this post was submitted on 02 Dec 2011
1,532 Punkte (54% like it)
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[–]human_cheese 1707 Punkte1708 Punkte von

If she meant this as a joke it is hilarious.

If this is meant seriously, then run away as fast as you can and don't look back.

[–]0xbeef 1074 Punkte1075 Punkte von

Fly you fools.

[–]ObeyHypnotoad 204 Punkte205 Punkte von

Where's poorly_timed_Gimli when you need him?

[–]SlumpBuster 153 Punkte154 Punkte von

I think he got taken during novelty account inquisition.

[–]avengepluto 260 Punkte261 Punkte von

bursts through door

Nobody expects the novelty account inquisition!

[–]naked_guy_says 158 Punkte159 Punkte von

Fuck you Pluto! You're not a planet anymore!

[–]avengepluto 117 Punkte118 Punkte von


I know.

[–]KrapTacu1ar 74 Punkte75 Punkte von

You may be just a dwarf or "little" planet to the public, but you're a star in my heart.

[–]LNMagic 73 Punkte74 Punkte von

Pluto, watch Uranus.

[–]Out_of_his_element 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

looks like LNMagic's got a thing for dwarves.

[–]rantinghuman 34 Punkte35 Punkte von

Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and bad karma...bad karma and surprise.... Our two weapons are bad karma and surprise...

[–]TheDonbot 30 Punkte31 Punkte von

and ruthless efficiency...our three weapons are surprise, bad karma and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the moderators...our our weapons...amongst our weaponry...are such elements as surprise, bad karma...I'll come in again.

[–]Dandelion_Facts 26 Punkte27 Punkte von

Dandelions, flowers, roots and leaves, have been used for centuries in traditional medicine & medicinal teas, most notably for liver detoxification, as a natural diuretic and for inflammation reduction. Unlike other diuretics, dandelion leaves contain potassium, a mineral that is often lost during increased urination.

[–]AustinTreeLover 20 Punkte21 Punkte von

Wait, what novelty account inquisition? Do tell . . .

[–]forgottencitizen 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

There was an exposé done by a few redditors who found proof that one guy is responsible for like 30 of the most popular novelty accounts on Reddit.

[–]UsernameFanfic 279 Punkte280 Punkte von

She pressed herself against the wall, her heart hammering. She knew at any moment it would catch up with her and she didn't have a lot of time to waste trying to catch her breath.

Limping across the room and pulling open the gun closet, she suddenly heard a monstrous crash against the outside of the door.

She grit her teeth and loaded a clip into the sleek black assault rifle. "Yeah, yeah," she muttered, "hold your horses, you son of a bitch."

Crash went the door a second time, stronger, making the massive sheet of metal buckle at the center. Within a few more seconds she was fully loaded. She overturned her coffee table, knelt behind it, and poised her gun with the barrel pointing at the door.

Crash went the door one more time. Her finger hovered over the trigger.

"Come and get it, fucker."

The door clattered open. Standing in the doorway was the an immense ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

[–]Translates_to_Jive 90 Punkte91 Punkte von

She pressed herself against da damn wall, ha' heart hammerin'. She knowed at any moment it would catch down wid ha' and she dun didn't gots some lot uh time t'wuzte tryin' t'catch ha' bread. Limpin' across de room and pullin' jimmey de gun closet, she suddenly heard some monstrous crash against da damn outside uh de doo'. She grit ha' teed and loaded some clip into de sleek brother assault rifle. "Yeah, yeah," she muttered, "hold yo' ho'ses, ya' son uh a bitch. Lop some boogie." Crash went da damn doo' some second time, stronger, makin' de massive sheet uh metal buckle at da damn center. Ah be baaad... Widin some few mo'e seconds she wuz fully loaded. She overturned ha' coffee table, knelt behind it, and poised ha' gun wid de barrel pointin' at da damn doo'. Crash went da damn doo' one mo'e time. Ha' fin'a' hovered upside de trigger. Ah be baaad... "Come and dig it, fucker. Ah be baaad..." De doo' clattered open. 'S coo', bro. Standin' in de doo'way wuz de an immense ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOFROG

[–]not_rose 25 Punkte26 Punkte von

From novelty to novelty?

