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“The further I looked into it, the more shocked I became. I found that the whole 
vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that 
they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of 
these diseases, you will realise that this is not so.” —Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, 
MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM, pediatrician for over 30 years 

I have read, restored, and updated over 25 historical works on vaccination. I can 
conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest medical fraud in history. 
Vaccination, along with war, could be the biggest fraud in all of history. For each 
disease “epidemic” from 1850 to 2018 (168 years), all you need to do is replace 
the date and location in the article to the current date and location. You’ll come 
to the inescapable conclusion that the drug companies have been running the 
same racket repeatedly. Each generation has been burdened with vaccination 
since 1796. This crime of greed—the blood poisoning and killing of innocent 
children for money—will continue unless the people are aware of it. 

There is a joke among anti-vaxxers. It goes, “When does flu season start?” 

Answer, “The flu season starts when the drug companies have millions of flu 
vaccines waiting to be sold.” 

The year is 2018. If you were alive in the last 15 years, you’ve gone through 
several disease “pandemics”: 



-measles outbreaks 

-bovine influenza (cow disease), 

-avian influenza (chicken disease), 

-swine influenza (pig disease), and 
-Zika virus (mosquito disease). 

Of course, there’s the yearly flu season pandemics. In every single instance, they 
weren’t even pandemics, but much ado about nothing disease mongering to sell 

vaccines. Diseases, like wars, are manufactured for profit 

“Our medically controlled Health Boards cook up fake epidemics, create panics 
for profit, such as the ones in the Kansas City in 1921, Pittsburgh in 1924, 
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington in 1925. An effort was also made to create 
a panic in New York in 1925, but due to the open fight against it by the New 
York Evening Graphic, the Commissioner of Health called it off.”—Dr. Herbert 
Shelton (1895-1985), DC 

Behind the news anchors, behind the pediatricians, behind the medical doctors, 
behind the TV personalities, behind the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, are 
the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) directly or indirectly paying their 
salaries. The drug companies stand to make billions from these fabricated 
disease pandemics. Disease mongering has been ongoing since 1796—when the 
first smallpox vaccine was introduced. 

Anytime you hear about a disease that is about to annihilate the human race, ask 
yourself these questions: 

-Who benefits from disease mongering and the sale of vaccines? 

-What is the chance of me contracting this disease if I don’t vaccinate versus if I 
do vaccinate? 

—What are the risks of vaccination? (allergies, asthma, brain damage, 
autoimmune diseases, cancer, and death) 

-What causes these diseases? 

-Has there been a study demonstrating that these vaccines work? For example, 
100 000 vaccinated subjects versus 100 000 unvaccinated subjects. 

In every instance, without exception, you’ll find that you have a higher chance 
of being struck by lightning than dying from these diseases. In nearly every case, 
the disease was manmade, caused by industrial chemicals such as pesticides, 
vaccine ingredients, antibiotics, and medicines (petrochemicals). Or worse, 
concocted in clandestine laboratories and released onto the unsuspecting public. 

Soon it will be common knowledge that health does not come from putting 
poisons in the body, and the pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t be trusted with 
your health. 

This book has four parts. 

PART 1: The Swine Flu Expose 
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

PART 2: The Vaccination Connection 

Sue Marston 


The People for Reason in Science and Medicine 

PART 3: Vaccination: The Silent Killer 
A Clear and Present Danger 
Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 
Ida Honorof 

PART 4: Polio Was a Manmade Disease 

Various sources 


“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” —W. Edwards 
Deming, engineer, data scientist 

Each book in the History of Vaccination series is accompanied by the same 
prologue. If you’ve already read the prologue, feel free to skip to the book 
original book. The 25 historical works I’ve restored and updated shed light on 
the nature of vaccination, as recorded by the most distinguished doctors and 
scientists of their time. Their statements are backed by historical statistics, which 
are presented throughout these books. 

The first smallpox vaccine was conceptualized in 1796. Since that time, 
vaccination has been rife with controversy. Let’s review what writers, doctors, 
and scientists have observed about vaccines across three centuries—19th, 20th, 
and 21st. 

19TH CENTURY (1800s) 

“There does not exist one single fact, in all the experiments and improvements 
made in science, which can support the idea of vaccination. A vaccinated people 
will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.” —Dr. Alexander 
Wilder, MD, “Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy”, editor of the New York Medical 
Tribune, 1879 

“I have seen leprosy and syphilis communicated by vaccination. Leprosy is 
becoming very common in Trinidad; its increase being coincident with 
vaccination.” —Dr. Hall Bakewell, Vaccinator General of Trinidad, 1868 

“Cancer is reported to be increasing not only in England and the Continent, but 
in all parts of the world where vaccination is practised.” —Dr. William S. Tebb, 
MA, MD, DPH, “The Increase of Cancer”, 1892 

“Leprosy arose with vaccination.” —Sir Ronald Martin, MD, 1868 

"Syphilis has undoubtedly been transmitted by vaccination." —Sir William Osier 

“To no medium of transmission is the widespread dissemination of this class of 
disease (syphilis) so largely indebted as to Vaccination.” —Dr. B.F. Cornell, 

MD, 1868 

“Every intelligent person who takes the time to investigate vaccination, will find 
abundant evidence in the published writings and public records of the advocates 
of vaccination, to prove its utter worthlessness, without reading a line of anti¬ 
vaccination literature. And if we could add to this all the suppressed facts, we 
would have a mass of evidence before which no vaccinator would dare to hold 
up his head.”—Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, “Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils”, 


“I have no faith in vaccination, nay, I look upon it with greatest disgust, and 
firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and 
loathsome diseases from one child to another, and it is no protection from 
smallpox." —Dr. William Collins, MD, London, 1882 

“Vaccination has made murder legal. Vaccination does not protect against 
smallpox, but is followed by blindness and scrofula. Jennerism is the most 
colossal humbug which the human race has been burdened with by FRAUD and 
DECEIT.” —Mr. Mitchell, member of the British House of Commons 

“Of these dogmas, I believe the practice known as vaccination to be the most 
absurd and most pernicious. I do not believe that a single person has ever been 
protected from smallpox by it; while I know that many serious bodily evils and 
even deaths, have resulted from its employment. The whole theory is founded 
upon assumption, contrary to common sense and entirely opposed to all known 
principles of physiology. Every physician of experience, has met with numerous 
cases of cutaneous emptions, erysipelas and syphilis, which were directly 
traceable to vaccination, and if these cases could be collected and presented in 
one report, they would form a more terrible picture than the worst that has ever 
been drawn of the horrors of smallpox.” —Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, Dean of the 
United States Medical College of New York 

"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; 
and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine...Believe 
not in vaccination, it is a worldwide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal 
superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without 
end.” —Dr. Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of 
Perugia, Italy, 1896 

“Vaccination is a grotesque superstition." —Dr. Charles Creighton, MD, MA 

“Vaccination is a gigantic delusion. It has never saved a single life. It has been 
the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly 
needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the 
coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, 

and its penal enforcement the foulest blot.” — Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., 
DCL OXON., FRS, etc., 1898 

20TH CENTURY (1900s) 

“The great epidemics of deadly diseases, in animals and mankind, are caused by 
vaccination.” —Charles M. Higgins, “The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and 
Illustrated”, 1920 

“1 believe vaccination has been the greatest delusion that has ensnared mankind 
in the last three centuries. It originated in FRAUD, ignorance and error. It is 
unscientific and impracticable. It has been promotive of very great evil, and I 
cannot accredit it any good." —Dr. R. K. Noyse, MD, Resident Surgeon of the 
Boston City Hospital, “Self Curability of Disease” 

“The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been 
vaccination.” —Dr. Robert Bell; Vice President, International Society for Cancer 
Research, British Cancer Hospital, 1922 

“Vaccination is the most outrageous insult that can be offered to any pure- 
minded man or woman. It is the boldest and most impious attempt to mar the 
works of God that has been attempted for ages. The stupid blunder of doctor- 
craft has wrought all the evil that it ought, and it is time that free American 
citizens arise in their might and blot out the whole blood poisoning business.” — 
Dr. J.M. Peebles, MD, MA, PhD, “Vaccination: A Curse and Menace to Personal 
Liberty”, 1900 

“Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be 
introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an 
unvaccinated person.” —Dr. W.B. Clark, MD, Indiana, New York Times article, 

“At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the 
law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the 
extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are 
now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.” —George Bernard Shaw, 1944 

“The English Ministry of Health omits to state that in 1872, when 85% of the 
infants born were vaccinated, there were 19,000 deaths from smallpox in 
England and Wales. While in 1925, when less than half the children born were 
vaccinated, there were only 6 deaths from that disease.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean, 
PhD, ND, “The Poisoned Needle”, 1957 

“Vaccination causes miscarriage. A careful check showed that 47% of women 
who had been vaccinated in the second or third month of pregnancy, failed to 
give birth to a normal child." — "Vaccination at Work”, The Consulting 
Pediatrician of Lanarkshire County Council, The Lancet (London), p.47, 
December 6, 1952 

"My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering 
than anything I could name." —Dr. Harry R. Bybee 

“Vaccination, instead of being the promised blessing to the world, has proved to 
be a curse of such sweeping devastation that it has caused more death and 
disease than war, pestilence, and plague combined. There is no scourge (with the 
possible exception of atomic radiation) that is more destructive to our nation’s 
health than this monument of human deception—this slayer of the innocent— 
this crippler of body and brain—the poisoned needle.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean, 
PhD, ND, “The Poisoned Needle”, 1957 

“The greatest LIE ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.”—Dr. 

Leonard Horowitz, MPH (Master of Public Health), DMD, MA, Harvard 
University graduate 

21ST CENTURY (2000s) 

“The entire vaccine program is based on massive FRAUD.”—Dr. Russell L. 
Blaylock, M.D., neurosurgeon, editorial staff of Journal of American Physicians 
and Surgeons 

"Vaccinations do not work. They don’t work at all.” —Dr. Lorraine Day, MD 

“Vaccinations are now carried out for purely commercial reasons because they 
fetch huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. There is no scientific evidence 

that vaccinations are of any benefit.” —Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD, 
“Vaccination: A business based on FEAR” 

“Don’t get your flu shot.” —Dr. Raymond Francis, D.Sc., M.Sc., RNC, chemist, 
MIT graduate 

“My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and WORTHLESS. I will not 
allow myself to be vaccinated again. Vaccines may be profitable but in my view, 
they are neither safe nor effective.” -Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB, ChB, DSc (Hon) 

"Everyone who is vaccinated is vaccine injured—whether it shows up right away 
or later in life." —Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., PhD, Fellow of the 
World Health Organization, former senior scientist at Health Canada 

“The pediatrician indoctrinates your child from birth into a lifelong dependency 
on medical intervention. The first stage of indoctrination is the ‘well-baby’ visit. 
The well-baby visit is a cherished ritual of the pediatrician that enhances their 
income and does nothing constructive for your child. It’s a worthless visit.” — 
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, board certified pediatrician 

“Vaccines are the backbone of the entire Pharmaceutical Industry. If they can 
make these children sick from a very early age, they become customers for life. 
The money isn’t really to be made in the vaccine industry. The money is made 
by Big Pharma with all of the drugs that are given to treat and address all of the 
illnesses that are subsequent to the side effects of vaccines.”—Dr. Sherri 
Tenpenny, D.O. (osteopathic medical doctor) 

“Studies are increasingly pointing to the conclusion that vaccines represent a 
dangerous assault to the immune system leading to autoimmune diseases like 
Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Juvenile Onset Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, and Cystic 
Fibrosis, as well as previously rare disorders like brain cancer, SIDS (Sudden 
Infant Death Syndrome), childhood leukemia, autism, and asthma.”—Dr. Zoltan 
Rona, MD, “Natural Alternatives to Vaccination” 

“The vaccine industry is itself a FRAUD. I spent my whole career studying 
vaccines.”—Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., Ph.D., Fellow of the World 
Health Organization, “Corrupt to the Core” 


“The greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices modern 
medicine.” —Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, board certified pediatrician 

Follow the money. It will lead you to the truth. The primary reason for 
vaccination is the assumption that vaccines prevent diseases. However, if 
historical data demonstrates that vaccines do NOT prevent diseases, then what is 
the purpose of vaccination? 

Moreover, you’ve probably heard stories of parents being coerced and bullied 
into vaccinating their children and themselves at the pediatrician and doctor’s 
offices. There are reasons behind the coercion and bullying. 

“There is a vaccination ring in England, receiving millions of the public money. 
It is in their interest to favor the practice at all hazards and to falsify statistics in 
order to conceal its failure and its evils. There are also armies of public 
vaccinators in every large city all over Europe, who are supported from the 
public treasury, and every practitioner who does not oppose the practice, derives 
a considerable income from its continuance.” —Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, 
“Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils”, 19th century 

“Drug companies are not here to bring health to the population but to SCAM 
them on one level for vast amounts of money." —Sir William Osier, MD, FRS, 
FRCP, widely considered as the Father of Modern Medicine (1849-1919), 20th 

“Disease is more rampant because of commercial greed. When the Rockefeller- 
Standard Oil crowd muscled into the drug and pharmaceutical business in such a 
big way, ‘scientific medicine’ (if there is such a thing) was turned into a racket 
which shortened many American lives from ten to twenty years.” —Morris A. 
Beale, “The Drug Story”, 20th century 

“Many doctors and some editors are making money by propagating the 

vaccination curse.” —Dr. Thomas Morgan, MD, “Medical Delusions”, 20th 

“Vaccination is not scientific. Many of the world’s greatest thinkers, scientists, 
statesmen and even doctors have condemned vaccination as being a crime 
against humanity, a FRAUD promoted for private gain, an insult to the race and 
a blot upon the name of civilization. Yet, this treacherous practice of blood 
pollution, which was cradled in the lap of ignorant savage tribes, has been 
adopted by, supposedly, enlightened government of the present day and forced 
on the protesting population—for profit.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, 


“Vaccinations are now carried out for purely commercial reasons because they 
fetch huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. There is no scientific evidence 
that vaccinations are of any benefit.” —Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD, 
"Vaccination: A Business Based on Fear", 21st century 

“The vaccination myth is the most widespread superstition modern medicine has 
managed to impose, but, being by the same token the most profitable, it will 
prove to be also one of the most enduring, though there was never the slightest 
of scientific evidence upholding it.” —Hans Ruesch, "The Great Medical 
Fraud", 20th century 

“Doctors are punished by insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield 
if doctors don’t get a certain percentage of their patients to comply with the 
vaccination schedule. If 63% are non-compliant, they don’t receive any of their 
bonuses.” —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

“Medicine is no longer a calling. It is a downright cut throat business.” — 
Professor Dr. Belle Monappa Hegde, MD, 21st century 

"The current medical system is designed to create chronic disease. There is no 
money in being healthy.” —Dr. Irvin Sahni, MD, 21st century 

“The bottom line is that the medical systems are controlled by financiers in order 
to serve financiers. Since you cannot serve people unless they get sick, the whole 
medical system is designed to make people sicker and sicker.” —Dr. Guylaine 

Lanctot, MD, 21st century 

"It is difficult to get a person to understand something, when their salary depends 
on them not understanding it." —Upton Sinclair, “The Jungle” 

In 1986, US President Ronald Reagan passed the National Childhood Vaccine 
Injury Act (NCVIA). The act was drafted by the drug companies and shielded 
them from legal liability resulting from vaccine injuries and deaths. Basically, 
NCVIA prevented parents from directly suing the drug companies (vaccine 
makers). The parents have to file claims in the vaccine injury court that was 
established through the act. About $0.75 of every vaccine sold is used to fund 
the vaccine injury court. From 1986 to 2018, the court paid over $4 billion to 
parents with vaccine injured children. It is estimated that the court, due to budget 
constraints, dismisses about 66% of the cases, and some cases can take up to 8 
years to settle. 

Furthermore, in one report US and Human Services estimated that only about 
1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event 
Reporting System). Most parents are unaware that the most common side effects 
of vaccines are allergies, asthma, brain damage, autoimmune diseases, cancer, 
and death. In addition, from 1986 to 2017, the drug companies were fined nearly 
$25 billion—these fines were unrelated to vaccines and most were for fraud, 
bribery, and false advertising. 

"International bribery and corruption, fraud in the testing of drugs, criminal 
negligence in the unsafe manufacture of drugs—the pharmaceutical industry has 
a worse record of lawbreaking than any other industry. Data fabrication is so 
widespread that it is called 'making' in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, 
'graphiting' or 'dry labelling' in the United States." —Dr. John Braithwaite, MD, 
"Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry" 

Knowing how they operate, could you trust your child’s health to the drug 


1) The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination 
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 


2) A Century of Vaccination and What It Teaches 
William Scott Tebb, MA, MD, DPH 


3) Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous 
From 45 Years of Registration Statistics 

Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, etc. 


4) Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils 
Robert A. Gunn, MD 


5) Compulsory Vaccination: The Crime Against the School Child 
Chas. M. (Charles Michael) Higgins 


6) The Truth about Vaccination and Immunization 

Fily Foat, secretary of the National Anti-Vaccination Feague of Fondon 

7) Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination 

Its Vital Statistics Compared with Those of Other Towns, the Army, Navy, 
Japan, and England and Wales 
By J.T. Biggs, J.P. 


8) The Vaccination Question 
Arthur Wollaston Hutton, MA 

9) Vaccination a Delusion: Its Penal Enforcement a Crime 
Alfred Russel Wallace, FED DUBE., DCF OXON., FRS, etc. 


10) Vaccination a Curse and Menace to Personal Liberty 
With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality 
James Martin Peebles, MD, MA, PhD 

Tenth Edition, 1913 

11) Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger’s Evils of Vaccination 
C. Charles Schieferdecker, MD 


12) The Vaccination Question in the Light of Modern Experience 
An Appeal for Reconsideration 

C. Killick Millard, M.D., D.Sc. 


13) Tenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History 
Charles Creighton, MD 


14) The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and Illustrated 
Charles M. Higgins 


15) Vaccination: The Story of a Great Delusion 
William White 


16) Vital Statistics in the United States, 1940-1960 
Robert D. Grove, Alice M. Hetzel 

US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 

17) The Mandatory Vaccination Plan 
National Immunization Policy Council 

18) The Fraud of Vaccination 

Walter Hadwen, JP., MD, LRCR, MRCS, LSA 
From "Truth," January 3, 1923 

19) Vaccination a Curse 
C.W. Amerige, MD 


20) Vaccination a Medical Fallacy 
Alexander Wilder, MD 


21) The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur 
Originally Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter 
R.B. Pearson 


22) The Vaccination Problem 
Joseph Swan 


23) The Fallacy of Vaccination 

John Pitcairn, President of the Anti-Vaccination League of America 

24) The Case Against Vaccination 

Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA 


25) A Catalogue of Anti-Vaccination Literature 

The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination 
114 Victoria Street, Westminster 
1882, 2018 


“Vaccination is a business based on fear.” —Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

You’ve probably heard comedians, actors playing doctors and scientists, news 
anchors, and strangers online publicly proclaim, 

-Vaccines are safe and effective. 

-Vaccines prevented diseases and saved millions of lives 
-Vaccines work. They’re a blessing and miracle to the human race. 

Even your doctor or pediatrician might had proclaimed in private that “vaccines 
are safe and effective.” What some physicians state in private about vaccines, 
they’ll never do in public for fear of being sued for malpractice. This 
demonstrates that people can be brainwashed in three sentences, repeated over 
and over and over again by different groups, through different modes of media. 

“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” —Vladimir Lenin 

Anyone who thinks vaccines are safe and effective has never read a book 
presenting the other side of vaccination. They believe vaccines are safe and 
effective through the carefully orchestrated advertising and marketing campaigns 
of the drug companies, who make tens of billions from vaccines each year. 

If you’re busy, and don’t require a lecture on the history of vaccination, you only 
need to inspect the graphs and tables below. These tables and graphs, compiled 
from historical data, demonstrate that there is no reason for anyone to get 

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” — 


People’s chances of dying from certain infectious diseases before vaccines were 
introduced were extremely rare. So rare that if it weren’t for the drug industry’s 

disease mongering, we wouldn’t be discussing this subject. 

Disease name 

Year vaccine 


[before the vaccine) 

Population NOT harmed 
[before the vaccine) 

Pertussis (whooping 

Late 1940s 

1 in 77,000 



Late 1940s 

1 in 200,000 



Late 1940s 

1 in 83,000 




1 in 100,000 




1 in 500,000 




1 in 1,000,000 




I in 2,000,000 


Hih (MaejBflpJjfc 
influenzae type B) 


1 in 600,000 


Hepatitis B 


1 in 1,400,000 




1 in 2,300,000 


Before vaccination . As you can see, the chances of anyone being harmed by 
these “vaccine preventable diseases” are so small that it’s not even worth 
worrying about. In many cases, you have a higher chance of being struck by 
lightning or a meteorite than harmed by these “life threatening diseases”. Source: 
1) CDC Reported Deaths from Vaccine Preventable Diseases, US, 1950-2011, 2) 
Vital Statistics in the United States 1940-1960, US Department of Health, 
Education, and Welfare. 


The graphs below show the decline of infectious diseases in the US and England 
BEFORE vaccines were introduced. As evident as night and day, most diseases 
were nearly eradicated, then the drug companies introduced vaccines and took 

credit, when vaccines had no role in eradicating those diseases. 

Before vaccines were introduced in the US. In the US, every “vaccine 
preventable disease” was nearly eradicated, then several years later the drug 
companies introduced vaccines and gave credit to them for what sanitation, 
hygiene, and nutrition achieved. Source: 1) Vital Statistics in the United States, 
1940-1960, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 2) Historical 
Statistics of the United States—Colonial Times to 1970, Part 1. 

Before vaccines were introduced in England and Wales. Similar to the US, 

every “vaccine preventable disease” was on a sharp decline before vaccines were 
introduced for those diseases. Source: Record of Mortality in England and Wales 
for 95 years as provided by the Office of National Statistics, published 1997; 
Report to the Honourable Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart, MP Her Majesty’s 
Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, June 30, 1860, p. a4, 205; 
Essay on Vaccination by Dr. Charles T. Pearce, MD, Member of the Royal 
College of Surgeons of England, Parliamentary Papers, the 62nd Annual Return 
of the Registrar General 1899 (1891-1898). 



Figure 14.—Death Rates for Tuberculosis, All Forms: Death- 
registration States, 1900-32, and United States, 1933-60 

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 

Death rates for tuberculosis in the US, 1900-1960. The Calmette-Guerin 
(BCG) tuberculosis vaccine was first used in 1921 in some countries. However, 
it was not used in the US until the late 1940s, and only used on a small scale. In 
the US, from 1900-1940, tuberculosis had declined dramatically without 
vaccination. Graph: Vital Statistics in the United States, 1940-1960, US 
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 



Figure 19.—Death Rates for Measles: Death-registration States, 
1900-32, and United States, 1933-60 

(Rates per 100,000 population). 

Measles in the US, 1900-1960. Measles was mostly harmless and the death rate 
was extremely low in 1960, lower than being struck by lightning. In 1963, the 
drug companies introduced the measles vaccine and took credit for eradicating 
measles. It’s been shown that measles is beneficial to the immune system, 
particularly in fighting cancer later in life. Prior to 1963, measles was considered 
a benign illness (not a disease); parents would encourage their children to visit 
friends who had measles so their children could contract measles and get it over 
with. Measles, due to the drug industry’s disease mongering, is now a life 
threatening disease. Graph: Vital Statistics in the United States, 1940-1960, US 
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 

It wasn’t vaccination that saved humanity. The things that saved humanity were, 

- clean-running water (sewer systems, indoor plumbing, toilets, sinks, showers) 
-sanitation (garbage collection, modern building codes), 

-hygiene (soap, paper towels), 

-electricity (indoor heating, refrigeration), 

-and nutrition (supermarkets) that saved humanity. 

DISEASES that were eradicated by nutrition: scurvy, rickets, beriberi, goitre, 
hypoanatremia, anemia, kwashiorkor, marasmus, etc. 

DISEASES that were eradicated without vaccines: scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, 
typhus, cholera, tuberculosis. 

DISEASES that vaccines took credit for eradicating: smallpox, diphtheria, 
pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles. As the data clearly shows, these 
diseases were never eradicated by vaccines. 

NEW DISEASES that were unheard of by the public decades ago: cervical 
cancer, zika, ebola, swine flu, avian flu, bovine flu. Diseases, like wars, are 
manufactured for profit. For example, the Zika virus (small head birth 
syndrome) was caused by insecticides introduced into Brazil’s water system to 
kill mosquitos. This was widely reported by the Brazilian media and common 
knowledge in Brazil. However, according to the US media, Zika was caused by a 
virus of speculative origin. Nevertheless, the US drug companies were more than 

happy to provide the Zika vaccine to people around the world. 

There are over 200 infectious diseases capable of causing death. However, only 
the diseases with vaccines are presented to the public as life threatening and a 
public health risk. Moreover, in 2018, the drug companies use disease incident 
and mortality rates from developing and third world countries as part of their 
disease mongering campaigns. The more you study the history of vaccination, 
the more you’ll conclude that it is one of the biggest frauds in history. It’s 
certainly the biggest medical fraud in history—vaccines never saved a single life 
and never prevented a single disease. 


Let’s examine your chances of dying from certain infectious diseases AFTER 
vaccines were introduced. 

Vaccines (birth to 18+ 
years old) 



Chance of death 



Chance af death 





















Pertussis (whooping 





Hih Oiae.ra.opMu.s 
infboEtt type E) 





Influenza (FLU) 





Hepatitis E 

























Varicella (chickenpox) 





Meningococcal B 





I lepatitis A 





After vaccines were introduced. Data gathered and tabulated from the CDC 
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and VAERS (Vaccine Adverse 
Event Reporting System), 2014. When you vaccinate, you are 6.25x (625%) 
more likely to die from the toxins in the vaccines than the diseases those 
vaccines are supposed to prevent. Vaccination is all risk and no reward. 

To put the tables and graphs into perspective: In the US, more people die from 
falling down the stairs (about 1 000 per year) than from “vaccine preventable 
diseases.” They are more than 100 000 times likely to die in an automobile 
accident. This was before the vaccines were introduced for those particular 

diseases (most of them are not even diseases but illnesses reclassified as 
diseases). The deaths from these diseases are now caused by the vaccines 
themselves. For example, measles is a side effect of the measles vaccine. Polio is 
a side effect of the polio vaccine, and so forth. The side effects are the reason 
you are 625% more likely to die from the vaccines than the diseases they’re 
supposed to prevent. 

“The further I looked into it, the more shocked I became. I found that the whole 
vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that 
they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of 
these diseases, you will realise that this is not so.” —Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, 
MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM, pediatrician for over 30 years 

It is through revising history, fabricating data, fear, and greed that the blood 
poisoning practice of vaccination continues into the 21st century. 

Vaccination Is Based on Theories 

“There is no evidence whatsoever of the ability of vaccines to prevent any 
disease.” —Dr. Viera Scheibner, PhD 

In the words of the scientist Alfred R. Wallace, vaccines are “useless and 
dangerous.” If something is useless, it doesn’t work and has no benefit. If 
something is dangerous, it shouldn’t be used. Vaccines are useless because they 
never prevented a single disease. Not one. They are dangerous because they 
cause diseases and deaths—often the very diseases they are supposed to prevent. 
Through statistics across three centuries, the conclusion is resoundingly clear: 

Vaccines only work in theory. In practice, they cause diseases and deaths. 

In order for an idea to be universally accepted as a science, it must pass two 

1) Theory. 

2) Observation. 

Theoretical science and observational science are two sides of the same coin. 

THE THEORETICAL SCIENCE OF VACCINES. The theory of vaccines is to 
inject antigens (toxins) such as poisons, viruses, and diseases into the body. In 
turn, these antigens (toxins) should create antibodies (disease fighting proteins) 
to fight pathogens (diseases) in the future. In other words, the poisons, viruses, 
and diseases injected into the body are meant to trigger and train the immune 
system. Or to prepare the immune system cells to fight diseases in the future. In 
theory, this is possible because the immune system cells have memory. That is 
the theoretical science side of vaccines. At first glance, the vaccine theory has 

THE OBSERVATIONAL SCIENCE. Observation on the effectiveness of a 
product, as reported by the end consumers, is based on statistics and real world 
data, not what happened in laboratories and under microscopes. Observation has 
clearly shown that when you inject poisons, viruses, and diseases into the body, 
those antigens (toxins) cause diseases and deaths, especially among infants and 

Antigen: A toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in 
the body, especially the production of antibodies. 

Antibody: A blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific 
antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances that the body 
recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in the 
blood. (Source: Google Dictionary) 



The antigen-antibody theory is similar the lock-and-key system. When 
antigens (something harmful to the body) is introduced into the body, it triggers 
the immune system to create antibodies to fight the antigens. The antibodies fit 
and bind with the antigens (toxins) like a lock and key. 

The indirect end users of vaccines are parents, and millions of them have 
reported that their children have acquired diseases such as allergies, asthma, 
brain damage, autoimmune diseases, and cancer after being vaccinated. 
Thousands of parents have also reported that their children have died after 
vaccination. SIDS (Sudden Death Syndrome) is actually VIDS (Vaccine Induced 
Death Syndrome). Babies are not born to fall asleep and die in their sleep. 

These diseases and deaths reported by parents are on the VAERS (Vaccine 
Adverse Event Reporting System) database. What is horrifying is that the 
diseases and deaths reported by parents are actually listed on the vaccine inserts 
provided by the drug manufacturers. These product inserts are usually 10 to 30 
pages long, and not the one page printout the pharmacies and doctors provide 
when you ask. 

Furthermore, every independent study (those not funded by the drug companies), 
without exception, has shown that unvaccinated children are far healthier than 
vaccinated children. In addition, vaccinated people, through the shedding 
process, are disease carriers up to 60 days of being vaccinated. Thus, vaccinated 
people are a threat to themselves and others. 

INFANT VACCINATION. It is known that infants and children succumb to 
more infectious diseases than other groups. The reason is that newborns only 
fully develop their immune system when they’re 3 to 5 years old. The antibodies 
infants require to ward off diseases are passed to them from the mother through 
the placenta. The amount and type of antibodies the infant receives from the 
mother depends on the health of the mother herself, and the antibodies in her 
own immune system. At roughly 6 months old, the infant is capable of 
producing its own antibodies. However, again, a child’s immune system is only 
fully developed when it is 3 to 5 years of age. 

The theory of vaccination is to trigger and train the immune system. However, if 
the infant lacks a fully developed immune system until it’s 3 to 5 years old, then 
vaccination is useless. Yet, babies are being vaccinated immediately after birth. 
As of 2018, the US has the highest infant vaccination rate, and it also happens to 
have the highest infant mortality rate among developed countries. 

"Vaccination at its core is neither a safe nor an effective method of disease 
prevention...If an infant needs one vaccine that is 100% safe and effective—that 
would be breast milk." —Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, immunologist, Harvard 

If vaccines cause a long list of diseases, how is it possible that they can prevent 
disease? By virtue of their antigen-antibody theory, vaccines cannot prevent 
disease. They never have and never will. Nor can there be a “safe’ vaccine. It is 
only through clever advertising, marketing, and bribery that the drug companies 
have convinced the public that vaccines prevent diseases and save lives. 

In 2017, the drug companies spent $200 million bribing politicians, $6.4 billion 
on advertising, and $10 billion indirectly bribing doctors. Since 1796, doctors 
and scientists have called vaccines useless, worthless, poisonous, dangerous; a 
fraud, racket, and scam. And for good reasons. 

“Vaccination is a theory without any basis in fact.” —J.T. Biggs, JP, sanitation 
engineer, “Leicester: Vaccination versus Vaccination”, 1912 

Medical students thoroughly study books on germ, bacteria, pathogen, microbe, 
and vaccination theories. Only to have their worldview shattered when they’re 
introduced to parents whose children have been injured and killed by vaccines. 
The lesson with vaccination science is that results observed in laboratories and 
under microscopes cannot be duplicated in the real world. The human body is 
indemonstrably complex due to individual biochemistry. 

“In our scientific research we have now advanced one step. Vaccination is the 
infliction of disease...We conclude, then, that Vaccination is NOT scientific; that 
it cannot be accurately defined; that it is completely useless for its assumed 
purpose; that fortification of the body by disease is a mischievous myth, and that 
the sooner the practice is discontinued the better it will be for the health of the 
community.” —George S. Gibbs, Fellow of the Statistical Society London, “Is 
Vaccination Scientific?”, 1884 




The practice of vaccination is to inject poisons, viruses, and diseases into the 
body. Although vaccines come in oral and other forms, injection is the primary 
delivery method. Throughout history, millions have been diseased and killed by 
this “grotesque superstition.” More people have been killed by vaccines than the 
diseases they’re supposed to prevent. 

Vaccines Cause Diseases 

The first smallpox vaccine was conceptualized in 1796 by Edward Jenner (1749- 
1823) of England. Since that time, the ingredients (antigens, toxins) used in 
vaccines have changed dramatically. As the vaccine ingredients changed over the 
centuries, the diseases caused by vaccines have also changed. In other words, as 
you inject different poisons into the body, the body acquires different diseases. 

VACCINE INGREDIENTS IN THE 1800s. From roughly 1800 to the early 
1900s, the vaccine ingredients were primary from animal and human diseases. 
These diseases (vaccine ingredients) included animal and human pus, cowpox, 
ass-pus from rabbits, horsegrease, and sheep-pox. 

Pox: Any of several viral diseases producing a rash of pimples that become pus- 
filled and leave pockmarks on healing. 

Pus: A thick yellowish or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, 
consisting of dead white blood cells and bacteria with tissue debris and serum. 
(Source: Google Dictionary). 

A pus on a hand. 

Cowpox. From the early 1800s to the early 1900s, cowpox was the main 
vaccine ingredient in the smallpox vaccine. Cowpox, a cow disease, and 
smallpox, a human disease, had few physiological similarities. They were 
similar in that the words for both diseases ended with “pox”. 

For centuries people believed that taking a disease from animals and inserting 
it into the human body prevented diseases. The vaccination theory was based on 

1.1. List, of suitable Vaccinating InHrummts* 

1. The Karrow Bladep Lancet, - Price $0 75 

2. The Syiunqk Vaccinator, - .... Price $0 88 

3. The Syki.vuh Self Vaccinator, - - - Price S3 if5 

4 The Trimnv Lancbt,. Price Si 00 

5. This Vaccinating Scarificator, - 

Crude instruments. Human and animal diseases were inserted into the body by 
creating an incision in the body, usually the arm, with crude tools like the ones 

When animal diseases such as pus and pox were used as vaccine ingredients, the 
diseases they caused were as many as they are now. The diseases caused by 
vaccines were recorded by J.T. Biggs, JP, sanitation engineer, in “Leicester: 
Vaccination versus Vaccination”, 1912, chap. 96: 

“While not proposing to give a complete list, I append the principal of those 
vaccine-induced diseases which have already been published or come to my 

Abdominal Phthisis 

Diseased bones 

Phagedenic action 


Diseased joints 














Arm disease (involving 






Axillary Bubo 

Foot-and-Mouth Disease 


Axillary Gland (enlargement of) 




General Debility 

Scald Head 

Blood poisoning (fatal) 










Latent diseases developed 

Skin Disease 



Strum intensified 











Mesenteric Disease 

Ulceration Urticaria 






"The most distinguished names in the profession have testified to vaccination 
being the certain vehicle for the dissemination of leprosy. These names include 
Sir Erasmus Wilson (sometimes called the father of dermatologists); Dr. John D 
Hillis; Dr. Liveing; Sir Ranald Martin; Professor W. T. Gairdner; Dr. Tilbury 
Fox; Dr. Gavin Milroy; Dr. R. Hall Bakewell, formerly Physician to the Leper 
Asylum, Trinidad; Dr. A.S. Black, of Trinidad; Dr. Edward Arning; Dr. Walter 
M. Gibson, late President of the Honolulu Board of Health; Professor H. G. 
Piffard, New York; Dr. A. M. Brown, London; Dr. Frances Hoggan; Dr. Blanc, 

Professor of Dermatology, University of New Orleans; Dr. Bechtinger, of Rio; 
Professor Montgomery, of California; Dr. Sidney Bourne Swift, late Medical 
Director, Leper Settlement, Molokai, Hawaii; Dr. P. Hellat, St. Petersburg; 
Professor Henri Leloir, Lille; Dr. Mouritz; Surgeon Brunt; Dr. John Freeland, 
Government Medical Officer, Antigua; Dr. S. P. Impey, Superintendent Leper 
Asylum, Robben Island, Cape Colony; and many others. On the subject of 
leprosy there are no higher authorities.” —Dr. William Tebb, MD, MA, DPH, “A 
Century of Vaccination and What It Teaches”, 1898 

Eczema from vaccination. 

“When Jenner died in 1823, three kinds of smallpox vaccines were in use: 1) 
cowpox promoted as ‘pure lymph from the calf/ 2) horsegrease promoted as ‘the 
true and genuine life-preserving fluid/ and 3) horsegrease cowpox...Following 

Jenner’s death the vaccine establishment used one excuse after another to 
explain the failure of vaccination: the number of punctures was incorrect, or that 
revaccination was necessary or that the lymph was impure. The smallpox deaths 
of vaccinated patients in hospital were recorded as 'pustular eczema.”’ —Dr. 
Jennifer Craig, BSN, MA, PhD, “Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine 
Madness”, 2010 

In the 1800s, vaccination was associated with “blood poisoning.” 

Edward Jenner, credited with inventing vaccination, borrowed the idea from 
dairymaids. Therefore, vaccination was founded upon superstition. This subject 
is discussed in detail in the books of the “History of Vaccination” series. One of 
the most prominent physicians at the time did not have nice things to say about 
Edward Jenner. 

“Now this man Jenner had never passed a medical examination in his life. He 
belonged to the good old times when George III was King, when medical 
examinations were not compulsory. Jenner looked upon the whole thing as a 
superfluity. It was not until twenty years after he was in practice that he thought 
it advisable to get a few letters after his name. Consequently he communicated 
with a Scotch university and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the 
sum of £15 and nothing more...What Jenner discovered, though hardly original 
in its general principle, was that it pays far better to scare 100% of the fools in 
the world, the vast majority, into buying vaccine than it does to treat the small 
minority who really get smallpox and who cannot afford to pay anything. It was 
indeed a very great discovery worth thousands of millions. That is why this kind 
of blackmail is still kept going.” —Dr. Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, 

Louis Pasteur and Attenuated Vaccines 

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) co-developed the anthrax vaccine in 1881. The 
vaccine supposedly worked in cows, goats, and sheeps, but was not successfully 
tested in humans at the time. In 1885, Pasteur created the first human vaccine. 
This vaccine used attenuated (weakened) viruses as the primary ingredient. 

Virus: An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a 

protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply 
only within the living cells of a host. 

Anthrax: A notifiable bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, typically affecting 
the skin and lungs. It can be transmitted to humans, causing severe skin 
ulceration or a form of pneumonia (also called wool-sorter's disease). 

Attenuate: Reduce the virulence of (a pathogenic organism or vaccine). 
(Source: Google Dictionary). 

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) of France. He created the first attenuated 
(weakened) live virus vaccine. A few decades after his invention, cowpox, a 
disease from cows, would no longer be used as the main ingredient in the 
smallpox vaccine. Instead, weakened live viruses from animals would be used 

Louis Pasteur originally took a live virus from a rabbit’s spinal cord and 

attenuated the vims in a lab. This was the first rabies vaccine. This attenuated 
virus was supposedly maintained with preservatives and stabilizers such as 
formaldehyde and mercury, which are two of the most poisonous substances to 
the human body. Then the preserved attenuated live virus was later injected into 
the human body to “prevent” disease—inject disease into to the body to prevent 
disease. This defies common sense and logic. 

