to explain to her that this was not about being brainy, this was about contact avoidance," she said.

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