We need to go deeper...

[–]icantpickone 4 Punkte5 Punkte von


[–]bigbossodin 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

It's not a 'clip'. It's a 'magazine'. ಠ_ಠ


[–]UnfunnyBunnies 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

You sir, produce literary genius.

[–]Teekoo 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

To be fair he's doing it right.

[–]TheOnionRack 8 Punkte9 Punkte von


[–]neg8ivezero 264 Punkte265 Punkte von

I dunno, that's just the kind of crazy I like to fuck...

[–]lafeeverte17 142 Punkte143 Punkte von

Smart and crazy are the best combo.

[–]MrButtermancer 411 Punkte412 Punkte von

But... she's not even smart.

Okay, ONE, she's split it into years when it could have been monthly which would have yielded more accurate data. Three data points means jack squat. TWO, logarithm? Really? It goes up in a spot. The typical logarithm does not do that. It goes out straightish, then curves downwards.


[–]SykonotticGuy 346 Punkte347 Punkte von

Also, shouldn't the statuses about her be compared to statuses in general? Maybe he's posting statuses less often.

[–]petergallo 220 Punkte221 Punkte von

Exactly! This is some shoddy science if you ask me.

[–]J03bot 59 Punkte60 Punkte von

I'm glad I'm not the only one outraged by this.

[–]ychromosome 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

Everybody up to four levels above gets an upvote for keeping the spirit of Reddit alive even today.

[–]atomfullerene 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

No no, this is just peer review doing it's job! All part of the process!

[–]blafunke 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

horrible science

[–]blafunke 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

She said logarithm and was hoping he'd be too intimidated by the big word to consider whether it was at all valid.

[–]awk4ward 127 Punkte128 Punkte von

My first thought when reading this was that I wish I had access to Chas' fb account so I could go through his statuses and do the graph right. Month-by-month and percentages instead of instances. I'd take the time.

Then I realized that makes me equally nuts.

[–]tllnbks 39 Punkte40 Punkte von

Nope, just a redditor.

[–]trilemma 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

I would also have liked to see more than one line in which we can see the frequency of positive and negative status updates about her.

[–]akpak 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

And for comparison, her statuses about him over the same time period.

[–]4VaginasInMyMouth 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

please offer to do it right if he friends you on facebook

[–]theeternalnoob 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

Don't worry, you're not the only one.

[–]hamsterdave 69 Punkte70 Punkte von

Came here to ensure this was said. Was not disappointed. Would upvote again, A+

[–]mrdeath5493 34 Punkte35 Punkte von

Monthly!? wtf The max "status per year" was 4 and the min was 1. The standard deviation here is so large nothing can be concluded.

[–]LoveHeartShine 71 Punkte72 Punkte von

She also doesn't know the difference between proof and evidence.

[–]Masennus 31 Punkte32 Punkte von

Did she adjust for what point in 2009 he joined Facebook? Do four posts in a YEAR even constitute a relationship? Why is her logarithmic extrapolation actually linear?

Also: "fell"? FELL? How exactly did he fell about her?

[–]ZeitPolizei 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

The real problem is, that she's trying to see a trend in a total of 8 status updates.

[–]gospelwut 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

She's the worst kind of poser chick: the faux nerdy chick. Having worked at a LAN for a few years in high school, I saw my fair share. It's so sad, because they have some self-esteem, but it's quite obviously built upon a house of cards. Real nerds don't go around flaunting it -- they accidently let it slip out in some passionate, eccentric tirade when you bring up manifolds or the optimization yields on a new compiler.


[–]nuwbs 11 Punkte12 Punkte von


[–]gospelwut 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

Sadly, discrete math failed like 80% of my freshman class in college. Only the palest of white kids, Asians, and generally foreigners passed in my class.

[–]PancakesForLunch 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

Alright, I've got my pitchfork. Where are we staging?

[–]0xbeef 46 Punkte47 Punkte von

I've had a better time with crazy and slutty.

Because they'll do basically anything without thinking about it.

"Hey babe, let me give you a bunch of hickies on your tits in the shape of my name" "LOL OKAY"

Crazy like a fox.

[–]fartuckyfartbandit 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

So that's why my bitch ex-wife had "Oxbeef" marked onto her tits. That scamp.