Louis Pasteur’s theory of attenuated viruses opened the floodgates for the drug 
companies to create a multitude of other vaccines. Thus, began the modern era 
of vaccines for the drug companies. In 2018, Sanofi Pasteur was one of the 
largest vaccine manufacturers in the world. 

ingredients are very similar to each other. The few differences in 
vaccine ingredients depend on the type of vaccine. There are four 
main types of vaccines: 

1) Live, attenuated vaccine. 

2) Inactivated/killed vaccine. 

3) Toxoid (inactivated toxin). 

4) Subunit/conjugate. 

Live, Attenuated vaccine: An attenuated vaccine is a vaccine created 
by reducing the virulence of a pathogen, but still keeping it viable (or 
"live"). Attenuation takes an infectious agent and alters it so that it 
becomes harmless or less virulent. These vaccines contrast to those 
produced by "killing" the virus (inactivated vaccine). 

Inactivated vaccine: An inactivated vaccine is a vaccine consisting of 
virus particles, bacteria, or other pathogens that have been grown in 
culture and then killed using a method such as heat or formaldehyde. 

Subunit/conjugate vaccine: A conjugate vaccine is created by 
covalently attaching a poor antigen to a strong antigen thereby 

eliciting a stronger immunological response to the poor antigen. Most 
commonly, the poor antigen is a polysaccharide that is attached to 
strong protein antigen. (Source: 



Vaccine type 

Live, attenuated 

MMR (measles, mumps, rubeila), Varicella (chickenpox), 
Influenza (nasal spray), Rotavirus, Zoster (shingles), Yellow 


Polio (IPV), Hepatitis A, Rabies 

Toxoid (inactivated toxin) 

Diphtheria., tetanus (part ofDTaP combined immunization) 

Subuni [/conjugate 

Hepatitis B 

Influenza (injection) influenza type b (Ilib) 

Pertussis (part of DTaP combined immunization) 



Human papillomavirus (HPV) 

Modern vaccine ingredients contain some of the most poisonous 
substances to the human body. Many of these toxins are summarized 


ALUMINUM. Known to cause brain damage at all doses, linked to 

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE, dementia, seizures, autoimmune issues, 
SIDs and cancer. This toxin accumulates in the brain and causes more 
damage with each dose. 

BETA-PROPIOLACTONE. Known to cause CANCER. Suspected 
gastroin- testinal, liver, nerve and respiratory, skin and sense organ 

Allergic reactions can range from mild to life-threatening. 

AND VIRAL DNA. Can be incorporated into the recipient’s DNA and 
cause unknown GENETIC MUTATIONS. 

GLUTARALDEHYDE. Poisonous if ingested. Causes BIRTH 
DEFECTS in animals. 

humans. Probable gastrointestinal, liver, respiratory, immune, nerve 
and reproductive system POISON. Banned from injectables in most 
European countries. 

LATEX RUBBER. Can cause life-threatening allergic reactions. 

HUMAN AND ANIMAL CELLS. Human DNA from aborted 
BABIES. Pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brains, dog kidneys, cow 
hearts, monkey kidneys, chick embryos, calf serum, sheep blood & 
more. Linked to childhood leukemia and diabetes. 

MERCURY [THIMEROSAL]. One of the most toxic substances 
known. Even if a thermometer breaks, the building is cleared and 
HAZMAT is called. Tiny doses cause damage to the brain, gut, liver, 

bone marrow, nervous system and/or kidneys. Linked to autoimmune 
disorders, and neurological disorders like AUTISM. 

MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE [MSG]. Atoxic chemical that is 
linked to birth defects, developmental delays and infertility. Banned in 

NEOMYCIN SULPHATE [ANTIBIOTIC]. Interferes with vitamin 
B6 absorption which can lead to epilepsy and brain damage. Allergic 
reactions can range from mild to life -threatening. 

PHENOL/PHENOXYETHANOL [2-PE]. Used as anti-freeze. 

TOXIC to all cells and capable of destroying the immune system. 

POLYSORBATE 80 & 20. Known to cause CANCER in animals and 
linked to numerous autoimmune issues and infertility. 

TRI(N) BUTYLPHOSPHATE. Potentially toxic to the kidney and 
nervous system. 





Known to cause brain damage at all doses, 
linked to ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE, dementia 
seizures autoimmune Issues. SIDs and 
cancer This toxin accumulates in the brain 
and causes more damage with each dose. 


Known to cause CANCER Suspected gastroin¬ 
testinal. liver, nerve and respiratory, skm and 
sense organ POISON 

Gentamicin Sulphate b 
Polymyxin B (antibiotics] 

ALLERGIC reactions can range from mild to 

Genetically Modified Yeast, 
Animal, Bacterial and Viral DNA 

Can be incorporated into the recipient's DNA 
and cause unknown GENETIC MUTATIONS 


Poisonous if ingested Causes BIRTH 
DEFECTS in animals. 

Formaldehyde [formalin] 

Known to cause CANCER In humans. Probable 
gastrointestinal, liver respiratory, Immune, nerve 
and reproductive system POISON. Banned from 
injectables In most European countries. 

Human and Animal Cells 

Human DNA from aborted BABIES Pig blood, 
horse blood, rabbit brains, dog kidneys, cow 
hearts, monkey kidneys, chick embryos, calf 
serum, sheep blood b more Linked to childhood 
leukemia and diabetes. 

Mercury (thimerosal] 

One of the most toxic substances known 
Even if a thermometer breaks, the building Is 
cleared and HAZMAT is called. Tiny doses 
cause damage to the brain, gut, liver, bone 
marrow, nervous system and/or kidneys. 
Linked to autoimmune disorders, and 
neurological disorders like AUTISM 

Monoaodium Glutamate MSG] 
Atoxic chemical that is linked to birth 
defects, developmental delays and infertility 
Banned in Europe 

Naomycin Sulphate (antibiotic] 

Interferes with vitamin BB absorption which 
can lead to epilepsy and brain damage 
Allergic reactions can range from mild to life 


Phenol/Phenoxyethanol [2-PE] 
Used as anti-freeze. TOXIC to all cells and 
capable of destroying the Immune system 

Polyeorhate 80 (t 20 

Known to cause CANCER In animals and linked 
to numerous autoimmune issues and infertility. 

Latax Rubber Tri(n) Butylphoaphate 

Can cause life-threatening allergic reactions. Potentially toxic to the kidney and nervous system 


We’ve seen the diseases caused by vaccines when their ingredients were diseases 
from animals—mainly pus and pox. The diseases caused by modern vaccine 
ingredients are also extensive. These diseases are the side effects of many 
vaccines, and are listed on the product inserts provided by the drug companies. 
These product inserts are usually 10 to 30 pages long, and not the one page 
printout pharmacies and doctors provide when you ask. Furthermore, these 
diseases, even death, are corroborated by millions of parents who’ve reported 
their experiences with vaccines. They’re listed on the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse 
Event Reporting System) database. 

"Everyone who is vaccinated is vaccine injured—whether it shows up right away 
or later in life." —Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., PhD, Fellow of the 
World Health Organization, former senior scientist at Health Canada 

rhr ram f Hn V duq ~' L ” 0 * (Sn^h 2004) 

tjf nlogSi ccpraiRdicatiu,^ . ■ ^e M.m g v 

fctfitf W *** vaccine pacl^L^^r* r^,;^"' 2WP. P* lbJis ^ an cmkfimyv liw n( 

rhf physician Is Desk Kew,,. t rt 1,10,1 ^ E,v*n i„ wi,h this triple shot, n may hi* 

<w parents. The oricin^t ^ PD ^K8j9l a * mi|,i ' ,|1, ' fl n ft ^ A1 H ^ ^nk* 

^ i™ W0f, ewal M.M.K. i “ 0v ™- bfomnjiton is never *hvo U 

Mi Excerpt from the Orieln,,„, 

S'naI Drug insert 

CM ‘ dr! >' **ry body syiLwn ~ bit**], Lymptvflfc, 

Tf» foHowinfl affliction . .. 

(tigr-siive. cardiovascular, immune , - ,.. ... ..... 

mporied following receipt of L h,, Jnd ™ >1v ’ ^ i>y ti 

dLxfeis, seizure* dlsorfm 

, nnh^liii. recun i iivulstnns h Learflmg flrwbLimes, subacute sclrnisiEi^ 

|"' ntr ' J u ' ^" " c emvL'iinariun oJ (In? Eit*rve sfcviiliv, Guillain-llane syndrome 
(paralysis), muscle incoordination, deafness, panniculitis, vasculitis, optic neuritis 
(including partial or total blindness) retinitis, otitis media, bronchial spasms, fever, 
Im-.ilIocIk*, joint pain, arthritis (ik-uu? julI chronk') transverse myelitis, thromhocympema 
(bioud dotting disorders and spontaneous Weeding) anaphylaxis [severe allergic 
tractions) lymphadenc^uiby, leukncvmws. pneumoniiis, Stevcm-Jotasoti syndrome, 
erythema tnuitlfcime, urticaria, iwJK-realiris, parotitis, inflammatory bowel disease*, 
Coin's disease.' ulcerative citfis. meningitis, diabetes, «-. immune 
disorders, anti death (Figure d!)M 1(l - 11 >■ 

diabetes, aiiikm. 



, ,, C OTSOtiAg autism from the package insert (or 

:• M.M.R Vi it. ine manufacture^ has ^ r) MoSI 0 [tbe above indk^lons comimn 

-^herslon of the M M R **«'"]* t > which has been wUovfly n™!. 

k, .. . . . mI .inL jlHi* 1 " " ' _hm rutlv in urn 

for its 
continue to 

The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) combo vaccine product insert listing all 
the known side effects (adverse reactions) of the vaccine. Used under the Fair 
Use Clause. 

Page 11 of 13 

In the German case-control study and US open-label safety study in which 14,971 infants received Tripedia vaccine, 13 deaths in 
Tripedia vaccine recipients were reported. Causes of deaths included seven SIDS, and one of each of the following: enteritis, 
Leigh Syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, cardiac arrest, motor vehicle accident, and accidental drowning. All of these events 
occurred more than two weeks post immunization. 2 The rate of SIDS observed in the German case-control study was 0.4/1,000 
vaccinated infants. The rate of SIDS observed in the US open-label safety study was 0.8/1,000 vaccinated infants and the reported 
rate of SIDS in the US from 1985-1991 was 1.5/1,000 live births. 34 By chance alone, some cases of SIDS can be expected to follow 
receipt of whole-cell pertussis DTP 35 or DTaP vaccines. 

Additional Adverse Reactions: 

• As with other aluminum-containing vaccines, a nodule may be palpable at the injection sites for several weeks. Sterile abscess 
formation at the site of injection has been reported. 3,36 

• Rarely, an anaphylactic reaction (ie, hives, swelling of the mouth, difficulty breathing, hypotension, or shock) has been 
reported after receiving preparations containing diphtheria, tetanus, and/or pertussis antigens. 3 

• Arthus-type hypersensitivity reactions, characterized by severe local reactions (generally starting 2-8 hours after an injection), 
may follow receipt of tetanus toxoid. 

• A few cases of peripheral mononeuropathy and of cranial mononeuropathy have been reported following tetanus toxoid 
administration, although available evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation. 37 

• A review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found evidence for a causal relationship between tetanus toxoid and both brachial 
neuritis and Guillain-Barre syndrome. 37 

• A few cases of demyelinating diseases of the CNS haa^een reported following some tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines or 
tetanus and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccjAylnnough the IOM concluded that the evidence was inadequate to accept or 
reject a causal relationship. 37 

Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, 
anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence 
and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are 
reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to 
establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine. 2 

Reporting of Adverse Events 

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, requires 
physicians and other health-care providers who administer vaccines to maintain permanent vaccination records of the 
manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine administered in the vaccine recipient’s permanent medial record along with the 
date of administration of the vaccine and the name, address and title of the person administering the vaccine. The Act (or 
statute) further requires the health-care professional to report to the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human 

The Dtap (diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis)) vaccine insert 
listing all the known side effects. 

Due to their similar ingredients, most modern vaccines have similar side effects. 
Let’s look at the adverse reactions (side effects) of the MMR combo vaccine. 

This is the Package Insert from a Dtap manufacturer of the Tripedia vaccine 
Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine: AUTISM 


BODY AS A WHOLE. Panniculitis; atypical measles; fever; syncope; 
headache; dizziness; malaise; irritability. 


DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Digestive system. 

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. Diabetes mellitus. 

HENIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Thrombocytopenia (see 
WARNINGS, leukocytosis. 

IMMUNE SYSTEM. Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions have 
been reported as well as related phenomena such as angioneurotic 
edema (including peripheral or facial edema) and bronchial spasm in 
individuals with or without an allergic history. 

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM. Arthritis; arthralgia; myalgia. 

Arthralgia and/or arthritis (usually transient and rarely chronic), and 
polyneuritis are features of infection with wild-type rubella and vary 
in frequency and severity with age and sex, being greatest in adult 
females and least in prepubertal children. This type of involvement as 
well as myalgia and paresthesia, have also been reported following 
administration of MERUVAX II. 

Chronic arthritis has been associated with wild-type rubella infection 
and has been related to persistent virus and/or viral antigen isolated 
from body tissues. Only rarely have vaccine recipients developed 

chronic joint symptoms. 

Following vaccination in children, reactions in joints are uncommon 
and generally of brief duration. In women, incidence rates for arthritis 
and arthralgia are generally higher than those seen in children 
(children: 0-3%; women: 12-26%),(17,56,57} and the reactions tend 
to be more marked and of longer duration. Symptoms may persist for 
a matter of months or on rare occasions for years. In adolescent girls, 
the reactions appear to be intermediate in incidence between those 
seen in children and in adult women. Even in women older than 35 
years, these reactions are generally well tolerated and rarely interfere 
with normal activities. 

NERVOUS SYSTEM. Encephalitis; encephalopathy; measles 
inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE) (see CONTRAINDICATIONS); 
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barre Syndrome 
(GBS); acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM); transverse 
myelitis; febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; 
polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia. 

Encephalitis and encephalopathy have been reported approximately 
once for every 3 million doses of M-M-R II or measles-, mumps-, and 
rubella-containing vaccine administered since licensure of these 

The risk of serious neurological disorders following live measles virus 
vaccine administration remains less than the risk of encephalitis and 
encephalopathy following infection with wild-type measles (1 per 
1000 reported cases).(58,59} 

In severely immunocompromised individuals who have been 
inadvertently vaccinated with measles- containing vaccine; measles 
inclusion body encephalitis, pneumonitis, and fatal outcome as a 

direct consequence of disseminated measles vaccine vims infection 
have been reported (see CONTRAINDICATIONS). In this 
population, disseminated mumps and rubella vaccine virus infection 
have also been reported. 

There have been reports of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 
(SSPE) in children who did not have a history of infection with wild- 
type measles but did receive measles vaccine. Some of these cases 
may have resulted from unrecognized measles in the first year of life 
or possibly from the measles vaccination. Based on estimated 
nationwide measles vaccine distribution, the association of SSPE 
cases to measles vaccination is about one case per million vaccine 
doses distributed. This is far less than the association with infection 
with wild-type measles, 6-22 cases of SSPE per million cases of 
measles. The results of a retrospective case-controlled study 
conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest 
that the overall effect of measles vaccine has been to protect against 
SSPE by preventing measles with its inherent higher risk of SSPE. 

Cases of aseptic meningitis have been reported to VAERS following 
measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Although a causal 
relationship between the Urabe strain of mumps vaccine and aseptic 
meningitis has been shown, there is no evidence to link Jeryl LynnTM 
mumps vaccine to aseptic meningitis. 

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Pneumonia; pneumonitis (see 
CONTRAINDICATIONS); sore throat; cough; rhinitis. 

SKIN. Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; urticaria; 
rash; measles-like rash; pruritis. 

Local reactions including burning/stinging at injection site; wheal and 

flare; redness (erythema); swelling; induration; tenderness; 
vesiculation at injection site; Henoch-Schonlein purpura; acute 
hemorrhagic edema of infancy. 

SPECIAL SENSES—EAR. Nerve deafness; otitis media. 

SPECIAL SENSES—EYE. Retinitis; optic neuritis; papillitis; 
retrobulbar neuritis; conjunctivitis. 

UROGENITAL SYSTEM. Epididymitis; orchitis. 

OTHER. Death from various, and in some cases unknown, causes has 
been reported rarely following vaccination with measles, mumps, and 
rubella vaccines; however, a causal relationship has not been 
established in healthy individuals (see CONTRAINDICATIONS). No 
deaths or permanent sequelae were reported in a published post¬ 
marketing surveillance study in Finland involving 1.5 mi ll ion children 
and adults who were vaccinated with M-M-R II during 1982 to 1993. 

Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, health-care 
providers and manufacturers are required to record and report certain 
suspected adverse events occurring within specific time periods after 
vaccination. However, the U.S. Department of Health and Human 
Services (DHHS) has established a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting 
System (VAERS) which will accept all reports of suspected events. 
{49} A VAERS report form as well as information regarding reporting 
requirements can be obtained by calling VAERS 1-800-822-7967. 

2018 MMR vaccine insert, Merck & Co—used under the Fair Use Clause. 

Vaccine adverse reactions affect every part of the body. It is estimated that only 
a fraction of adverse reactions are reported since pediatricians and doctors advise 
parents that side effects are a coincidence or are “normal”. 

In their 8 to 12 years of medical education, medical doctors (MDs) and 
pediatricians receive only a few hours of vaccine training. They are not educated 
on vaccine ingredients or vaccine side effects. Those few hours are spent 
“educating” them on how to get parents to adhere to the CDC childhood vaccine 
schedule, which as of 2018, recommends that a child receive 74 vaccines (some 
are combos) by the time they’re 18 years old. 



vaccine doses 

Autism rate 



1 in 5,000 



1 in 2,500 



lin 40 



lin 36 

That’s a lot of poison in a child. As vaccine doses increased, so did the autism 
rate (brain damage). The heavy metals in vaccines have been implicated in 
causing the autism epidemic. 

“I am no longer ‘trying to dig up evidence to prove’ vaccines cause autism. 

There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but is political.” 
—Dr. David Ayoub, MD, radiologist 

“The CDC is not an independent agency. It is a vaccine company. The CDC 
owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every 
year...Four scathing federal studies, including two by Congress, one by the U.S. 
Senate, and one by the HHS Inspector General, paint the CDC as a cesspool of 
corruption, mismanagement and dysfunction with alarming conflicts of interest 
suborning its research, regulatory and policymaking functions...Doctors are 
punished by insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield if doctors 
don’t get a certain percentage of their patients to comply with the vaccination 
schedule. If 63% are non-compliant, they don’t receive any of their bonuses.” — 

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

Furthermore, medical doctors receive roughly 8 hours of nutrition training. 
Medical doctors and pediatricians have been indoctrinated into the medical 
industry. They are no longer independent healers, but merely clerks and 
salespeople for the drug companies. 


Demanding "scientific studies" to question vaccination is a method of sophistry 
(the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving), 
particularly whether vaccines cause autism. Heavy metals cause brain damage. 
Heavy metals (aluminum, mercury derivatives) are in vaccines. Once injected 
into the muscles, the heavy metals are absorbed into the bloodstream and reach 
the brain. Children are injected with heavy metals. Children have a high rate of 
autism. Do vaccines cause autism? No. The heavy metals in vaccines cause 

Autism is a form of brain damage. Whether the drug companies reclassify or 
rename autism, at its root autism is still brain damage. Like polio, the drug 
companies may decide to reclassify or rename autism in the future. The drug 
industry often play a game of semantics: 

1) Reclassify a disease by adding or removing symptoms. This gives the 
appearance that the disease was eradicated. Also, reclassify an illness as a 
disease to make it more menacing (eg, reclassify measles as a disease). 

2) Rename a disease. This also gives the appearance that the disease was 

The most common adverse reactions of most vaccines are allergies, asthma, 
brain damage, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and even death. However, there are 
more than 100 autoimmune diseases. Some of the more common autoimmune 
diseases are: 

Immune system disorders, Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Inflammatory bowel 
disease (IBD), Multiple sclerosis (MS), Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Guillain-Barre 

syndrome (paralysis), Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, 
Psoriasis, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Myasthenia gravis, 

“Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.” —US Supreme Court, March 2011 

From 1986-2017, the vaccine injury court has paid over $3.7 billion dollars to 
vaccine injured parents, proving vaccines are not safe. The historical data shows 
vaccines were ineffective at preventing diseases. Therefore, the only rational 
conclusion is that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. 


Vaccine ingredients are not injected directly into the bloodstream—they are 
injected indirectly into the bloodstream. The ingredients are injected into the 
muscles (intramuscular injection/intramuscularly). Then the ingredients are 
absorbed into the bloodstream. Through the muscular system and bloodstream 
(circulatory system), the toxins in vaccines reach every part of the body. 

Arcuate artery 
Dorsal digital arteries 

Subclavian artery 
Subclavian vein 
Cephalic vein 
Axillary vein 
Axillary artery 
Superiorvena cava 
Inferiorvena cava 
Descending aorta 
Brachial artery 
Basilic vein 
Median cubital vein 
Cephalic vein 

Radial artery 
Ulnar artery 
Palmar digital veins 
Digital artery 

Basilar artery 
Internal carotid artery 
External carotid artery 
External jugular vein 
Internal jugular vein 
Vertebral arteries 
Common carotid arteries 

Pulmonary arteries 
Pulmonary veins 

Celiac trunk 
Hepatic veins 
Renal veins 
Renal artery 
Gonadal vein 
Gonadal artery 
Common iliac vein 
Common iliac artery 
Internal iliac artery 
Internal iliac vein 
External iliac vein 
External iliac artery 

Great saphenous vein 
Femoral artery 
Femoral ve in 

Popliteal artery 
Popliteal ve in 
Small saphenous vein 
Anterior tibia I artery 
Posterior tibial artery 
Peroneal artery 
An te rio r/p o s te rio r tib ia I ve i n s 
Dorsal venous arch 

The bloodstream is part of the circulatory system. When vaccine ingredients 
are injected into the muscles and absorbed into the bloodstream, the toxins are 
capable of reaching every part of the body through the muscular and circulatory 

-Through the bloodstream (part of the circulatory system), the toxins can pollute 
the blood cells (blood poisoning), causing cancer and autoimmune diseases. 

-Through the muscular system, the toxins can cause paralysis (Guillain-Barre 
syndrome, GBS) and other muscular abnormalities. 

-Through the bloodstream, the toxins can travel to the brain and cross the blood- 
brain-barrier, causing brain damage. 

These are the mechanics in which vaccines cause various diseases throughout 
the body. Vaccine ingredients have constantly changed since 1796. The only 
constant is the theory of vaccination: inject poisons, viruses, and diseases into 
the body to prevent disease. 

As bizarre and unbelievable as it sounds, the theory of vaccination is to inject 
poisons, viruses, diseases into the body in order to prevent disease. How can 
something that causes a long list of diseases be used to prevent disease? 
Something intended to prevent disease shouldn’t cause more diseases than it’s 
supposed to prevent. It defies common sense and logic. 


To understand why vaccination came about, we need to examine the most 
horrific and feared disease in history: smallpox. 

The first vaccine was conceptualized in 1796 by Edward Jenner of England to 
prevent smallpox. Prior to vaccination, inoculation (very similar to vaccination) 
was used to prevent smallpox. Thus, smallpox, inoculation, and vaccination are 

Smallpox was the most feared disease in history because of the distinct bodily 
marks (pox) it left on victims. Photo: 


1) “An acute, highly contagious, febrile disease, caused by the variola virus, and 
characterized by a pustular eruption that often leaves permanent pits or scars: 
eradicated worldwide by vaccination programs.” — 

2) An acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving 
permanent scars. It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979” — 
Google Dictionary 

3) “Thousands of years ago, variola virus (smallpox virus) emerged and began 
causing illness and deaths in human populations, with smallpox outbreaks 
occurring from time to time. Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last 
natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the 
World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases 
of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since...Smallpox research in the 
United States continues and focuses on the development of vaccines, drugs, and 
diagnostic tests to protect people against smallpox in the event that it is used as 
an agent of bioterrorism.” — 

Consider this: There were roughly 200 nations on Earth when smallpox was 
supposedly ravaging the planet. Of those, only about 30 nations were ever 
vaccinated for smallpox. But it was declared eradicated by vaccination when 
about 170 countries never used the smallpox vaccine. If they did, it was only in 
the vast minority of their populations. Furthermore, smallpox was foreign to the 
North American Indians. The Natives lived in open spaces and managed to avoid 
the dreaded smallpox. Only when the Europeans arrived in the 16th century was 
smallpox introduced to the Americas. In the next three centuries, the Europeans 
used smallpox as a biological weapon to nearly wipe out the North American 

As you’ll soon discover, every historical data has shown that vaccination never 
eradicated smallpox. In fact, vaccination increased the incidence of smallpox 

wherever it was practiced. 


Inoculation is the practice of creating a cut in the body, usually the arm, to insert 
animal pus, human smallpox, or another disease into the cut. This was done in 
hopes of preventing disease, particularly smallpox. The ancient Hindus 
purportedly practiced inoculation several hundred years prior to the introduction 
of vaccination in 1796. Inoculation was the predecessor to vaccination, both are 
based on the theory of homeopathy: In small doses, like cures like. For example, 
rubbing small doses of smallpox into a person to prevent smallpox. 

"Dhanwantari, the Vedic Father of Medicine, and the earliest known Hindu 
physician, who lived about 1,500 B.C., is supposed to have been the first to 
practice inoculation for smallpox. It is even stated that the ancient Hindus 
employed a vaccine, which they prepared by the transmission of the smallpox 
virus through a cow." —“History of Inoculation and Vaccination”, p. 6-13 

Inoculation against smallpox. Taking smallpox from a diseased person and 
introducing it into another person through a cut in the arm. 

“The practice of inoculation spread like a noxious weed, from the savage tribes 
of the forgotten past into the civilizations of Africa, Arabia, Tibet, India and 
finally into Europe and America.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, “The 
Poisoned Needle”, 1957 


The practice of introducing, often through injection, poisons, viruses, and 
diseases into the body to prevent disease. The first vaccine (smallpox vaccine) 
was conceptualized by Edward Jenner of England in 1796 and later used on the 
English in the early 1800s. The first smallpox vaccine primarily used cowpox, a 

cow disease, to vaccinate against smallpox, a human disease. 

Vaccination against smallpox. A painting of Edward Jenner applying the 
smallpox vaccine (cowpox in a needle) to a child. 

When Louis Pasteur created the attenuated (weakened) live virus vaccine in 
1885, it opened the floodgates for drug companies to manufacture all sorts of 
vaccines: flu (influenza), measles, chickenpox, polio, etc. 

The question is, “Did vaccination prevent or eradicate smallpox?” According to 
official statistics, the answer is NO. Vaccination did not prevent or eradicate 


“It is clear that the mortality from both causes fell very remarkably, and that in 
the case of smallpox as well as in the case of ‘other zymotics’ the decline had set 
in before the end of the eighteenth century—in other words before the beginning 
of the vaccination era.” — Dr. C. Killick Millard, M.D., D.Sc., “The Vaccination 
Question in the Light of Modern Experience”, 1914, chap. 2 



Mortality from smallpox and other zymotic (infectious, contagious) diseases 
in London, 1760 to 1910. Official statistics from the Registrar General, England 
1760-1910. From this historical data we know that vaccines had no role in 
preventing zymotic (infectious, contagious) diseases. Vaccines did not eradicate 

“Vaccination is utterly useless as a preventive against smallpox, that millions of 
vaccinated persons have died of smallpox.” —Dr. J.W. Hodge, MD, New York 

“I know of one epidemic of smallpox comprising nine hundred and some cases 

in which 95% of the infected had been vaccinated, and most of them recently. I 
have had in my own experience on very small epidemic comprising 33 cases, of 
which 29 had vaccination histories a ‘good’ scar, and some of them vaccinated 
within the last year. There was no protection there.”—Dr. William Howard Hay, 

“Vaccination has not protected us; it could not do it, because the smallpox had 
already left us and the non-vaccinated world, before its 
introduction...Vaccination proves itself, in the history of humanity, to be the 
greatest crime committed in this last century!” —Dr. C. Charles Schieferdecker, 
MD, “The Evils of Vaccination”, 1856 

“Smallpox attained its maximum mortality after vaccination was introduced. The 
mean annual mortality for 10,000 population from 1850 to 1869 was at the rate 
of 2.04, whereas after compulsory vaccination, in 1871 the death rate was 10.24. 
In 1872 the death rate was 8.33 and this after the most laudable efforts to extend 
vaccination by legislative enactments.” —Dr. William Farr (1807-1883), 
Compiler of Statistics of the Registrar General of London 


One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox 
through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many 
years. But it simply isn’t true.” —Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB, ChB, DSc, FRSA, 
GP, Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here's The 
Proof , 2011 

Smallpox had been mentioned in different civilizations, from the ancient 
Egyptians, Aztecs, and Chinese. However, there were no smallpox epidemics 
recorded in ancient times that could be verified. Smallpox epidemic numbers 
were only accurately recorded in England from the 1700s to the 1900s. 
Therefore, because of the lack of official smallpox records and statistics in the 
English-speaking world, only the records from England are considered reliable. 
Anything else is, without official data, is pure speculation. 

“It is a matter of pure speculation as to when the condition first appeared, but it 
is unlikely to have done so prior to man’s establishment of large townships 

coupled with poor nutrition, overcrowding, lack of sanitation and inadequate 
hygiene. Keeping people, such as slaves and prisoners, in disgusting and sub¬ 
human conditions may have been the necessary ingredient for the establishment 
of the virus but there is virtually no doubt that the aforementioned adverse 
conditions were responsible for the epidemics of smallpox as well as for its 
endemic nature in certain areas until its recent demise. It was recorded in 
Chinese history and was certainly prevalent in the west by the sixteenth century.” 
—Dr. Michael Nightingale, Traditional Chinese Medicine 

The deaths caused by smallpox were greatly exaggerated (disease mongering), 
even fabricated, in medical textbooks and in general. For example, 

“Queen Mary II of England died of smallpox in 1694. In the century following 
her death 60 million persons in Europe died of smallpox.” —Howard Haggard, 
“Devils, Drugs, and Doctors”, 1929 

However, Mr. Haggard’s assertion is refuted by Dr. Jennifer Craig (BSN, MA, 
PhD), “The population of Europe was 130 million in 1762 and 175 million in 
1800. The death rate from smallpox in that period was 18.5%. If 60 million 
deaths occurred with an 18.5% death rate then it would require 319,148,936 
cases of smallpox in Europe and that would be 144,148,936 more cases of 
smallpox than there were people living in Europe at the close of the 18th 

Again, vaccination is a fraud based on fear, greed, and revisionist history. 

The Eradication of Diseases 

In the 21st century, there should be no need for anyone in developed countries to 
fear catching diseases that people contracted in the 1700, 1800, and early 1900s. 
Back then, the living and working condition of the masses were breeding 
grounds for diseases. They lacked clean-running water, electricity, garbage 
collection, and modern buildings. They defecated and urinated in their 
backyards. It wasn’t vaccines that eradicated diseases but sanitation, hygiene, 
especially the modern amenities that we take for granted today. As examples, 
soap, toilet paper, paper towel, toothbrush, shampoo, washing machine, shower, 
and supermarket. In developed countries, all these conveniences were available 

to the masses in the 1960s. These modem amenities significantly contributed to 
the increased standard of living and especially to the eradication of diseases. 

You do not live like people used to, therefore you should not worry about 
contracting diseases that people used to contract. 

Infectious diseases spread predominantly in overcrowded, unsanitary 

conditions. People used to defecate and urinate in their backyards. They fetched 
dirty water from rivers for drinking and washing. They buried potatoes in the 
ground in winter to preserve them. Animal manure was common in the streets. 
They burnt wood and coal for heating and breathed in the fumes. These were the 
perfect breeding grounds for diseases. Disease rates in children were high 
because they worked in fields and unsafe factories. 


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Working and living conditions were inhumane and breeding grounds for 
diseases in the 18th and 19th centuries. Workers were known as peasants and 
serfs. Debtor prison and indentured servitude were common. The conditions 
were so horrific and unjust that communism was invented to create workers’ 

The eradication of diseases was primary due to sanitation and hygiene. For those 
who think otherwise, ask them to live without clean-running water, electricity, 
and garbage collection. They will not do it because they cannot imagine life 
without them—because it was those amenities that eradicated infectious 

“Sanitation did for Prussia what 35 years of compulsory vaccination was unable 
to accomplish. At the present time in Prussia, smallpox is almost extinct. It is not 
that people are being vaccinated more; they are vaccinated less.” —Dr. Walter R. 
Hadwen, MD, 1896, “The Case Against Vaccination” 

“There is no question that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease 
(smallpox), and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when that 
time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination.” —Dr. John 
Tilden (1851-1940), MD 

Death Rate Death Rate 

Whooping Cough 



Scarlet Fever 

Typhoid Fever Polio 


Sewer systems, plumbers, electricity, garbage men, architects, engineers, and 
advances in manufacturing technology extended lives and eradicated diseases. 
Graph compiled from: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2010. 
GRIM (General Board of Incidence of Mortality) Books; Original author Dr. 

Paul Jelfs, updated by Karen Bishop. 

“The most widespread and lethal diseases in the last 200 years were reduced due 
cleaner drinking water, improved sanitation, nutrition, less overcrowded areas, 
and better living conditions. Vaccines were introduced at the point were every 
single disease was already declining. To give vaccines credit for global 
reductions in disease is like giving a band-aid credit for healing a wound that 
was already closing.” —Dr. Dave Mihalovic, ND 

“The largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious 
disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after 
the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems.” —The Journal of 
Pediatrics, December 1999, Vol. 135, No. 6, p. 663 

The modern amenities (mainly clean-running water, electricity, gargabe 
collection, modern buildings) that eradicated diseases also extended our life 
expectancy. Modern medicine, despite what the drug companies claim, had no 
role in eradicating diseases or prolonging life. If anything, synthetic drugs and 
vaccines have shortened the lives of millions. Doctors and hospitals are the 3rd 
leading cause of death in the USA. Some have claimed that the medical system 
is actually the 1st leading cause of death because the vast majority of those who 
have died of heart attacks, cancer, and diabetes were on medication or 
chemotherapy—they were involved in the medical system. The reason is that the 
ingredients in drugs, vaccines, and chemotherapy are toxins and poisons to the 


The deadliest disease epidemic in history, the Black Death (Plague), was 
eradicated without vaccines. The second deadliest disease epidemic in history, 

the Spanish Flu, was believed to be caused by vaccines. 

Many diseases disappeared on their own, without the need for vaccines. The 
deadliest infectious diseases in history were eradicated through prevention, 
quarantine and isolation, and removing the causes. As examples, the Black 
Death (Plague) and Spanish Flu. 

“The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, 
resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia and 
peaking in Europe in the years 1346-1353...In the Late Middle Ages (1340- 
1400) Europe experienced the most deadly disease outbreak in history when the 
Black Death, the infamous pandemic of bubonic plague, hit in 1347, killing a 
third of the human population.” — 

THE BUBONIC PLAGUE was believed to be caused by rodents, particularly 
rats, transferring their diseases to humans. These rodents were moved freely 
between countries during wars, trades, and travels. The rodents, unknown to 
humans, contaminated the food and water supplies. Today, we have rodent 
control programs administered by public health departments and the movement 
of animals are strictly controlled when travelling between countries. In summary, 
one of the worst pandemics in history was eradicated without vaccines. Diseases 
are eradicated when their causes are removed. 

THE 1918 INFLUENZA PANDEMIC (Spanish Influenza). There are many 
speculations as to what caused the 1918 flu pandemic. 

“The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918-December 1920) was an unusually 
deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 
influenza virus. It infected 500 million people around the world, including 
remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 
million (three to five percent of the world's population), making it one of the 
deadliest natural disasters in human history.” — 

The Spanish blamed it on the French and called it the French Flu. Some say it 
originated in China, some say in German as a biological weapon. However, the 
most credible theory was that the 1918 flu pandemic was caused by vaccines, 
most likely the experimental typhoid or flu vaccine. 

“It was a common expression during the war that ‘more soldiers were killed by 
vaccine shots’ than by shots from enemy guns.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, 
ND, “The Poisoned Needle” 

“In 1918, the US Army forced the vaccination of 3,285,376 natives in the 
Philippines when no epidemic was brewing, only the sporadic cases of the usual 
mild nature. Of the vaccinated persons, 47,369 came down with smallpox, and of 
these 16,477 died. In 1919 the experiment was doubled. 7,670,252 natives were 
vaccinated. Of these 65,180 victims came down with smallpox, and 44,408 died. 
In the first experiment, one-third died, and in the second, two-thirds of the 
infected ones died.” —Dr. William F. Koch, MD, PhD, “The Survival Factor in 
Neoplastic and Viral Diseases” 

“The 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ started in American military Camp Funston, Fort Riley, 
USA, amongst troops making ready for WWI—taking on board vaccinations, 
recruit training and all. It eventually killed about 40,000,000 people worldwide. 
That flu strain only appeared briefly once again, according to the US Atlanta 
CDC. This was in 1976 and again it struck at the US army camp Fort Dix, USA, 
amongst recently vaccinated troops (and no one else EVER); Fort Dix is known 
to have been a vaccine trial centre. Was the world’s greatest ‘influenza’ scourge 
another well-hidden vaccine disaster?” —John P. Heptonstall, Director of 
Morley Acupuncture Clinic and Complementary Therapy Centre, West 

Influenza and Pneumonia death rates spiked between 1918-1920. World War I 
was the first war in which US service men were required to vaccinate. The high 
vaccination rate before the flu pandemic of 1918-1920 was the most likely cause 
of the flu pandemic. 

“Typhoid vaccines were available by World War I, and the U.S. Army made 
getting those shots mandatory for all its enlisted soldiers.” —Susan Perry, 
“Medical lessons from World War I underscore need to keep developing 
antimicrobial drugs”, 2014 

FIGURE 1, Incidence* of typhoid fever, by year — United States, 1920-1960 


' Pet 100,000 population. 


Typhoid fever began its sharp decline after World War I, when US soldiers 
were no longer vaccinated. 

Despite all the evidence, one infectious-disease epidemiologist, Dr. G. Dennis 
Shanks, stated that typhoid vaccination “was thought to be a genuine medical 
success story.” Add his opinion to the Vaccination Nuttery pile. 

The Spanish Flu should had been called The USA Flu. The Americans probably 
called it the Spanish Flu to scorn Spain for the Spanish-American War of 1898. 
In any case, the flu pandemic disappeared on its own without the need for 
vaccination (or more vaccination). Again, history has shown that when the 
causes are removed, diseases are eradicated. In the 21st century, people living in 
developed countries should have no fear of polio, smallpox, measles, whooping 
cough, and other infectious diseases. Vaccines are not the natural causes of 

infectious diseases; therefore, they cannot prevent them. Prevention and 
eradication can only be attained by removing the causes. 

DEATH BY MEDICINE. Healthcare (deathcare) is a business. Drug companies, 
hospitals, medical doctors, and pediatricians are all part of the "sick care" 
system. As Bill Maher commented, "There's no money in healthy people, and 
there's no money in dead people. The money is in the middle: people who are 
alive, sort of, but with one or more chronic conditions." The poisons in vaccines 
are remarkably efficient at creating chronic illnesses and diseases. 

"Of recent years, many men and women in prime of life, have dropped dead 
suddenly. I am convinced that some 80% of these deaths are caused by the 
inoculations or vaccinations they have earlier undergone. These are well known 
to cause grave and permanent disease of the heart. The coroner always hushes it 
up as 'natural causes’. I have been trying to get these cases referred to an 
Independent Commission of inquiry, but so far, in vain." —Dr. Herbert Snow, 
MD, 25 year staff surgeon of the London Cancer Hospital, 1954 

“What miserable fellows our descendants are; each of them requires more of 
medical attendance in one year, than I had in my whole life!” —Dr. C.G.G. 
Nittinger, “The Evils of Vaccination”, 1856 

"Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a 
healthy human left." —Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963 


"Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO 
proof Polio is caused by a vims. There is NO evidence that anyone caught polio 
from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that any nurse or doctor 
caught polio from a patient." —Sheri Nakken, RN, MA 

Polio is disease used to describe the effects of poisoning from manmade 
chemicals, especially those found in pesticides and vaccine ingredients. 
Therefore, polio is a manmade disease caused by pesticides and vaccines. This is 
how the vaccination nuttery works: the polio vaccine causes polio and the drug 
companies insist everyone get vaccinated with the polio vaccine to prevent polio. 

But they don’t tell you that the polio vaccine causes polio. Furthermore, they 
credit the polio vaccine for eradicating polio, when the vaccine actually caused 

A distinct symptom of polio is paralysis. In all of history, there has never been a 
case of an infant born severely paralyzed that can be verified. If you read drug 
company literature, it points to ancient Egyptian and Aztec paintings depicting 
paralyzed individuals. This is not proof that polio has been around since ancient 
times. There are many causes of paralysis: accidents, injuries in war, surgery, 
mutilation, neurotoxic chemicals, and so forth. Polio was not an infectious 
disease but a manmade disease. 

Three polio facts: 

1) Nearly all recorded polio cases between 1940 and 1970 were caused by the 
Salk polio vaccine, the pesticide DDT, and other pesticides. Wild polio was and 
is extremely rare. Polio was not an infectious disease but a manmade disease. 

2) The Salk polio vaccine was discontinued in the early 1970s because it was 
causing polio, cancer, and death in children. Today, the drug companies insist 
that the Salk polio vaccine saved humanity from polio. In 1972, before a Senate 
Committee hearing, polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk testified that nearly all 
polio outbreaks since 1961 resulted from or were caused by the oral polio 

3) There is no such thing as a polio vaccine that can prevent polio. And no such 
thing as a vaccine that can prevent disease. There are over 150 years of data that 
proves vaccines are useless and poisonous. 

Nearly all recorded polio cases in history were caused by manmade chemicals 
and the polio vaccine. From 1940 to 1972, the surest way to contract polio was 
to be exposed to the pesticide DDT or get vaccinated with the polio vaccine—the 
Salk polio vaccine caused polio, one reason it was discontinued. DDT was made 
by Monsanto, the same company responsible for Agent Orange, Aspartame, 
RoundUp, PCBs, Saccharin, and recently GMOs. 

It could be said that the drug and chemical companies (specifically Monsanto) 
colluded to conceal the deaths caused by DDT by using polio as a cover. 

For over 150 years, common words that independent doctors and scientists have 

used to describe vaccination are: useless, dangerous, scam, fraud, racket. A 
glaring example is polio. Polio (or the symptoms associated with polio) was not 
an infectious disease in the traditional sense as the vast majority are miseducated 
to believe. Many recorded polio cases between 1940 and 1970 were manmade, 
caused by the pesticide DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichlorethane) and other 
pesticides. The remaining polio cases were caused by the polio vaccine. Wild 
polio was and is still rare. 

Before the large scale use of DDT in the early 1940s, the word "polio" appeared 
0 (zero) times in epidemiological (large population disease) studies between the 
1700s to late 1800s. In other words, polio was rare in the USA until DDT's 
predecessor was used after 1874, then when DDT was widely used in the 1940s. 
After which, the polio epidemics started. 

As the use of DDT significantly increased after 1940, the polio rate also 
increased proportionally. The largest polio epidemics in history occurred in the 
1940s and 1950s. This timeline coincides with the DDT's wide scale use and the 
introduction of the Salk polio vaccine. DDT is a poison and a neurotoxin. It 
causes paralysis and brain/spinal cord disease—both are distinct symptoms of 

As the use of DDT decreased, the polio rate also decreased proportionally. DDT 
was banned in the USA in 1972 by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 
After which, polio was reclassified—polio is magically a new disease now. 
Medical students are taught that the polio people had contracted in the 1940s to 
1970s was an infectious disease. It wasn't. 

Polio: "1789, British physician Michael Underwood provides first clinical 
description of the disease. 1840, Jacob Heine describes the clinical features of 
the disease as well as its involvement of the spinal cord." 

There are many secondary causes of polio (the primary cause is the poliovirus). 
One secondary cause of the poliovirus was DDT and other pesticides. Another is 
unsanitary conditions, "Polio is usually spread via the fecal-oral route (i.e., the 
virus is transmitted from the stool of an infected person to the mouth of another 
person from contaminated hands or such objects as eating utensils). Some cases 
may be spread directly via an oral to oral route." Contaminated water was also 

cited as a secondary cause of the poliovirus. However, up until chemical 
pesticides were commonly used and the introduction of he Salk polio vaccine, 
wild polio was extremely rare. 

The predecessor to DDT was first synthesized in 1874 and was used as a 
pesticide. Its successor, DDT, was commercialized in 1939 when the invention 
was credited to Paul Muller. 

The first polio outbreak in the U.S. was in 1894 in Vermont, with 132 cases. 
Another in New York in 1916. The polio outbreaks of 1894, 1916, 1940s, and 
1950s have an eerie commonality: they occurred in the summer, when DDT and 
other pesticides were being sprayed, especially in apple orchards. In addition, of 
the nearly 200 countries in the world, only countries that used DDT had polio 
outbreaks. And the higher the DDT usage, the higher the polio rate. 

Source: The Weston A. Price Foundation, 

“So as DDT peaked, six months later, polio peaked. DDT comes down, six 
months later polio comes down. DDT flatlines, polio flatlines. It follows the 
contour. It’s like taking the same graph and just displacing it by six months.” — 
Dr. Rashid Buttar, DO 


Texas, USA, 1950s. DDT was used as an insecticide, mostly to kill mosquitos. 
The big difference in body mass between insects and humans explains the 
different effects of DDT on both species. DDT kills insects, which have 
significantly less body mass than humans. In equal doses, DDT isn’t potent 
enough to kill humans but causes paralysis, which is a distinct symptom 
assigned to polio. 

1953: Dr. Morton S. Biskind writes: “It was known by 1945 that DDT was 
stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk...yet far from 
admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which 
in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire 
apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to 
denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its 
opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have 
not been overlooked in this campaign.” 

DDT was banned in 1972. Coincidentally, the Salk polio vaccine was 

discontinued in the same period because it was causing polio, cancer, and death 
in children. 

The Cutter Incident, 1955. Polio vaccine manufacturer Cutter Laboratories 
caused 40,000 cases of polio. 

“In April 1955 more than 200 000 children in five Western and mid-Western 
USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live 
virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and 

within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be 
abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured 
by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40 000 
cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 
10.” —Michael Fitzpatrick, “The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio 
Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis”, Journal of the Royal Society of 
Medicine, 2006 

From these timelines and events, it could be concluded that polio (or the 
symptoms associated with polio) was a manmade disease and not an infectious 
disease that medical students are taught. In other words, nearly all cases of polio 
were caused by pesticides, specifically DDT, and the Salk polio vaccine. 

The polio vaccine might had caused cancer in millions of Americans. “SV40 
is a virus found in some species of monkey...SV40 was discovered in 1960. Soon 
afterward, the virus was found in polio vaccine...More than 98 million 
Americans received on or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963 when 
a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that 
10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of 
vaccine... SV40 has been found in certain types of cancer in humans...” —CDC 
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), “Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and 
Polio Vaccine Fact Sheet”, 2013 


If DDT and the Salk polio vaccine caused nearly all cases of polio, and they 
were banned in the early 1970s, why is there still polio after DDT and the Salk 
polio vaccine were discontinued? Polio has been given new symptoms (polio has 
been redefined and reclassified). It's an entirely new disease with new 
symptoms. Some of these symptoms include fever or severe fatigue. Drug 
companies often reclassify or rename diseases to give the appearance that 
they’ve been eradicated, or they’re still a menace—depending which one meets 
their financial interest. 

“The idea of re-naming a disease to suit the records is not new. Hadwen also said 

in his address, that in 1886, although there were 275 cases of smallpox, only one 
vaccinated child died. In addition, 93 children died of chicken pox. Given the 
mild nature of chickenpox and the fact that few deaths from it had previously 
been recorded, this diagnosis is highly unlikely...Re-naming the disease did the 
trick. They didn’t die of smallpox, they died of the re-named disease: spurious 
cowpox...The re-naming practice continues today.” —Dr. Jennifer Craig, BSN, 
Ma, PhD, “Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness”, 2010 

Re-naming and re-classifying diseases is a scheme the drug companies often use 
to suit their needs. 

-You can remove major symptoms of a disease and it’s magically eradicated. 

-Or you can call it a different name and it’s magically eradicated. 

In 2017, autism affects 1 in 36 children. Don’t be surprised if the drug 
companies re-name or re-classify autism so it’s no longer a problem to parents. 
At its root, autism is a form of brain damage, regardless of its name or assigned 

In the 21st century, nearly all infant and childhood illnesses and diseases can be 
traced back to vaccines. However, the drug companies are blaming those 
illnesses and diseases on genetic/congenital factors. This is an attempt to absolve 
the drug and chemical companies of legal and financial liabilities. Another way 
the drug and chemical companies attempt to absolve themselves of wrongdoing 
is to revise history (outright lies). These are not the people you want to trust with 
your children's health. 

The chemical companies create diseases and the drug companies sell products 
that supposedly prevent those diseases. In reality, those drugs and vaccines 
(ingredients from chemical companies) actually cause more diseases—the left 
hand and right hand work together. 

The Anti-Vaccination Movements 

The anti-vaccination movement started when parents noticed that their children 
became diseased and dead after vaccination. Thus began the anti-vaccination 

movement in 1853 in England—1853 was also the first year of compulsory 
vaccination in England (also in 1867 and 1871). Each compulsory vaccination 
year was followed by an outbreak of the diseases the vaccines were supposed to 

Formally, The Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League was launched in England in 
1867. Then The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination. 
As vaccination moved to the US and Canada, the anti-vaccination movement 
also followed. 

“The anti-vaccinists are those who have found some motive for scrutinizing the 
evidence, generally the very human motive of vaccinal injuries or fatalities in 
their own families or in those of their neighbours. Whatever their motive, they 
have scrutinized the evidence to some purpose, they have mastered nearly the 
whole case; they have knocked the bottom out of a grotesque superstition. The 
public at large cannot believe that a great profession should have been so 
perseveringly in the wrong.” —Dr. Charles Creighton, MA, MD, “Jenner and 
Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History”, 1889 


England, 1853. An anti-vaccination poster from the 1850s. The anti¬ 
vaccination movement began in England in 1853 and continues into the 21st 
century. Vaccines exist to serve the drug companies, doctors, pediatricians, and 

“The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by the medical 
profession, and through political connivance made compulsory by the state, has 
not only become the chief menace and gravest danger to the health of the rising 
generation, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberty of the 
American citizen.” —Dr. James Martin Peebles, MD, MA, PhD, “Vaccination a 

Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty”, 1913 

The Anti-Vaccination Society of America 


Aii Association of “half-mad”, “misguided” people, 
who write, and toil, and dream, of a time to come, when it 
shall be lawful to retain intact, the pure body Mother 
Nature gave, sends greeting to a “suspect”. 

You are Invited to Join Us 

Frank 1) Blue, Sec’y, 
Terre Haute, Ind, 


lion L H Piehn, 

^ "Enclose L’iic for certificate of membership. 

The USA, 1902. As vaccination spread across the Atlantic, the anti-vaccination 
movement also followed. In the US, it was headed by The Anti-Vaccination 
Society of America. In Canada, it was The Anti-Vaccination League. Prussia 
(part of modern day Germany) also had compulsory vaccination, and so did 
Austria, Japan, Philippines, and Switzerland. These countries (except for the 
Philippines) were among the first to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in which 
people congregated into cities and overcrowding was the norm. Children worked 
long hours in factories and fields. Factories had no ventilation and workers had 
to re-breathe dirty air. 

The disease rates exploded for each successive year of compulsory vaccination. 
In other words, disease epidemics followed compulsory vaccination. Thus, every 
country eventually abandoned compulsory vaccination. 

Enforcing the IjVaccinat ion Laws. 

Photo fof an abortive Sale at East Croydon, May 3rd, 1907. 

The Clerk to the Croydon Magistrates stated that over two thousand Vaccination Summonses had been 
applied for in Croydon. During recent years, six distress sales and attempted sales have been held, involving 
hundreds of cases of Fines and Costs. About fifty Croydon fathers have gone to prison rather than have their 
children vaccinated, or pay'monetary penalties imposed. 

England, 1907. “About fifty Croydon fathers have gone to prison rather than 
have their children vaccinated or pay monetary penalties imposed.” 

As Dr. Jennifer Craig, BSN, MA, PhD, summarized in her article, “Smallpox 
Vaccine, Origins of Vaccine Madness”: 

“One of the worst smallpox epidemics took place in England between 1870 and 
1872, nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. 
Leicester, with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, boasted a 95% vaccination record but 
it suffered more deaths than less-vaccinated London. Paced with this obvious 

evidence of the uselessness of vaccination, Leicester’s citizens rejected the 
program in favour of cleaning up the city. Under the leadership of James Briggs, 
Town Councillor and Sanitary Inspector, clean streets, clean markets and dairies, 
efficient garbage removal, sanitary housing and pure water supply replaced 
vaccination scars. In 1892-3 Leicester had 19.3 cases of smallpox per 10,000 
population; similar-sized Warrington, with 99.2% vaccinated, had 123.3 cases. 

“In Japan, in 1885, 13 years after compulsory vaccination, a law was passed 
requiring revaccination every seven years. From 1886-1892, a total of 25, 
474,370 revaccinations were recorded. Yet during this same period, Japan had 
156,175 cases of smallpox with 38,979 deaths, a case mortality of nearly 25%. 
Slow learners, the government passed another act requiring every resident to be 
vaccinated and revaccinated every 5 years. Between 1889-1908, the case 
mortality was 30%. Prior to vaccination the case mortality was about 10%. 

“During a ruthless campaign by the US in the Philippines in 1905, the native 
population were forcibly vaccinated several times. In 1918-1919, with over 95% 
of the population vaccinated, the worst epidemic the Philippines had ever known 
occurred. In the Congressional Record of December 21, 1937, William Howard 
Hay, MD, said, The Philippines suffered the worst attack of smallpox, the worst 
epidemic three times over, that had ever occurred in the history of the islands 
and it was almost three times as fatal. The death rate ran as high as 60% in 
certain areas where formerly it had been 10-15%.” 

vaccination movement in 1919 (20th century), Toronto, Canada. In Canada, the 
main group was the Anti-Vaccination League. The Anti-Vaccination Society of 
America was the main group opposing mandatory (compulsory) vaccination in 
the USA. The society was founded in 1879. 

The USA, early 2000s (21st century). Outspoken vaccination critics such as 
Jenny McCarthy, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and other doctors and celebrities were 
blamed by the media for starting the anti-vaccination movement. As noted 
above, the movement has been around since 1853. Drug companies are one of 
the largest advertisers on TV, Internet, newspapers, and magazines. According to 
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the drug industry contributes up to 70% of advertising 
revenue to media companies. In 2017, the collective stock market capitalization 
of the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) exceed $1 trillion. As actor Jim 
Carrey noted, “A trillion dollars buys a lot of expert opinions. Will it buy you?” 

Mainly because of these movements, the public became aware of the dangers of 
vaccines. The lunatic idea of transferring animal diseases to humans to prevent 
diseases didn’t work. Compulsory vaccination was later repealed in every 
country because vaccines were found to be useless and poisonous. Several 
decades later, the drug companies began their mass advertising and marketing 

campaigns to “educate” the next generation on the benefits of vaccination. 
Vaccination has been a menace to each generation since 1796. 

Disease Theories 

Most medical students are taught Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease, 
which is partly true. We have little understanding of what germs are healthy or 
unhealthy for the body. We know that some germs do cause disease, in excessive 
amounts. However, it’s the unsanitary conditions of the environment and the 
unhygienic terrain of the body that create those germs—like rats are attracted to 
filthy places. 

Terrain Theory 

Germs do cause diseases, but more importantly it's the unsanitary environment 
and the unhygienic condition of the body that cause those germs. For example, if 
you don't want to get lung cancer, 1) Smoke and find a way to kill the cancer 
cells caused by smoking, 2) Don't smoke. 


“In 19th century France, while Pasteur was advocating the notion of germs as the 
cause of disease, another French scientist named Antoine Bechamp advocated a 
conflicting theory known as the 'cellular theory’ of disease. 

“Bechamp’s cellular theory is almost completely opposite to that of Pasteur’s. 
Bechamp noted that these germs that Pasteur was so terrified of were 
opportunistic in nature. They were everywhere and even existed inside of us in a 
symbiotic relationship. Bechamp noticed in his research that it was only when 
the tissue of the host became damaged or compromised that these germs began 
to manifest as a prevailing symptom (not cause) of disease. 

“To prevent illness, Bechamp advocated not the killing of germs but the 
cultivation of health through diet, hygiene, and healthy lifestyle practices such as 
fresh air and exercise. The idea is that if the person has a strong immune system 
and good tissue quality (or “terrain” as Bechamp called it), the germs will not 
manifest in the person, and they will have good health. It is only when their 
health starts to decline (due to personal neglect and poor lifestyle choices) that 
they become victim to infections.” — 

CAUSES. For example, smallpox was caused mostly by overcrowding, 
contaminated water, closeness to feces and urine, and food spoilage. 
Overcrowding has been solved by modern buildings and urban planning. 
Contaminated water was solved with sewer systems, plumbing, and water 
filtering systems. People no longer defecate or urinate in their backyards or 
buckets, thanks to toilets and indoor plumbing. Food spoilage was solved with 
electricity (refrigeration). Because of sanitation and hygiene, smallpox was 
eradicated in developed countries. 

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was wrong, Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) was 
right. Pasteur even admitted this in his dying days. 

"Bernard was right, the germ is nothing—the milieu (the environment within) is 
everything." —Louis Pasteur 


Despite what the drug companies’ marketing machines claim, vaccination is 
NOT immunization. Immunization can only be attained when the immune 
system has encountered a natural infection and successfully fought it off. For 
example, those who had the natural measles are immune from it for life. Vaccine 
induced infections are vastly different than the wild infections. In infants, the 

antibodies required for immunization are passed from the mother’s breast milk. 
Vaccination destroys immunization. 

There is a significant difference between theoretical science and observational 
science. With vaccines, observation contradicts theory. Vaccines work in 
controlled, sterile laboratory settings but not in the biological human body. The 
immune system exists for a reason. Nature is smarter than man. In vaccination, 
the most reliable source of observational science (data) is through the millions of 
parents who have vaccine injured children. 


The human body is the result of nearly 4 billion years of evolution, starting with 
the first prokaryotic cells (single-celled organism without a nucleus). Modern 
humans, Homo sapiens, as a distinct species have been around since 200 000 
BCE. For the vast majority of that time, our ancestors had to struggle daily to 
obtain their physical needs: water, food, and shelter. They risked drinking 
contaminated water from streams, rivers, and lakes. They had to hunt and grow 
their own foods. Their nutritional profile was limited to what they were able to 
hunt and grow locally. They risked dying from exposure to the harsh weather. 

Ap/swmu A.afmatm A. rabuSdit Afaf&i H.habUts M.trtttut fr. wrpicrj H. wp'riw Ji fapwvj 

fnrckaic} (.VrariifivtalJ liiwdrrci) 

For millions of years, humans and their common ancestors, struggled daily to 
obtain their physical needs: water, food, shelter. Since 1960 CE, those needs are 

effortlessly provided for us. The amount of energy expended to obtain our 
physical needs is minimal, allowing us with unprecedented leisure time. 

In 1960 CE, those living in developed countries risk none of the dangers of 
obtaining their physical needs that their ancestors did. We simply walk to the 
sink and turn on the faucet to get drinking water. We drive to the supermarket, or 
even order online, to get a variety of foods around the world. We live in heated 
buildings with sanitation and hygiene safeguards as part of the building code. 

In other words, as a distinct species, humans have had to struggle more than 
99.999999% of their existence to obtain their physical needs: water, food, and 
shelter. In the 21st century, due to advances in technology, the energy required to 
acquire our physical needs has reduced dramatically, to the point that some are 
dying from sedentary lifestyles and not from securing their physical needs. 

The great failure of vaccination is that it fails to addresses the underlying causes 
of diseases. It has been unequivocally demonstrated that when the causes of 
diseases are known and removed, those diseases can be prevented and eventually 
eradicated. Diseases have always thrived when our physical needs are unmet, or 
met in a way unnatural to the body. The body does not need the toxins in 

"As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious 
accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and 
hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural 
medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician 

"Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to 
cure anyone. 

"Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to 
be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. 

"Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and 

"Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic 
—although this is untrue. 

"In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. 
The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The 
sooner you learn this, the better off you will be." -Dr. Allan Greenberg, MD, 
Dec. 24, 2002 

Trung Nguyen 
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 
September 2018 


The time to prepare the body so it will be able to be immune to disease, 
especially contagious diseases, is from “the time of conception.” When a woman 
realizes she is pregnant, and/or preferably before, the prospective mother should 
prepare herself for the oncoming event—this new addition to the household. 

This is done by the mother-to-be having her body clean and ready. First, she 
must have the bowels clean and regular movements. This is done through proper 
diet and a good herbal laxative. Her bloodstream should be in prime condition to 
deliver good food to the cells of her body and the cells of the fetus she is 
carrying. This same bloodstream, in good condition, will carry away waste 
materials from cell structure to discourage toxic buildup. 

A good herbal blood purifying tea or herbal formula is very important, and there 
are many of them. One of the finest teas we have been recommending for nearly 
forty years to our “expecting” patients is red raspberry leaf tea. This tea has in it 
malic and citric acids, oxate of iron, pectin, calcium and potassium chloride, and 
sulfate. This tea should be used preferably before, but certainly during the entire 
nine months of pregnancy. The benefits are many, such as anti-nausea, an aid to 
digestion (malic and citric acids), iron for the blood, and also for body building 
and support. Potassium chloride, sulphates and phosphorous (from grains, etc.) 
are the best body builders. Potassium phosphate is one of the greatest brain and 
nerve foods. Potassium sulphate activates the skin and mucous membranes. 

According to Dr. Shook, 

“Potassium chloride is a salt very similar to sodium chloride, but very different 
in its chemical effects upon the various cells and tissues of the body. It is found 
in the blood and lymph. By its action on the collagen (which is a particular 
gelatinoid), it forms fibrin. This fibrin is the builder of muscular and ligamentous 
structures, but unless there is sufficient potassium chloride in the blood to keep it 
in solution, the fibrin is thrown out as a stringy, insoluble mass that forms an 
excess of phlegm and catarrhal mucoid matter. All forms of catarrh are caused in 
this way, as are fibroid tumors and adhesions.” 

While taking red raspberry leaf tea, it is good to use a good calcium formula, to 
assist in having a strong and well built body that can resist disease. A 
combination of horsetail grass, comfrey root, oat straw and lobelia is one of the 
great herbal food combinations of all time. This formula supplies to the fetus, via 
that mother taking it into her body, calcium for the veins, arteries and capillaries, 
for an overall strong body to resist disease when it is present. The weak body 
will succumb to the illness, while a well nourished system will ignore the 
ravages of disease. 

The old statement of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is the point 
we are trying to put over and so there should be no need for vaccinations and 
inoculations. From the very beginning of new life in the womb, the new little 
body should be kept in a non-toxic, mucus-free condition. When one has a good 
clean bloodstream, who would want to defile it with an injection of serums 
developed from horse or cow pus and other unsavory type filth from sick 

If the mother will continue to live on a good mucusless diet during lactation such 
as the one in Dr. Christopher’s “Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet”, and 
then later instruct and teach the child to follow through with the same program, 
she will find that good health and the lack of allergies will be evident. 

I remember many years age when our children were small that quite a large 
measles epidemic broke out in our neighborhood. We had taught our children to 
refuse any offers of candy or soda pop from their little friends, but two of our 
children found this hard to do except David, who always carried around with 
him his little bottles of grape juice, and also had dried fruits and raisins in his 
pocket for candy, because he “liked” them—but grape juice was his favorite—he 
practically lived on it. When one by one David's friends "caught" the measles— 
even his brother and sister—he was heard to loudly proclaim, “Well, I'm not 
going to have them—I just won't!" And guess who didn't get the measles! Same 
thing happened when the chickenpox and mumps "made the rounds”—David 
never contacted any of those diseases either. Of course, if you want to catch any 
of those contagious "filth” diseases, be sure to drink lots of sugary soda pop, eat 
lots of candy, cookies, cakes and pies and the body will soon have the calcium 
leached out and the system will be loaded with mucus and wastes which make a 
perfect “breeding ground” for disease germs to thrive and grow! 

Isn't the natural way the best way, instead of depending upon the popular 
"defiling" of the bloodstream of the child to avoid disease? (Compliments of Dr. 
John Christopher April 18, 1978) 

—Excerpt from Vaccination the Silent Killer 
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 
Ida Honorof 

PART I: Preface 


Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

Restored and updated by 
Trung Nguyen 
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 

This booklet on Swine Flu hazards and fakery is part of a larger book on 
DOCTORS. It is about time a large and comprehensive book of the long 
concealed facts about vaccination is brought forth. This is the largest and most 
informative book on the subject ever written in America. It contains data 
collected from medical records, army reports, and startling findings from 
researchers all over the world. 

The book is intended to help combat the disastrous effects of vaccine promoters 
and their deceptive propaganda. 

I have seen cancers caused by vaccinations, on the arms of people, exactly where 
the vaccine was injected. I have also seen paralysis and other tragedies caused by 
vaccinations. All these are unnecessary and avoidable by the application of 
information contained in the chapters of this book. 

It will be noted that there are many repetitions of certain facts all through the 
book. There are two reasons for this. One is that some chapters are used as 
separate booklets like the chapter on SWINE FLU. The other reason is that the 
wrong information about vaccination has been drilled into the people from early 
childhood, so it is necessary to repeat the truth many times in order to reprogram 
the thinking from false claims to the truth. 

“Truth wears no mask, she seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human 

shrine; she only asks a hearing.”—Anon 

Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

CHAPTER 1: Swine Flu: Another Medically 
Made Epidemic 

"Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and 
vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who are now 
using them."—George Starr White, MD 

At the present writing, October 1976, a group of medical opportunists have taken 
upon themselves the dictatorial authority to declare the threat of a sweeping 
epidemic of SWINE FLU which they said was similar to or related to the 1918 
epidemic of Spanish influenza which wiped out 20,000,000 people worldwide. 
This declaration was supposed to scare all the people into their vaccination 
centers to be shot full of experimental vaccine poisons, while they, the 
promoters, raked in the profits. During the big polio vaccine drive, a spokesman 
for Parke-Davis one of the five drug houses making the vaccine stated "Our 
company will clear over $10,000,000 on Salk vaccine in 1955 " Before they 
were through they had fleeced the people of over $4 billion dollars on the Salk 
racket (See the chapter on POLIO CAUSED BY VACCINATION) 

Most of the people had their eyes opened during the polio vaccine fiasco so now 
when the same poison pushers started to beat their drums again for swine flu 
vaccine customers, they were smart enough to see through the hoax and refuse 
the shots, even though the scare-head propaganda slogans said swine flu is 
contagious and you can die if you don t get the shots. 

However, the scare techniques and perhaps other inducements, worked on (the 
then acting) President Ford who has since been voted out of office—and none 
too soon. When the high pressure sales committee, Doctors Salk Sabin, Sencer, 
Mathews Cooper, etc marched into Ford's office in March (76) and told him to 
hand over $135,000,000 to support their private money making racket, he 
handed it over like a simple child without even bothering to ask them for a 
guarantee that their unproved vaccine would not kill the people—as it did in 
other vaccine drives—or that their claims were justified. 

Their claims of safety, effectiveness and need have all been proved to be false 
during the past few weeks when the vaccine killed 113 people, nation wide, and 

paralyzed 75 in California alone. We do not have the reports from all 50 states, 
but if it is the same as in Calif, that would add up to 3,675 cases of paralysis. 
Many coroners have been given orders by the doctors not to give out the swine 
flu casualties. So, we don’t know all the facts yet, and we may never know 
unless we have a "Watergate" investigation. 


A radio newscast (Jan. 1977) reported that one of the paralyzed swine flu victims 
has filed a $5,000,000 suit against the vaccine promoters for causing his 
paralysis in December of 1976. His suit is against the instigators of the flu 
epidemic scare, who are Dr. David Sencer of CDC (Center for Disease Control) 
who spearheaded the vaccine campaign, and Dr. Theodore Cooper of WHO 
(World Health Organization), the Health Departments which promoted the shots 
and the six drug houses making the swine flu vaccine. (Why not Ford also and 
his Congress who financed it?) His complaint was that they had put out 
propaganda promising that the vaccine had been thoroughly tested and was 
perfectly safe, and that the swine flu was contagious and people could die if they 
didn’t get vaccinated, and that they would be protected if they had the shots, and 
that the side effects, if any were "inconsequential." 

Dr. Edwin Kilbourne, head of the Microbiology Department at Mount Sinai 
Medical School (L.A. Calif.) said he thought "the cases of paralysis were only 

Paralysis is known to be a common after effect of vaccination—any kind of 
vaccine—and these 75 California cases were paralyzed shortly after their flu 
shots—and yet, this doctor says (in effect) "forget it—maybe it wasn’t the 
vaccine that did it." If that is the kind of teaching and slipshod guesswork that 
our young medical students are getting it isn’t surprising that the doctors come 
out of medical college all mixed up and unable to cure anything—not even the 
common cold or pimples. All they learn is how to suppress symptoms with 
poison drugs or mutilate the patients with unnecessary operations. 97% of the 
operations performed by U.S. doctors are unnecessary, according to the 
admission of doctors, themselves, who met to decide what operations would 
really be necessary in case of socialized medicine when there would be no profit 

in it for them. They decided that only about 3% would be necessary. 

All the flu vaccine sales promises were lies—proved later by the deaths and 
disasters within a few hours after the shots. 

The insurance companies which had insured the doctors and vaccine makers 
down through the years balked at this obvious vaccine swindle game. We 
wonder why Ford couldn’t have taken a tip from these shrewd businessmen and 
also turned down the whole, questionable vaccine program. We wonder what 
inducements prompted Ford and Congress to let themselves be talked into 
financing not only the vaccine but paying the damage costs which could amount 
to billions of dollars judging by the large number of deaths and disasters already 
reported, plus those which have been hushed up by the vaccine promoters. 

The most common remark we hear on the streets today is, "IT’S THE BIGGEST 

The vaccine promoters and drug insurance companies, no doubt, remembered 
the multimillion dollar law suits following the devastating polio vaccine 
campaign of the 1950’s when the Salk, Sabin, and Cutter vaccines caused 
thousands of cases of polio, death, and other disasters. The law suits flooded the 
courts and the vaccine promoters and drug houses had to pay out damages 
amounting to many millions of dollars. 

The five pharmaceutical houses making the Salk vaccine were called the 
Rockefeller chain then, and it is the same ones now making the swine flu 
vaccine, with a few exceptions. The vaccine promoters wanted to dodge all 
financial loss—the cost of the vaccine and the damage suits, so they could make 
clear profit, while the taxpayers were saddled with both the payment of the 
vaccine and the damages, also. I doubt that the crime syndicate could run a more 
crooked racket than this government sponsored and financed caper, with all the 
profits siphoned off into the pockets of the medical and drug concerns. 

If those smooth talking conmen had been holding a machine gun on Ford they 
couldn’t have done a quicker and easier job of robbing this simple man who 
didn’t even know enough to do a little investigating before dipping into the 
public till to finance a private money making scheme. 

Ford was not the only guilty one in this conspiracy against the people. Most of 
the members of Congress gave their supporting vote. 

Before leaving office Ford asked the taxpayers to give the Congressmen a 
substantial raise. We wonder if he wanted to reward them for their part in 
helping him support organized medical crime. 

An AP news report in the Los Angeles Times (Dec. 3, 1976) with a headline: 

"...Ford will put the exact rates of pay he thinks advisable into the budget 
submitted next month. Unless the House or Senate kills the proposals. (Are they 
likely to turn down a raise?) the members of the House and Senate will receive 
$57,500 annually compared to the current $44,600." 

Are they worth it? Another report told us that most of our Congressmen are 
corporation lawyers with an eye to serving private interests. Their vote for 
giving $135,000,000 of tax money to support a private medical racket (swine flu 
vaccine) would indicate that they are indeed working for "outside interests", and 
not for the good of the people who hired them to their high positions. 

The same AP report also says: "The commission (to raise salaries) made it clear 
that it hoped to link the raises to a commitment by the three branches of 
government to come up with a stricter code of conduct on outside income and 
financial disclosures." 

Does this mean that if they are given the big raise they must promise to tell the 
truth about what "outside interests" paid them extra to swing the "big deals" in 
their favor? 

Public officials like this should not be given any raise at all; they should be given 
a dismissal and a prison sentence, plus confiscating the bribes they have taken 
from "big business". 


At the same time the vaccine promoters were telling Ford the vaccine was 
"tested and perfectly safe" they were still testing it on lab. animals, soldiers and 
little children. The ones who can’t defend themselves. 

In A REPORT TO THE CONSUMER (Sept., 75) by Ida Honorof, she presents a 
compilation of data from the National Institute of Health—Division of Biologic 
Standards, Bulletin of World Health Organization, and Dr. J. Anthony Morris, 
former Director of a branch of FDA Virus research. Dr. Morris’ findings show 
that the flu vaccine, when inhaled by lab. animals "tended to enhance cancerous 

Pregnant women had been on the preferred list for shots until findings indicated 
that certain substances in flu vaccine "could pose a serious threat of fetal damage 
to women who might become pregnant..." 

In the report she reviews an article by Aurora Reich, Director of Scientific 
Communications, published in Indianapolis Star, which states: 

"The virus itself (flu vaccine) has toxic properties, even after it is killed, which 
can cause fever and convulsions, especially in children. January Journal of 
Pediatrics carried the research of Doctors at Atlanta and Sheffield, England 
working together testing a purified killed influenza vaccine. They concluded that 
even the purified killed vaccine is too toxic (poison) to be given to children...The 
study showed 69% of the infants ran high fever 6 to 12 hours after vaccinations, 
and one had convulsions." 

Other studies showed that about 10% had convulsions, and one died. One doctor 
pointed out that "there are 9 million children under 3 years of age. If 10% of 
them had convulsions, that would be 900,000 with convulsions., (and how many 
deaths?) The routine vaccination of infants and children has not been 
recommended by the Public Health Service." 

How tragic that these helpless little children are being used to test poison drugs 
—like laboratory animals. I thought that was against the law. It’s deplorable to 
even use animals for this, as practically all the tests are for things we do not 
need, such as poison drugs, vaccines, unnecessary operations, etc. Yes, all 
vaccines are dangerous drugs. (See the chapter on HOW VACCINES ARE 


Every once in a while we hear of an honest doctor who is not afraid to speak out 
and warn the people against vaccines. Such a man is Dr. James A. Shannon, of 
the National Institute of Health. He stated: "THE ONLY SAFE VACCINE IS A 

When it was proved that the vaccine was too dangerous to be used on children it 
should have been condemned and destroyed before it did any more harm, 
because if it is too dangerous for children or anyone else, it is too dangerous for 
all people. 

Doctors who have been questioned, admit that they are not taking the shots for 
themselves or their own children. 

The old, the ill and the other "high risk" cases are more sensitive to poisons and 
more readily broken down and killed by them, and yet, the doctors and vaccine 
promoters advised them to be the first in line to get the shots. I think they wanted 
to test the risky vaccine first on them to see what would happen and if it caused 
death and disasters the doctors could blame it on their old age or their various 

The doctors seem to consider these sick and elderly people expendable 
commodities of no importance. I saw an example of this when I sat in on a 
vaccine promotion meeting on USC campus (L.A.) recently, when the promoters 
were trying to drum up business and get the students to submit to the shots. 

People in the audience started to ask questions of the doctor on the stand. They 
asked about the vaccine death that had occurred a few hours after the shots. He 
passed it off lightly with indifference saying that "they would have died 
anyway," or "They were old and probably had ailments that killed them." he 
made it clear that the vaccine promoters were not going to take any 
responsibility for their death dealing vaccines. He was one of the teachers at the 
medical school at USC. God protect us from the kind of doctors he would 

These vaccine casualties were not listed as such or the public records. The death 
certificates were falsified and causes were given other than the vaccine which 

killed them (See the chapter on FALSIFIED MEDICAL RECORDS.) 


The whole swine flu scare was based on the death of only one soldier at Fort 
Dix, New Jersey (One report said October, 1975 and another said February, 
1976). There was never any real evidence that he even had swine flu. There was 
a wide divergence of opinion among the doctors as to the real cause of his death. 
Some even tried to blame it on a walk he took when he was ill. An official 
diagnosis pronounced his death to be from A-Victoria flu, and not swine flu. All 
the soldiers at the camp had been inoculated with Port Chalmers flu vaccine, 
which was claimed to contain antigens to protect against all strains of flu. 

Shortly after the shots over 500 men got sick with the flu anyway, thus proving 
that the flu vaccine is a total failure and does not protect from the flu or anything 
else. 66 more were hospitalized at Fort Knox about the same time. We do not 
have the report from all the army camps but, it is quite certain there were a large 
number of cases of serious vaccine poisoning—no doubt, called by some other 
name, and death certificates falsified as is usually the case with vaccination 
deaths. The death certificates of vaccine poisoning usually read, "died of 
pneumonia" or hepatitis, or meningitis or something else. 

The present flu vaccine they are using on the civilian population is just as 
ineffective and dangerous, and yet, it is being promoted all over the country with 
disastrous results. No matter how many casualties they have they are determined 
to use it as long as they can get away with it—because it is profitable. That is its 
one and only purpose. Even if the swine flu had been the cause of the soldier’s 
death, one case of a disease is not grounds to stage a nationwide epidemic. It 
takes at least 30 cases of the same disease in the same locality to constitute an 

The vaccine promoters have been frantically trying to find at least one case of 
swine flu anywhere in the world to justify their custom made vaccination 
campaign. But they have not found one case—even among the swine. They 
heard of a man named Larry Hardison in Missouri who had a cold and they 
mshed to him to try to get a throat sample so they could make a case out of it. 
But he got well before they got the throat sample. Most of the cases of flu they 

check are caused by the vaccine itself. 

There is no swine flu epidemic in U.S. or anywhere else in the world, and there 
is not going to be one either unless the vaccine promoters carry out their plan to 
vaccinate all the people; then there will be a full blown epidemic of vaccine 
poisoning—not flu. 

There are already 113 recorded vaccine deaths and that is enough to be an 
epidemic of vaccine poisoning. 


Vaccines contain decomposed protein such as that which is taken from pustules 
on sick animals or putrefied eggs mixed with deadly drugs such as carbolic acid 
(phenol), mercury, formaldehyde (formalin), etc. Decomposed proteins can 
cause botulism, salmonella or other types of body poisoning. It’s no wonder 
people drop dead after the shots. 

All doctors who know the subject know and admit that all vaccines are highly 
toxic, and the after effects are unpredictable. No doctor, laboratory technician or 
scientist can possibly determine the reaction the vaccine will have on each 
individual. It is impossible to know, in advance, the toleration point for poison 
which each person has. Therefore it is a deadly gamble—like Russian roulette— 
as to whether the vaccine will cause instant death (and that sometimes happens), 
or paralysis a few hours later, or cancer, heart trouble or TB a few years later, or 
kidney disease, liver damage, insanity (post vaccinal encephalitis—inflammation 
of the brain caused by vaccines) or some other chronic disease somewhere along 
the way. 