[–]RedWave 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

You kidding? that's like dating a velociraptor.

[–]Vaskre 32 Punkte33 Punkte von

Clever girl.

[–]psiphre 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

you can stick your dick in crazy, IF you have a good exit strategy.

[–]RebelWithoutAClue 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

I think that's what George Bush Sr. said about crossing into Iraq after liberating Kuwait.

[–]Laurelai25 256 Punkte257 Punkte von

Alternative theory: facebook statuses may or may not be proof of how much or how little you care, however, posting a personal e-mail she sent you on reddit so people could laugh/offer sympathy is a pretty good indication of not giving a fuck.

[–]cmrk 1135 Punkte1136 Punkte von

why the fuck did she make a logarithmic equation using 2 points? its just a straight line.

[–]Reddict262 666 Punkte667 Punkte von

Her math/idea of statistical proof bothers me WAY more than her chosen method of expressing her insecurities.

[–]scsp85 296 Punkte297 Punkte von


A real statistician would use much more samples and only express certainty within a 95% confidence interval.

Where is my error analysis?

[–]catjuggler 265 Punkte266 Punkte von

Exactly. Also, % of statuses would be more useful than # since a decline in overall postings would not be indicative of any relationship issues.

[–]Alexander-The-Less 158 Punkte159 Punkte von

As an actuarial science major, this whole discussion made me chuckle, mostly because I had already thought through a lot of this. Additionally, correlation doesn't imply causation. That's rule #3 of Statistics, bitch.

[–]rabdargab 151 Punkte152 Punkte von

Rule #1 & #2.... don't talk about Statistics?

[–]Alexander-The-Less 297 Punkte298 Punkte von

If you want to get laid.

[–]yeahthisismyrealname 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

Rule #4 Don't talk about Reddit if you want to get laid (talked about this on a date actually... oh shit he did get laid, forget this rule)

[–]Peot 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

Do you know why I like the Standard Normal distribution better than rabdargab?


[–]sandomondo 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

Additionally, correlation doesn't imply causation. That's rule #3 of Statistics, bitch.

Coincidentally, that is the #1 rule of the Internet.

[–]internetidentity 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

Came here looking for this. Her analysis shows a trend but doesn't prove causation. Did total FB status posts also decline? Her boyfriend is a redditor after all, maybe since 2009 the OP found a website more entertaining than FB.

[–]cyberslick188 78 Punkte79 Punkte von

More importantly, a real statistician wouldn't have a significant other in the first place.

[–]Ag-E 56 Punkte57 Punkte von

Error bars! I WANT ERROR BARS!

[–]lillyrose2489 36 Punkte37 Punkte von

These comments are funnier than the post.

[–]Lord_Monkey[!] 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

She totally should have gone month by month. Same data, but a lot more flexibility. Also her formatting sucks, very ugly.

[–]ronnygunz 51 Punkte52 Punkte von

She would have gone month by month but Chas doesn't love her enough.

[–]tuanx 16 Punkte17 Punkte von

I agree. For example, using the actual value of the year to formulate the equation? Her results are completely different if it's year 1,2,3 vs 2009,2010,2011. Sigh.

[–]Black_Link 289 Punkte290 Punkte von* 

First off, her formula produces status numbers of about 4.48 and 1.48 for 2010 and 2011 respectively. So, y=-6030ln(x)+45867.52 would have been more accurate.

Secondly, she didn't even need a "trend line". With three points, she should have just labeled them. No linear regression model was needed, especially not using a logarithmic equation.

And finally, with the formula she proposes, he'll have -1.51 statuses about her in 2012. She needs to get her shit together and make an equation that could possibly be true for the future, or state the domain values that it is valid for.

Conclusion: Break it off. It's not about the crazy factor, it's because of the lack of dedication and blatant disregard for all math and statistic principles

Edit:It's a logarithmic regression model, not linear. Credit - AbeDrinkin

[–]Beardly_DG 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

This is beautiful. We need residuals all up in this bitch.

[–]scsp85 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

I find this analysis to be sound.

[–]shyshyboy 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

fuck i love math nerds.

[–]DaHolk 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

Well it was a pretty rough and unqualified analysis to begin with.