Vaccine is even worse than Russian roulette because that kills only a few and 
they are usually other crooks, while vaccination kills thousands of innocent and 
trusting people. 


After the vaccine promoters "took" Ford for $135 million, they told him to be a 
good boy and roll up his sleeve so they could photograph him having a shot to 

induce all the rest of the people to follow his example. They wanted to use him 
and his photo and influence as sales propaganda to sell their poison drugs. He 
obeyed like a puppet on a string. 

No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at us. They see a fake epidemic—a 
mass poisoning campaign—and our national leaders dancing to the tune of the 
dmg (vaccine) pushers. 

Dr G. Nossel of the World Health Organization said: 

“You Americans ought to have your heads examined—No way would we permit 
it...There has been no proper investigation...The vaccine has not been properly 
researched...There are too many unknowns." 

From as far away as Australia, there are those in authority who are shocked to 
see that such a fraud should be permitted—even promoted by the U.S. 
Government, along with the medical establishment, notorious for their money 
making schemes. 

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, medical superintendent of Collarenebri Hospital in 
Australia, called the swine flu immunization program "a plan for mass 
murder...If a person is susceptible, the vaccine may act as an immunological 
insult predisposing that person to things like pneumonia or anemia...If an 
individual is incubating another flu virus it can cause an immediate and severe 
attack of that disease...We don’t know what the long term effects of this drug 
(swine flu vaccine) will be. It may predispose a person to cancer or other 
diseases..." (See the chapter on CANCERS CAUSED BY VACCINATION.) 

The above statement is from an exclusive interview with the Glendale News 
Press (9/24/76) and reprinted in A report to the Consumer, by Honorof. 

"Harry Nelson, Medical Editor for L.A. Times, reported on an American Cancer 
Society Seminar for Science Writers, and announced that microbiologists have 
uncovered new findings that incriminate vaccination. One of the participants was 
Dr. Robert M. Simpson of Rutgers University, N.J., who stressed that 
‘Immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, and polio may actually be 
seeding humans with RNA to form proviruses which will then become latent 

cells throughout the body...Some of these could be molecules in search of a 
disease, which under proper conditions become activated and cause a variety of 
diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematous, 
Parkinson’s disease and perhaps cancer." This quote is from the Honorof Report 
for June, 1976. 

The chapter on CANCER CAUSED BY VACCINATION shows photographs of 
vaccine victims with cancers on the arms where the vaccine was injected. 

From the NATIONAL HEALTH FEDERATION we hear, "The risks of life and 
health from the high incidence of fever and other side effects of the swine flu 
vaccine are substantial. Public health experts estimate that approximately 15% of 
those inoculated will suffer disabling illness." 

Our paid government health agencies who are supposed to warn us of health 
hazards are not doing it. It has been outsiders who have been busy spending their 
own time and money to find out facts and warn the people against this colossal 
medical fraud. One source we need to thank for this is THE NATIONAL 
ENQUIRER and their state-by-state probe to collect data on deaths from 
vaccination, cases of swine flu, if any, who started the vaccine hoax and why, 
etc. In their Nov. 2, 1976 article by Chuck Michelini and Dan Schwartz, they 

"Blundering government health experts (?) are directly to blame for the trail of 
deaths in the swine flu program—because they failed to warn people of 
vaccination dangers. And the mass inoculation program is needless—because 
there are no cases of swine flu in the entire world. 

"Those are the charges levelled by top medical experts—who say the swine flu 
threat was blown out of proportion, then sold to President Ford and the 
American public with scandalous ‘horror tactics.’ 

"Government officials are trying to scare Americans into getting shots with 
totally misleading TV commercials that say swine flu is contagious—and 
newspaper ads saying ‘you can die’ if you aren’t vaccinated." 

Actually, swine flu is not contagious at all. Like other diseases, it is a cleansing 

effort of the body to force out the accumulated poisons that have been injected or 
eaten, breathed or taken in in some other way. Coughing, sneezing, sweating 
(fever), vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, eruptions, etc. are the manifestations of the 
unloading program and should not be interfered with by suppressive drugs or 
other medical meddling. Most drugless doctors say that most diseases heal 
normally if the patients stay at home in bed, in a quiet airy room with no food, 
no medicines, and no drinks except a little warm distilled water. 

In case of a cold, most medical doctors say take two aspirins and drink plenty of 
liquids. That’s bad advice because aspirin is a drastic heart poison and should be 
avoided entirely in all circumstances, and "liquids"—not specific enough. The 
patient could take that to mean coffee, tea, alcoholics, soft drinks (all of which 
are poison) or soups, fruit juices, ice water, etc. all of which are harmful in 
illness. Reasons are given in another chapter. 

Although the medical and government propaganda mills sent ads to the major 
newspapers warning "You can die from swine flu," authorities who were willing 
to stick to facts were saying just the opposite. For instance, Dr. J. Anthony 
Morris, one of the government’s top experts on vaccines, stated: 

"That’s absolutely false. There’s no evidence that swine flu is a killer...It is not 
contagious...There is no evidence that swine flu will spread. It has not been 
isolated anywhere since it was (allegedly) found in Feb. at Fort Dix, N.J." While 
addressing a meeting in Los Angeles he said, "...The swine flu vaccine is 
worthless. There’s no evidence that it will protect you against swine flu because 
there’s been no cases of swine flu to test it against." 

He also said: "Effectiveness of flu vaccine is comparatively low. Flu vaccine 
made from inactivated virus particles such as now being manufactured, produces 
the wrong kind of immunity. It elicits systemic antibody that can be measured in 
the blood, but does not produce the local antibody in lungs and nose needed to 
protect against infection to the virus if later infected. 

"There is no precise way to measure the potency of flu vaccine that will be 
offered Americans because the standard units do not measure the mass of virus 
particles in a vaccine." 

Dr. Morris was fired from his job because he opposed the swine flu program and 
pointed out the defects which showed it could be dangerous as well as entirely 

Dr. Weidman, of the University of Florida, a recognized virologist, also agrees 
that the swine flu vaccine is inadequate to do any good. Doctors both here and in 
England found that their tests on laboratory animals were not encouraging. 

When the dose was potent enough to kill the virus it also killed the animals and 
when it was weakened enough to be safe for animals and people it was too weak 
to do any good, and was no protection. 

"So far, only 25,000,000 Americans out of a total population of 216.2 million 
have had the swine flu shots. And as Dr. J. Anthony Morris puts it: ‘That means 
191 million Americans have failed to be taken in by the hard sell propaganda. 
The swine flu program is a program of incredibly high costs and questionable 
benefits’ " (Enquirer, 12/21/76). 

It seems to us that some doctors are slow learners. They should have found out 
by this time that they can’t fight poison with poison, as their poison drugs and 
medicines only make matters worse in the long run. Most diseases are caused by 
poisons either generated within the body or imposed upon the body from without 
such as contaminated, devitalized foods, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, vaccines, 
fluoride poisoned water, all drugs, insecticides, radiation, etc. Because vaccines 
are all poison they do damage in 100% of the cases. The damage ranges all the 
way from sudden death to chronic diseases in later years. 


Dr. Selye of the University of Montreal, one of the world’s foremost authorities 
on human stress, stated: 

"After inoculations, elderly people and the chronically ill are particularly 
predisposed to have certain stress reactions such as heart failure." (Enquirer 

In spite of this and other similar findings, the vaccine promoters urged all the 

senior citizens, the old and ill the high risk cases to be the first in line to get their 
shots. Because of this mad rush for profits the promoters are guilty of causing all 
those needless deaths of the elderly people a few hours after they had their shots. 
Dr. Cyril Wecht, of Allegheny, Pa. performed autopsies on several of the flu 
vaccine victims and said: 

"People should have been advised to ask their doctor if the shots were safe for 
them, especially if they’d had heart attacks or high blood pressure—but this was 
not done." 

What good would it do to ask their doctor? Most doctors don’t know the dangers 
of vaccination, and if they did they wouldn’t tell their patients, as long as it was 
profitable to them to keep silent about it. The individual doctors usually do what 
their medical hierarchy tells them to do, and when they are promoting a 
vaccination drive the doctors are ordered to comply. 

My previous research on vaccination revealed many cases of sudden death from 
heart failure after vaccinations. As stated many times before, all vaccines are 
poison and when they are shot directly into the bloodstream they circulate 
throughout the body including the heart, in a matter of seconds, and continue to 
circulate and cause corrosion and malfunction of all the delicate tissues of the 
body. The heart valves are made of fragile membrane which is affected by the 
poisons, in such a way as to render it incapable of proper functioning, leading to 
heart failure. At the same time, all other vital organs are impaired by the same 

Most doctors and coroners try to deny the obvious when protecting a favorite 
money making racket like vaccination. For instance, the Los Angeles County 
Coroner, Thomas Noguchi performed autopsies on people who had died within 
48 hours after being inoculated with swine flu vaccine. His statement, published 
in Los Angeles Times, Nov. 2, 1976, savored of both whitewash and sales 
propaganda when he said: "We do not believe the vaccine had anything to do 
with their deaths...Heart disease of various types was the cause of death in each 
case The patient with heart disease is clearly at risk of getting flu if he or she is 
not protected. Therefore, under guidance of their physician, it is advisable for 
such high risk persons to get their shots." 

If we all followed his advice and got poisoned with the vaccines we would all be 

dead from vaccine induced heart failure or some other disease of blood 


In a KABC radio interview, recently, Edgar Berman, M.D., consultant on 
medical affairs to the White House and associate professor at Johns Hopkins 
School of Medicine made some startling statements, a few of which are as 

"At least some 200,000 M.D.’s practicing medicine today are guilty of 
incompetence...I estimate at least 10% of these are actually fraudulent and 
corrupt...And an unfortunately small percentage—certainly less than 15%—are 
intelligent, hardworking, compassionate, and moral. 

The scramble for the dollar shows up in statistics. Approximately 1,500,000 
(unnecessary) tonsillectomies a year Some 14,000 to 16,000 persons die each 
year because of the 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 unnecessary operations performed, 
and God knows how many hundreds of thousands have complications. 

"Over the past 50 years doctors have been implicated in producing more 
infections, crippling and suffering than all the accidents caused by the 
combustion engine plus every illness foisted on the laborer by industry, from 
black lung to radiation poisoning. 

"Studies at Cornell and Yale have shown that 1,250,000 hospitalizations a year 
are caused by prescribed drugs. And once in a hospital, you’re still far from safe. 
Our hospitals, even the best in the land, produce over 5,000,000 cases of disease 
a year." 

Dr. Berman wrote a book titled, THE SOLID GOLD STETHOSCOPE. It’s a 
shocker. It "gives the lowdown on the high-ups" in the medical field and has the 
authenticity of a man—a medical doctor—who knows the story from the inside 
—the seamy side. It’s not only informative, it’s a million laughs. 

There is so much bungling, guesswork, faulty diagnosis and coverup, both inside 
and outside of the hospitals, that the doctors conceal their manslaughter cases by 
calling them "Accidents." There are so many doctor caused diseases that they 

have given them a name, "iatrogenic." It means doctor-caused diseases. People 
think they go to the hospitals to get well—to be healed, but instead, millions of 
them are made sicker by the treatments, and even killed by the poison drugs, 
operations and experiments. Most, maybe all, of the hospitals have a separate 
section set aside for their "iatrogenic diseases." Why are they kept separate? It is 
probably because the doctors don’t want the visitors to see what they have done 
to them, and also to use them for experimentation. They justify this by claiming 
they must experiment to find a cure for the diseases they have caused. But they 
use the same deadly drugs and treatments that caused the diseases in the first 

The famous Dr. Charles Mayo, in a radio broadcast a number of years ago was 
honest enough to admit that with all their latest equipment and medical training 
at the Mayo Clinic, they are able to get only 20% of their diagnoses and 
treatments right. The autopsies on the dead bodies showed them what they did 

An article in Dr. Shelton’s Hygienic Review (Dec. 76) quotes some interesting 
statements from a group of 18 internationally known scientists. The Chicago 
Tribune (Dec. 22/76) also carried the article by Ronald Kotulak. Here are a few 
of their remarks: 

The shocking conclusion is that drugs are so widely misused that only 10% of 
the medications taken in the industrialized world are for disease related 

"They point out that there is no such thing as a safe chemical, a fact that doctors 
tend to forget and that most people do not know...Doctors frequently prescribe 
dmgs even though they know little about them, and the people eagerly take 
them. The price which the patients pay in terms of adverse side effects are 

"Studies in America and England have revealed that, out of every 20 hospital 
patients, one is admitted because of the harm done by drugs. 

"Once in the hospital the risk increases. Up to 18% of the patients suffer from 
bad side effects caused by medications prescribed in the hospitals. 

"The annual cost of treating this unnecessary and preventable abuse of 
medications is close to $3 billion,’ said this international Commission of Internal 
Pollution—a staggering waste of money and health. 

"Who is to blame for our medicinal extravaganza? The responsibility must be 
shared by the drug industry, the government agencies that oversee them, the 
doctors and those who take the drugs. 

"Another breakdown occurs when it comes to test new drugs on people. A spot 
check conducted by the Food and Drug Administration in 1973 disclosed that 
20% of the doctors doing these clinical trials were guilty of unethical practices, 
including prescribing wrong doses and falsifying records." 


All chemicals and drugs are inert, foreign substances which act as irritants when 
taken internally. They do not have power to act in the body or cure anything. The 
only reason why they seem to cause some changes which people like to believe 
are curative is that the internal defense system tries to eject this unwanted 
foreign matter, and that sets up a reverse action to remedy the harm done by the 
drugs or chemicals. This taxes the bodily reserves and delays healing. In the case 
of some drugs it makes healing impossible. 

I talked to a young medical student who said that the med. schools were 
dominated by the drug houses which are flooding the market with so many new 
drugs which the students are required to learn that they didn’t have time to study 
anatomy and the things which doctors are supposed to study. No wonder the new 
doctors don’t seem to know anything except how to give drugs, shots and 
whatever the pharmaceutical houses dish up to them. 

The antibody theory collapsed with scientific tests and that leaves the vaccine 
business without a leg to stand on. (See Chapter on Germ Theory.) 


Now that the vaccine racket is being exposed, the vaccine promoters are trying 
to squirm out of it by making confessions or trying to lay the blame on others. 
The day after the scare headlines came out in the papers—"Swine flu can cause 
death"—and "the flu vaccine is safe and will protect you...", etc., a top virologist 
for the CDC (Center for Disease Control) which heads the flu program— 
admitted that the CDC knew the headlines were false." (Enquirer Probe, 

"An official working with the CDC—Dr. Elmer Spurner, director of laboratories 
for the Missouri Division of Health, admitted, ‘Our tests were not meant to 
confirm that there was a swine flu outbreak. I don’t know how that got into 
newspaper stories.’ "He knows. 

He and the other promoters did not issue any denials when the headlines across 
the country read: "Swine Flu Case is Confirmed," and "Flu Vaccine Rushed to 
Missouri in Crisis." (Ibid) 

After the many deaths, heart attacks, paralysis and other cases of vaccine 
poisoning began to mount, some of the promoters were asked to justify their 
widely advertised claims that the vaccine "would protect 85% to 90% of those 
vaccinated"...and that the side effects would be few and "inconsequential." One 
of the favorite tricks of the guilty was to lay the blame on others. As an example, 
Dr. John Seal of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said: 

"The public should be much more careful in interpreting what we mean when we 
make such statements." (Ibid) What did he mean? 

Another man on the advisory committee admitted: 

We don’t know what the vaccine will do when it faces the virus." Yet, they all 
told the people it was "tested and perfectly safe." 

In other words, they don’t know what they’re doing, but they tell lies to lure 
people into their vaccination centers, and when the deaths and disasters occur, 
the doctors tell us in effect—"It’s your fault for being stupid enough to believe 

"Dr. Ernest C. Harrmann, associate professor of microbiology at Peoria, Ill., 
School of Medicine, believes that "the time has come to ask for resignations of 
all those behind the swine flu vaccine rip off.’ "(Enquirer Probe—12/21/76) 


Not all of our Congressmen are hopeless. Some are actually on our side. 
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is also a doctor and is able to see both sides of 
the swine flu question. Most doctors have tunnel vision and see only one side— 
the side with the dollar mark. 

Congressman Paul, in an interview with the Enquirer (Dec. 21, 76) said: "I am 
outraged by this program. It has been a shocking misuse of funds...and an evil 
political maneuver. There are people whose careers are in question because of 
this program. And I predict these blatant advertising efforts to panic the people 
into taking swine flu shots will fail. 

"I think Congress has wasted more than one hundred million dollars. The swine 
flu program should be brought back to Congress and discontinued at once. The 
program should be stopped, and those who were responsible should be held 
morally accountable to the American public." 

Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia, also a medical doctor, said: "I think 
the swine flu program is a tailor made hoax that finds its roots in frightening the 
American people...I believe that a full investigation of those in charge should be 
launched...and if it turns out to be a dishonest promotion, everyone responsible 
should be removed from their jobs." 

It’s heartening to find that all our Congressmen are not corrupt. But where were 
they, the good ones, when the vote was being taken to endorse and finance this 
mass poisoning program? 


Removing the guilty from their jobs is not enough. A punishment should be 
imposed on them which they will feel, and that would be to take away all their 

money—that’s their real love, obviously. If we gathered up all the bribes they 
have taken from their outside clients, plus all the other millions they have 
rounded up by using their governmental influence it, would amount to a billion 
dollars or more—perhaps. With this backlog of funds we could establish some 
good non-medical schools which would teach the people what to do to take care 
of their own ailments—even how to avoid all illness. That is possible because 
many are now living the health life and have no ailments whatsoever. These 
schools should be kept free from medical domination and political strings. 

Health doctors with the right kind of non-medical training get at least 90% more 
successful "cures" than do the medical doctors with drugs. This project should be 
carefully supervised to make sure that a lot of pseudo schools do not spring up 
parading under the guise of the authentic, well trained schools of natural healing. 
The present day medical doctors are 30 years behind the well trained health 
doctors. Medicine is on its way out. It is a failure method which leads the people 


When our President and Health Departments joined bands with our mortal 
enemies—the poison pushers (vaccine promoters), and failed to warn the people 
against hazards of the oncoming poison raid, the people were left unprotected, 
with no use of the mass media (TV, radio, press etc.) and no help from City 
Councils, Mayors, Congressmen, County Supervisors, or police, because all our 
paid protectors had given their allegiance to the public poisoners. When the 
vaccine was causing death and disaster soon after the campaign was launched a 
and the trusting unwarned, people were walking blindly into the vaccination 
centers, the few "do-gooders" who knew what was going on tried to reach as 
many as possible with WARNING leaflets and meetings. But that was not 
reaching enough people. It is a helpless feeling to see all our tax supported 
public officials working against the people and supporting a killer racket. 

A few tried to go through legal channels with law suits against our derelict 
president and the heads of thE vaccine campaign. But that is a slow and 
expensive procedure, and besides, these hard working "do-gooders’ were not 
making any money at their self appointed task of warning the people of the 
deadly hazards of the vaccines. 

Three suits were filed from California. One suit which is progressing well was 
filed by Lewis E. Cook Jr. of San Diego, Calif. He charges that the inserts that 
appear in the vaccine packages produced by Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Wyeth, 
and Parke-Davis (firms making the swine flu vaccine) do not state the vaccine 
"might be in any way effective in preventing influenza..." which is supposed to 
be its purpose and its only justification... 

"The claims that influenza vaccine will or can prevent influenza cannot be made 
legitimately since there is no evidence anywhere in the world which would 
suggest that influenza vaccines have ever prevented even one case influenza. 

"The data indicates that the entire mass immunization program is fraught with 
unknowns, suppositions, speculations, assumptions and little or practical and 
sound scientific validity—conceived and implemented in a most amateurish, 
haphazard and irresponsible manner, which poses a threat to the health lives of 
the American public... 

"Antibodies (supposedly) produced by the injection of the inactivated and 
disrupted whole virion and subvirion flu vaccines manufactured for swine flu 
cannot be shown to be effective in preventing swine flu...The whole mass 
immunization program is fraught with dangers and risks without sound scientific 
data. The immediate, short, and long term adverse effects of the vaccines could 
not have been adequately determined during the brief period of only 3 or 4 
months during which experiments on a few humans were conducted prior to 
publication" (of drug inserts). 

It usually takes the drug companies several years to test vaccines before trying 
them out on people. 

The third suit was filed by Ida Honorof representing People Against Political 
Inoculations, and of The National Health Federation. They joined forces to file 
suit in the U.S. District Court to stop the misuse of public funds for a vaccination 
campaign that has not been proven safe or effective. They assert that the mass 
inoculation program violated the U.S. Constitution—First Amendment. They 
request that the whole program be discontinued "unless and until grave doubts 
and hazards associated this massive vaccine program are disclosed and fully 

known to the public." Honorof contends that the swine immunization program 
has been "a series of lies, deceptions and errors of judgment. We’re asking Ford, 
and Education and Welfare (HEW) that they terminate the program at once. The 
greatest danger is not flu but vaccine itself." (Published in VANGUARD, Sept. 


The A.M.A. was found guilty in a U.S. Court of Law for violating the Antitmst 
act a number of years ago. Dr. Morris Fishbine, President of the AMA, at that 
time, was sentenced to a prison term and the AMA was fined and admonished to 
cease and desist from their illegal activities. Fishbine didn’t serve his prison term 
and the fine was not heavy enough to worry the association so they have 
continued to operate in violation to the law ever since then. Therefore, they are 
an "outlaw gang." 


On Oct. 12, 1976 an antitrust suit was filed in Chicago, U.S. District Court, 
against the American Medical Association. This suit was filed by a group of 
Chiropractors who have proof that the AMA has, for years, boycotted, libeled, 
and tried to destroy and eliminate the whole chiropractic profession. Details in 
an article in SPEARS HOSPITAL NEWS, (Denver, Dec; 1976). 

The AMA has not only carried on a continuous fight against Chiropractors, but 
all drugless fields of healing, most, if not all of which have safer and more 
successful methods of healing. Some of the drugless methods are not as good as 
others but, at least, they don’t use poison drugs and knives, so they cannot do the 
harm that medical methods do. 

The medical profession has no safe and sure cure for any disease. I know 
because I have worked with medical doctors. They hired me for what I knew that 
they didn’t know. But, in spite of their lack of ability to cure anything, they used 
dictatorial powers to put out of business and into prisons many drugless doctors 
who could "cure" what they couldn’t cure. 

I know several highly successful health doctors who were practicing under 

Chiropractic licenses, but were sent to prison for "practicing medicine without a 
medical license." This was in a state where the medical dictatorship held sway, 
and they would not allow any other school of healing to practice there, although 
the drugless doctors achieved better results than they did. 

Medical doctors call all other healers "quacks." A quack is one who claims to be 
able to cure diseases, and takes money for it, and does not "cure" the patients. 
Doesn’t this description of "quack" fit practically all the medical doctors? They 
can’t cure cancer; they can’t cure arthritis; they can’t cure colds or anything, but 
they treat the patients and take their money. 

The better drugless doctors have "cured" all these diseases without drugs. 

When President Ford rolled up his sleeve and had a shot for advertising 
purposes, he was making it clear that the government endorsed the vaccine 
program and he wanted all the people to follow his example and be vaccinated. 
When a person tells others to take a certain medication he is prescribing 
medicine. Technically speaking, Ford was practicing medicine without a license. 
The AMA likes to put people in prison for practicing medicine without a license. 
The medical associations usually pick on their business rivals, the drugless 
doctors. Will they put Ford in Prison for committing the same crime they have 
convicted others for? Or, is there one law for those who oppose the harmful 
medical methods and another law for those who help promote medical crimes? 


The haphazard and slipshod methods used by the vaccine makers has produced 
vaccines that have killed and paralyzed hundreds of people already, and no one 
seems to be supervising them. There are no safeguards, no tests and no proof of 
safety and effectiveness required of the vaccine makers except what they, the 
manufacturers, set for themselves. 

The Los Angeles Herald Examiner (June, 3/76) published an AP report stating 
that the experimental "vaccine ready for testing on elderly and high risk cases 
was found to be defective. As a result, the program would be delayed 6 weeks. 
The Public Health Service said that 2,000,000 doses will be held in reserve for 
use if the correct vaccine is in short supply." 

They admit it is a bad batch—too dangerous to use—and it is condemned, yet 
they didn’t destroy it as they should have done. They intend to use it anyway—if 
they can get away with it—who would know the difference, (seems to be their 
attitude) as long as they can sell it and make money. 

Who will know which of the unlucky people will get the bad vaccine? The 
vaccinators are not going to tell. Were all those 113 people who died a few hours 
after the shots given some of the condemned vaccine? Or was it approved 
vaccine? They’re just as dead with one or the other, as all vaccines are poison— 
they are purposely designed to cause illness. 

The bad batch was not discovered by government inspectors or by the lab 
technicians making the vaccine, but by another doctor not assigned to that task. 
We wonder who is supervising the supervisors. Is there another "outsider" 
sleuthing in all the laboratories which make the vaccine, looking for mistakes 
that pass as safe vaccine? We think not, as there have been too many casualties 
for that possibility. 

Mistakes are also being made in other laboratories making different vaccines. 
This has been going on for years. Back in the days when the polio vaccine was 
being high pressured on the public, the same Dr. Anthony Morris who is trying 
to warn us against the dangers of the swine flu vaccine, was doing the same then. 
He found that some of the polio vaccines were contaminated with SV 40, a virus 
known to cause cancer in monkeys and hamsters. 

It’s frightening to think that all this uncertainty, careless, unscientific guesswork 
with its deadly hazards passes for safe and scientific vaccination, approved by 
the government, the schools, the medical boards, the press and then passed on 
the people as something that they must not question or criticize. 

The only way to be safe from these blood poisoning, money making vaccine 
campaigns is to refuse all shots. Prevention is better than cure; and much can be 
learned by reading good health books written by qualified health researchers. A 
few are listed in the bibliography. Don’t be fooled by medical books with health 
titles. They have misled and mis-taught the schools and the general public, for 
over a century. Medicine is not health. It is a health destroyer. "Preventive" 

medicine should actually "Prevent" medicines and drugs, and then it would be 
doing some good. 

People are often fooled by, SO called "scientific findings" which are not 
scientific at all, but are manipulated by schemers, and then bought and paid for 
to be used as propaganda. The following is from an article in the Los Angeles 
times (11/26/76). The survey was run by Dr. Ian St. James-Roberts of London. 
(See page 42) 


"Many scientists may be faking their findings, according to a report published 
Thursday in New Scientist magazine. 

"The magazine asked scientists in a questionnaire whether they knew of cases of 
‘intentional bias’—faking results to make experiments appear well conceived 
and important. 

"90% of 200 replies reported knowledge of such cases. 

"University scientists proved the worst offenders. Most cheaters were discovered 
by other scientists trying to duplicate the experiments. But those who replied 
said the gains from such frauds were often nothing, but in a few cases resulted in 

"Some scientists implied that dmg companies encouraged them to cheat by being 
obsessed with getting positive results, for one forensic scientist said it was not 
unusual for the police to indicate the sort of forensic (legal procedure) evidence 
they would prefer." 

We wonder what pressures, bribes or other inducements were offered the, so 
called, scientists to say that the swine flu vaccine was properly tested and safe. 
Dr. Wecht said people should have been warned that the vaccine could trigger 
heart attacks, "but this wasn’t done." 

Many people who saw through the fraud from the start tried to get warnings in 
the papers and on T.V. and other channels of communication, but the media 
turned a deaf ear. 


In the planning stage, the vaccine promoters expected to round up a few cases of 
flu and stampede the whole world into the vaccination centers like they did for 
the 1918 flu epidemic. That would be a multibillion dollar profit, like their 
lucrative polio vaccine drive. But the world didn’t take the bate this time, and 
most of the Americans didn’t either. So the promoters thought they would have a 
ready market with the swine raisers because they had named the vaccine "swine" 
flu vaccine. They tried to sell 80,000,000 doses of the vaccine to the swine 
raisers, but they saw through the fraud and turned it down without hesitation, not 
that hogs don’t have ailments sometimes—they do when they are fed wrong and 
medicated. But the hog raisers had learned through bitter experience that shots, 
in previous years, had disastrous effects on their herds and they lost hogs and 
money from it. 

If the hog farmers had enough common sense to refuse the poison shots for their 
hogs, why couldn’t our high priced President and Congress use some of that 
common sense and do the same? Aren’t our leaders as interested in Protecting us 
from the commercial poisons as the farmers are in protecting their pigs? 

When the opportunists see a weak president on the "throne" they plan to "use 
him". When they staged massive polio vaccine drive in the 1950’s they worked 
on the smiling, affable President Eisenhower and got $9,000,000 to start with, 
then kept twisting his arm until they wrenched $63,000,000 from him (the 
taxpayers) to support their killer vaccine campaign. 

President Franklin Roosevelt was another "touch." He even let them use him and 
his infirmity to advertise and sell their polio vaccine. 

The same drug houses and vaccine promoters got $100,000,000 from Nixon. 
After the polio vaccine drive was over the promoters bragged that they had raked 
in $5 billion dollars over the several years they kept polio vaccine sales going. 


We need strong, intelligent leaders. Where are they now when we need them? 

President Coolidge set a good example. When the Jones-Parker Bill and the 
Randall Bill (bills to set up a medical dictatorship within the government, raising 
the head potentate to the official status and salary of the Surgeon General of the 
Army) were rushed through Congress in 1928, and were brought before 
President Calvin Coolidge, he was unmoved by the high pressure medical 
lobbying. He looked at the bills and stopped them with a Presidential veto. He 
gave as his reason for this action: 

"These bills give a military status to men supposed to be engaged in scientific 

The plot of medical establishments to set up a medical dictatorship in U.S. goes 
way back to the Founding Fathers when they were framing the U.S. 

Constitution. There were quite a number of medical doctors in Congress at that 
time trying to high pressure a constitutional decree to set up a medical 
dictatorship. But the wise opposition won. Dr. Benjamin Rush and Dr. Josiah 
Bartlett were the opposing forces. They convinced Congress that one branch of 
healing in control would be as bad as one religious sect dominating all the 
others. That’s exactly what we were fighting against. 

George Washington was also a strong President. Even that long ago in 1775 he 
knew more than our present day doctors do about the harmful effects of 
vaccination. He issued an order that no man in the Continental Army was to be 
inoculated. Any enlisted man or officer who submitted to that blood 
contaminating practice would be dishonorably discharged. He had seen the 
devastation of smallpox caused by the practice of arm-to-arm inoculation which 
was introduced from Europe. Edward Jenner and his cow pox abomination did 
not begin until 1791—16 years later. Both methods caused widespread disease, 
disability and death until compulsory vaccination was abolished all over the 
world except in about three backward countries and the U.S. armed services. 
These are the places which still have outbreaks of the same diseases they 
vaccinate against. And the diseases are in the vaccinated. 

George Washington had enough problems without a lot of vaccine induced 
disease. Vaccination and inoculation was practiced by the unenlightened as far 
back as 1,500 years B.C. (See the chapter on HISTORY OF VACCINATION). 

What is wrong with our leaders of today. Are their heads turned by bribes or 
can’t they tell the difference between false propaganda and facts. They are being 
paid by us to do some home work and investigate before putting our lives and 
our money on the line. 

The following poem sounds a clarion call: 


"God give us men! A time like this demands 
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands 
Men whom the lust of office does not kill; 

Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; 

Men who possess opinions and a will; 

Men who have honor; men who will not lie; 

Men who can stand before a demagogue and damn his 
treacherous flatteries without winking. 

Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog 
In public duty and in private thinking; 

For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds 
Their loud professions and their little deeds, 

Mingle in selfish strife, Lo, Freedom weeps, 

Wrong rules the world, and waiting Justice sleeps. 

—Josiah Gilbert Holland 


1) First of all, Ford, Congress and the other leaders paid to look after our 
interests and safety, should have required a guarantee that the vaccine was safe— 
not deadly. The propaganda of the sales crew said it was safe, but they gave no 
proof and no guarantee. The sales crew are not authorities; so Ford should have 
demanded a money back guarantee from the pharmaceutical houses making the 
vaccine. There should have been written proof of safety and effectiveness before 
the $135,000,000 was paid. But, the drug houses could not give any proof of 
safety because they knew it was not safe. Their lab. tests and field tests proved it 
killed test animals and people. This was not made public. 

A number of years ago when the diphtheria toxin-anti-toxin was being promoted, 
some suspicious people went to the laboratory making the vaccine, and asked for 
a written guarantee. The lab. refused to give any statement of safety, and 
admitted that "all vaccines are unstable and unpredictable in their effects, and 
could never be declared safe." 

If Ford and the rest of the government had taken care of that necessary bit of 
business (making a careful check) before transacting the questionable 
$135,000,000 deal, then the flu vaccine would have been rejected and the 
taxpayers would not have been swindled out of the $135 million. Besides that, 
all those people who were killed by the vaccine would still be alive and happy 

2) The promoters said that the vaccine would prevent flu. It didn’t; it caused it. 

3) They said the flu was contagious and the vaccine would protect people. Flu is 
not contagious. It is caused by the blood poisoning effects of the vaccine itself as 
well as other kinds of body contamination. Viruses and germs cannot cause 
disease. (See the chapter on WHY GERMS CANNOT CAUSE DISEASE.) 

4) The vaccine promoters said the blood samples from the man who died at Fort 
Dix showed viruses like the blood samples from the 1918 flu epidemic and that 
it could trigger a widespread, deadly epidemic like the previous one. 

This is not true because there are no virus bearing blood samples from the 1918 
flu epidemic. That epidemic was 58 years ago and viruses were unknown then. 
The first swine virus was discovered by a U.S. man in 1931. A British science 
team isolated the first virus in man in 1933. But, viruses have never been proved 
to be the cause of disease anyway, although the vaccine makers try to use them 
as a scare tactic, knowing that they are so small that people can’t see them or 
prove one way or another if they have any. One dictionary definition of virus is 
"a morbid poison." A poison is an inert substance. It cannot move about and 
attack people. 

If any blood samples from the 1918 flu epidemic are still on record they would 
be so dried up and changed in structure that they couldn’t prove anything. 
Certainly no germs or viruses would be seen. 

I have examined fresh blood samples under the microscope in college and saw 
how rapidly the blood changed in color and structure as it dried on the plate in 
just a few seconds. A sample 58 years old is a poor excuse for the vaccine 
promoters to try to rely upon for proof. 

Viruses would not have even been mentioned in the medical or lab. reports for 
the 1918 period because they were unheard of. And besides, they couldn’t be 
seen with the kind of microscopes they had then. 

The flu of 1918 was caused by the conglomeration of diseases which the sinister 
variety of vaccines brought on. Practically everyone in the world had been 
propagandized into submitting to all the vaccine that were invented—the surplus 
stock left over from World War I which was the first war in which all the 
vaccines were used. The vaccinated got the flu and the unvaccinated didn’t. I 
was one of the unvaccinated and I didn’t get the flu. I didn’t see an unvaccinated 
person who got the flu. 


to get the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and certain other officials to put 
pressure on David Mathews of Health, Education and Welfare, and other 
promoters of the vaccine to answer some important questions before they 
embarked on the questionable vaccination drive. Mathews was in L.A. to give a 
talk and his mind was already made up to promote the vaccine. Honorof, 
confronted him and presented him with the list of questions, but he didn’t answer 
them and the Supervisors didn’t request him to. 

The questions are as follows: 

1) Can you define any benefits derived from the swine flu vaccine? According to 
the law the benefits must outweigh the risks. (They don’t.) 

2) Will the swine flu vaccine prevent swine flu? (It never has.) 

3) Is it true that if one gets the "shot" will he get an even more severe case of 

flu? (Yes, and death 113 cases.) 

4) Why were Dr. Morris’ test animals in 4 laboratories destroyed? His test results 
would have shown the efficacy or hazards of the vaccine. 

5) Did Health, Education and Welfare submit any testimony before the 
subcommittee on Health and their scheduled hearings, relating 
to possible hazards of the swine flu vaccinations, names of persons submitting 
opposing evidence and how many witnesses were heard that opposed the 

6) Is there any evidence that a high percentage of those who have the shots will 
receive no benefits? 

7) Claim is made that 70% of the people who get vaccinated would be protected. 
Among the unvaccinated 75% would be protected. Explain these contradictions. 

8) Can you give any evidence that a swine flu epidemic exists? (None) 

9) It takes approximately 10 years of testing and research to approve any 
substance, drug or biological which is to be administered into the human body. If 
the same standard applies to vaccines why has not the swine flu vaccine been 
subject to the same tests which the FDA says are necessary before injection into 
human beings? 

10) Even though the Pharmaceutical insert accompanying the flu vaccine 
cautions against "injecting intravenously," isn’t it true that there is no control 
with the jet injector, which explodes the vaccine into the skin with 1,300 pounds 
pressure—into tissue space, tissue cells, directly into the arteries, veins, lymph 
vessels (and right to the heart) thereby producing great destruction, and 
eventually ending up in the blood stream? 

11) Each of the vaccine manufacturers making the swine flu vaccine (Parke- 
Davis, Merrell, Wyeth, Merck) use a mercury derivative as a preservative. The 
danger of (the highly poisonous) mercury injected into the body—or inhaled or 
ingested, etc. is well documented. 

12) Why is the printed form which is presented to persons to sign before getting 
their shots, read "registration," when Public Law 94-390 specifically stipulates 
that it be a "consent" form. This was strenuously objected to by the National 
Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral 
Research, and they asked that said forms be destroyed and not used, since they 
are definitely not "consent" forms, and are gross violation of the act. 

13) What is the detailed definition and description of swine flu? 

14) Is there really a disease called "swine flu"? 

15) Why wouldn’t vaccine manufacturers produce and distribute the vaccine 
without indemnification from all the liability for vaccine-caused sickness, 
disabilities and deaths? 

16) Why did the insurance companies refuse to provide such insurance? 

17) Why were the people and public tax money, made responsible for all 
liabilities and claims resulting from the sickness, disabilities and deaths caused 
by the swine vaccine? 

18) Who benefits from the mass vaccination of 215 million Americans? 

19) Is it really necessary or advisable for everyone to get a swine flu 
vaccination? (No) 

So far, the flu promoters have not answered the questions. 


Up to January 7, 1977 the death count from swine flu vaccine was 113 (people) 
and paralysis was 139. We have reason to believe that this is only a fraction of 
the actual casualties. During the polio vaccine drive in the early 1950’s when the 
shots caused so many deaths and cases of paralysis, Dr. Dale, of the Los Angeles 
Epidemiology Department, said that for every case that was reported there were 
an estimated 15 unreported cases. Many vaccine deaths were recorded as from 
other causes, to conceal the hazards of the vaccine. 

During my 30 years of research and writing I have uncovered facts that prove the 
medical records and death certificates are sometimes deliberately falsified and 
changed to cover up guilt of doctors and lab. technicians. (See the chapter on 

All vaccines are poison, and therefore, cause death and disease. This is a known 
fact, and every vaccination campaign has brought on a large number of disasters. 
Those of us who knew this, tried to warn the people and ward off the vaccine 
drive. But the din of the well financed vaccine juggernaut drowned out our cry, 
and the high pressure advertising scare campaign panicked millions into the 
vaccination centers. We knew death and disease were inevitable—but none were 
announced in the papers at first. 

Therefore, Ida Honorof (head of Citizens Against Political Vaccinations) decided 
to do what the health officials should have done; she went to the L.A. County 
coroner and made a check on the deaths. She found that five people there had 
died within 48 hours after their flu shots. Some were young and didn’t have 
other ailments that could be blamed for their deaths. The vaccine promoters 
including the health departments had intended to cover up the vaccine deaths and 
disasters. But Honorof brought it out in the open. She contacted the National 
Health Federation (a non medical group which tries to protect the people from 
health hazards from medical, commercial and political sources. They called a 
public meeting in Glendale, Calif, where they aired some startling facts about the 
vaccination campaign and the mounting disasters caused by the poison vaccine. 
Some of the relatives of the flu victims were there and gave account of the state 
of health of those who were killed by the vaccine. 

After this expose’ the papers had to announce some of the deaths as it was no 
longer possible to conceal them. The coroner and doctors tried to gloss over it by 
saying that the deaths were all from heart trouble and they would have died 
anyway without the shots. Naturally, the heart stops when a person dies from any 
cause, so heart failure is an "easy out" for the coroner. 

For a few days, deaths were announced in the papers until the count rose to 52. 
Then suddenly the death reports stopped. People got suspicious because the 
vaccinations were continuing and we knew that all vaccines are poison and that 
means that people do die from the shots. 

Honorof did a little more detective work and learned that Dr. Shirley Fannin, 
Chief of Acute Disease Control Center of L.A. had met with the vaccine 
promoters and medical boards to decide what they could do to keep the people 
from finding out how many were being killed by the vaccine. They decided 
among themselves not to count as vaccine casualties those who didn’t die 
suddenly within 48 hours after getting the shots. 

This was a shocker. The idea that these poison promoters who were killing the 
people with wild abandon, had set themselves up to be so high and mighty that 
they could lay down the law as to what hour people could die, and if they 
happened to die 49 hours after the shots they would not be dead from their 
poison vaccine. Dr. Fannis then wrote a letter to the Coroner ordering him to not 
announce the deaths as vaccine casualties unless they died within her 48 hour 
time span. This gives us an idea of the tricky business they have been carrying 
on all through the years, and we didn’t suspect a thing. 

The 48 hour "cut off time" of theirs, cuts out those thousands who died a little 
later. It also cuts out Private David Lewis, the man who died at Fort Dix, New 
Jersey of what the doctors diagnosed as swine flu. He died more than six weeks 
after his vaccinations at camp. He was the one and only case of swine flu the 
doctors have found in the whole world. He was all they had to hang their whole 
nationwide swine flu scare on. And now, their own medical decree that it isn’t 
swine flu unless he dies within 48 hours, knocks out their one and only case. 
Actually, the official diagnosis by military doctors was that Private Lewis died of 
A-Victoria flu (vaccine), not swine flu. 

Now, without one authentic case of swine flu and without any epidemic except 
the epidemic of vaccine poisoning, the vaccine promoters and all the doctors 
who participated in giving or endorsing the shots, as well as the political heads 
who financed it, are all guilty of hundreds of vaccine deaths—murders. What are 
we going to do about it? Are there enough honest and concerned officials to 
prosecute them and make them pay all the damages and then put them out of 


The arrangement was that the $135,000,000 of the people’s money was for 

vaccine doses for all the 215 million people in this country, at 50c a shot. So 
many people were killed and paralyzed by the vaccine that the campaign had to 
be stopped before a riot broke out to kill all the doctors and vaccine promoters— 
and a few others. So only a few in the country were vaccinated. Even if we 
stretch a point and estimate that there were 50,000,000 who had shots, that 
would be only 25,000,000 dollars used out of the $35,000,000. That leaves 
$110,000,000 of our money which they, the promoters, still have. Do those 
doctors and various other crooks intend to pocket the $110 million? It should be 
returned immediately to the treasury and the vaccine promoters billed for the rest 
of the $25,000,000 which they took under false pretenses, because there was no 
epidemic and the vaccine was not safe and all their promises and claims were 


Private David Lewis who died at Fort Dix, supposedly of swine flu, would be 
alive today if the Army had not violated the law by forcing the poison shots on 
the soldiers. Our U.S. Constitution gives us the "right to be secure in our 
persons." Therefore, all enforced vaccination (mass medication) is a violation of 
our legal rights. 

According to Blackstone (the "Bible" of the lawyers): "No laws are binding upon 
the human subject which assault the body or violate the Conscience." 

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that: 

"No right is held more sacred or is more carefully guarded by the common law, 
than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own 
person, free from all restraint or interference of others... 

Judge Cooley stated: "The right of one’s person may be said to be a right of 
complete immunity; to be let alone." 

In the official code book of the U.S. Armed Services titled, UNION CODE OF 
MILITARY JUSTICE, we find that there is no compulsory vaccination law in 
any of the branches of our military services. Therefore, as there is compulsory 

vaccination law in United States or the military establishment, the enforced 
vaccinations on our recruits is against their legal rights. Because vaccines are 
proved to be poisonous and harmful in all cases, the military forces are guilty of 
malpractice and subject to the laws governing that offense. 

One woman I talked to has already sued the Army for $1,000,000 for causing the 
death of her son as a result of shots at camp. In England, so many outraged 
parents sued the government for vaccine damages to their sons in the military 
services, that the government abolished compulsory vaccination in both the 
military and civilian life. (See the chapter on WHAT VACCINATIONS DID TO 


Last Spring (1976) the epidemic makers were in a frantic rush to get President 
Ford to give them the full payment of $135,000,000 immediately, with no 
questions asked, no guarantee of safety and with no swine flu epidemic pending, 
not a case in the world, and they didn’t even have any effective vaccine. 

Why the big rush we wondered. The only obvious answer was that the 
November Presidential election might remove their "pigeon." They knew Ford 
was easy to manipulate and they wanted to "use him" while they had him on a 
string. A new president might take a second look and refuse to support their 
private money making racket. 

Now, the election is over and our new President Carter .is left with the ragged 
ends to clean up, left from Ford’s term. We are wondering how he will handle 
"Ford’s Folly" and if he will investigate the vaccine scandal and require the 
guilty ones to repair their damages and return our money they took under false 

We are hoping that President Carter will not be swayed and dominated by the 
powerful medical and drug lobby. But one blotch on his past record makes us 
wonder. We heard that he let himself be controlled by the fluoride promoters and 
paid them to poison the entire state water system of Georgia. If he is a man for 
the people why didn’t he investigate the other side, not just the false sales 

propaganda? Chemists report that "fluoride compounds rank along with cyanide 
and arsenic in toxicity." Sodium fluoride or hydrofluosilicic acid is the form 
which is used to poison the public water supplies. Most water supplies already 
contain calcium fluoride which is also poisonous, but sodium fluoride is 15 
times more poisonous than calcium fluoride. A few states such as Texas are 
working to filter out all the fluoride even the calcium fluoride because they have 
found by tests that all fluoride is too dangerous for them. 

Sodium fluoride is a cheap byproduct of the aluminum and fertilizer companies. 
About the only thing it is good for is rat poison. But their promotion man 
conceived the idea of selling it to the politicians to dump in the public water 
supplies. Enough City Council members were "on the take" or weak minded 
enough to buy the sales propaganda and consequently quite a number of cities 
and a few states were fluoridated. However, hundreds of them have abandoned 
the program when it was found, after years of use, that the fluoride was not only 
expensive, it was damaging to the health and to the water pipes and all 
equipment that came in contact with the poisoned water. 

Their main selling point is that it (fluoride) prevents cavities in children. This is 
false. Fluorides deteriorate the bony structure of the entire body and make the 
tooth enamel brittle, thus causing more dental trouble in later years. 


TV commercials saying that fluoridated tooth paste has 20 tests proving that said 
tooth paste prevents cavities, should be investigated. Some dental associations 
have been "procured" by the fluoride promoters, and they try to get all the 
dentists under their influence to endorse fluoridation. But those who dare to tell 
the truth say fluoride is damaging to the teeth and the general health. The 
membrane of the mouth is very porous and the poison fluoride in the tooth paste 
enters the blood almost immediately and causes kidney disease and all kinds of 
diseases of body poisoning. (See the chapter on FLUORIDATION.) 


The study of medicine has never been a science. It creates far more illness than 
healing. Recovery occurs in spite of the drug treatment because of the internal 

healing forces within all living organisms which struggle to survive. 

Books on the newer knowledge of "nature cure", teaching the underlying 
fundamentals of health and healing will soon be available to the general public 
and they will read them and be able to follow the rules and avoid disease. Those 
who are already ill will be able to "cure" their ailments better than the 
established medical methods. This will make medicine obsolete—out of date and 

In closing this chapter I should like to state that all medical men are not guilty of 
the crimes exposed in this booklet. A few doctors are sincere in their efforts to 
help their patients. Their weakness is that they are badly trained and dominated 
by an organization which leads them away from their avowed purpose. There is 
hope for those who want to learn better ways and help the sick get well. If they 
don’t try to catch up with the modern "health doctors" and "natural methods" of 
healing, their patients will outstrip them in knowledge and ability and leave them 
trailing in the dust. 


The swine flu vaccine campaign was such an obvious fraud, with no epidemic, 
not even one authentic case of swine flu anywhere in the world, it makes us 
wonder about the sanity of the promoters. If they really wanted to combat a 
growing health disaster why don’t they work against something that is killing 
millions, such as SMOKING? Tobacco and its smoke contains over 30 poisons, 
three of which are cancer causing. Over 300.000 people in the United States 
alone, die from the effects of poisons in tobacco. The great number of cases of 
tobacco heart, lung cancer, Burgher’s disease (gangrene of the feet caused by 
smoking), and many other diseases of tobacco poisoning, make smoking the 
number one killer of today. Smoking kills more in one year than were killed in 
all our wars from the American Revolution on down to the late Vietnam war, and 
hardly anyone is trying to stop it. Our government subsidizes the killer tobacco 
industry because it brings in around $8 billion in revenue. But the damages and 
disasters caused by smoking (fires, death, disease, etc.) cost this country over 
$24,000,000,000 (billion) every year. 

Ford and our government gave $135 million to support a fake swine flu 

epidemic which killed and paralyzed hundreds (maybe thousands if we had the 
"undoctored" records), so why not bring that money back from the medical 
swindlers and put it into a campaign to get rid of the real killer of men, women 
and even children. Many children die of tobacco heart because they have to 
breathe the poison fumes from their smoking parents; also, they learn to smoke 
early because they see it all the time and think it is all right because their parents 
smoke. (Read my book, ANSWERS FOR THE WORRIED SMOKER, which 
tells how to quit without the "cold turkey" method, which is harmful and not too 
effective. Write to E. McBean, Box 55278—L.A., Calif. $5.00, postage and tax 
paid. Deluxe edition.) 

More Swine Flu Boondoggle: 
Bureau Chief Got Wrong Shot 

In its public relations blitz to promote the Swine flu moss vac* 
cination program, the Department of Health, Education and Wel¬ 
fare has been circulating a photograph of Hank Meyer, chief of 
the Bureau of Biologies, bravely baring his arm to receive a flu 
shot from Dr. Ted Cooper, assistant secretary for health. 

Cooper fires first flu shot against the Swine holocaust, the 
caption says. 

But now with the Swine flu program under widespread attack 
as a vaccine manufacturers' boondoggle, a piquant fact has 
emerged: Cooper gave Meyer the wrong shot! 

Meyer was photographed receiving one^Jf the two million doses 
of a vaccine Parke Davis hod erroneously created from a 1931 
strain grown in pigs. The goof occurred when Parke Davis scientists 
found in their labs a virus strain marked A-Swine-1976-31. "1976," 
regrettably, was the pig number. "31" was the year the virus had 
been isolated. Meyer, trying to defend the two million wrong doses, 
unwittingly said in a congressional hearing that he had had a 
good antibody response to his flu injection. If Meyer's body was 
prepared to fend off any Swine invader - even a 1931 variant — 
why oil this brouhaha about the hundreds of millions of dollars 
needed to produce a new strain? 


Some people are wondering if Chicago ‘s famous Mayor Daily also got a wrong 
dose of the flu and suddenly died, the same as hundreds of others within hours 
after their flu shots. 

If anyone knows for sure if Mayor Daily had a swine flu shot, please write and 
give me the such as time, place, who gave the shot, etc. 

Thank you. 

Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

CHAPTER 2: The Spanish Influenza Epidemic 
of 1918 was Caused by Vaccinations 

As has been stated before, all medical and non-medical authorities on 
vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of the diseases 
they are supposed to prevent. But they also know and admit that there is no way 
whatsoever to predict whether the case will be mild or severe—even deadly. 
With this much uncertainty in dealing with the very lives of people, it is very 
unscientific and extremely dangerous to use such a questionable procedure as 

Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they are 
given. For instance, smallpox vaccine often causes syphilis, paralysis, leprosy, 
and cancer. (See the chapters on smallpox and plagues.) Polio shots, diphtheria 
toxin-antitoxin, typhoid vaccine, as well as measles, tetanus and all other shots 
often cause various other stages of disease such as post-vaccinal encephalitis 
(inflammation of the brain,) paralysis, spinal meningitis, blindness, cancer 
(sometimes within two years), tuberculosis, (two to twenty years after the shot,) 
arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease (heart failure sometimes within minutes 
after the shot and sometimes several hours later.) Nerve damage and many other 
serious conditions also follow the injections. 

When several shots are given (different vaccines) within a few days or a few 
weeks apart, they often trigger intensified cases of all the diseases at once, 
because the body cannot handle such a large amount of deadly poison being 
injected directly into the bloodstream. The doctors call it a new disease and 
proceed to suppress the symptoms. When poison is taken by the mouth, the 
internal defense system has a chance to quickly eject some of it by vomiting, but 
when the poisons are shot directly into the body, bypassing all the natural 
safeguards, these dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire 
body in a matter of seconds and keep on circulating until all the cells are 

I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. 
This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They 
sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not 

only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines, but it 
stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct 
result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was 
only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage 
that all these shots did to the men. (See the chapter on What Vaccinations Did to 
Our Soldiers.) 

The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable 
to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, 
they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the 
largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify 
it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming 
home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must 
have all the shots on the market. 

The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their 
doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t 
know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell 
them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by 
these drug induced diseases. Many were insane from post-vaccinal encephalitis, 
but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left American 

The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the 
doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many 
different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the 
diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever, extreme 
weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. 
The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore 
throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of 
difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body 
turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the 
suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines 
cause their own reactions—paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc. 

When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger 
vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But 

when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that 
one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What 
should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was—their 
own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and 
suppressive medicines. They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, 
so they called it Spanish Influenza. 

It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the 
implication that the worldwide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. 
But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not 
suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation—the 1918 Flu Epidemic. 

It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts and 
laying the blame where it belongs. Some of the soldiers may have been in Spain 
before coming home, but their diseases originated in their own home based U.S. 
Army Camps. Our medical men still use that same dodge. When their own 
vaccines (required for travel) cause vaccine diseases abroad they use this as 
grounds for a scare campaign to stampede people into the vaccination centers. 

Do you remember the Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the London Flu 
scares? These were all medically-made epidemics mixed with the usual common 
colds which people have every year. 

Now (1976) we are being worked on again by the vaccine-epidemic makers in 
their effort to force another multi million dollar vaccine sale caper. Their con 
men have already talked President Ford into handing over $135 million dollars 
to start their vaccine racket. Even the insurance companies refused to become 
involved with such an obviously dangerous and crooked scheme. So, again the 
medical and drug con men induced the appropriate government officials to 
guarantee insurance against the, possible billions of dollars in law suits which 
could be brought against the vaccine promoters if the vaccine campaign is 
carried out as planned. It’s a good thing Ford was voted out of office. It’s too bad 
he wasn’t "dumped" before he paid the poison squad the MONEY’ to poison the 
whole population. However, we don’t yet know if President Carter will be any 
better. Will he be held in the grip of the medical and drug dictatorship? Or will 
he investigate—learn the truth—reverse the decisions and make the vaccine 
makers return the money taken from the taxpayers under false pretenses? 

The statement of the swine flu vaccine promoters to the effect that the vaccine is 

harmless, is false, and the statement that it will protect against flu is false. Fifty- 
six people died after the shots, some within 48 hours. There is confusion and 
disagreement among the doctors about all aspects of the vaccine, from the safety 
and effectiveness to the necessity for it, who should have it and who should be 
warned against it. 

Their scare-head campaign cry is that the swine flu is like the 1918 flu which 
killed 20,000,000 people. They don’t have any usable and provable blood 
samples from the 1918 flu epidemic to prove it. That was 58 years ago, and the 
doctors were just as confused and inefficient then as now. However, one thing is 
certain—the 1918 Spanish Influenza was a vaccine-induced disease caused by 
extreme body poisoning from the conglomeration of many different vaccines. 
The soldiers at Fort Dix who were said to have had Swine Flu had been injected 
with a large variety of vaccines like the vaccines which caused the 1918 flu 
epidemic. The flu epidemic at Fort Dix was in no way related to swine. There 
were no swine at camp (unless we want to sarcastically call the vaccine 
promoters who caused the diseases—"swine.") 

To add to the confusion, the doctors tell the people that there are a lot of various 
kinds of flu; the one which the soldiers at Fort Dix had was A-Victoria flu, there 
are other strains of flu virus, and also, that the swine flu vaccine which so many 
people have taken already will not protect them against the many other types of 
flu. This will be used as an "out" in case of law suits later on when more 
casualties begin to show up. The doctors will say that the vaccine failed because 
it was the wrong kind of flu for the vaccine. Of course, no one can prove it one 
way or the other because viruses are illusive, invisible organisms which are 
unstable and unpredictable. One dictionary definition of virus is "a morbid 
poison." The vaccines injected into the body are poison and cause the typical 
poison reactions. Virus (poison) does not fly around and attack people. 

Therefore, there will be no swine flu epidemic unless the vaccine promoters 
make one like they did in the 1918 flu epidemic. It will not kill 20,000,000 
people unless the people submit to the disease producing shots. There are also, 
other causes of disease besides vaccines, such as bad food, which has been 
devitalized and contaminated with poison preservatives and artificial drug 
concoctions. There are many more causes of disease but no diseases are 
contagious(See the chapter on the germ theory). 

Vaccine drives come and go as often as the vaccine promoters can cook up the 
slightest pretense of a reason. Back inl957 they were trying to stir up a 
vaccination campaign for what they decided to call Asiatic flu. An editorial in 
the Herald and Express for August 29, 1957 was captioned, "Fear of Flu 
Propaganda." Part of the piece is as follows: 

"What a tempest in a teapot has been blown up over the probability that this 
country will experience an epidemic of the Asiatic flu in the fall and winter 
months ahead. 

"Even the United States Department of Health is stooge for the panic—and has 
issued statements which are frightening the public, rather than reassuring them 
by pointing out that this epidemic, while widespread, gives no indication of 
being any more dangerous than our usual flood of influenza-like colds when 
winter comes on. 

"Those who read between the lines even wonder whether the whole thing might 
not be a bit of super salesmanship on the part of those who are making and 
selling the vaccines which are being prepared..." 


All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish 
Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. 
Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The disease had 
the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, 
smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with 
immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been 
injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases—or toxic serums. When all 
those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic. 

That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more 
poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. 
As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused 
the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we 

remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, 
Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without 
causing disease. 

When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the schools, 
businesses—even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too 
and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. 
We seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the flu; so my parents went 
from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was 
impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or 
bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents 
when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t 
get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us children and cause 
anything. None of our family had the flu—not even a sniffle—and it was in the 
winter with deep snow on the ground. 

When I see people cringe when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I wonder 
how long it will take them to find out that they can’t catch it—whatever it is. The 
only way they can get a disease is to develop it themselves by wrong eating, 
drinking, smoking or doing some other things which cause internal poisoning 
and lowered vitality. All diseases are preventable and most of them are curable 
with the right methods, not known to medical doctors, and not all drugless 
doctors know them either. 

It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout 
the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly 
treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is nevertheless true, 
judging by the success of the drugless doctors in comparison with that of the 
medical doctors. 

While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their flu cases, 
the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and 
MACFADDEN’S HEALTH RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings 
with their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple 
healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of natural foods. One 
health doctor didn’t lose a patient in eight years. The very successful health 
treatment of one of those drugless doctors who didn’t lose any patients will be 

given in the other part of this book, titled VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be 
published a little later. 

If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors, there would 
not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu treatment. 

There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among 
the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated 
against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in 1912 told me that the 
army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and he wondered why 
grown men should have an infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a 
common after effect of vaccine poisoning. Those at home didn’t get the paralysis 
until after the worldwide vaccination campaign in 1918. 

CHAPTER 3: Anti-Typhoid Vaccine Causes a 
Worse Disease Which the Doctors Name 

Our American medical boast has been that anti-typhoid vaccine wiped out 
typhoid fever in the Army. When this claim was made public, the people in 
general accepted it without question. But those who were not satisfied without 
some facts or evidence of truth, decided to look up the Army records of that 
period, and found that just the opposite was the case. 

In comparing records before and after the enforcement of Army vaccination in 
1911, we find that the highest typhoid death rate prior to that time was during the 
Spanish American War in 1898-1899. This infamous war of aggression was 
fought in the tropics of Cuba where the heat and other unhealthful conditions 
were conducive to the development of typhoid as well as many other diseases. 
There was no refrigeration, so the food spoiled, except that which was loaded 
with poison preservatives including formaldehyde, nitrates, salt, salt-peter, etc. 
Decomposed protein and other poisons are the cause of ptomaine poisoning and 
other diseases of intestinal putrefaction, such as typhoid fever, typhus, yellow 
fever, malaria, cholera, etc. These diseases are not caused by germs, bites of 
insects, rats or any of the other things which doctors like to blame. There was no 
sewer system or sanitation measures, and the heavy rains, slime, mud, and 
noxious fumes in the swamps the soldiers had to wade in day-after-day, were 
ideal breeding grounds for fever diseases. 

The men drank from polluted streams and were fed vermin-infested rancid 
foods. Therefore it was not surprising that their bodies’ internal safeguards were 
worked to the breaking point in an effort to eliminate all this contamination. So- 
called disease is nothing but a remedial effort of the body to get rid of poisons, 
blockages, and conditions which interfere with normal functioning. These 
healing efforts of the body manifest in such ways as sweating (fever—to force 
impurities out through the skin, which is one of the channels of elimination), 
diarrhea (bowel cleansing when a rush job is needed to get rid of drastic 
poisons), vomiting, coughing and sneezing (to unload toxic waste from stomach, 
lungs, nose, throat, etc. Lack of appetite suggests to the patient that he refrain 

from taking in more food (fasting). Weakness forces the patient to rest. All of 
these processes are essential to healing. 

The stricken soldiers would probably all have recovered if they had avoided 
doctors and their poison medication and suppressive methods. Unfortunately, 
they were sent to the army hospitals and drugged to death by the doctors, who 
know nothing about the true principles of health and natural healing. The 
doctors, then as well as now, mistake the symptoms for the disease and give 
dmgs to suppress the symptoms instead of letting the internal healing 
mechanism do its work to bring about normalcy. The doctors think they must do 
something to bring down the fever and give certain drugs to stop the coughing 
and other drugs to stop the diarrhea. All these damaging medical methods block 
the elimination of poison waste, and death or permanent injury is the result. 

After the heavy toll of lives, when they learned that all the tricks of medical 
science (?) had completely failed, the Army was resourceful enough to realize 
that they would have to give some attention to health measures if they were to 
survive as a living army. So they set up a rigorous regimen of hygiene, sanitation 
and improved nutrition. This sensible program reduced the incidence of typhoid 
to less than 3 cases per 1,000. This marked decline in disease was brought about 
in less than 10 years, from 1899 to 1908. And this was done without one 
injection of anti-typhoid vaccine being administered, or any other vaccine. 

In contrast to this remarkable record of disease prevention, we find that after 
vaccination became compulsory in the Army in 1911, not only did typhoid 
increase rapidly, but all other vaccinal diseases increased at an alarming rate. 

I have heard some of the Army personnel argue that vaccination is not 
compulsory in the American armed services. But I have also talked to G.I.’s who 
testified that those who refused to line up for the shots were seized by military 
police and forcibly held while the medics injected the poison serums into them— 
all fourteen shots. I have also seen the records of several soldiers who were 
given long prison terms (seven years) at Fort Leavenworth for resisting 
vaccination. They may have had to fight the M.P.’s to do this, and that went 
against their records. Other penalties were also imposed on the soldiers, such as 
demotion and withholding pay, for this rejection of enforced blood poisoning 
(vaccination), which the military interpreted as "insubordination." 

It was during World War I (we entered it in 1917) when vaccination was 
enforced to the fullest extent, that the death rate from typhoid rose to the highest 
point in history—even higher than it had been during the pre-sanitation days of 
the Spanish American War. This 1917-1920 death rate could not be blamed on 
bad sanitation or spoiled food as was the case in the tropics. The deaths occurred 
after the shots were given in sanitary American hospitals and well-supervised 
army camps in France, where sanitation had been practiced for years. There was 
no typhoid in the camps before vaccination, so it couldn’t be blamed on 
contagion. The only reason for this extremely high death toil was the blood 
poisoning practice of vaccination. 

The report of the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army shows that during 1917 
there were admitted into the Army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from anti¬ 
typhoid inoculation and vaccinia. The report for 1919 covering 1918 shows the 
total admissions suffering from anti-typhoid vaccinations to be 23,191, and 
10,830 suffering from vaccinia. (24,021 in all, from vaccine poisoning). This 
takes no account of those whose vaccine diseases were attributed to something 
else, nor of those whose sufferings, though great, were not great enough to cause 
them to be sent to the hospital (from VACCINE AND SERUM EVILS by Dr. H. 
M. Shelton). 

This official Army report didn’t speculate as to whether or not the diseases could 
have been caused by germs, viruses, contagion or other things that usually get 
blamed for disease; the doctors knew without any question of a doubt that all 
these thousands of cases of disease and death were caused by vaccination, and it 
was so stated in their medical reports. I doubt, however, that the grieving parents 
were told that their sons were killed by the poison doses administered by the 

Knowing the devastation caused by vaccination, we wonder why they didn’t stop 
the deadly practice way back in 1916 when they found out—for sure—that 
vaccination was a killer with no redeeming feature. But they didn’t. The reasons 
are given in another chapter, "The Money Motive." 

Under the most antiseptic conditions in hospitals all over the world, diseases 
develop, such as typhoid, polio, pneumonia, virus X, paratyphoid, flu, etc., when 

there is no other case in town for the victim to "catch it from." The patients have 
already received shots to "protect" them from the diseases. Doctors cannot blame 
it on invading viruses, germs or bacteria, because their germicides and antiseptic 
precautions in hospitals have been used to kill the germs. Why cannot the 
doctors understand what many other people already know, that it is not germs 
and viruses which cause the diseases, but the body poisoning from medication, 
vaccines, processed foods, etc., which cause the sickness? 

When Walter D. McCaw, Chief of Army Medical Staff, saw the shocking 
increase of typhoid among his well vaccinated "protected" (?) troops, he tried to 
lay the blame on laxity in sanitary precautions, such as unsterile needles, etc. He 
should have known that nothing on the needle could ever do as much harm as 
the poison vaccines inside the needle. Their reliance upon vaccination gave them 
a false sense of security which blocked any effort toward looking in the right 
direction for the real causes of the disease. 

McCaw said that "75% of the men in the Chateau Thierry offensive (France) 
were afflicted with typhoid," and that at one time in the Argonne sector "there 
were more than 300 cases of typhoid." He referred to "a unit of 248 men from 
Camp Cody, New Mexico, which arrived in England in July, 1918 with 98 cases 
of typhoid, of whom 8 died." He spoke of another contingent which lost 10% of 
their typhoid cases. All these men had been vaccinated in the Army, and all had 
been healthy when inducted. 

Sir William Osier, the famous British physician wrote an article in the “Lancet” 
(renowned British medical journal) on this subject. (Nov. 28, 1914) An excerpt is 
as follows: 

"Perhaps the best chapter in British sanitation is that which deals with sanitation 
and typhoid fever...It has beer well said that enteric fever is the sanitary index of 
a country; and that today our camps are not hotbeds of the disease is a result of 
more than half a century of intelligent and efficient sanitation.” 

We notice that he did not say that it was vaccination which wiped out typhoid 
and other diseases of intestinal putrefaction such as typhoid (enteric fever). He 
knew for a fact that it was not vaccination that brought about the improvement; it 
was the reforms in sanitation and better nutrition and other healthful measures 

which prevent body poisoning in the first place. It is the poisoning that causes 

England had learned by the bitter experience of over century of vaccination, that 
it does not prevent nor cure disease of any kind. They knew that if they were to 
control widespread disease they must attack the real causes, the main ones of 
which were vaccines and bad living conditions. After these reforms were made 
there was a rapid decline in the disease rate. (Details given in a later chapter.) 

England already knew this when our men were suffering and dying in the 
swamps of the tropics and the battlefields of France. But I’m quite sure our 
needle doctors would not listen to any warnings of vaccine hazards from the 
British—at that time However, as stated previously, our military doctors finally 
did turn to sanitation and nutrition reforms and reduced their disease rate without 
the vaccinations, in the Spanish American War. 

According to British Army records, "In 1938 there was not a single case of any 
form of enteric fever (typhoid) among the unvaccinated soldiers, while in the 
vaccinated ‘protected’ class there were 37 cases and 5 deaths." Compulsory 
vaccination has been abolished in the British Army. However, it is available for 
those who want it, and a few unenlightened people still want it, in spite of all the 
evidence against it. 

Another news item says: "Hundreds of inoculated soldiers in India have 
contracted typhoid or paratyphoid and the Army Medical Department reports 
record at least 200 deaths among inoculated men." 

1917 (Vol. 69, p. 267) under the heading "Vaccination in War, "states: 

"Bernard and Paref, in an analytic study, reported in 1915 a great preponderance 
of paratyphoid infection in the anti-typhoid vaccinated over those in the non- 
vaccinated, presenting the remarkable figures shown in Table 2. 

"Table 2: Preponderance of Paratyphoid Infections 

over Typhoid 














"Table 3: " 





According to General Goodwin, the British Army had 7,423 cases of typhoid, 
with 266 deaths, up to 1918. Compulsory vaccination was in force in the British 
Army at that time. 

In the book MEDICAL VOODOO by A.R. Hale, the author states on page 185: 
"In World War I, in the French Army alone, there were 113,165 cases of typhoid 
with 12,380 deaths up to Oct. 1916. Anti-typhoid inoculations were made 
compulsory in the French Army in March, 1918." 

A.R. Hale, researcher for the U.S. Congress, said: 

From one Congressman I learned that he was at the very moment pleading the 
cause of three ex-service men before the Veterans’ Bureau, two of whom had 
been made totally blind by army vaccinations against smallpox, and the third had 
been driven insane by an anti-typhoid vaccination followed by a spinal puncture. 
He said the Bureau was fighting the compensation claims of these disabled men, 
because it was unwilling to admit their disabilities were caused by the army- 
camp treatments, although the evidence in all three cases was clear and 


One of the outstanding authorities on the real cause and cure of disease is the 
late Dr. Russell T. Trail (a reformed M.D.,) whose teachings are still 100 years in 
advance of our present day medical methods. Regarding typhoid fever, Dr. Trail 

"Typhoid fever is not essentially a dangerous disease. It may be severe—without 
being at all dangerous. Nor is pneumonia a dangerous disease. Left to itself, it 
would seldom terminate fatally. We have known physicians of extensive practice 
treat this disease for many years without losing a patient. But in those cases very 
little medicine was given, and that of the simplest kind. The medicines were not 
(the usual poisons such as calomel, whiskey, opium, antimony, blisters (perhaps 
this means mustard plasters). 

"These diseases (typhoid and pneumonia) are nothing more nor less than a 
cleansing process—a struggle of the vital powers to relieve the system of its 
accumulated impurities. The causes of the diseases are constipating foods, 
contaminated water, atmospheric miasmas, and whatever clogs up the system or 
befouls the blood. And the day is not far distant when a physician who shall 
undertake to aid and assist (suppress) Nature in her efforts to expel impurities, 
by the administration of poisons (drugs, medicines, shots, radiation, etc.) will be 
regarded as an insane idiot. But now this practice is called medical science." 

Dr. John Tilden, another reformed physician, said, "You cannot have a very 
severe round of typhoid fever unless you have a "first class" physician to give it 
strength to down you." 


It was a common expression during the war that "more soldiers were killed by 
vaccine shots than by shots from enemy guns." The vaccines, in addition to the 
poison drugs given in the hospitals, made healing impossible in too many cases. 
If the men had not been young and healthy to begin with, they would all have 
succumbed to the mass poisoning in the Army. 

The following are just a few of the case histories which show us how the soldiers 
were drugged to death in the military hospitals (from BASIC PRINCIPLES OF 

NATURAL HYGIENE by Dr. H.M. Shelton, p. 532: 

"CASE No. 4—S.R, a private, age 32. Admitted January 16th. Medication: 
Quinine and whiskey with capsicum were administered in ‘free doses.’ Brandy 
and turpentine given in enema. The next day the patient was worse (not 
surprising.) But the treatment was continued; sinapisms (mustard plasters) were 
applied to the back of the neck, chest, abdomen and calves of the legs. In the 
evening he was growing worse. "But the same treatment was continued until he 
died on January 18th, at 7:00A.M." (two days after treatment began.) 

"CASE No. 7—O.W.W., a private, age 22, was admitted into the hospital 
Monday the 13th. He was taken sick two days previously. Treatment: Wine once 
every two hours, quinine every three hours, 15 grains of calomel to be followed 
in three hours with 6 grains of carbonate of ammonia. All symptoms became 
rapidly aggravated. The patient died on the 22nd." He was younger and survived 
the poisoning program for nine days before he died. 

"CASE No. 8—D.N., a private, 18 years of age. His treatment included spirits of 
nitre, acetate of ammonia, camphor, castor oil, chloroform, spirits of turpentine, 
sulphuric acid, sugar of lead, opium, ipecac and white wine. He died after 29 

Although he was young and strong to start with, even he could not survive this 
onslaught of poisons, experimentation and malpractice by the physicians. 

The report states that the condition of the patients got progressively worse every 
day, but the treatments were continued anyway. We wonder what was the matter 
with the doctors. 

Dr. Trail said that most patients would recover if they were not doctored at all. 

He Stated: "I have not lost a case in 15 years (including typhoid and pneumonia), 
and I have treated hundreds. Fatality is attributable to the medication." 


Because the average doctor does not understand the cause nor the cure of 
disease, he flounders around in a confusion of guesswork. Lacking facts, the 
various medical associations and medical schools base their beliefs on many 
false concepts with no basis in fact. The germ theory of disease is a graphic 

example. These dangerous concepts lead the doctors and the people astray—that 
is, all but the few who think for themselves and seek out proof for their beliefs. 

It is bad enough for the doctors to blame the diseases on germs, viruses and 
bacteria, but when they pick on healthy people who do not "catch diseases" 
when they are exposed, and claim they are "carriers" and can infect others, this is 
the height of the ridiculous. See the chapter titled, Why Germs Cannot Cause 

As disease is just a transition period from a contaminated body to a normal, 
healthy body, it stands to reason that no one can "catch" a disease any more than 
he can catch a dirty neck. Therefore, if a person is in the company of an ill 
person and does or does not get the same disease, it does not make him a 
"carrier" of that disease. Yet some of our medical men promote that theory. On 
the strength of this unsupported, unproved medical opinion of physicians and 
Health Departments, people have actually been sent to prison, merely because 
they were too healthy to get sick when the doctors thought they ought to. 

Who has not heard of the sad case of "Typhoid Mary?" A fascinating book titled 
MEDICAL VOODOO, by Annie Riley Hale tells the story on page 337. The 
account reads: "Mary, a maidservant of the better class in New York City, in the 
summer of 1907 was working where several cases of typhoid developed. 

Because Mary did not fall ill with the fever, though in contact with the patients, 
the only explanation that ‘medical science’ could offer for such a phenomenon, 
was that the woman was a ‘typhoid carrier.’ There was absolutely no evidence or 
proof of it except the health officer’s wild guess. Much contrary evidence was 
offered by Mary and her friends, but she was arrested, charged with ‘a menace to 
the public health,’ branded ‘Typhoid Mary’ in the newspapers, and imprisoned in 
the isolation hospital on North Brothers Island." She remained there for 30 years 
in solitary confinement until she died. She had committed no crime. She was a 
victim of medical stupidity and ignorance. The whole medical case rested on the 
fact that she was healthy and didn’t get the diseases which several others had 

In the same affluent household where Mary worked, there were, undoubtedly, 
other members of the family who did not develop the disease, but of course, they 
were not sentenced to life imprisonment for being healthy. There are no 

"Typhoid Rockefellers" nor "Diphtheria Morgans", are there? Neither are there 
any "typhoid carriers" anywhere in the world, except in the weird imaginations 
of certain backward doctors. 

When we think of all the millions of mothers who care for their children who 
develop all kinds of diseases, and the mothers do not "catch it", it is a frightening 
thought to consider that some doctors could haul them off to prison for life 
because they managed to stay well in the presence of illness. 

In the Middle Ages, before Pasteur conjured up his fallacious germ theory, there 
were some equally strange and dangerous theories of disease. One of them was 
the belief that diseases were caused by devils, that somehow got inside the body 
of the patient and caused the illness: The doctors then bored a hole in the head of 
the sick person to let the evil spirit out. If the patient died of the operation, which 
I suppose was usually the case, the doctors would naturally claim that the patient 
came too late and the devil did it. This is not to infer that evil spirits cannot 
possess a susceptible person; maybe they can, (The Bible says so) but if they got 
in they can get out the same way they got in, without the dangerous—often fatal 
—practice of boring a hole in the patient’s skull. 

As we look back on these crude and barbaric medical procedures, we hope we 
have advanced beyond that stage of primitive medical practice; but, have we? 
The "Typhoid Mary" case was of recent times. She died only a few years ago in 
prison. But our present day medical men have not advanced out of the Dark 
Ages yet; they still chase down healthy, innocent people who do not develop 
typhoid after being near typhoid cases. These cases are even now, branded as 
"carriers" and hounded by medical men driven by medical ignorance. This is 
borne out by no less a medical authority than Roy O. Gilbert, M.D. (L.A County 
Health Officer.) In the Los Angeles News Herald, 1954, Dr. Gilbert wrote an 
article titled "Spread of Typhoid Stopped by Apprehension of Carrier." In this 
article he states: 

"Typhoid carriers are individuals who act as symptom free portable reservoirs 
for the germs of the disease and many of them are unaware that they may 
transmit the infection...Whether the disease is mild or otherwise, it is estimated 
that between three and 4% of the individuals who have had it become carriers. 
About one fifth of all carriers have never had the disease in a recognizable form. 

"All known carriers are kept under strict surveillance by the Public Health 
Officials and are visited at least twice yearly. Annual booster shots are given as 
an additional precaution." 

Dr. Gilbert also states: "Typhoid fever, among the last of the pestilential fevers 
modern science learned to prevent and keep under control in the Western World 
is caused by a bacillus called Salmonella-typhosa. The ways in which it may be 
transmitted are understood and its control readily possible. Nevertheless, an 
average of 26 cases has been reported in Los Angeles County for the last five- 
year period." 

If medical science (or confusion) knows how to control the disease, why do we 
have it every year? On checking the news items on Typhoid outbreaks over the 
past years, we find that the cases are among the guests of a wedding party, a 
camp meeting, a picnic, or some other gathering where food was served without 
refrigeration and sanitary supervision. Foods containing milk, meat and eggs are 
highly putrefactive out of refrigeration, and can generate toxins which cause 
vomiting, fever, intestinal disturbance and other symptoms of food poisoning, 
Whether or not the doctors find typhoid bacilli in the patients does not prove a 
thing, because all kinds of germs are found in sick people. The germs do not 
cause the disease; they evolve out of the dying cells and do a useful, remedial 

The doctors have not been able to control the diseases because they are forever 
looking in the wrong direction for the causes. The cause is usually some form of 
body poisoning. 