1) With only that few statusupdates about her per year to begin with, it begs the question if a trend function is needed anyway, rather than comparing to other peoples number of statusupdates.

2) She didn't do any correction analysis. Namely comparing these stats with an overall statusupdate/time analysis.

3) If the resolution is only measured in "posts per year" it begs the question whether this just falls into the realm of regular divergence even without 2).

[–]gt625 674 Punkte675 Punkte von

Yes. Please dump this girl. She's all show and no substance.

[–]luckywaldo7 437 Punkte438 Punkte von

To be fair it could be worse. At least she labels her axis.

[–]undefinedparadoxx 179 Punkte180 Punkte von

More importantly, does she still label his axis??

[–]Superbird42 290 Punkte291 Punkte von

No, but she licks his penis.

[–]Johnny_Blaze 115 Punkte116 Punkte von

close enough.

[–]CloseEnough 141 Punkte142 Punkte von* 

ಠ_ಠ *Edit*Karma: How does that shit work?

[–]Senor_Manos 70 Punkte71 Punkte von

Guys not relevant but I just bought a kindle fire and I wanted to see if I could comment on reddit with it. Guess I can.

[–]m0nk_3y_gw 92 Punkte93 Punkte von

Nice try kindle fire marketing team

[–]DaTScientisT 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

Ah! You called it "Kindle Fire". It's working!

[–]BloodSoakedDoilies 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

Not relevant, but I knew a guy that was climbing a chain link fence. While on top, he slipped and caught a nut on the fence. We called him Uni ever since. True story.

[–]ConstipatedNinja 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

Posted via my toaster.

[–]CamouflagedPotatoes 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

Nice try, kindle marketing team.

[–]GWOK 25 Punkte26 Punkte von

[–]badgebadgerbadger 73 Punkte74 Punkte von

She also should correct it for the total number of status updates he was making. What if his overall frequency of posting had declined but the relative percentage of posts mentioning her had increased?

[–]catjuggler 15 Punkte16 Punkte von


[–]BScatterplot 47 Punkte48 Punkte von

Why did she break it up into years? Surely she has more data points than this. Do it weekly or at least monthly for crying out loud, and please use a trendline that makes sense!!

[–]LLv2 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

"Seasonal variation on statuses show that even on Valentine's Day you don't update about me anymore!"

[–]binky22[S] 47 Punkte48 Punkte von

i think she just used it to make it look more ridiculous haha

[–]End_Of_Circles 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

Also, the data is not very useful. It should not be the sum of statuses about her, but instead, the percentage of your statuses that are about her over a given timeframe.

Otherwise it is not only indicative of your feelings for her, but also your use of Facebook, which is loosely related to your relationship, at best.

[–]ebolaRETURNS 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

*data are

[–]End_Of_Circles 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

My usage seems to fall under usage 2, as an aggregate body of different data points, thus requiring a singular verb, instead of referring to each individual part of the data. But it is kind of a strange word, in terms of singular or plural usage, in this kind of case.

"Data is a plural of datum, which is originally a Latin noun meaning “something given.” Today, data is used in English both as a plural noun meaning “facts or pieces of information” ( These data are described more fully elsewhere ) and as a singular mass noun meaning “information”: Not much data is available on flood control in Brazil. It is almost always treated as a plural in scientific and academic writing. In other types of writing it is either singular or plural."

Thank you for your input, though. I hope we both learned something here.

[–]sureguy 803 Punkte804 Punkte von

Share that picture on facebook. Then you've made a status about her.

[–]weirds 207 Punkte208 Punkte von

Wait a month, then he's already defeated her hypothesis.

Also, it makes no sense to fit a logarithmic trendline to these data.

[–]thatthatguy 35 Punkte36 Punkte von

Hehe, a trendline based on two data points. I only do that when I already know what I want the answer to be...

[–]weirds 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

She's actually got three points, but decided not to use the first one for some reason. I guess to be dramatic. If she had done a linear fit with all three points, he would have had positive status updates about her until 2012.7, and her chart would have looked like this

[–]FuckEnglish 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

That's an awful R2 value.

[–]ConstipatedNinja 23 Punkte24 Punkte von

That's what N=3 gets you.