They give their so-called carriers a shot of poison vaccine every year, thus 
weakening their natural powers of defense against invasion of poisons. Vaccines 
always contaminate the body and weaken the whole physical organism and make 
one more susceptible to disease. This was proved by the high death rate and 
disease rate among the 100% vaccinated soldiers in all our wars from 1917 up to 
the present time. See chapter on "What vaccination did to our soldiers." 

CHAPTER 4: Medically Made Epidemics 
Court Cases 

Drug sales are big business, whether it is marijuana, heroin, tobacco, vaccines, 
or the misnamed "miracle" drugs, antibiotics, etc. They all cause cell destruction 
and eventual death—delayed reaction in most cases—although some deaths are 
sudden, as in penicillin and vaccines which often cause death within 20 minutes. 

Vaccine campaigns have been carried on periodically for many years, and it is 
one of the most lucrative of drug sales, and not illegal such as for heroin and 
marijuana. The sales propaganda is so deceptive that most of the people believe 
it, and the medical and drug businesses have enough control over the news 
media to conceal or distort the reports of deaths and disasters from vaccines to 
keep the people in the dark as to the hazards of their popularized poisons. The 
Better Business Bureau is better for business but not for the people. That agency 
is instructed (by the medical and drug concerns) to forbid the newspapers from 
selling any advertising space to writers of anti-medical books and articles. I 
wouldn’t make this statement unless I had proof and legal papers to back it. 

(This is discussed in more detail in another chapter.) It is a form of medical 
dictatorship—and that is against the law. 

Most of the medically-made epidemics get by without being exposed and 
prosecuted, but a few occurred in cities which had some alert and concerned 
health groups which took the vaccine promoters to court and got convictions. 
Two of these court cases are briefly outlined below: 


In the fall of 1921 the health of the city was unusually good, but dull for the 
doctors. So the Jackson Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic 
in the city. According to the record: 



VACCINATE, FREE OF CHARGE. (No shots are free. The taxpayers are 
charged for them.) 

"It is further recommended that wide publicity be given, stating that vaccination 
is a preventative of smallpox and urging the absolute necessity of vaccination for 
every man, woman and child in the city. Those who investigated this fake, 
doctor-made epidemic searched for cases of smallpox to justify this vaccination 
drive, but could not find one case in the city. 

“The scare-head vaccination propaganda showed a picture of a child covered 
with sores (probably from impetigo, psoriasis or congenital syphilis), and called 
it smallpox. People are easily frightened when public officials tell them a disease 
is contagious and is in their midst. The fear vanishes when people learn the truth. 
Smallpox is not contagious, and compulsory vaccination is illegal. (See the 
chapter on smallpox for information on tests which proved smallpox and other 
diseases are not contagious, and can be avoided with the right knowledge and 
application of that knowledge, given in the big book, "VACCINATION 

Most people do not question the decision of their doctors and public officials so 
they trustingly put their lives and the lives of their children into the hands of the 
unprincipled drug vendors. The results were disastrous for the people but good 
for the doctors. The hospitals were soon filled with vaccine poisoned people and 
the doctors had business all winter. 

According to the record, the doctors made $500,000 from that Kansas City 
vaccination spree, not counting the millions of dollars from the hospital cases. 


The same procedure was carried out as for Kansas. The doctors called a meeting 

and moved and seconded that an epidemic be declared in the city. As usual, they 
spread their scare propaganda far-and-wide and herded the people into the 
vaccination centers. 

When the vaccination campaign was at its height, the report showed the death 
rate rose 22% in three months, from July 1 to Sept. 30. These deaths were all 
among the recently vaccinated. Were the doctors and pharmaceutical companies 
charged with murder and given the death sentence? No. They "got by with 
murder;" they usually do. 

This doctor-made epidemic never would have been brought to public attention if 
it had not been for an active, and well informed group of non-medical, health- 
minded citizens known as THE PITTSBURGH HEALTH CLUB. They, and 
their legal aid investigated this manufactured epidemic and brought the 
instigators to trial. 

According to the Health Club’s attorney: 

VACCINATION RAID in 1924 was $3,096,616 of which the doctors took 
$ 2 , 000 , 000 . 

"This does not represent the indirect losses such as deaths, permanent injury, 
business loss from work, etc." 

Every city and town today should have an active, capable, and well prepared 
NON-MEDICAL health group such as those in Pittsburgh and Kansas City to 
warn the people against the many questionable practices of the medical doctors, 
because they continue to stage deadly vaccination campaigns, both large and 
small in all cities across the country every year, but most of them are not 
investigated or questioned. 

We are in the middle of one of these medically-made epidemics right now. It is 
the SWINE FLU VACCINE epidemic. There was not a certified case of swine 
flu in the world when they planned it in 1976, but this multimillion dollar 
vaccine campaign was foisted on the people anyway, and now three months after 
it started there are 113 reported deaths and many more cases of paralysis from 
the shots. All these "murders" forced the public officials to halt the vaccinations. 

However, the doctors and vaccine makers have stated in the papers that they will 
try to lift the ban and continue the vaccinations—poisoning and killing more 
people and refusing to take the blame, because it is profitable. 

That is why this book has been mshed into production—unfinished—to warn the 
people and prevent more disasters from the vaccines. The chapter on swine flu 
and a few others are included in this advance edition, and the rest will be 
available later, for those who send for them. 


After reading of the above court cases in Pittsburgh and Kansas City people may 
say, "That happened way back in 1921 and 1924; that couldn’t apply to us now 
in 1977." Oh, yes it can; it’s being done right now again with the swine flu 
racket. They—the vaccine promoters—should be investigated, prosecuted and 
stopped permanently. 

In 1954 when the vaccine promoters were building up their nationwide polio 
vaccine campaign, I wrote a book of facts trying to warn the people against the 
Salk, Sabin, and Cutter vaccines which were bound to cause widespread death, 
paralysis and financial loss to the taxpayers. The Better Business Bureau—arm 
of the medical and drug trusts—blocked me from getting any advertising notices 
in the papers, radio, TV, etc. But I got some of the books out to as many people 
as I could anyway. But the "medical dictatorship" decided they were not going to 
let me tell any more people about things they had kept suppressed, including the 
court cases. You didn’t read of those investigated and prosecuted medical rackets 
in the papers did you? I had to "dig" for that information. In order to stop my 
book and put it out of circulation, they had it barred from the mails—without 
any legal grounds. I had taken it (the manuscript before printing) to a lawyer and 
had him examine it to see if it was legal. He said, "It is all in order—nothing 
against the law—but it is dynamite." 

I then took it to the Post Office in Los Angeles and had them go over it to see if 
anything was against their regulations. They said, "It is all in order and not 
against our rules, not libellous, not obscene, not anti-American, not fraudulent." 

So, I had it printed and distributed until the medical "dictatorship" issued orders 
to the Post Office to bar the book from the mails. This they did, although they 
had told me it was all in order and legal for the mails. 

It’s hard to believe that one branch of the business (medical) in this country is so 
powerful that they can force the Post Office to break the law and bar a book they 
have approved—a book which is designed to save lives. 

In the hearing, the opposition said they barred my book from the mails because it 
disagreed with accepted medical opinion. 

It seems I was the only one with a "fighting book" out to condemn the polio 
vaccinations, so when it was eliminated and I was threatened if I sold it, 
distributed it, or even gave it away, the medical poisoners had a clear field to sell 
their poison vaccines without hindrance. So they continued selling polio vaccine 
and are still at it, even though it has killed and paralyzed thousands. Many law 
suits were filed against the vaccine makers and won, and they, the vaccine 
promoters, had to pay millions of dollars in damages, but they make more in 
sales than they have to pay out in damage suits so they consider it a good 
business venture anyway. (See the chapter on POLIO). 

This is the reason why people rarely hear anything against vaccination: those 
who raise a voice against it are silenced. 

CHAPTER 5: Falsified Death Certificates and 
Medical Records 

Vaccination, which is entirely lacking in value to the human race, has been 
sustained by falsity. Records of the enormous number of deaths from vaccination 
have either been completely concealed or twisted to appear favorable to the 
people. The medical records, unfortunately, have been in the hands of the doctors 
who profit from the sale of vaccines and drugs and who, (by their own 
admission,) are more interested in their own financial gains than in the well 
being of the public. 

Lawsuits and government investigations have been made from time to time, 
which brought some of the medical confessions into public view, just enough to 
show us that there is a great deal yet to be uncovered in this sordid game of 
murder for money. Dr. Henry May, a medical officer of health, wrote in the 
Birmingham Medical Review (Vol. 3. pp. 34 & 35,) the following statement 
which was obviously intended for doctors only: 

"In death certificates given by us voluntarily, and to which the public have 
access, it is scarcely to be expected that a medical man will give opinions which 
may tell against or reflect upon himself in anyway....In such cases he will most 
likely tell the truth, but not the whole truth, and assign some prominent symptom 
of disease as the cause of death. As instances of cases which may tell against the 
medical man himself, I will mention erysipelas from vaccination, and puerperal 
fever. A death from the first cause (vaccination) occurred not long ago in my 
practice, and although I had not vaccinated the child, yet, in my desire to 
preserve vaccination from reproach, I omitted all mention of it from my 
certificate of death." 

As Dr. May was one of the medical heads, he set the pattern for other doctors to 
follow. If their bungling practices and poisons were deadly enough to kill the 
patients, it was made clear to them that they must not tell the truth on the death 
certificates. A number of convenient names of other diseases were suggested by 
Dr. May to cover their guilt. Dr. Maclean stated that "very few deaths from 
cowpox (vaccination) appear in the Bills of Mortality, (death records,) owing to 
the means which have been used to suppress a knowledge of them...not because 

they did not happen, but because some practitioners were interested in not seeing 
them, and others who did see them were afraid of announcing what they knew." 

In the report of the Royal Commission (England) Vol. IV, pages 194 to 478, we 
find a number of cases of vaccinal deaths that were not reported as such. For 
example: Mr. Payne gave evidence that he had a child who died of vaccination. 
The doctor told him that he had not the slightest doubt that the illness was the 
result of vaccination, but that he dared not put it on the certificate of death. 

In the same section we read: "Local Government Board inquiry into six deaths at 
Misterton, Lincolnshire, found all to have resulted from vaccination; and in all 
the cases, vaccination was not mentioned on the certificate of death. Local 
Government Board inquiry into four deaths from vaccination at Norwich, found 
that in three of these cases vaccination was not mentioned." 

Although these few findings are from England, England is by no means the only 
country to conceal and falsify death certificates. The same type of lawlessness 
exists in all countries that use vaccination as a source of revenue for the doctors, 
the government or the serum factories, or all three. The United States is one of 
the worst offenders in this respect. For instance: 

Dr. R.A. Gunn, surgeon and medical editor, had the courage to uncover and 
expose some of the underhanded practices of the Board of Health in New York. 
Among other things he stated: 

"I personally investigated over 70 cases of smallpox in this city, that had been 
reported by the Board of Health as unvaccinated, and found 64 of the number 
had been vaccinated, and many of them revaccinated." 

"I challenge the health officials of New York and Brooklyn, to publish a full list 
of smallpox cases with addresses, and I will undertake to prove that 80% of them 
have been vaccinated." 

The city officials and the Board of Health refused to supply the names. Many 
requests for an investigation have been made, but these tax supported servants of 
the people dodge the issue from year to year, not only in New York, but in all 
American cities, thus suppressing critical information on life and death issues 

that the people have a right to know. 


"Charles W. Smith, of Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N.Y. died from the results of 
vaccination. Dr. Costello, who attended him, gave the cause as vaccination 
followed by acute rheumatism, and secondary cause hemorrhages." 

The City Health Commissioner (strong arm of the medical tmst) said he would 
not let that certificate pass. Dr. Costello, who knew the patient died of 
vaccination, refused to change the certificate to suit the commissioner. The 
commissioner then dismissed Dr. Costello and called in another physician, Dr. 
E.H. Wilson, who knew nothing about the case, and had him assign the cause of 
death as nephritis (degeneration of the kidneys.) The story of the case in the New 
York Times was headed: "Death of Charles W. Smith not due to Vaccination." 

James Connor, age seven, of Evanston, Illinois, died three minutes after being 
given anti-scarlet fever serum. The doctor who killed the boy told the coroner’s 
jury that the serum couldn’t possibly have killed him. Therefore the jury 
officially decided the boy had died of shock What shocked him—deadly poison 


Dr. John Tilden in his Health Review (p. 570) wrote: "John Begasiren, a child of 
four years, helpless and taken by his father to the Bellview hospital for treatment 
for infantile paralysis, is dead. Unofficially his death is recorded as due to a 
‘serum accident.” 

"The staff physician at the institution passed off the tragedy casually saying, ‘It 
wasn’t the serum that killed the boy; it was the child’s susceptibility that made 
him unable to stand the shock of the poison virus that was injected into his 

"Digest this gem of logic, if you can. Tap yourself over the head with a hammer; 
and if it hurts, blame your head for not being more resistant to shock. The blow 

with the hammer could not possibly be to blame—now could it? Just ask your 

In the May 1931 issue of Health Review (p. 257) Dr. Tilden again comments on 
vaccination by saying: "The vaccine and serum business insinuates a little poison 
in the body. If the victim is not too vulnerable from other poisoning and 
infection, the effects may pass and not show up for several years. But should the 
victim be unduly susceptible, the vaccine may precipitate a case of tuberculosis, 
rheumatism, heart trouble or some other type of symptom complex which may 
end life prematurely." 

Willit Nagengast developed lockjaw soon after vaccination with the so-called, 
pure glycerinated calf lymph, but the Cleveland Leader reported the case as "Not 
due to Vaccination." 

Julia Burggruff of New York (address withheld by request) died as a result of 
vaccination, but the New York World reported the cause as lockjaw. Lockjaw is a 
common after effect of vaccination. 


Thomas Morgan, in his MEDICAL DELUSIONS, page 54, comments on this 
situation by saying: 

"These conditions exist more or less all over the country, and the so-called 
boards of health are in reality boards for propagating disease, mutilating human 
bodies, and destroying human life. They stand accused by medical men in the 
very highest ranks of the profession. Thousands of instances might be given of 
willful and deliberate lying in compiling statistics to favor vaccination and 
thereby save it from its deserved reproach." 


Dr. Lund admits: "As I myself contracted smallpox after being vaccinated three 
times, I took the trouble to go into all statistics, which I found very few medical 
men have. Against vaccination there is, of course, to be weighed the fact that it 
occasionally causes death." 

This death element in regard to vaccination is glossed over, slighted or lied about 
all through medical literature. In VACCINATION AND THE MEDICAL 
PROFESSION (p.35,) W.L. Furnival asked Dr. Lund these pointed questions: 

Why do medical men use such extraordinary endeavors to keep the word 
vaccination off their death certificates? And why has the column of ‘Other 
Effects of Vaccination’ been deleted from the Registrar General’s Returns? Is 
there any other word in the English language they are so feverishly concerned 
about on such occasions?" The questions remained unanswered. 

There were 923 medically reported deaths due to vaccination in a period of only 
19 years, and yet Dr. Lund said "vaccination occasionally causes death." 

Alfred Milns, statistician, stated that if the officially admitted deaths were 
multiplied by 12, it would come much nearer representing the actual number of 
deaths resulting from vaccination. If we multiplied the above 923 official 
vaccinal deaths by 12 we would see that there were 11,176 deaths from 
vaccination which is considerably more than the smallpox deaths. 

"Dr. Charles Fox, of Cardiff, published 56 personally investigated cases of 
vaccinal casualties with 17 deaths, and in only two of these, where he himself 
gave the certificate, was vaccination mentioned." From the Royal Commission 
Report we read: 

"Dr. Buchanan reported six deaths from smallpox, stating them to be 
unvaccinated. An inquiry was organized, under the orders of the Local 
Government Board and it was found that all had been vaccinated but one. One of 
the death cases had been vaccinated by Dr. Buchanan himself. Dr. Buchanan 
acknowledged his error and said that the cases were of confluent smallpox (so 
bad that the vesicles were run together) and he couldn’t see the vaccination 
marks." (Report of the Royal Commission, England, Vol. II, p.219.) 

Professor Alfred Russel Wallace, after doing some extensive research on 
vaccination, gave a list of 785 deaths traceable to vaccination, yet which were 
officially reported as deaths from erysipelas. He states: 

"I am acquainted with a physician in a northern town, one who holds a 
government position. I have a letter from him in which he says, ‘while in 
practice in London I frequently filled out death certificates of children naming 
the disease as marasmus (wasting away,) debility, etc., when I felt perfectly 
certain that such cases of wasting and debility had been induced by vaccination.’ 


The following notarized, eyewitnessed accounts of deliberate falsification and 
misuse of the law give us an idea of the corruption that exists in this country 
which allows an unscrupulous medical dictatorship to wield power over the 
people. The following statements are from the private files of V.E. Rowton, 

Denver, Colorado 
January 4, 1923 

To whom it may concern: 

This is to certify that the undersigned was at one time a patient at the Sand Creek 
Hospital for smallpox under the regime of Dr. Sharpley. 

That while there I was present at the questioning of a group of smallpox patients 
who had just arrived and that I saw the answers made by said patients, written 
down, by the Superintendent in charge, upon the blanks provided for this 

That two of the five patients answered "yes" to the question whether they had 
been successfully vaccinated within the preceding three years. 

That I saw the Superintendent write down the word "no" instead of "yes" that the 
patient answered to this question. 

That afterwards, immediately I called the attention of the Superintendent to this 

That the Superintendent told me that he had done this deliberately and that he 

had orders to write "no" in this space regardless of what answer the patient made 
to the question and that such orders came from the office of the City Physician. 

Signed—Ernest B. Safford 

Denver, Colorado 
March 14, 1923 

I the undersigned, Alice G. Vincent, being duly sworn on oath to make this 

In December, 1921,1 went to the office of Dr. Sharpley and asked to see the 
records of the smallpox deaths (which should be open to the public) and he 
refused to allow me to see them. I went to the Mayor’s office, and the Mayor’s 
secretary asked if Dr. Sharpley had refused me and I said he had. Then she said I 
could not see them, that Dr. Sharpley was supreme. I went to the City Attorney’s 
office and asked him by what authority Dr. Sharpley refused to show me the 
records. I was told that they did not know, but if he had refused I would have to 
bring suit in order to see them, and if I did it would be the business of the City 
Attorney to defend Dr. Sharpley. 

Signed—Alice G. Vincent 
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 
14th day of March, A.D. 1923 
Signed—Jean Raber 
Notary Public 

Not only are doctors given verbal instructions to disregard the truth, but the 
written instructions in medical journals and texts also make it clear that lies are 
preferred and expected in order to protect the financial "racket" of vaccination. 
For instance, an article titled "Smallpox—Its Differential Diagnosis," by 
Archibald L. Hoyne, M.D., which was read before the Chicago Medical Society 
and published in the Illinois Medical Journal, June 1923, states: 

"In examining a case of suspected smallpox, close observation is of the utmost 
importance. If the patient shows evidence of a typical vaccination scar of 
comparatively recent date, variola (smallpox) may be almost absolutely ruled 


From the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society (March, 1927) we read: 
"The following points are important aids m the diagnosis of smallpox. The 
absence of any history of having had smallpox or a successful vaccination within 
the past five years." 

Even in "Modern Medicine" by the famous Dr. William Osier (Vol. 1, p.853) 
instructions are given the physicians to report cases of smallpox as chickenpox if 
there is a vaccination mark. The first differential point in the diagnosis of 
chickenpox and smallpox is pointed out as "the vaccinal condition of the 

It does not matter how serious and certain the smallpox may be, the vaccinated 
cases are diagnosed as chickenpox, syphilis or something else, and when the 
records are compiled, the Health (?) Departments announce to the people that 
there is no smallpox among the persons successfully vaccinated. 


W.R. Hadwen, M.D., one of the most prominent vaccination authorities in 
England, was asked the following question in a public lecture: 

"Can you give the death rate of smallpox under ten years of age, in the recent 
London outbreak of smallpox, differentiating between the vaccinated and the 

To this he answered: "Unfortunately, the authorities won’t give us the particulars. 
We have sent for them three times. We have quoted the act of 1898, which states 
that every Sanitary Authority shall supply the names and addresses of those who 
are attacked by smallpox, on payment of a certain fee. We have offered them the 
fee but they have refused to supply the names...They won’t allow us to test their 
figures; they apparently are afraid we might trace them down and learn the truth. 
Moreover, the Medical Officer said in writing to our secretary that his figures 
were not the same as those of the registrar, they don’t tally. And the consequence 
is that we are not even to take what the registrar says for granted. He says: T 
don’t fill in my statistics until the cases are complete.’ 

"When we consider the cases, as at Middlesborough (where, after a canvas of 
smallpox deaths, we found that out of something like 200 so-called 
‘unvaccinated’ cases, 98 of them had been vaccinated and revaccinated, and 
some had been revaccinated three or four times, and they died of smallpox, it 
will give us an idea how much official statistics are to be relied upon. In the 
same town, the Medical Officer tabulated his cases of children under ten years in 
much the same style as the authorities of the Metropolitan Asylums Board are 
doing now, as follows: 


-Vaccinated cases: 45. Deaths: 0 
-Unvaccinated cases: 62. Deaths: 29 
-Unvaccinated fatality 47% 

"When the names and addresses of these patients were obtained from the Town 
Council and a careful, independent investigation was made, this is how the facts 
turned out: 

-Vaccinated cases: 61. Deaths: 16 
-Unvaccinated cases: 46. Deaths: 13 
-Fatality 28% 

"In the epidemic of 1870-72 the Metropolitan Asylum Board records 195 cases 
of smallpox in vaccinated children under five years of age, with 38 deaths; a 
fatality of 19.5% and 786 cases from five to ten years with 60 deaths, a fatality 
of 6.6%. This shows that the nearer they were to the date of the vaccination, the 
worse they suffered. In the same pandemic in Berlin, 2,240 successfully 
vaccinated children under ten developed smallpox, of whom 736 died; that is a 
fatality of nearly 33%." (from THE VACCINATION DELUSION by Dr. W.R. 
Hadwen, p. 30.) 

Professor Alfred Russel Wallace commented on this situation in his 
WONDERFUL CENTURY (p. 232) as follows: 

"The facts and figures of the medical profession and of government officials, in 

regard to the question of vaccination, must never be accepted without 
verification. And when we consider that these misstatements and concealments 
and denials of injury, have been going on throughout the whole of the century, 
that penal legislation has been founded on them, that homes have been broken 
up, that thousands have been barred by police and have been imprisoned and 
treated as felons, and that at the rate now officially admitted, a thousand children 
have been certainly killed by vaccination during the past 20 years, and an 
unknown but probably much larger number injured for life, we are driven to the 
conclusion that those responsible for these reckless misstatements and their 
terrible results have, thoughtlessly and ignorantly, but nonetheless certainly, been 
guilty of a crime—a terrible crime—against liberty, against health, and against 
humanity, which before many years have passed, must be universally held to be 
of the foulest blots on the civilization of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries." 


Since falsifying death certificates is associated with murder and deliberate 
concealment of guilt, there was at one time a uniform law making it a prison 
offense, but the pressure of the medical trust on the various state legislatures has 
reduced or eliminated the penalty from many of the statute books, leaving the 
physicians free to kill and cover their guilt without any questions being asked. 
Most states have a law against destroying evidence such as the following one 
from the PENAL CODE OF CALIFORNIA (1949, p. 33-135.) 


"Every person who knowing that any paper, record, book, instrument in writing, 
or other matter or thing, is about to be produced in evidence upon any trial 
inquiry, or investigation whatever, authorized by law, willfully destroys or 
conceals the same, with the intent thereby to prevent it from being produced, is 
guilty of a misdemeanor." 


A felony is a crime which is punishable by death or by imprisonment in the state 
prison. Every other crime is a misdemeanor and is punishable by law, according 
to the decision of court. 

Is there any other reason for falsifying death certificates except for covering up 
guilt? Falsification to protect a lucrative killer racket such as vaccination, is part 
of the guilty offense and the doctors involved should be held accountable. 
Whether a person is killed by a shot in the arm by a doctor, or a shot in the back 
by a gangster, the result is the same; the victim is just as dead, and the 
"punishment should fit the crime." 

Pickering, in his "SANITATION AND VACCINATION" (p. 165) sums up the 
situation tersely when he says: 

"When I know that the deaths from atrophy and debility, diarrhea, and 
convulsions, a total of 54,344 deaths annually, are wrongly certified; that they 
are symptomatic, not causative, I am justified in saying that the whole system of 
registration and certification requires to be remodelled and reformed. Medicine 
will never reform itself. Certification should be in the hands of an independent 

This statement is not only true but critically urgent, providing that independent 
authority is accurate, honest and dependable. 

Mr. Baxter, an editor of an independent newspaper is to be commended for these 
fearless words: 

"I am reminded of the statement, ‘no evil is ever corrected by those who profit 
from it.’ As long as the powerful monopolistic Rockefeller dominated drug trust, 
through its political influence and mutual understanding with the union that 
controls medical practice, makes billions of dollars each year from drugs, 
including sales to the armed forces, we can expect to see laws continually on the 
books forcing people to be vaccinated. We can expect to see the drug trust’s 
watchdogs in our public schools seeing to it that not one child escapes 
indoctrination with the vaccination hoax. 

"Perhaps some good union man or apologist for compulsory vaccination will 
give me a statement that vaccines positively will prevent the diseases which they 
are supposed to prevent. If any doctor will give me such a statement I’ll be glad 
to publish it. Thus far I have not found one doctor in the entire United States 

who will make such a statement or will stake his reputation that vaccines and 
serums will prevent disease. 

"Undoubtedly, there are many instances which justify the use of certain drugs 
and surgery, and the need for the training and skill of the physician should not be 
underestimated. When the body is torn and maimed by unnatural forces, as on 
the battlefield or in serious accidents, the use of unnatural methods (anesthetics, 
surgery, etc.) in the emergency is not only justified but entirely sensible." 

The purpose of this chapter is not to condemn doctors as a whole; it is only their 
harmful practices that we object to and their continuance and justification of 
their crimes by false certification to conceal the truth. 

CHAPTER 6: Let's Stop the Fluoride Poisoners 

On September 11, 1974, which could be called BLACK WEDNESDAY, ten of 
our 15 Los Angeles city councilmen voted to poison the city water supply with 
sodium fluoride (Hydrofluosilicic acid is the form of fluoride which is usually 
dumped into the water systems. It is highly poisonous) the well known rat and 
roach killer. 

I sat in on the hearings and was shocked to see how the majority of our elected 
officers allowed themselves to be swayed, conned, brainwashed, hoodwinked 
and steamrollered into voting for mass poisoning. They were sold a "bill of 
goods" by professional con men who were hired by the aluminum companies to 
go from city to city pressuring the sale of their sodium fluoride, which is a 
dangerous and almost worthless byproduct of aluminum, steel and fertilizer 

These poison factories were having problems disposing of their deadly 
byproduct (fluoride.) If they dumped it in the streams, it killed the fish; and if 
they dumped it on the ground, the wind blew it around and killed the livestock 
and destroyed vegetation, and brought on lawsuits. 

So they shopped around and found a tricky man who said, for a price, he could 
work out a scheme to get rid of the poison at a profit. His name was G.J. Cox, a 
chemist from the Melon institute of Pittsburgh. His plan was to launch a massive 
worldwide sales campaign to sell it to cities to dump into their public drinking 
water, and get them to believe it was good for them. They probably learned from 
psychologists that the average person has the mentality of a 12-year-old and "can 
be taken." 

The plan was to "tell them anything to sell the stuff. Tell them it will prevent 
cavities, and save them millions in dental bills, and will do no harm, etc." Cox 
had no medical background and made no clinical studies as to the effect of 
fluoride poisons on living tissue—body and brain. But that was of no concern to 
him or the aluminum companies. They started their propaganda wheels rolling 
for the largest, most deceptive and dangerous racket ever foisted on this country. 
They even took it to other countries, but most of them were too alert to be 

fooled, and turned it down. 

In order to put over a fraud of such proportions, they figured they would need 
government support. This was done in the usual way with big corporations and 
the government. (A high percent of our government officials are corporation 
lawyers.) The Aluminum Company of America had a sharp lawyer named Oscar 
Ewing who was promptly manipulated into a high position in the government, 
which was no less than that of director of the Federal Security Administration. 
From there he proceeded to influence Surgeon General Scheele and other big 
names who would help promote the fluoridation scheme. 

With his new influence and power he asked for and got $2,000,000 of the 
taxpayers’ money just for fluoride propaganda. He also had at his disposal 
millions of dollars to buy support from dental and medical associations by way 
of grants to their schools, with strings attached, of course. These associations 
have become so involved with this shady business that "the good" doctors and 
dentists who are opposed to fluoridation are restrained from speaking out against 
it because of these "under-the-table" deals by their associations. 

Ewing was later head of the U.S. Public Health Service. With all this power and 
money and a battery of trained con men he was able to influence state and local 
governments across the country and sell millions of dollars worth of fluoride, 
and mass poison multitudes of innocent, unsuspecting people who trust their 
public officials and depend on their water departments to provide safe drinking 

The purveyors of poison have boasted openly that they have foisted other 
poisons on the public, so the promoters could make profit, so why should the 
public resist this new poison. They have more planned if they can get away with 

One of the poison programs they have made fortunes from is chlorine for the 
public water supply. They said it would purify the water. Many water companies 
and communities rejected it, so I guess it is not necessary, or they have 
something safer like charcoal or lime to do the job. Another dangerous poison 
they popularized for profit is penicillin. They concealed the sudden deaths from 
it and the allergies and side effects. Then there is the tubercular testing of cows. 

This disease producing injection has wiped out whole herds and does harm to all 
cows. They try to control the damage with penicillin, but the cows cannot be 
normal again and the milk is contaminated. They get away with it because it is 
profitable. Lawsuits have been fought and won by the cattle men, but the 
practice goes on, and the news of the suits is suppressed. 

Another poison program is vaccination and immunization. The injection of 
poison pus and drugs into the bloodstream cannot prevent or cure disease, but 
they get away with it because it is big business for the doctors and drug houses. 
Only recently have the people begun to wake up and protest. Because of the 
protests the smallpox vaccine is now obsolete; it was proved to be causing more 
deaths than the disease itself. Only false promises and flagrant lies have kept the 
polio vaccine and other shots in use. It is to be hoped that the whole vaccine 
racket will soon be investigated and stopped before too much damage is done. 


The fluoride promoters gamble on the proposition that there are enough 
politicians running the local governments who are dishonest enough to be 
bribed, or stupid enough to believe their false propaganda, and vote for their 
poison program. In the training class for the fluoride salesmen (mostly dentists 
lacking integrity,) they are told to make their sales pitch behind closed doors in 
the city council chambers without the public, without debate, without contest by 
anti-flouridationists because the latter’s cold facts cannot be refuted. They are 
told to promise what the council wants to hear " and it doesn’t necessarily have 
to be true," they said. They are told to keep it from going to a public vote, 
because too many people know it is rat poison and would vote against it. 

"If the people come into the council hail and demand a voice, intimidate them, 
ridicule and insult them; use all the dirty tricks you know to get the vote of the 
council and make the sale." One of the days I sat in on the hearings in Los 
Angeles, there was a dentist there who had some patients suffering with fluoride 
poisoning, but he was not given a chance to speak. A researcher was there also, 
with some important findings but she was not allowed to give it, as it was against 
fluoridation. However, the proponents had all the time they wanted to spread 
their false propaganda. If it came to an issue, the council would claim that both 
sides had equal advantage, but it just was not so. The fluoride salesmen and our 

ten less astute councilmen made many false claims for fluoridation, but the 
following are the most questionable and they will be refuted briefly in the next 
few pages: 


1) that children up to 12 years would have 65% less cavities; 

2) that fluoride is not poison and is perfectly harmless in .8 ppm concentration. 

3) that fluoride is a nutrient and is beneficial to the health; 

4) that because certain medical groups endorse it, it has to be good for all; 

5) that the cost to the people "is too cheap." 

6) that fluoride does not damage water pipes; 

7) that public fluoridation would equalize the dosage, especially to blacks; 

8) that the doctors, dentists, PTA and people want it; 

9) that the people should not be allowed to vote on the issue; 

10) that because some cities have accepted it, all must do likewise; 

11) that fluoride makes beautiful teeth. 

The above claims are unproved and without foundation in fact. Our five better 
councilmen were able to see through the fraud, and we wonder why the other ten 
could not muster enough integrity and clear thinking to see what millions of 
others can see—that it is a multimillion dollar con game which robs the people 
of money and health. 

In the early days of this country, if a man was caught poisoning the water hole of 
a rival rancher he was shot on the spot or hanged at sunrise. Today, the water 
poisoners are protected by the government and applauded by certain dental and 

medical groups—even the PTA, whose children are being exploited. All this is 
done in the name of "profit making," the so-called, American Way. Let’s change 


No pretense is made here to give all the proof against fluoridation, as that would 
take volumes, but a few scientific findings will be presented for each false claim. 

1) The Fluoride Proponents Claim That Dental Caries Would be Reduced 65% in 
Children Under 12 years. 


A report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 1969,) stated: 

"Fifteen years of fluoridation discloses that dental caries are rampant and 
increasingly frequent with age...pregnant and lactating (nursing) woman 
showing the highest prevalence of decay...Dental fluorosis (fluoride poisoning) 
was particularly prevalent in school children. Sixty-four percent of the cases 
observed belonging to the ten to 14 year age group." 

Other symptoms in this 15-year-study were dental malocclusions (buck teeth) 
from fluoride poisoning, permanent brown spots on teeth, goiter, bow legs, 
(fluoride leeches calcium out of bones and weakens them,) kidney disease, 
enlarged parotid gland, inflammation of the tongue, 39% anemia among infants, 
50% anemia among expectant mothers, and up to 10% of this blood disease 
among children from one to nine years. 

A report published in the Yearbook of Agriculture (1939, p. 212 & 213,) deals 
with a survey of a number of fluoridated cities in which it was found that: 

"...Fluoride interferes with the normal calcification of the teeth during the 
process of their formation, so that affected teeth, in addition to being usually 
discolored and ugly in appearance, are structurally weak and deteriorate early in 
life. For this reason, it is especially important that fluoride be avoided during the 
period of tooth formation, that is from birth to the age of 14 years." (emphasis 


So here we have the truth of the matter. Careful, scientific research proves that 
fluorides are especially damaging to the teeth and health of children up to 14 
years of age, and even worse to the mothers and the unborn. 

No one, not even the fluoride sellers claimed that fluoride was good for adults. 
Their main selling point is that it reduces cavities in teeth of children. They were 
willing to wreck the health of the entire adult population on the flimsy promise 
that it would be good for children. They had no proof for these claims—just 
baseless promises. 

So here we have sound and substantial evidence that fluoride will not prevent 
cavities in anyone, but will actually increase them and cause many serious 
diseases at the same time. And the children will be the hardest hit. 

Any poison that is potent enough to damage teeth (which are the hardest tissue 
of the body) will do even greater harm to the rest of the body all along the way, 
such as the soft tissues of the eyes, nerves, glands, organs, cells, and hair. 


The fluoride promoters and our ten water poisoning councilmen have been asked 
if they will back up their claim and promises of safety and benefit (of 
fluoridation) with a money guarantee. But not one of them believes in 
fluoridation enough to back it with even a dime. So they can expect numerous 
lawsuits for damage done if fluoridation is enforced. I read of a woman in New 
Haven who has already filed a $100,000 damage suit for sodium fluoride 
poisoning. She is filing against a health commissioner, a doctor, a supervisor and 
the city water department which is committed by law to furnish safe, pure 
drinking water for the people. Instead, they poisoned it. 

There are thousands of people in Los Angeles County who are now suffering 
from kidney disease, diabetes, and other ailments especially sensitive to fluoride 
poisons. They would be immediately hurt or killed by the addition of fluoride to 
the drinking water. Others would be broken down later on, after years of slow 

2) They Said That Fluoride is Not Poison and is Harmless at .8 ppm. Eight tenths 
parts per million is the amount they prescribed for Los Angeles water. 


Accurate and scientific tests in many laboratories and public water works show 
that 0.8ppm is a dangerous dose. Even much smaller amounts have been found 
to cause cancer in test animals The University of Texas found that it took only 
0.4 l/2ppm of sodium fluoride to cause cancer in their laboratory experiments It 
also shortened the lifespan considerably. 

The University of Arizona has been experimenting with powdered bones to get 
the fluoride out of their water They said, "We have plenty of evidence that 1 ppm 
is too much for universal acceptance " Doctors Clark and Mann of the University 
of New Mexico have made similar adverse discoveries about 1. ppm fluoride. 

Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California have higher than average natural 
calcium fluoride; Texas and New Mexico are doing something about it and 
trying to get rid of it. But in Los Angeles our bungling, inept ten fluoride 
promoting councilmen are busy trying to increase the amount in our already over 
—poisoned water. The main part of Los Angeles had .6ppm while the east part 
of town (Negro and Mexican section) have .2 and .3ppm, which is a safer 
amount; but they are complaining that they are deprived and want more. (I have 
learned from researchers that these percentages are not correct, but are made up 
and used by the fluoride promoters to influence the thinking.) 


Some people are of the opinion that what is already in the water is safe and non- 
poisonous because it is calcium fluoride. This is not true. All fluorine 
compounds are poison. However, sodium fluoride is 65 times more poisonous 
than calcium fluoride. It is this highly toxic sodium fluoride that our public 
enemies have voted to put in our water. And they have agreed to take from 
$5,000,000 to $12,000,000 or whatever the fluoride salesmen ask, to pay for it, 
that is, take it out of the taxpayers’ pockets, without our consent. 

According to researcher G.F. Knight, "Sodium fluoride in a solution 15 times 
weaker than l.ppm reduces some enzyme activity by 50%." Bakers and brewers 
know this because their yeast will not rise in fluoridated water. 

FLUORIDATION IS ILLEGAL in Norway and Denmark and has been rejected 
in Italy, France, Holland, West Germany and Sweden*(Fluoridation has also, 
been rejected by 23 other countries not named.) Over 2,500 communities in the 
U.S. have rejected fluoridation. England rejected it after seeing the American 
Experiment. They said they don’t want "Texas teeth" with dingy brown spots 
from fluoridation. These dark spots can never be removed. 


"Thanks to the damning information on cancer deaths resulting from fluoridation 
of public drinking water, further fluoridation has been effectively and probably 
permanently ended in two countries abroad. 

Dr. Dean Burk, former chief of the cytology section at the National Cancer 
Institute, has received word from England that the Water Authority has advised 
each Area Water Authority that the water supply may not be fluoridated without 
specific legislation by Parliament... 

"The decision to halt further fluoridation there was precipitated, says Dr. Burk, 
by information contained in a report showing that between 25,000 and 30,000 
cancer deaths per year in the United States are attributable to fluoridation of 
drinking water. 

"The same information, televised in a seven minute program in Holland, 
February 8, 1976, and viewed by hundreds of thousands of citizens as well as 
government officials, was responsible for the Parliamentary vote to defer 
fluoridation there for ten years. In that case, the Minister of Health, as well as the 
nation’s dentists, had fully expected Parliament to order nation wide fluoridation 
—inevitable until the nation became aware the cancer fluoridation correlation." 


The first massive water poisoning experiment started in 1945 when Alcoa, the 
aluminum company, used people of Newburgh, New York, as human guinea pigs 
and poisoned their water system with sodium fluoride, just to see what would 
happen, and to sell a ten year supply of fluoride plus the expensive equipment. 
The city of Kingston nearby was left un-fluoridated, to serve as a comparison 
control city. 

After this ten-year stretch of public poisoning the Bureau of Health Services of 
New York reported,"...50% more dental defects in fluoridated Newburgh than in 
un-fluoridated Kingston." 

K.K. Paleuv, an electrical engineer, had carefully studied the figures of this 
experiment and pointed out that "fluoride only postponed tooth decay for about 
two years then at the end of ten years it was destroying the kids’ teeth wholesale. 
This is the greatest con game of all time." 

This two-year delay in decay gave the fluoride men a chance to jump to 
conclusions and advertise that fluoride was preventing decay, when it was 
actually slowly undermining the dental structure and causing widespread 
damage later on. 

The fluoride pushers get so "grabby" to make a million dollar sale that they 
sometimes trip over their propaganda. For example: 

In Mason City, Iowa, the fluoridationists were pushing for the kill, (we saw how 
they did it in Los Angeles,) with a lineup of warped doctors, dentists, PTA, 
radio, newspaper and a public officials endorsing it. "Local doctors and dentists 
(bought or preconditioned) testified that the tooth decay rate was something 
terrible and that all they needed to do was to vote fluoridation and dental decay 
would be reduced 65% and millions of dollars would be saved in dental bills. All 
they needed was l.ppm fluoride," they said. 

But Mason City had one alert councilman who was not satisfied with merely 
listening to promises and propaganda; he went out and did some checking and 
found that the city already had water than contained 1.24ppm. That was more 
than the magic amount that was promised to do the miracle. All that fluoride was 
probably the cause of much of the terrible tooth decay, not the cure. 

In Los Angeles, we already have .6ppm and that has not helped the problem of 
decay, so how can we expect a miracle with two more parts? The fluoride 
proponents promise that .8ppm is the "magic amount." Ridiculous! 

3) They Said That Fluoride is a Nutrient and is Beneficial to Health. 


The Food and Drug Administration says, "Fluoride is a drug and not a mineral 

The National Institute of Dental Research, Bethesda, Maryland, quotes Dr. F.J. 
McClure as saying, "fluorine has not been proved to be an essential for the 
proper functioning of either osseous (bones) or dental tissue, or for any other 
body tissue or body function." 

At the 1954 Congressional hearing, the word from the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology was: "Fluoride is not necessary for healthy tooth formation. Many 
healthy teeth do not contain fluoride." 

From the Forsythe Dental Infirmary for children at Boston, is the report: "There 
is no disagreement about the fact that fluoride is a protoplasmic and enzymatic 

The U.S. Dispensatory (24th Edition) states: "Fluorides are violent poisons to all 
living tissue because of their precipitation of calcium (leech calcium from bones) 
and make them porous and brittle...The fluorides cause respiratory failure and 
general paralysis..." 

Research in Italy and India indicates that fluoride hardens arteries. 

4) They Said That Because Certain Medical and Dental Groups Endorse it, we 
should accept it. 


The proponents of fluoridation use a smattering of impressive big names to 

pressure the city councils into thinking that it is the only right thing to do. They 
gave the AMA end endorsement, but when we trace it down we find that the 
American Medical Association never did give their endorsement. A letter from 
the AMA Law Department (Sept 7, 1961) states: "...The A.M.A. does not engage 
in the approval, endorsement, guarantee, or acceptance of fluoridated water or of 
un-fluoridated water." The letter was signed by their director, Bernard D. Hirsh. 

A previous statement from the AMA had said that they were of the opinion that 
fluoride was safe." An opinion is not an endorsement. But the fluoride pushers 
used it in such a way as to sell many people on the idea that it was safe. The 
AMA admits it has never made any scientific tests that prove fluoride is safe. 

Another big name the fluoridationists use is that of the U.S. Public Health 
Service. We have a letter from them dated May 10, 1966 which states: "The U.S. 
Public Health Service does not say that sodium fluoride is an essential mineral 

There have been no factual, scientific studies which have ever proved that 
fluorides are safe or effective in drinking water. 

Dr. Miller studied 3,000 of these reports and states, "All clinical tests that have 
been completed show the fluoride to be unsafe and dangerous." 

1. They Said That the Cost to the People is "Too Cheap." 


The fluoride sellers are in the business for profit and that’s all. While they were 
wooing the council for their vote they pretended it would not cost much—only a 
few thousand, while they promised the cities they would save millions of dollars 
in dental bills. After they got the "yes" vote from enough of the confused 
councilmen, then it came out that it would cost between $5,000,000 and 
$12,000,000 to fluoridate Los Angeles. The fluoride producers will sell the 
worthless poison at a high price and the machinery at a higher price. Los 
Angeles will have to buy new land and build new buildings for the 13 treatment 
locations, and the taxpayers who have not been consulted and who do not want 
it, will be forced to pay for it, and be poisoned besides. 

In the private meeting behind closed doors, where they give their con men their 
instructions (I have a written transcript of the meeting) they said the cost would 
be $1.00 to $1.50 per head. We have about 8,000,000 people in Los Angeles 
County, so that would be either $8,000,000 or $12,000,000 for the taxpayers to 
give them for this mass poisoning caper. Even A1 Capone didn’t try to get away 
with such a gigantic crime. 

Our ten councilmen who voted for this shocking people poisoning scheme were 
asked by a reporter why they voted for it, and they said they thought it would 
help the children’s teeth. If they really thought this poison would help the teeth 
they could have bought fluoride at 8 cents a year for each person who wanted it. 
We wonder what kind of weak minded thinking was behind this $8,000,000 
outlay of taxpayers’ money when they could get all the fluoride they wanted for 
about $50.00 for the few who wanted it. It’s doubtful that anyone would want 
fluoride when they learned the truth about it. 

Council members of such questionable ability do not belong in the government 
of such a large and important city as Los Angeles. They should resign before 
they are ousted. 


Here are the names of those ten council members who voted to poison the people 
with sodium fluoride: 

Edmund Edleman 
Dave Cunningham 
Emani Bernardi 
John Ferraro 
Joel Wachs 
Pat Russell 
John Gibson 
Marvin Braude 
Robert Wilkinson 
Robert Farrell 

They should be investigated—or bow out before it is necessary to probe. 

Mayor Tom Bradley voted for fluoridation in 1966 when he was a councilman. 

This time (September, 1974) he was mayor and couldn’t vote but he could have 
vetoed the measure if he had the interest of the people at heart. He did not veto 
it. He arranged to be out of town on a vacation when the fluoridation vote was 
taken, so he would have an excuse not to veto it. He left Gibson in charge 
knowing that Gibson would vote for fluoridation and would not veto the 
measure. So Bradley is just as guilty as the other guilty ten who cast their vote to 
poison the water supply. 

We had five good men on the council who stood their ground against the 
onslaught of the con men who used every underhanded trick in the book to sell 
fluoride. These five men could see through the fraud, as could millions of others 
who made any effort to be informed. There is plenty of factual evidence which 
condemns fluoride poisoning of the public water. These five reliable councilmen 
deserve a vote of thanks. 

They are: 

Arthur K. Snyder 
Gilbert W. Lindsey 
Robert J. Stevenson 
Donald D. Lorenzen 
Louis R. Nowell 

These men knew it would be wasteful and senseless to pay $12,000,000 to dope 
all the water when only .1% would be used by children, even if it was good, 
which it isn’t. The rest of the $12,000,000 doctored water would be wasted for 
washing cars, laundry, squirting on forest fires, flushing toilets, taking showers 
watering the garden (fluoride is bad for plants) etc. We wonder why those ten 
men voted for such an obviously crooked deal. Were they bribed or just lacking 
normal intelligence? Either of these things would disqualify them for the 
important work of the city council. 

6) They Said Fluoride Does Not Damage Water Pipes. 


Fluorine is known as one of the most dangerous and corrosive substances. 
Chemists have difficulty in getting any metal to contain it without destruction. 

Sodium fluoride is a fluorine compound and also is corrosive and poisonous. It 
ranks along with cyanide and arsenic in toxicity. Many fluoridated cities have 
had frequent breakdowns in their water systems. Three large water pumps were 
almost destroyed by fluoride corrosion in North Hampton, Massachusetts. In 
Newburgh, people reported that their water heaters squirted water like "rotten 
rubber hoses." Concord, New Hampshire had to pay over $200,000 to replace 
their fluoride damaged city water system. Other cities, including San Francisco, 
reported similar difficulties. 

If fluoride will do that to the hardest steel fixtures and pipes, what will it do to 
the delicate internal organs and soft tissues? No wonder there are so many 
diseases traced to fluoride poisoning. Fluoride is not eliminated like waste food, 
it accumulates in the body and causes deterioration. 

Dr. Charles Dillon, researcher on fluoride wrote in THE CHEMISTRY OF 
FLUORIDES, "In severe and crippling fluorosis no toxic effects at all may be 
observed...before the crippling effects become obvious." 

Dr. C.A. Brusch, director of Brusch Medical Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 

"Fluorides are protoplasmic poisons and have never been medically approved." 
Dr. C.I. Betts of Toledo, Ohio investigated fluoridation for ten years and found 
that Bright’s disease (fatal kidney disease) increased 50% in fluoridated areas. 
There was also a 50% increase in brain damage and much mongoloidism. 
Diabetes more than doubled where fluoridated water was used regularly. 

7) They Said That Fluoridation Would Equalize the Dosage. 


Even the fluoride sellers admit it is an impossibility to so mix the fluoride at the 
water works in such a way as to get a uniform, (exact amount planned on,) 
coming out of the kitchen faucet. 

It has been established by experts that we do not need any poison in the drinking 
water. But we already have .6 ppm. The poisoners say we should have .8 ppm. 
So, they are going to try to get .2 ppm mixed into a reservoir holding millions of 

gallons. They are not going to test it at every faucet every day to see that it does 
not exceed the deadly amount. Fluoride is an unpredictable chemical which 
accumulates and lodges in many places in pipes and fixtures. Researchers have 
found as high as 500. ppm in some pipes where there was supposed to be only 1. 
ppm No one can control it, or keep track of what is happening. Fluoride is a 
colorless, odorless, tasteless poison, so people would not be able to detect a 
deadly dose in the water. The government should throw these reckless poisoners 
in prison for life. 

In order to get only .8 ppm per day, people would be restricted to only 4 glasses 
of water a day. If they drank diluted juices, soft drinks, coffee, tea (tea is extra 
high in fluoride) etc. they would get extra poison. If they cooked soups, 
vegetables, meats etc. in water, the water would boil down and double the 
fluoride, because fluoride does not evaporate with the water. People would be 
getting a dangerous dose every day. Those who drink more than 4 glasses of 
water a day, especially in hot weather, would be getting dangerous doses of 

In the council meeting when people complained about having to drink the 
poisoned water, the fluoride promoters merely said, "then buy bottled water." We 
wonder if the aluminum companies which sell the fluorides also own the bottled 
water companies. We should not have to be forced to buy bottled water when we 
are already paying high taxes for our public water system. 

8) They Said That the People and the Doctors, Dentists and PTA Want it. 


The people don’t want it. A straw vote was taken which showed that the people 
are overwhelmingly against it. The Herald—Examiner poll showed 40 to 1 
against fluoridation. 

Many dentists and doctors want fluoridation because it increases their business. 
Some reports show as high as 50% increase in cavities in fluoridated areas. The 
doctors find an increase in kidney trouble, diabetes, fractures, goiter, paralysis, 
mental diseases and several other diseases in fluoridated areas. 

Why the PTA approves fluoridation I don’t know. They have everything to lose 
and nothing to gain. Poisoned water is 100% harmful, and the damage done 
costs them money. They should know better. The children suffer the most, and 
the PTA is partly to blame. 

9) The Fluoride Promoters Told the City Council Not to Let it go to a Public 

This was because they knew the people have too much sense to want to be taxed 
millions of dollars just to be poisoned and then pay for the doctor bill besides. 
The fluoridationists figure that they can control the city councils because they 
are only politicians and sometimes not very bright. But there are too many 
intelligent people among the voters, and they cannot control their minds. The 
fluoridationists lose when it comes to a vote. 

10) They Said That Because Other Cities Accepted Fluoride, We Should. They 
also said that Los Angeles was the only large city left that wasn’t fluoridated, 
and that we were backward because of it. 


More than 2,500 communities across the country have rejected fluoridation and 
many more are discontinuing it after wasting thousands of dollars trying to make 
it work, only to find it caused more tooth decay and illness and expense than 
they could handle. Over 100 cities have rejected it after the bitter experience of 
paying for it and trying to live with it. 

Just because some cities succumb to the high pressured sales pitch of the poison 
squad does not prove that fluoride is good. 

11) They Said That Fluoride Makes Beautiful Teeth. 


Fluoride makes ugly, mottled, decayed teeth. Even the fluoride toothpaste causes 
ulcers of the mouth, gums and lips in many people. Fluoride is poison no matter 
how it is used. Rat and roach poison and flux is all it is good for. 

In a class where fluoride salesmen (mostly dentists) were being trained, the 
question was asked what to do when the matter of fluoride damaged teeth came 
up when they were giving their sales speech in the council chambers. The 
instructor said to "use all the tricks necessary to make the sale, ignore the 
question, insult the questioner, ridicule him, change the subject or just hold up a 
picture of beautiful teeth (not fluoridated of course) and say that fluoride is 
harmless and makes the most beautiful teeth you can imagine; some will believe 


Medical doctrine states that "It is unlawful for a doctor or anyone else to 
prescribe or treat another person who is in full possession of his mental faculties, 
who objects to and refuses such treatment." 

Sodium fluoride is a prescription drug. 

The ten city council members who voted to add fluoride to the city water supply 
have illegally prescribed, and intend to force dangerous medication (a proved 
poison) on all 3,000,000 citizens in this city. (8,000,000 in Los Angeles County.) 
This long term drug program has been initiated without diagnosis and without 
consideration for the individual differences and weaknesses, allergies or inability 
to handle this dangerous, even deadly poison, they have prescribed. They have 
not asked permission of the people to prescribe and treat them, and they do not 
have a medical license to prescribe and treat. I know of many qualified drugless 
doctors who were sent to prison for helping people recover, with health diets and 
with no drugs or harmful substances. They did not have a medical license to 
treat, so they were sent to jail. These ten councilmen are dealing with a 
dangerous drug. When will they be sentenced, fined and imprisoned? 

They have violated our constitutional rights which guarantees protection of 
person and property; and they have violated the medical statues of prescribing, 
treating and practicing medicine without a license. They are lawbreakers subject 
to the penalty fitting a crime of such enormity. 


Cancer Death Rate (per 100,000). 












Tongue and mouth 















Large Intestine 










TOTAL (Gastro- 

intestinal Tract) 





Table 3 shows that most (about 65%) of the increase in cancer death rate from 
fluoridation is due to an increase in gastrointestinal cancer death rate. 


Extensive research has been done showing the link between the increased cancer 
death rate in cities where the water has been fluoridated over a period of years. 
This data may be obtained in more detail from THE NATIONAL HEALTH 
FEDERATION—P.O. Box 688—Monrovia, Calif. 91016. 

The same information was published in a WHEN MAGAZINE dealing with 
world health and ecology, Vol. 6:7—page 8—(35c), RO. Box #1, Palm Springs, 
Calif. 92262. 

DEATHS, by Dr. Yiamouyiannis. It contains five charts of official data similar to 
the chart reproduced on the preceding page. After studying these charts and the 
other information in the article, we can readily see that there should be no doubt 
whatsoever, that fluoride is a drastic poison and those who poison the public 
water supplies with it are killers and must be dealt with the same as any other 
willful murderers. 

CHAPTER 7: The Vaccination Connection 

Sue Marston 

Foreword by Dr. Emil Levine, MD 

The People for Reason in Science and Medicine 

Written by renowned expert on vaccinations, Sue Marston, the basic facts in this 
book are as relevant now as when it was written in 1993. Times and politics may 
change but the pressure to vaccinate hasn't; in fact, the pressure has grown more 
intense every year, and the damage caused by increased doses of vaccines will 
only get worse unless we all fight back against Big Pharma lies and greed and 
choose health over fear and intimidation. 


The first time I heard Sue Marston speak about vaccines I was impressed. She 
has a remarkable grasp of the issue and has investigated the subject more 
thoroughly than most doctors ever will. It isn't the job of the physician to 
investigate the effectiveness or danger of a vaccine. If it gets by the Food and 
Drug Administration, most doctors will administer it. 

The researcher whose job it is to determine the safety or efficacy of a drug 
cannot draw a correct conclusion until it has been tested on thousands of people. 
Even then, the effects of the vaccines and other drugs may not present 
themselves immediately, perhaps not showing up until the next decade or the 
next generation. Therefore it is your responsibility, as the recipients of these 
potentially lethal substances, to investigate them for your own sake and for the 
sake of your children. Ms. Marston has done an excellent job of gathering the 
facts, with references which can be verified. 

The author of this booklet has two important credentials which entitle her to 

write it. First, she is not a doctor. The fact that she is a lay person is what 
qualifies her. Whether intentional or not, the attitudes of some physicians who 
speak publicly intimidate the lay person into believing that only a doctor can 
know or recommend anything about health. As one of the most powerFul lobbies 
in the country, doctors have succeeded in making it illegal, or at least very risky, 
for anyone other than a doctor of allopathic medicine (treatment of symptoms) to 
make recommendations regarding your health. Other oppressive laws are 
pending as of this writing. Yet doctors don't study health; they study disease. 
With the exception of very minor references to food in their courses of study, 
doctors are not even required to study nutrition. It is the responsibility and the 
right of each individual to make informed decisions regarding his or her own 
health. You have probably heard one side of the vaccination issue. In this booklet 
you have the opportunity to read the other. 

Ms. Marston's second qualification for writing this booklet is her ability to 
discern fact from popular fiction. She obviously has invested, too, the hard work 
and dedication required to locate and interpret the essential reference materials. 

Anyone with an open and inquisitive mind can pick up The Wall Street Journal 
and read between the lines when a headline states that an inherited genetic 
mutation can cause cancer, while another sentence in the same article states that 
the mutation is believed to have been caused by an environmental agent or diet. 
What environmental agent? Could it be something in our air, in our water—in 
our vaccines? It is in the best interests of the pharmaceutical companies, their 
sister industries and offspring charities, to convince the trusting public that they 
need to find a cure for a mutant gene or that they need to conduct expensive tests 
to find these genes. It is more profitable for them to build more high tech 
facilities for conducting these tests than it is for them to clean up the 
"environmental agent" or admit that our polluted ecosystem, the deleterious 
effects of vaccines and other petrochemical products, and lack of knowledge 
about diet are causing the majority of our ills. It is more profitable to convince 
new parents that their babies need to be injected with blood, sera, bacteria from 
diseased animals, formaldehyde, and other known poisons, than to encourage 
them to enhance their babies' immune systems by feeding them natural and 
chemical free whole foods. 

Those who benefit from maintaining the status quo will try to convince you that 

the reason the death rate is so high for children in Third World countries (as well 
as poverty stricken children in this country) is that they are not vaccinated. They 
fail to inform you that many of these children live in unsanitary conditions 
which increase their risk of infection and decrease their bodies' defenses against 
diseases. Many of them are undernourished. In El Salvador, for example, where 
people are often forced to drink the same water in which their clothes are 
washed, the number one cause of death in children is diarrhea. 

The old era of submitting to the judgment of doctors under the government of 
the AMA, ADA, NIH, CDC, WHO, HEW, and FDA* is coming to an end. Many 
people are beginning to realize that their illnesses are products of manmade 
external and internal pollution fostered by a profit motive. 

* American Medical Association; American Dental Association; National 
Institutes of Health; Centers for Disease Control; World Health Organization; 
Health, Education, and Welfare; and Food and Drug Administration. 

The information contained in this booklet introduces a gateway to the new era of 
individual thought, investigation, and freedom of attaining and maintaining good 

Emil Levine, M.D. 

Los Angeles, California 

CHAPTER 8: Preface 

Epidemics of infectious diseases have always come and gone, wherever the 
conditions existed for disease to flourish, throughout recorded history. Despite a 
belief (one that we have all been carefully trained to accept) that vaccinations 
"prevent" infectious diseases and epidemics, the facts retrieved from public 
health records and medical journals indicate otherwise. 

It is undeniably true that there has been deliberate suppression of information 
and fabrication of data to protect a multibillion dollar per year industry: the 
pharmaceutical/chemical/agribusiness/oil/biomedical research conglomerate. It 
is readily acknowledged by the author that this conditioning of public opinion 
has been so successful that some individuals are unable to accept information 
which contradicts conditioned beliefs about vaccination. 

This booklet contains a synopsis of factual data regarding infectious diseases, 
vaccines, their effects, the reasons why vaccines are heavily promoted, and other 
vital information that is withheld from the public. 

Some say, "But I've been vaccinated and I'm healthy." That, of course, depends 
on your definition of health and the state of health you are accustomed to. There 
are various factors involved in maintaining good health. If you live a relatively 
unstressed existence with reasonably good nutrition, or you are blessed with a 
particularly hardy immune system and a strong constitution, you may be one of 
the lucky ones whose only vaccination initiated healing crises* have included 
colds, ear and throat infections, flu, allergies, etc. But there are many more 
serious dangers to health which have been shown to be caused by vaccination. 

**NOTE: A healing crisis occurs when the body is dealing with toxins injected, 
inhaled or ingested, and is using the immune system to try to eliminate the 
toxins, resulting in symptoms ranging from coughs to cancer. Yes, even cancer is 
a symptom of the body's efforts to eliminate toxins! 

Not everyone who lives in an area sprayed with pesticides feels ill or exhibits 
symptoms at the time of the spraying or for a long time afterwards, nor does 
everyone who lives near a chemical dumpsite develop cancer, leukemia, or other 

symptoms of an impaired immune system. But damage is done. The same is true 
of vaccination. 

Some also ask, "Why, if vaccinations are so harmful, and not beneficial, do 
doctors recommend them and defend them, often vehemently?" 

We must remember that doctors in medical school are indoctrinated into a belief 
in vaccination more intensely than the public at large. And the medical schools 
teaching drug and vaccine “therapy” are generously funded by the 
petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry. 

In addition, doctors who dare question the practice or advise patients against it 
risk the loss of their medical licenses and their livelihood for having the temerity 
to “buck the system” set up by the not-so-ethical ruling powers in medicine and 
politics today. Most people in any profession find it easier to keep their mouths 
shut and toe the party line, and doctors are only human, too. 


Thanks to the proofreaders and the technical “proof writers,” especially Francis 
J. Kovac and Edit Abbott, and to Terrance Sullivan, ND, who initiated this 

A very special thank you to medical editor and historian Hans Ruesch, whose 
books Slaughter of the Innocent and Naked Empress inspired the writer to 
further investigate the information unearthed in those books, which have been 
suppressed in nearly every country in the world, including our own “Freedom of 
Speech” USA. 

CHAPTER 9: Vaccine and Today's Health 

Most people have not yet made the connection between illnesses and vaccination 
because this information has not been shared with the public, and sometimes the 
effects lie dormant and are manifested at a later time (as explained further in this 
publication). Some of these health hazards from vaccination include cancer, 
leukemia, multiple sclerosis, autism, lupus, mental retardation, blindness, 
asthma, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, encephalitis, paralysis, tuberculosis, Sudden 
Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), damage to and/or failure of kidneys, liver, heart 
and other organs of the body (including the pancreas, now linked by some 
investigators to juvenile type diabetes), arthritis, meningitis, allergies, 
hyperactivity, mild to severe chronic ear infections, learning disabilities, and 
various other health problems. 

Vaccines contain a cross section of the following ingredients: decayed animal or 
animal embryo proteins, pus, blood, diseased mucous, urine, feces, 
formaldehyde, acetone, mercury derivatives, aluminum, carbolic acid, and 

The term “immunization” suggests that immunity to disease is produced by the 
practice of vaccinating. This is not true, so the word “immunization” is not used 
in this booklet, except in quotations included from outside sources. 

CHAPTER 10: Vaccines and the Media: Myth 
vs. Reality 

Here are some recent examples of what is reported to the public vs. the facts. 

The news releases which are approved for the public's eyes and ears claim that 
measles outbreaks occur because not enough people are vaccinating their 
children, and are ever urging the public to vaccinate more and more, younger 
and younger. 


The headline of an article in the New England Journal of Medicine reads: 

“Measles Outbreak in a Fully Immunized Secondary School Population,” and 
while the article attempts to explain how fully immunized children could be 
contracting measles, the conclusion drawn is that “outbreaks of measles can 
occur in secondary schools even when more than 99% of the students have been 
vaccinated.” (1) 


A national major news release in the Sunday Parade Magazine section of major 
newspapers across the country stated the following: “The pneumonia vaccine 
(officially known as polysaccharide pneumococcal provides immunity against 
the 23 types of pneumococcal responsible for about 90% of all pneumococcal 
disease. Older people are particularly vulnerable to these 23 strains. In fact, the 
vaccine is recommended for everyone 65 and older by the Immunization 
Practices Advisory Committee of the U.S. Public Health Service, as well as for 
20 million other Americans considered to be at risk. These include people with 
chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease, emphysema and other lung 
diseases.” (2) 

These news releases urging everyone (high risk individuals in particular) to be 

vaccinated with the pneumococcal vaccine persist to this day. 


Only three days before the release of the "Parade" magazine article, another 
report in the New England Journal of Medicine told of a “trial test” conducted 
with the pneumonia vaccine on 2,295 "high risk patient (with one or more of the 
following: age 55 years, and the presence of chronic cardiac, pulmonary, renal or 
hepatic disease, alcoholism or diabetes mellitus.” The experiment consisted of 
half the subjects receiving the vaccine and the other half receiving a placebo. 

The result indicated that more of the vaccine recipients contracted pneumonia or 
bronchitis and secondary infections than the placebo group. The conclusion 
drawn by the experimenters was: “We were unable to demonstrate any efficacy 
of the pneumococcal vaccine in preventing pneumonia or bronchitis in this 
population. Our data suggest that chronically ill patients who are most 
susceptible to infection may have an impaired immune response to the 
pneumococcal vaccine.” (3) 

Megan Gresh, Colorado Springs, Colorado, suffered permanent brain damage 
after receiving a third DPT shot September 4, 1987. 


Because of public alarm over the damages caused by the DPT vaccine, we have 
been seeing news releases over the past couple of years declaring that studies 
show the vaccine does not cause SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) or brain 
damage, but on the contrary, the vaccine helps “prevent” SIDS and brain 


The book DPT: A Shot in the Dark by Harris Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher 
deals specifically with the deaths and damages caused by the diphtheria, 
pertussis, tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Parents have carried their healthy babies into 
the doctor’s office and then noticed a distinct difference in the child’s health and 
behavior after the shot, often even before leaving the doctor’s office. The infant's 
behavior in these cases remained different until death or permanent mental 
and/or physical damage occurred. (4) 

From the Health Freedom News, February, 1989: “A study reported in the 
American Journal of Public Health last year demonstrates that there is a 7.3-fold 
increase in cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the interval between zero 
to 3 days after vaccinating with the DPT vaccine.” (5) 

A news item published in 1987 declared that Federle Faboratories appealed a 
court case in which they were being sued for paralysis caused to an infant by 
their DPT vaccine, because, they contended, the DPT vaccine is “unavoidably 
unsafe.” (6) 

It was recently revealed in an article in the Los Angeles Times that several 
doctors responsible for such news items “dismissing the likelihood of 
neurological illness from pertussis vaccines” are “consultants” to manufacturers 
of the DPT vaccine and have received hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of 
research grants from Federle Faboratory and other firms. (7) 

The preceding examples are, unfortunately, not exceptions from the time 
vaccination became a financially lucrative enterprise, what the public has been 

told by the mainstream media sources has often directly contradicted the 
information contained in government health records and private medical reports. 

If vaccination merely failed to prevent disease, then its promoters would be 
guilty only of making huge profits on an equally huge hoax. But the damages 
from vaccination are numerous and sometimes devastating. As previously 
mentioned, most people are not even aware of the link between vaccination and 
various disabilities and autoimmune diseases.* 

Let’s take a look at the facts regarding the epidemics we have been led to believe 
were wiped out by vaccines 

* Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks the cells of one’s 
own body. 

CHAPTER 11: Vaccines and Epidemics: The 
Real Story 

"Smallpox, typhus, and other fevers, occur on common conditions of foul air, 
stagnant putrefaction, bad house drainage, sewers of deposit, excrement-sodden 
sites, filthy street surfaces, impure water, and overcrowding. The entire removal 
of such conditions is the effectual preventive of disease of these species, whether 
in ordinary or extraordinary visitations." —Sir Edwin Chadwick, CB 


Although Edward Jenner is credited with the discovery of this vaccine, he was 
not the first to use it, but merely the first to garner acclaim for it because he was 
an astute businessman and public relations artist. Jenner claimed his "cowpox" 
vaccinations would give lifetime immunity, but this was quickly disproved as 
people contracted smallpox and often died after vaccination. Thus was born the 
popular excuse that people must be revaccinated, not just to cover for the 
vaccination's failure to protect, but also to cover for the fact that the vaccine 
often provoked the disease in previously healthy individuals. 

The decline of smallpox, as with many other infectious diseases, including 
diphtheria and scarlet fever, coincided with the sanitation reforms which were 
instituted in the late 1880s. Where obtainable, government health records from 
around the world showed that during the periods of the most intense and 
widespread vaccination, the incidence of and death rates from smallpox were 
highest. For instance, in Kansas City and Pittsburgh during the 1920s, lawsuits 
were initiated, and won, against doctors and medical societies for declaring 
smallpox epidemics when there were none, and for creating epidemics with their 
vaccination drives. 

Before 1903, smallpox was almost unknown in the Philippines, with occurrences 
in less than 3% of the population, and that in a mild form. The U.S. military 
went in and began vaccinating, and by 1905 the Philippines had its first major 
epidemic. Vaccination was made compulsory in 1910. From 1905 to 1923, the 
mortality rate ranged from 25-75%, depending on the count from the various 
islands. “The mortality rate was the highest in the cities where vaccination was 

most intense.” Dr. W.W. Keen reported 130,264 cases and 74,369 deaths from 
smallpox in 1921. 

Japan adopted compulsory vaccinations in 1872 when they had only a few cases 
of smallpox. By 1892 they had the largest smallpox epidemic in their history 
with 165,774 cases and 29,979 deaths. 

Australia banned the smallpox vaccine after some children were killed by it, and 
in the following 15 years in unvaccinated Australia there were only 3 cases of 
smallpox. (8) 

The smallpox vaccine was discontinued in the United States after Dr. Henry 
Kempe reported to Congress in 1966 that fewer people were dying from the 
disease than from vaccination. (9) 

Mona Stevenson vaccinated for smallpox shortly after the turn of the century. 
Vaccinated when five weeks old. Photograph taken five weeks later. Death from 
“Generalized Vaccinia.” 


According to a 1971 report presented at the Presidential Address of the British 
Association for the Advancement of Sciences, deaths from diphtheria, whooping 
cough (pertussis), scarlet fever and measles declined from their peak in 1860 by 
90%, before the common use of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) shots, circa 
1940, and antitoxin just prior to that time. (1) 

After French children were inoculated in 1941, diphtheria rates rose dramatically 
to 13,795 by the end of the year. By 1943, cases of diphtheria had increased to 
46,750. At the beginning of World War II, when Germany made vaccination 
compulsory, the rate of diphtheria reached an all time high of 150,000 cases, 
while in unvaccinated Norway there were only 50 cases. (11) 

The book Vaccination Condemned, published in 1981, reports that the "U.S. 
Public Health Service announced, The number of cases of diphtheria so far this 
year of 10,335 was not so alarming, but it is 2,500 above the recent norm, and 
this after the most intense and widespread vaccination with DPT vaccine over 
the past 45 years." (12) 

An article in East/West magazine (November, 1988) reports that of 795 cases of 
pertussis in infants ages 3 to 6 months, 49% of them had been vaccinated. That 
constitutes a nearly 50/50 ratio, which computes to zero protection. (13) 

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, pediatrician, reported in his newsletter, The People's 
Doctor : 

"When DPT vaccine (in Europe) was widely used, doctors were extremely 
reluctant to officially report cases of whooping cough (because of the work 
involved with reporting it to the Health Department). Of course the same 
underreporting tends to take place in other diseases—measles, mumps, polio, 
German measles, etc., for which vaccines are available. On the other hand, if a 
vaccine is abandoned, as in the case of the pertussis vaccine in England and 
other countries, then doctors, frustrated and enraged at public rejection, strike 
back with an epidemic of over-diagnosis. Thus, while earlier real cases of 
whooping cough were not reported, now every cough is labeled a "whooping 
cough." (14) 

So England reported a higher incidence of whooping cough after the pertussis 
vaccine lost favor, yet researchers at London's Epidemiological Research 
Laboratory reported in 1977: "Since the decline in pertussis immunization, 
hospital admission and death rates from whooping cough have fallen 
unexpectedly." (15) 

But why did the pertussis vaccine become unpopular in England and other 

European countries? Because of the damages it causes, including Sudden Infant 
Death Syndrome (SIDS), retardation, autism, seizures, and paralysis, just to 
name a few of the immediate and violent reactions. 

In his book The Case Against Immunizations, Dr. Richard Moskowitz reports the 
case of a 5-year old boy with chronic lymphatic leukemia. The boy's doctor 
confided to Dr. Moskowitz (but not to the parents) that the leukemia had first 
appeared following a DPT vaccination and that, although he had treated the child 
successfully with natural remedies on two previous occasions, with shrinking of 
the liver and spleen to approximately normal size and dramatic improvement in 
the blood picture, full relapse had occurred soon after each successive DPT 
booster. (16) 

According to Dr. Robert Sharpe, in his book The Cruel Deception, the diphtheria 
death rate was well over 1,000 per million children in 1860, but had sharply 
fallen between 1861 and 1870 to 400, before a vaccine or even an antitoxin were 
developed." (17) 

Some adults who received diphtheria vaccine as children are now coming down 
with diphtheria. They are being advised by public media to get revaccinated. 

Among the "reactions" that admittedly may be caused by pertussis vaccine in the 
Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1984 (H.R. 5810), which was instituted to 
take the burden of financial compensation off the shoulders of the vaccine 
manufacturers and put it squarely on the shoulders of the taxpayers, are: 

"Hemolytic anemia 

Infantile spasms 

Aseptic meningitis 

Juvenile diabetes 


Reyes syndrome 

Peripheral mononeuropathy 

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 

and such other illnesses and conditions as the Secretary may choose to review or 
as the Commission under section 2108 recommends for inclusion in such 



The statistics and public health records once again refute the claims and 
extensive media promotion surrounding polio vaccine. According to surgeon and 
medical historian Dr. M. Beddow Bayley (who also photographed children in 
hospital who had died of vaccine poisoning from diphtheria shots), the rate of 
paralytic polio in 1942 was 39 per 100,000 people, and decreased to 15 cases per 
100,000 people by 1952, prior to the introduction of the Salk vaccine. (18) 

In a program shown on PBS TV, ironically, designed to praise and propagandize 
the polio vaccine, it was admitted that when the vaccination program was 
instituted, some of the children received a placebo, apparently without their 
parents' knowledge, thus "constituting the greatest experiment of the 20th 
Century." (19) 

Of course, what the people were being told at the time was not that their children 
would be part of a mass experiment. They were told that the polio vaccine would 
protect their children from polio. The introduction of the vaccine was preceded 
by a very carefully planned, funded and executed public relations campaign and 
news media blitz designed to fulfill the real goal of the polio vaccine: profits. 
(See further details in The Poisoned Needle, originally written during the polio 
vaccine trials in the mid-1950s.) 

What effect did the Salk vaccine have on the polio epidemic? Listed below are 
public health statistics (U.S. Public Health Reports) from the four states which 
adopted compulsory vaccination, and the figures from Los Angeles, California 
(similar results in other states available from books listed at the back of this 


1958: 119 cases of polio before compulsory shots 
1959: 386 cases of polio after compulsory shots 


1958: 17 cases of polio before compulsory shots 

1959: 52 cases of polio after compulsory shots 


1958: 45 cases of polio before compulsory shots 
1959: 123 cases of polio after compulsory shots 


1958: 78 cases of polio before compulsory shots 
1959: 313 cases of polio after compulsory shots 


1958: 89 cases of polio before shots 
1959: 190 cases of polio after shots (20) 

As a result, the Salk vaccine was replaced by the Sabin oral vaccine. Because the 
epidemic itself had been on the downswing for many years (it continued its 
steady decline in areas where no vaccination centers were set up), and because 
the Sabin vaccine went through the normal routes of the body instead of directly 
into the bloodstream, the fiasco which had been created by the Salk vaccine 
subsided. However, in yet another pro-polio vaccine article (designed to promote 
a return to the use of the Salk vaccine), The Los Angeles Times spilled the beans 
when it announced that the only cases of polio occurring in the U.S. at the 
present time (June, 1985) were being caused by the Sabin oral vaccine. (21) 

In addition, the Salk and Sabin vaccines had been "cultured" in monkeys, and 
macerated monkey kidneys constituted au ingredient of the vaccines. 
Consequently, cancerous brain tumors containing genetic material from the SV- 
40 monkey virus have been discovered in people who were vaccinated with the 
polio vaccines and in children born to mothers who had received polio vaccine 
during pregnancy. (22) 

In October, 1988, a news item reporting a new polio outbreak in Jerusalem 
stated: "Dr. Walter A. Orenstein, director of the immunization division at the 
Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, and member of a team of experts in 
Jerusalem to advise the Israelis, said, 'We're seeing a number of cases in people 
who had oral polio vaccine in the past'." (23) 

So-called "health experts" recommended boosters for everyone under 40 years of 

age. Over 40 years ago there were no Salk or Sabin polio vaccines. They seem to 
be admitting that previously vaccinated people are more susceptible to 
contracting polio than unvaccinated people! 


Vaccination Condemned reports that after the largest nationwide measles 
campaign was staged, "Measles has increased to the worst epidemic in history, 
with the disease occurring mainly among the vaccinated." (24) It was not 
surprising when learned from public health records that in 1979 those states with 
the most rigid compulsory vaccination laws were the ones with the highest 
percentage of measles, such as Virginia, with 100% vaccination of children and a 
measles count of 21,424. In 1961, before the measles vaccination, the measles 
count for the entire country was only 4,283 cases. The 1962 national measles 
count was even less, with only 3,938 cases. But the measles vaccine, licensed in 
1963, increased the measles count to 57,380 by 1980, according to the 
"Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" of the Centers for Disease Control 
(CDC). (25) 

The Measles vaccine also causes post-vaccinal encephalitis, resulting in brain 
damage and blindness, plus the other illnesses ALL vaccines cause by impairing 
the immune system. Vaccination Condemned also reports that "a new and critical 
disease developed out of the measles vaccine, which the doctors named 'atypical' now we find that the nationwide use of the measles vaccine is 
causing a worse disease...this atypical measles is usually accompanied by a high 
fever (105-107 degrees), cough, chills, sore throat, diarrhea, headache, 
convulsions, rash, swelling of glands, cerebella ataxia, encephalitis, and 
sometimes death." (26) 

Measles after vaccination is a worse disease, overall, than measles in 
unvaccinated children. Its symptoms are generally much more severe, and it is 
more frequently fatal. 

Because many vaccinated children are getting the measles, and some of them are 
dying, the new battle cry for the "measles epidemic" is, "One shot is not 
enough!" (27) 

The Federal Government Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 6, 1986, 
revealed that out of 1,984 non-preventable cases of measles, 80% had been 
vaccinated on or after their first birthday. In the first half of 1989, measles cases 
increased to 7,335 (over 1,529 cases during the same period in 1988) after 
vaccinations had been intensified. Once again, over 80% of the affected school 
children had been “appropriately vaccinated.” (28) 


In the 1920s a direct cause of "lockjaw" was tetanus vaccination. Dr. 