[–]ruinmaker 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Depends on what you're modeling. Most social-science R2s are so bad they just use r's. Facebook statuses and caring seems more like psychology than mechanical engineering. I'd say wierds should publish!

[–]rarkai 1114 Punkte1115 Punkte von

Show her a blowjob frequency graph along the same dates and compare the results.

[–]dizmog 38 Punkte39 Punkte von

I'm legitimately interested in seeing this new graph. If you make it or have her make it, please hit us with the update.

[–]lazydictionary 93 Punkte94 Punkte von

This brilliant.

Tip o' the hat, licks shoes, gives blowjob etc etc

[–]bkenobi 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

i agree, this needs to be done, for science.

[–]IOIOOIIOIO 138 Punkte139 Punkte von

I don't think she has nearly enough data to justify that trendline.

Though I'm curious. In most cases my first instinct to question the validity of her mathematical model would be a catastrophically bad choice, but it seems like it might play well with this girl.

She hot?

[–]binky22[S] 72 Punkte73 Punkte von

she is indeed haha

[–]IOIOOIIOIO 83 Punkte84 Punkte von

Prove it.

[–]RandyMFromSP 88 Punkte89 Punkte von

You just asked a stranger on the internet to prove his gf is as hot as he claims.

You must be new here.

[–]IOIOOIIOIO 125 Punkte126 Punkte von

Newness would be expecting OP to deliver.

Though we know no proof will be forthcoming, it is our sacred duty to require it.

[–]TheJackalMan 46 Punkte47 Punkte von

You speak the truth. Sacred rule of the internet #32: Pics or it didn't happen.

[–]catsfive 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

I'm still waiting for the rule #34 of this one.

[–]IOIOOIIOIO 28 Punkte29 Punkte von

Rule 35 states that if you find an exception to Rule 34 it is your responsibility to fix it.

Why are you waiting? You should be making porn.

[–]lolgrim 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

I'm with Binary Satan here, where's the porn?

[–]supfreshh 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

Rule 87 states that you should only refer to all other rules as there number and not what the rule is.

[–]Sarah_Connor 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Don't worry, when he goes back to niagra falls this summer he'll bring a picture back to prove it

[–]shelldog 69 Punkte70 Punkte von

[–]Shnazzyone 67 Punkte68 Punkte von

Post 127 status updates in one day with her name as the only word.

Get laid.

[–]pontiusx 64 Punkte65 Punkte von

Hide it from everyone but her.

[–]SoSaysCory 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

waitwaitwait... your name is Chas?

[–]Distroia 114 Punkte115 Punkte von

You have mathematical proof that she's insane.

[–]selectabyss 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

naw. or rather, it doesn't matter. she's got him. he is losing his romantic edge, from her perspective, because he isn't feeling the urgency of the chase anymore. this is a warning. either the end is near, or he learns who his girlfriend is and how to make her happy. all arguments for why he shouldn't or why his perspective changes that fact are contained within category 'the end is near'. the end happens for many reasons, not all of them fair.

[–]thegreat8 45 Punkte46 Punkte von

Tell her that without data on your total number of statuses, there is no way to determine if the difference is significant. Game over, you win.

[–]advicevice 109 Punkte110 Punkte von

You spelled ex-girlfriend wrong.

[–]nk_sucks 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

so fake

[–]Moas-taPeGheata 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

and quite possibly, also gay

[–]GundamWang 257 Punkte258 Punkte von* 

You know, just a short 2 months ago, I probably would've laughed at this. But in that short time, my younger sister had her first manic episode, and subsequently diagnosed as bipolar. Since then, she's come and gone. Mostly gone. Her mental illness/disorder means she isn't always herself.

It's a frightening and altogether indescribable feeling and level of pain and sadness to see someone you grew up with and spent so much time with lose their mind. They become a different person, but at the same time still maintain small bits and pieces of who they truly are. She was such a happy, fun, and kind person to be around, and always made me laugh. I'd call her after a crappy day at work and just talk for a while, and she'd make me feel better. Like many siblings, we have our stupid in-jokes and "short-hand" gestures. Her school yearbook was filled with people telling her to never stop smiling and laughing. It's like being ripped away from your loved ones over and over, and you never get used to it. At least, I haven't yet.

Now, she is nearly always angry and depressed. Having a conversation with her is like walking on eggshells, always careful not to say the wrong thing to set her off. I've visited her in the mental hospital during her, fortunately, short stay there, and witnessed the still inhumane way they treat patients. I've seen the number of pills she takes just to remain somewhat calm and "normal", and, for the relevant part of this post, I've seen the things she posts online. None of those posts reflect who she truly is.

It's unfortunate that society doesn't treat mental health patients the same way we treat patients with other illnesses. Like I implied in the first sentence, I'm every bit as guilty as everyone else. But as her, I assume, current boyfriend, stay with her or break up with her, it's your life and neither choice is wrong. But if she is truly mentally ill, at least treat her with some dignity. I know how upset I'd be if my sister's current boyfriend treated her terribly and made fun of her behind her back, or to her face.

TL;DR - If she's mentally ill, she's still a human being. Treat her with dignity.


edit2: Thanks for all the kind words. To those who are also experiencing something similar, or have experienced it for far longer, hopefully one day there will be a discovery that 'cures' them completely. Until then, /hug.

[–]Soy_yo 25 Punkte26 Punkte von

What you've said about your sister hits too close to home for me. I completely understand what you are saying. My youngest sister had her first episode when she was about 16. She went downhill from there and a few ups and downs since then (it has been nine years). She is definitely not the same, but she is now better than she has been since her first episode. Lots of medications and therapy has very slowly helped her to a point that she now has her boys back (lost both of her children in the process).

It was really hard for me at the beginning. The little sister I knew who was so bright and "normal" was gone really far, and I've had a really hard time accepting it. At first the family didn't understand her behavior and we all thought she was just going through a deep depression. I've mourned who she was and now accept who she is, but there are times when I look at old photo albums, see her pictures as a little girl and I get sad all over again.

It is also true that a lot of people who have not gone through this with a family just don't understand. My husband has called my sister many names and has encouraged me to keep her out of our lives because of her wild and unpredictable behavior. She has been very difficult to deal with, but I always tried to do what I could for her (Kept a lot of it secret from my husband just so I won't have to listen to his stupid comments and I resent him for it).

[–]Paladinltd 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

All I can give you is my sympathy upvote. I hope things get better for you.

[–]KloverCain 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

Thank you for this. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.

[–]grandzooby 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

That's a very sad story. A good friend of mine had a psychotic break last year that leading to 3 forced hospitalizations (psych hold) and culminated in felony charges and 45 days in jail. She didn't have a history of mental illness.

Thankfully, she's much better now and only ended up pleading "no contest" to a reduced misdemeanor. It's messed with her life a lot, with over $35k in debt from all of it, a bankruptcy, a criminal record, and losing her job. But she's a strong person and just keeps pushing through it and amazingly remains positive and wanting to help others.

I highly recommend contacting NAMI and especially engaging with social workers and not just psychologists and psychiatrists. They have a different perspective for dealing with mental illness that I think is generally more effective.

And I agree with you that mental wards are scary places... so are jails. And I especially agree with our society's inability to deal with mental illness very well. My friend is rightfully worried about the stigma, but we try to make her realize that this was an illness of the brain, just like diabetes is an illness of the insulin system, and cancer is a growth of malignant cells. She didn't chose to be mentally ill and she really wasn't responsible for the crazy things she said and did while she was sick.

[–]quasarj 1 Punkt2 Punkte von

Well, I was going to point out how "actually mentally ill" and "batshit insane" were two different things, but then I realized the OP said "clinically insane".

But, it is my personal belief that he actually meant "batshit insane" so I'll say it anyway: Mental illness is pretty bad, and mentally ill people are still people (though we are frequently not treated as such), but "batshit insane" people are just batshit insane, and it's hard to justify treating them with dignity.. ugh.

[–]GundamWang 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

Yeah, I understand what you're getting at. There are otherwise perfectly normal people out there who just do stupid, weird, strange, etc. things, and aren't considered mentally ill. Who knows though, maybe one day we'll make a discovery, and realize those people should also be classified as mentally ill. Until that time, I just ignore those sorta people as much as I can, and keep it to myself. I'm trying not to turn into the equivalent of the religious fundamentalist who condemns people for saying *hell*o.

[–]Stereotypographer 20 Punkte21 Punkte von

She can't extrapolate well from only 3 data points, you're fine buddy.

[–]eppursimouve 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

is this how you two started dating?

[–]runner09 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

Something tells me OP doesn't think she is actually crazy. No one could be that stupid to think facebook answers everything.

Therefore, this is awesome.

[–]Deyona 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

I'm just gonna have to say she would not have spent that much time on this. It's rather easy to find out how many posts someone has made about you/participated with you on facebook. It takes like one minute, which lowers the crazy factor a bit.

She might have done this while binky22 lurked on reddit for all we know! Crazy yes, but a 10 on the scale? Not from just this, unless the scale goes to more then 10 that is.

[–]Illapa 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

Nice try, person-who-has-also-done-this.

[–]zautner 114 Punkte115 Punkte von

I'm in love. If you don't want her, i'll take her off your hands!

[–]scsp85 105 Punkte106 Punkte von

Neither of you understand math?

A logarithmic regression using two points is pointless.

[–]zautner 225 Punkte226 Punkte von

It's not the math i'm into, it's the insanity.

[–]scsp85 30 Punkte31 Punkte von

I understand. I apologize for my initial assumption.

[–]JHynson 60 Punkte61 Punkte von

"using two points is pointless."

[–]MrBarryThor 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Send back a graph about the declining number of blowjobs.

[–]ToulouseMaster 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

i see an episode of big bang theory in your future

[–]Sly_R 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

It doesn't seem that she tracks the ratio of statuses about her to total statuses. It could simply be that your interest in Facebook has waned.

[–]ADP_NDP 13 Punkte14 Punkte von* 

While the research question is interesting, her empirical work contains three serious flaws:

  1. Her choice of functional form for the linear regression is questionable. According to her results, a 1% increase in year reduces the average number of status updates about her by 6030. In future work, she should consider using a simple, linear time trend (i.e. current year - base year) as a regressor. This would allow her to interpret the coefficient on her time trend as the average yearly reduction in status updates about her. It would also fix the scale problems she is having with her coefficients.

  2. Instead of running a regression on the entire dataset, she should consider using a Chow Test to check for a structural break in the time series in 2010. This is where it appears that the relationship between the variables changed.

  3. Since she seems to have very few observations (a handful of yearly averages), it may make sense to compute standard errors using a percentile bootstrap, rather than using formulas that rely on asymptotic justifications.

[–]theregoesmyday 12 Punkte13 Punkte von

haha my ex did something like that. she calculated how many hours we needed to video chat over the summer (long distance) in order to keep the number of hours I hung out with her higher than the number of hours hanging out with friends. needless to say I laughed and dropped her.

[–]ali_44 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

Your girlfriend is Amy Farrah Fowler?

[–]Contero 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

So how many times has your girlfriend failed statistics?

[–]binky22[S] 16 Punkte17 Punkte von

she hasn't taken it yet, she's a chemistry major lol

[–]Dragonsoul 57 Punkte58 Punkte von

I take it the Chemistry between you two has failed . . .I'll go now

[–]RMNC 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

golf clap

7.5 / 10

[–]johnnygrant 7 Punkte8 Punkte von


[–]sheephead1231 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

Come back...

[–]Captain_Gar 2 Punkte3 Punkte von

This graph, although mathematically flawed, supports my hypothesis of the honeymoon period ending after a year.

[–]qwertyboard 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

I'm not sure what is worse: her going through your wall for a span of 2 years, or the time she spent doing so.

[–]treegrass 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

i don't think she went through his wall, i think she has just been keeping records since 2009

[–]qwertyboard 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

That makes matters worse.

[–]treegrass 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

good point

[–]semperverus 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

"See Friendship"

[–]LykDisIfUcryerrytime 10 Punkte11 Punkte von


[–]Sir_Doopalot 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

If she is messing with you, you must marry her right the fuck now, that is some class A teasing going on. It shows intelligence, humor, and that she isn't an attention whore.

If she is serious, run. Run before she starts making excel graphs about PSI vs. location, for puncture wounds on your body.

[–]iwasayoungwarthog 56 Punkte57 Punkte von* 

she must also be insanely hot to warrant you still calling her your girlfriend.

easily a 10 on the crazy scale, and the fact she put that much effort in, is even scarier.

edit: i guess i should say that this is assuming that she is serious, if it's a joke then i would agree that it is funny, that's just not how i read it because of his title

[–]bronzemedal97 143 Punkte144 Punkte von

I hate to break it to you, but some couples have a sense of humor. They make jokes with each other.

[–]ThraseaPaetus 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

5 mins in excel... that much effort is unfounded

[–]warmfruit 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

at least my gf cant prove her self esteem issues with math like yours can. ill hug mine later when i get home for that.

[–]guerillatwang 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

Drop everything and leave the country.

Hit the gym, delete facebook, lawyer up.

[–]loanwolf 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

delete facebook is first step, no? DGL

[–]Giant_Snowman 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

She's got a sense of humor. What kind of a dick have you been to her? Besides posting personal mail from your girlfriend online of course.

[–]jaydot33 3 Punkte4 Punkte von my penis soft.....MAKE IT STOP

[–]jjthedragon 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

Silly girl, doesn't she know... Correlation DOES NOT = Causation.

[–]Rezinatoriously 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

Shes a keeper

[–]farhannibal 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

I think this is pretty cool in a Big Bang Theory kinda way.

[–]coutNotes 38 Punkte39 Punkte von

In that it appeals to people who want to see "It's funny because it's nerdy!", but if you think about it for more than 5 seconds you realize it doesn't hold up mathematically at all?

[–]drmzbig 19 Punkte20 Punkte von

Stop putting your dick in that, IMMEDIATELY!

[–]Tier4 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

This is the best XKCD ever!

[–]Kowzorz 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

Am I the only one who deliberately tries not to talk about my girlfriend on facebook? Firstly, I hate all those kinds of posts. Well, hate is a strong word. I find them annoying is more accurate. And secondly, I like my relationship with my girlfriend to be relatively private. Sure, I don't hide that I'm with her, but I don't go shouting to the world either. It's the same reason I don't go making out with her in public places.

[–]NevereverRecords 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

do you at least hold her hand in public? c'mon man!

[–]ordinator 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

Holy fuck.

[–]eak125 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

Only 8 status messages taking about your gf in 3 years? Maybe the neglect is what drove her mad...

[–]Henghast 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

that could just prove you dont care about facebook. Correlation and coincidence and all that that stats geeks like to spout.

oh and she's more whacked in the head than a mole.

[–]pheel23 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

I think you're missing the point. She is telling you that she needs more assurances that you still love her like you used to. Get off reddit, go get some flowers, wine, make some dinner and hit that!! And not just wham bam thank you ma'am style.

[–]godblesse 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Please, do not have a child with this woman.

[–]GCARNO 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

I think this graph would be better as a histogram really, but no clue how to make that graph.

[–]puddlejumper 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

Soooo.....why aren't you writing statuses mentioning her anymore?

[–]ladaussie 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

I was insanely freaked out as I thought the email was addressing me in particular. Congrats on the wicked name by the way.

[–]climbermm 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

I'm pretty sure that was a linear equation.

[–]Capn_Crotch 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

I think we may have dated the same girl. At least, I picture my ex girlfriend doing the EXACT same thing.

[–]forlove 0 Punkte1 Punkt von


[–]ThraseaPaetus 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

I can't stand it when people confuse the words proof and evidence

[–]Resp_Sup 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

::sees you made a facebook in 2009::

Fuck, I'm old.

[–]sassypantaloons 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

When I discovered that I could extract the texts from my iPhone backup file and parse them into SPSS I ran all sorts of statistics on them. It was FASCINATING!!!!!!!! I texted my gf at the time with the percentage of her texts that began with "sorry, my phone battery died." it was a lot.

[–]OLD_JAMON 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

It seems to me like she has a good sense of humor. I don't know why everyone here thinks she is actually insane or dumb for using the logarithmic equation.

[–]ayers231 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

Time to start typing "Hi, (SO)" at the end of every post to mess up her logarithm..

[–]GarenBushTerrorist 0 Punkte1 Punkt von

Sounds like my ex. This is one of the reasons she is my ex.