Mendelsohn confided that in his clinical experience he had seen no cases of 
tetanus from rusty nails, and that the few cases he did see occurred in 
malnourished derelicts who had not stepped on rusty nails. He also reported that 
the finding that those annual (or even more frequent) tetanus shots were 
counterproductive and could even decrease one's immunity, and that finding led 
to official recommendations that tetanus boosters not be given more often than 
once every ten years. He also revealed that the tetanus vaccine has been 
progressively weakened over the decades in order to reduce the "considerable 
reaction" caused by it. (29) 

An article in the Archives of Neurology (1972) describes cases of brachia! 
plexus neuropathy resulting from tetanus toxoid (shots). Four patients who 
received only tetanus toxoid noticed onset of limb weakness from 6 to 21 days 
after the inoculation. (30) 

Dr. Mendelsohn also reported that an article published in the Journal of the 
American Medical Association tells about the case of a 23 year old medical 
student who received an injection of tetanus into his right hand. He later suffered 
from complete motor and sensory paralysis over the distribution of the right 
radial nerve. (31) 

Dr. H.K. Bourns reported in the British Medical journal (August, 1964) that 
tetanus antitoxin is unnecessary. (32) 

Dr. J.J.L. Albett of Leeds reported in the British Medical journal, April 12, 1971, 
that tetanus toxoid does not protect, and has a high mortality rate. (33) 

Dr. Mendelsohn also shared the following cases: "In Israel a preschool aged 
child suffered anaphylactic shock due to tetanus toxoid, and another anaphylactic 
reaction following tetanus 'immunization' was reported in Germany. In West 
Germany a report appeared of nerve damage to the inner ear by tetanus toxoid. 

In Poland, researchers reported that 13 of 17 children who were given DT 
'immunization' (diphtheria, tetanus) showed significant changes in their 
electroencephalograms; the main finding was the appearance of seizure activity 
for the first time or intensification of previously present seizure activity. In 
Switzerland, tetanus toxoid given during pregnancy was shown to cause a 
significant increase in incidence of jaundice in the newborn. And in the United 
States a report was published of recurrent abscess formation associated with 
hypersensitivity to tetanus toxoid." (34) 

Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, who vigorously opposed vaccination on the grounds that 
it is a blood poisoning procedure, advised that proper cleansing is the most 
important factor in dealing with cuts or puncture wounds. (35) 


As pointed out by Marilyn Gavran (who has conducted extensive research on the 
subject of rabies and rabies vaccine), "Rabies virus lives in harmony in the 
throats of wildlife in the same way as the strep germ lives in the throats of 
people until stress upsets the equilibrium and 'causes' disease." There has never 
been substantial proof provided that the rabies vaccine prevents rabies. (36) 

The Humane Education Committee of New Jersey, Inc., stated that those who 
submit to the Pasteur treatment for rabies often die from the treatment. (37) 
There are also cases on file of dogs and cats contracting rabies after receiving 
rabies shots, without having been bitten by another animal. 

Mrs. Gavran collected the case histories of rabies on file between the years 
1979-1985. In the majority of cases, the person had no known history of a bite. 

In other cases people were bitten by fully vaccinated dogs, and in one case the 
afflicted woman had been taking so-called protective rabies prophylaxis over a 
period of months prior to contracting the disease. She adds, "You might note 
there have been apparent human-to-human transmissions of 'rabies' as a result of 
corneal transplants." (38) 

As for laboratories being able to diagnose what is and isn't rabies, the CDC 
(Centers for Disease Control) reports that "antemortem [before death] diagnosis 
of rabies is difficult and often unreliable." (39) 

The Pasteur treatment was hailed as a life saving miracle after he supposedly 
"cured" Joseph Meister with it. However, carefully omitted from most 
mainstream literature on the subject is the fact that others were bitten by the 
same dog on the same day that Meister was bitten. They did not receive the 
Pasteur treatment and they did not get rabies. (40) 

In his book Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter, R. B. Pearson reports that in England 
three thousand people died after being bitten by dogs and then taking the Pasteur 
treatment. In 1902 a British commission investigated those results, and 
consequently the Pasteur Institutes were abolished. Subsequently, 2,668 persons 
bitten by dogs were treated for the bites without Pasteur shots, and none of them 
developed hydrophobia. (41) 

Gavran writes, “The best way to take care of a bite wound is through washing 
with soap and water. Add C internally and, voila, no rabies.” (42) 

Since 1937 it has been known that Vitamin C inactivates rabies virus. It was 
reconfirmed in 1975 and again in 1984 at the CDC. (43) 

Dogs and cats have suffered hair loss, skin rashes, paralysis, blindness, 
convulsions, bloat, rabies, autoimmune diseases, collapse, and death from rabies 
shots. The ever increasing number of cancer, leukemia, kidney, liver and heart 
damage cases in companion animals are related to the increased use of vaccines, 
dmgs, pesticides (flea dips, sprays, collars), and to the denatured commercial 
foods they are consuming. 

The author’s father, James W. Marston, Ventura, California, developed a near 
fatal illness after a yellow fever shot administered by the US military in 1942. 


Flu, like other so-called "infectious diseases," is a symptom of the body's efforts 
to cleanse itself of toxins. The author has spoken with literally dozens of people 
who have contracted the flu after receiving flu shots (and other types of shots), 
and this is not surprising, since all vaccines contain highly toxic materials. Those 
who don't experience symptoms after the shots should be even more concerned 
than those who do, because if the body does not mount an effort to eliminate the 
toxins, then it is harboring those toxins for more serious diseases such as cancer. 

Dr. L.C. Appel wrote, "The fact that vaccination is either, 

a) adding disease to a body already weighted with disease, or else, 

b) the giving of a disease to a perfectly healthy body, is the medical reason why 

some of us (medical doctors) oppose vaccination and urge its abolition. A 
perfectly healthy body is proof against natural disease. A diseased or unhealthy 
body can never be rendered healthy by inoculation or vaccination." (44) 

Vaccination Condemned reports that some of the after effects or reactions from 
the shots are: "Fever, malaise, toxicity, tenderness and redness at site of the 
injection, wheals (large, spreading swollen spots), respiratory problems, 
collapse, paralysis which may occur within a few hours after the vaccinations, 
although many cases do not begin until several weeks or months." (45) 

In an issue of "CFIDS Chronicle" Physicians Forum under "general 
recommendations" is this advice: "Do not take an annual flu shot. Current theory 
suggests the risk of adverse reactions may outweigh any benefits." (46) 

It was because of the damage claims filed after the swine flu vaccination 
program in 1977 (amounting to over 3 billion dollars) that we now have a law 
mandating that the government (i.e., the taxpayers) pay off the damage claims 
for all vaccine related deaths and disabilities, while the pharmaceutical industry 
continues to pocket the profits. 


The TB "skin test" implants tuberculosis in otherwise healthy people. The 
scratch on the skin with some tuberculosis applied does allow the disease 
causing agent to enter the bloodstream, causing reactions from mild to severe 
(including death). (47) 

In the Spring, 1992, PRISM newsletter there appears a personal testimony of a 
victim of the TB test. His "reaction" involved great difficulty in breathing, which 
progressed to a collapsed lung and hospitalization. (48) 

In the absence of the dangerous and often inaccurate TB test, how may people 
determine if they are infected with tuberculosis? There are usually outward signs 
if there is an unhealthy condition of the body. An examination by a competent 
doctor is more reliable than a test which can cause disease and also give false 
readings. (49) 

HEB (Hemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease) 

Perhaps you have seen the recent recommendations to vaccinate newborn babies 
with the HIB vaccine. In a 1986 report in The New England Journal of Medicine, 
the results of a "field trial" conducted in Finland showed that the vaccine "had no 
efficacy in children younger than 18 months, and uncertain efficacy in children 
18 to 23 months old." (50) The main topic of the report, however, was an 
American study of fifty five children between the ages of 18 to 47 months who 
had been vaccinated with HIB and who developed HIB disease. It was reported 
that ten additional cases of HIB disease occurring in vaccinated children were 
excluded from the study because they came down with the disease within three 
weeks of being vaccinated and "there may not have been sufficient time for the 
production of protective levels of serum antibodies." (51) 

One of the inoculated was an African-American child already infected with 
sickle cell disease, and the article admitted "he was known to have a host factor 
that would have predisposed him to invasive bacteria disease." Why, then, did 
they inject him with an infectious agent? Two other children "who had shunts 
from the central nervous system to the peritoneal cavity may also have 
predisposed to bacterial meningitis. One of the children with a shunt had been 
born prematurely and had a history of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and recurrent 
pneumonia." (52) 

Thirty-nine of these fifty-five vaccinated children developed meningitis, "three 
of whom died, and six had neurologic sequelae, epiglottis occurred in nine, 
cellulitis in two, bacteremia without focus in two, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis 
and pneumonia in one each." 

The report uses the terms "no efficacy" and, especially, "vaccine failure" 
numerous times, with never an admission or indication that introducing toxic 
chemicals, viruses and/or bacteria into the bloodstreams of little children can 
actually cause disease to occur. 


Readers may have seen the episode of ABC's "20/20" featuring women, most of 
whom were doctors or nurses, who had developed serious side effects from 

rubella shots, with symptoms ranging from arthritis to chronic fatigue, and 
including various other autoimmune disorders. In the course of the program, 
however, it was recommended that in order to avoid the crippling side effects 
experienced by adults, the shots should be administered in early childhood. 
Apparently the producers of the show were not familiar with studies which 
showed damage caused to children by rubella shots, including the Health, 
Education, and Welfare report from early 1970, which shared the fact that "as 
much as 26% of children receiving rubella vaccination in national testing 
programs developed arthralgia and arthritis." (54) 

But is the vaccine effective? Do the so-called "benefits" outweigh the risks? 

In October 1972, a seminar on rubella was held at the Department of Pathology, 
University Department, Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Beverly 
Allen, a medical virologist, gave an overwhelming evidence against the 
effectiveness of the vaccine. So stunned was she with her investigations that it 
caused her, like a growing number of scientists, to question the whole area 
related to herd immunizations. Dr. Allen described two trials, the first trial 
concerned army recruits who were selected because of their lack of immunity as 
determined by blood tests. These men were given Cendevax, an attenuated 
rubella virus that is supposed to protect. They were then sent to a camp which 
usually has an annual epidemic of rubella. This occurred three to four months 
after they were vaccinated, and 80% of the so-called immune recruits became 
infected with rubella virus. 

A further trial shortly after this took place at an institution for mentally retarded 
people with similar effects. Additional disturbing evidence was sent to us by a 
Melbourne GP who was in the United Kingdom at the time that Chief Health 
Officer Sir Henry Yellowlees, had released a press statement (February 26, 1976) 
informing doctors that, in spite of high vaccination figures, there had been no 
detectable reduction in the number of babies born with birth defects. (55) 

"This misleading immunity from rubella vaccine must be emphasized because of 
the occurrences of congenital rubella syndrome in infants born of mothers 
believed to be protected from rubella due to the presence of rubella vaccine- 
induced antibody as described in "Congenital Rubella after Successful 
Vaccination" (The Medical Journal of Australia, June 12, 1982, p. 514)." (56) 


The cause of cholera is known, and the only real cure for cholera is to remove 
the cause. We have heard and read a lot of media propaganda in favor of every 
type of vaccine imaginable, and cholera vaccine receives its share of adulation in 
print. The Orange County Register carried an article entitled "New Cholera 
Vaccine Going to South America." In between the praise and promises, however, 
was this little addition: "Jan Holmgren, who helped develop the vaccine, said he 
doubted that it would be able to stop the disease in Latin America," and the 
article's concluding paragraph confirms, "...contaminated water and food 
transmit cholera." (57) 

We should be learning, at least from the experiences of Drs. Kalokerinos and 
Dettman in Australia, p. 19, that introducing toxic substances into the body is far 
from the ideal or realistic way to prevent or halt an epidemic of disease that 
already results from toxemia. 

CHAPTER 12: Vaccines and School Admission 

Concerning vaccinations you may ask: "Isn't it true that my child will not be 
admitted into school without vaccinations?" The answer depends on what state 
you live in. 

There are currently 21 states in the U.S. which allow exemption from 
vaccination on philosophical grounds. This means one does not need a medical 
exemption or a religious exemption (required in some other states). The purpose 
of including such an exemption clause is not altruism on the part of the 
vaccinators. On the contrary, before the law recently passed that made the 
taxpayers responsible for their own vaccine damages, the personal beliefs 
exemption clause proved to be a handy bit of small print which absolved the 
vaccine labs and the schools from damage suits, for it makes the decision to 
vaccinate the child the parents' responsibility. They just don't tell you it's there, 
so if you fail to read the fine print, that's your fault. And never mind that they lie 
to us constantly on radio, T.V., and in the printed news media, telling us that 
children must, by law, be vaccinated in order to be enrolled in public school. 

The 21 states that, as of this writing, allow exemption from vaccination for 
"personal beliefs" are: California, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, 
Colorado, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, 
Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island and 
Delaware. (The laws pertaining to California are listed on the following page.) 

Now that the law absolving vaccine manufacturers of liability in damage cases 
has appeared, be on the lookout for efforts by the pharmaceutical industry to 
have personal exemption waivers rescinded. 

CHAPTER 13: Your Rights Concerning 

For parents in California who wish to file a personal beliefs exemption with their 
school board, the waiver is in Section 6051 under Article 3 of Title 17 of the 
Regulations of California School Admissions. State Senate Bill 942 also ensures 
that children may be enrolled in public or private school with exemption from 
vaccination. Elben also reports in Vaccination Condemned that for those who 
want to travel without vaccinations, the International Sanitary Regulations of the 
World Health Organization provides for an exemption in Article 83 of Chapter 
IV. (58) 

For those who live in states which do not have a personal beliefs exemption and 
for some reason cannot obtain a religious or medical exemption, Elben 
(Vaccination Condemned ) recommends demanding a "Vaccination Guarantee," 
in writing, from the school board and the doctor or nurse administering the shots. 
This guarantee would hold them financially liable for damages caused by the 

If this can be drawn up on a paper with a law firm letterhead and signed by an 
attorney, all the better. Elben cited the case of a lawyer who submitted such a 
letter, stating the vaccinator (s) and the school district would be responsible for 
medical costs and punitive damages if his child developed adverse reactions or 
died after vaccination, and was able to have his child admitted into school 
without being vaccinated, in a state which did not have a personal beliefs waiver. 

Attorney Thomas G. Finn has written that "Officials who advocate compulsory 
'immunizations are, in effect, advocating the taking of one of our basic freedoms 
from us; that is, the freedom of choice referred to in the Declaration of 
Independence as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." 

He also advises parents to remember that the relationship between parents and 
the pediatrician is contractual, and if the doctor attempts to intimidate you on the 
subject, you have the option to discharge him or her as your child's doctor. He 
suggests that doctors may be found on physicians lists obtained from groups like 
LaMaze, Laleche, NAPSAC, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and midwives, 

and that the doctor should be interviewed “as any other servant" to determine if 
he or she will conform to your wishes regarding what type of medical treatment 
your children will and will not receive. (59) 

CHAPTER 14: The Real Solution: Natural 

People also often ask how they can protect their children from diseases if they 
don't vaccinate them. 

First of all, they are being misled by the deceptive publicity which tells them 
vaccination prevents disease. But there are ways to build strong immune systems 
and maintain good health, and they are all natural. 

Information on health promoting diet is contained in books such as Vegan 
Nutrition. Pure and Simple and Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet by 
Michael Klaper, M.D. In addition, properly purified water is vital to good health. 

It is also of great importance to promote a healthy, positive mental attitude, a 
clean environment and good stress management. 

In countries where the death rates are very high from so-called "infectious 
diseases," we find that there are corresponding rates of malnutrition and poor 
living conditions. Wherever the "care" charities go with their food supplies and 
equipment for improving the living conditions, they are now accustomed to 
including vaccines in their kits without question. 

In his book Every Second Child, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos describes the deaths of 
Aboriginal babies, which he attributes to malnutrtional/vaccination interactions: 
"A health team would sweep into an area, line up all the Aboriginal babies and 
infants and 'immunize' them...Most infants would have colds. No wonder they 
died. Some would die within hours of acute vitamin C deficiency precipitated by 
the immunization. Others would die later from pneumonia, gastroenteritis, or 
malnutrition. If some babies and infants survived, they would be lined up again 
in a month for another immunization. If some managed to survive even this, they 
would be lined up again. Then there would be booster shots, shots for measles, 
polio and even T.B. Little wonder they died. The wonder is that any survived. 

“I almost shook with horror at the thought of what had been, and still was going 
on. We were actually killing infants through lack of understanding...! have no 

doubt that some so-called 'cot-deaths' are in fact acute vitamin C deficiencies, 
and these can occur even if the diet is adequate...First, there is an increased 
utilization of vitamin C (after vaccination)...This deficiency lowers immunity, 
and the immunizing agent adds to this temporary lowering. An infection such as 
pneumonia or gastroenteritis is likely...thus an infant may die a few days or a few 
weeks after being immunized." (60) 

Proper diet and improved living conditions are necessary to better health. But it 
seems we cannot render this type of aid to depressed countries without the 
pharmaceutical industry getting in on the act to sell more vaccines, actually 
interfering with the good efforts being made to help malnourished and diseased 

CHAPTER 15: Resistance to Natural Health: 

The Illness Industries 

New information on the subject of proper nutrition has been coming to the 
forefront, although it has been contradicted and denied by the meat, dairy and 
sugar lobbies. Although this type of information has always been in existence, it 
was suppressed, and derided where it couldn't be suppressed, because there is not 
a great deal of money to be made by the medical industry, drug industry, and 
several other large corporations if people know and practice the "secret" of good 

It is only after the information leaks out (usually by word of mouth) to such an 
extent that it would be an extreme embarrassment not to acknowledge it, that 
medical associations and charities not only jump on the bandwagon, but turn 
around and take credit for the "discovery" that proper nutrition leads to natural 
good health. 

The pharmaceutical/chemical/agribusiness/oil/biomedical "research" 
conglomerate creates a formidable coalition of influence in the media, politics 
and business, to shape America's (and the world's) eating habits. Thus, while we 
have children's hospitals for the "treatment" of cancer, leukemia, and other 
autoimmune diseases (caused by various forms of pollution, poor nutrition and 
vaccination), these same children's hospitals are setting up burger joints on their 
premises so the sick children can eat chemical and antibiotic laden meat 
(poisonous in itself, as putrefying flesh always is), and drink sugar and chemical 
laden colas. In fact, one well known burger franchise, which is destroying the 
environment by cutting down rainforests for grazing land and marketing toxic 
food, has their own children's hospital for children with cancer 

It is important to keep in mind that there is currently a plan in motion within the 
Medical Establishment to take away our freedom to refuse invasive procedures 
—vaccination in particular. The first testing ground appears to be welfare 
mothers, as recent news articles have reported that mothers receiving welfare 
might be refused aid if they don't have their children "immunized." (61) 

CHAPTER 16: Observations on Vaccinations 
and the Medical Profession 

It is hard to resist or ignore the constant headlines and warnings in the media 
about dire consequences if one is not vaccinated. We hardly ever hear about the 
damages (until too many people who are suffering damages have compared 
notes), and when that information is publicized, it is accompanied by assurances 
that "the benefits outweigh the risks" and that it's still better to be vaccinated 
than not vaccinated. Perhaps some of the following revelations will help foster 
an understanding of why the American public is continuously lied to about the 
safety and efficacy of vaccination: 

"I have been on the staff of the New Jersey State Department of Health, and was 
in complete charge of the Monmouth County Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center. 
For the past three years I have been director of the Homestead Rehabilitation 
Institute (and still am as of this writing). My experiences have enabled me to 
observe from within the workings of official medicine. At first I could not 
believe what I saw...Were the truth concerning medical treatment and so-called 
prevention ever to leak out, the stench of it would obliterate the public 
confidence in the medical profession and put an end to the fantastic drug 
profits." (62) —Dr. Milton Fried, D.C., 1956 

"The Rockefeller interests own controlling stock in 80% of the drug industry. 
The drug industry controls 90% of advertising media. Rockefeller Foundation 
endows medical schools, and ‘he who pays the piper calls the tune.’ Drug 
interests control the American Medical Journal through advertising. Rockefeller 
controls every medical health related agency—Food and Drug Administration 
(FDA), U.S. Public Health Services (PHS), Health, Education and Welfare 
(HEW), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the World Health Organization 
(WHO)." (63) —The Voice of Liberty, Decatur, GA., 1955 

"No other profession has anything like the large and well organized membership 
and corresponding political power and influence of the medical profession in the 
body politic." (64) —Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, 1981 

"This item concerns payments made to U.S. Lawmakers by organizations 

interested in keeping the present fraudulent medical system going. I have 
reported that American special interest groups 'showered a record 22.6 million 
on candidates in 1976 and that the top donors were the medical associations with 
$1,790,879." (65) —Hans Ruesch, medical editor and historian, 1978 

"The public press of today is largely governed by the orthodox rulers in the 
medical profession." (66) —Dr. Walter Hadwen 

"Even the most independent newspapers are dependent on their press 
associations for their national news. And there is no reason for a news editor to 
suspect that a story cooking over the wires of the Associated Press, the United 
Press or the International News Service, is censored when it concerns health 
matters. Yet this is what happens constantly...The Journal of the American 
Medical Association (JAMA), the organ of the Medical Syndicate in the U.S., 
had bragged as far back as January 20, 1940, that the United Press had been 
induced to issue a directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to 
"be cleared through its New York bureau and 'science editors.'" (67) —Hans 
Ruesch, 1982 

CHAPTER 17: Quotations from Doctors and 
Scientists about Vaccinations 

Vicki Hood, Roseburg, Oregon, developed symptoms within ten days of a 
gamma globulin inoculation: Diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. 

"Vaccines have never had the proclaimed preventive effect on infections. The 
regression of infectious diseases started over 200 years ago, which means long 
before the introduction of vaccination, and it was due to the improved social 
conditions of the population: nutrition and hygiene. Contrary to general belief, 
the vaccinations have had a negative influence on the decrease of the infective 
maladies and mortality. Statistics started off at a period when the infectious 
diseases were already on the downgrade. Careful studies over a period of many 

years have revealed that each introduction of a mass vaccination has obtained 
only one result: the immediate recrudescence of the malady that the vaccine 
should have prevented, but which has solicited instead. The temporary but 
immediate isolation of infected patients has each time proved sufficient to 
prevent an epidemic...Vaccines don't protect, but do harm. A scientific proof of 
their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal, damages 
they cause are a proven fact.” (68) —Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

“The vaccination modifies the terrain of the vaccinated, driving it towards the 
acidic and oxidized terrain—the terrain of cancer. The fact can no longer be 
denied." (69) — Revue de Pathologie Generale al de Physiologie Clinique 

"It is necessary only to read on the dials of a physical measuring apparatus the 
ratings of the 3 characteristics of the blood. The pH, the rH2 and the electric 
resistance. The findings are that all vaccination has the effect of directing the 
three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and 
leukemia...Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia." —Prof. L. C. 
Vincent, founder of Bioelectronics 

"I am thoroughly convinced that the increase of cancer is due to vaccination." 
(71) —Dr. Forbes Laurie, Medical Director of the Metropolitan Cancer Hospital, 
London, “Vaccination the Silent Killer” 

"...But suppose we included in our propaganda a candid account of the various 
untoward 'accidents' which have accompanied the procedure (vaccination): If we 
boldly told the whole truth, it is doubtful whether the public would submit to 
inoculation." (71) —Dr. D.C. Okell, The Lancet Medical Journal 

"Besides diseases of an acute nature, chronic degenerative diseases have also 
been reported to follow vaccination. Stovieck (1959), Paffy and Merei (1961), 
McAlpine (1964), and numerous German authors described the occurrence of 
multiple sclerosis following the administration of vaccines against smallpox, 
typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and 
influenza, and after injection of anti-diphtheria serum and gamma globulins. 
Zintchenko (1965) reported twelve patients in whom M.S. first became evident 
after a course of anti-rabies vaccinations." (73) —Dr. Henry Miller, MD 

"Although the body generally will not make antibodies against its own tissues, it 
appears that slight modification of antigenic character of tissues (via 
vaccination) may cause it to appear foreign to the immune system and thus a fair 
target for antibody production resulting in autoimmune diseases." —Peterson 
and Good 

Some M.D.'s and D.V.M.'s declare live virus vaccines as the culprit, and 
recommend killed virus vaccines. The author agrees with veterinarian Dr. John 
Saxon that the difference between live and killed virus vaccines is "rather like 
asking a man about to be hanged whether he would prefer to be dropped six or 
eight feet!" (75) 

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn warned us to beware of "new, improved" vaccines. 
History has shown us that "new, improved" vaccines have been just as dangerous 
and lethal as their predecessors. 

CHAPTER 18: Vaccines and Animals 

Allopathic (pharmaceutical, viral, chemical) vaccines are poison. Vaccines for 
animals are harmful, even deadly, to them, as well. The major causes of disease 
are stress, unhealthy diet, and exposure to pollutants. 

The author has known of many vaccinated, as well as unvaccinated, domestic 
animals which came down with diseases such as parvo, distemper and feline 
leukemia. She has also observed the high resistance to disease in animals fed a 
pure, natural diet, given clean, purified water, and kept away from pesticides and 

There is also a renewed and growing interest in homeopathy and homeopathic 
nosodes, which are much closer to the public's concept of what vaccinations are 
and should do. Homeopathic immunizations boost the immune system and have 
never been known to cause any disease or side effects. They have also been used 
to fight off the toxic effects of the pharmaceutical vaccines. 

In a report titled "Current Issues on Vaccine Safety and Efficacy," Dr. W. Jean 
Dodds relates that immune mediated hematologic disease and transient bone 
marrow failure and leukemias-lymphomas in dogs have been caused 
increasingly by vaccination with modified live parvovirus and other vaccines. 
She adds, "Adverse reactions to vaccination have also recently been reported 
with increasing frequency in cats, especially kittens." 

Honey Bear, companion cat to Mary Abbey, Santa Paula, California. Received 3- 
in-1 kitten shot in 1987 and subsequently experienced convulsions open sores at 
the site of the injection, permanent hair loss at the vaccination site and 
neurological damage. 

An article titled "Damage Following Immunization" tells us that bloat, stained 
teeth, ulcers, chronic gastroenteritis and seizures are also being attributed to 
vaccination, and that "there is an awakening recognition among veterinarians of 
the connection between immunizations and various illnesses." (77) 

After conducting controlled studies of the effects of both vaccination and 
homeopathic immunizations for kennel cough in dogs, Dr. C.E.I. Day concluded: 
"Vaccination against kennel cough is not an advantage to the dog, but, on the 
contrary, appears to constitute a health risk." (78) 

Sophie, Afghan Hound, Ventura County, California. Received rabies shot May 
24, 1991. By June 2, 1991, she was completely blind, No previous history of 
vision problems. 

Pamphlet number three of the Florida League for Humane Progress, St. 
Petersburg, Florida, quoting the Delson Chemical Company, states, "The 
compulsory inoculation of your dog is unconstitutional, unnecessary, 
troublesome, expensive, very dangerous, and many dogs develop paralysis, 
blindness, convulsions, and frequently die...We have had the opportunity of 
making careful observations of inoculations in canine diseases, and we have 
been forced to the conclusions that not only are inoculations entirely unreliable, 
but are exceedingly dangerous." (79) 

Dr. J.E.R. McDonough, FCRS, in the June/July, 1981, issue of Outrage 
magazine, wrote, "Immunization with an attenuated virus cannot prevent 
distemper. The author has treated many dogs which have developed distemper 
despite two or three injections of the preventative agent. He is of the opinion that 

fits, chorea hysteria, etc., in dogs have become more frequent since the use of 
distemper vaccine. Successful prevention will never be achieved by inoculation." 


Vaccines for Animals 

A news item titled "Firms Seeking an AIDS Vaccine Ask Protection," subtitled 
"If serum is discovered, they say, threat of lawsuits could block distribution" 
appeared in the November 29, 1988, Los Angeles Times. The article deals with 
the fact that the companies producing the swine flu vaccine in 1976 demanded 
and received impunity from the deaths and damages caused by their vaccine. 
They apparently knew these deaths and damages would occur because they 
applied for exemption from liability before the vaccine was distributed. Now 
prospective manufacturers of an AIDS vaccine have been seeking the same 
protection against financial liability. And remember, when such protection is 
granted by the government it is we, the taxpayers, who incur the expenses of the 
damage suits while the drug companies reap the profits. 

Cartoon cuuritsy of l"IVTS 

An article dated April 14, 1991, in Los Angeles' Daily News, headlined "Three 
Volunteers in AIDS Vaccine Experiment Died." In the text we find: "At least 
three of 19 volunteers who took part in a controversial AIDS research project 
have died, apparently from the effects of the vaccine-like preparation with which 
they were inoculated. The three deaths...occurred last year in Paris. But they 
have never been reported in medical journals. When the French and American 
scientists collaborating in the experiment published an account of their research 
last year, they reported that there had been no deaths among the subjects. At the 
time the article appeared, two of the subjects had died." The report goes on to 
tell us that the patients had died of "necrotizing vaccinia" and that "the 
preparation used in the experiments was made from vaccinia, a virus that causes 
cowpox in cows, into which a piece of the "AIDS virus" had been genetically 
inserted by scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, 

"Vaccinia disease is an extremely rare, and when untreated usually fatal relative 
of smallpox that eats away skin and tissue and causes necrotic lesions." 

A front page article in the London Times, May 11, 1987, headlined, "Smallpox 
Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus," reported the spread of AIDS through intensive 
vaccination promoted by the World "Health" Organization in Africa and Brazil. 
Upon reaching the Associated Press, United States Press International, and 
Reuters in the U.S., the report never reached the American public. 

In 1978, the hepatitis B vaccine was given to thousands of homosexual men in 
major cities throughout the United States. According to Dr. William Campbell 
Douglass, the hepatitis B vaccine "exhibits the exact epidemiology of AIDS" and 
that, "homosexual males between the ages of 20 and 40 years, who were not 
monogamous" were targeted for vaccination. 

A PBS TV documentary (designed to laud the vaccination project) revealed that 
homosexuals were actively solicited to participate in the experiment by being 
told that this vaccine would protect them from hepatitis B. Each vaccine 
recipient was issued a secret number. The PBS program stated that some of the 
recipients had received a placebo, so it was obviously an experiment, although 
the vaccine recipients were not told that they were being used for experimental 

(NOTE: There are other types of "vaccinia besides "necrotizing vaccinia and, 
therefore, vaccinia disease is more common than the article suggests. In addition, 
it is this author's understanding that necrotizing vaccinia is not treatable. If it 
were, then the volunteers who died, having been under doctors care, should have 
been treated and survived.) 

Dr. William Campell Douglass has written, "The Centers for Disease Control 
reported in 1981 that 4% of those receiving the hepatitis vaccine were AIDS 
infected. In 1984 they admitted to 60%. Now they refuse to give out figures at 

In the PBS program, the hepatitis B vaccine was referred to as a human blood 
product, obtained from homosexuals suffering from hepatitis B. The program 

narrative also stated that this blood product was so virulent that if the truck 
transporting it had gotten into an accident, and the blood product spilled, it 
would present a most dangerous contamination to the general public. 

The smallpox vaccine has always been produced using "calf lymph" or "fetal 
calf serum." The calves used for producing the vaccine can very often harbor 
"bovine leukemia virus," which isn't ordinarily communicable to people, but, 
according to Dr. Robert Strecker, can be when it is attenuated in human tissues to 
make a vaccine. A book written in 1933, titled "The Golden Calf" (by Charles 
W. Forward; John M. Watkins, Publisher), contains photographs of people dying 
of a "wasting" disease after having received their smallpox vaccinations, as well 
as photographs and descriptions of people having contracted "sleeping sickness" 
from smallpox vaccinations. Sleeping sickness is now also reported to be at 
epidemic proportions in Africa. 

As covered in the section on polio, the SV-40 monkey viruses have caused 
cancerous brain tumors in recipients of polio vaccine, and documented reports of 
different types of cancer and leukemia have followed in the wake of vaccinations 
of all kinds. 

Consider this June 26, 1991, report headline from the New York Times News 
Service: "Child Cancer Rates Climb, Study Finds," subtitled, "Cause of rising 
malignancies unknown." And how about the October 17, 1990 Associated Press 
headline: "Increase in Brain Cancer Alarming." Not a hint of the many toxic 
causes of disease in our outer and inner environments, including vaccination, in 
either of these articles. 

A news release headlined in the Orange County Register, "50's Polio Vaccine 
Could Be Source of AIDS, Scientist Says," and dated March 5, 1992, reported 
that a researcher named Robert Bohanon discovered "some stocks of polio 
vaccines used in Chicago in the mid-1950s have tested positive for the monkey 
virus." He adds, "Prominent polio researchers such as Jonas Salk and Albert 
Sabin confirm that the vaccines administered to millions of people around the 
world were later found to be contaminated with numerous monkey viruses. 
Bohanon reported last November while doing research at Baylor College of 
Medicine that he found the monkey virus in the tumor of an AIDS patient who 
had no known contact with monkeys." 

A report by Daniel Q. Haney, Associated Press, appeared in the Los Angeles 
Times October 25, 1987. Its headline read, "Both Cause and Cure of Multiple 
Sclerosis Still Elude Scientists." Yet the British Medical Journal reported on 
April 22, 1967, more than 20 years earlier, "Chronic diseases of an acute nature, 
chronic degenerative diseases have also been reported to follow vaccination. 
Stovicek (1959), Paffy and Merei (1961), McAlpine (1964), Morris, and 
numerous German authors described the occurrence of multiple sclerosis 
following administration of vaccines against smallpox, typhoid fever, 
paratyphoid fever, tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and influenza, and after 
injection of anti-diphtheria serum and gamma globulins. Zintchenko (1965) 
reported twelve patients in whom MS first became evident after a course of anti¬ 
rabies vaccinations." 

Dr. William Campbell Douglass' weekly newsletter, AIDS FAXx, had this to say 
in the June 16, 1989, issue: 

“Researchers have discovered that the blood of people with multiple sclerosis 
(MS) contains a virus previously associated only with leukemia: HIV-I, or 
bovine leukemia virus. This cattle virus causes T-cell leukemia in man and also 
tropical sclerosis, and also tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP), a rapidly 
degenerative neurological disease similar to multiple sclerosis, except faster in 
its progression. The source of these HTLV-I infections, and possibly the cause of 
their multiple sclerosis, is obvious from the scientific literature, but most 
scientists are reluctant to discuss it because it's a terrible indictment of ah 

"It is clear from the scientific literature that fetal calf serum, and other animal 
sera and animal tissues used to make vaccines, are heavily contaminated with 
animal viruses. The one of most importance in the case of multiple sclerosis is 
the bovine leukemia virus...a high percentage of calf sera used for making 
vaccines have been found to be contaminated with this cancer causing and MS- 
causing virus. Of equal importance is the contamination of these sera, used for 
vaccinations, by the AIDS virus itself. The AIDS virus, which is bovine visna 
virus (BWV) has been shown to be present in a large percentage of the fetal calf 
serums used for cell cultures. 

“HTLV-I, BWV, and possibly other of these pathogenic viruses, cause various 
neurological symptoms. If six out of six patients suffering from MS in the Lund 
study were found to be positive for HTLV-I, then one can assume that the 
patients multiple sclerosis came from this viral contaminant." 

Dr. Richard Moskowitz has written, "Since routine vaccination introduces live 
viruses and other highly antigenic material into the blood of virtually every 
living person, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that a significant harvest of 
autoimmune diseases must automatically result." 

In August of 1992, the media reported that U.S. troops had returned from the 
Persian Gulf with strange symptoms suggestive of autoimmune disease. The 
excuses for these symptoms focused originally on oil fires in the gulf, and by 
October, 1992, laid the blame on sand flies (Joseph Albright, "1,000 Gulf Vets 
May Have Parasite Causing Ailments Decades in Future," Pasadena Star News, 
October 10, 1992). Only once did the author hear a military doctor (interviewed 
on late night/early morning television news, never to be repeated during prime 
time) state that one of the causes "might be the immunizations they received." 

The troops sent to the Persian Gulf received not only the standard 
immunosuppressive shots given by the military, but also a new experimental 
"biological warfare" vaccine (Orange County Register, January 4, 1991, page 
A26, by Gina Kolata of the New York Times). 

Explosion of enthusiasm in a research laboratory at the discovery of a new 
funding. Cartoon courtesy of CIVIS. 

The article, "Troops in Persian Gulf to get Experimental Botulism. Vaccine," 
states, "On Dec. 21, 1990, the Department of Defense obtained a special waiver 
needed to require troops to take experimental drugs and vaccines, in case of 
combat or "threat of combat." Although troops must accept standard medical 
treatments, until now they have not had to accept experimental ones without 
signing an informed consent agreement." 

"Modern science is just beginning to investigate and in some measure to 
document genetic transcriptions resulting from vaccinations. Dr. Robert W. 
Simpson of Rutgers University has suggested that immunization programs 
against influenza, measles, mumps, and polio may actually be seeding humans 
with proviruses which will then become latent in cells throughout the body. Of 
diseases that could be caused in this manner, according to Simpson, the chief 
possibilities are rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosis, 
Parkinson's disease and cancer. 

"American virologists have shown the RNA virus (in vaccines), although not 
containing DNA material within their structure, are able to form DNA and 
become integrated with the cells that they infect" (from The Dangers of 

Immunization, The Humanitarian Society, Quakertown, PA, 1979). 

"In point of fact, we already practice biological engineering on a rather large 
scale by use of live viruses in mass immunization campaigns" (Joshua 
Lederberg, Department of Genetics, to Science magazine, October 20, 1967, 
page 313). 

But for researchers receiving government grants to continue experimenting in 
the alleged attempt to find the causes and cures of autoimmune diseases, for the 
big business industries which profit from "treatments" for disease, and from 
products which create disease, two plus two must always be translated into 
infinitely more complicated equations in order for confusion to continue to 
surround the issues. If answers were made evident, the funding would stop. 

This booklet is intended to give only a brief cross-section of information. For 
more detailed information, you may want to send for the books listed at the back 
of this publication. 


Allen, Hannah, Don't Get Stuck, Natural Hygiene Press (P.O. Box 30630, 

Tampa, FL 33630), 1975. 

Berman, Dr. Robert, The Solid Gold Stethoscope, Macmillan Publications, N.Y., 

Cantwell, Alan M.D. Aids and the Doctors of Death, Aries Rising Press (P.O. 
Box 29532, L.A., CA 90029) 

Coulter, Harris, and Fisher, Barbara Loe, DPT: A Shot. In The Dark, Warner 
Books, 1985. 

Cournoyer, Cynthia, What about Immunizations?, Nelson Books (P.O. Box 3202, 
Santa Cruz, CA 95036), 1986. 

Elben, Vaccination Condemned, Better Life Research, 1981 Available from 

PRISM, P.O. Box 1305, Woodland Hills, CA 91365, (714) 995-4889). 

Forward, Charles, The Golden Calf, Health Research" (P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne 
Hill, CA 95.245, (209).286-1324), 1933. 

Hume, E. Douglas, Beauchamp or Pasteur: A Lost Chapter in the History of 
Biology, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research (2023 W. Wisconsin Ave., 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201), 1947. 

James, Walene, Immunization. The Reality Behind the Myth, Bergin & Garvey 
Publishers, Inc. (670 Amherst Rd., South Hadley, MA 01075), 1988. 

Kalokerinos, Archie, M.D., Every Second Child, Veritas Press (GPO Box 1653, 
Bundaberg, QLD 4670 Australia), 1981. 

Klaper, Michael, M.D., Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet, Gentle World, 
Inc. (P.O. Box 1418, Umatilla, FL 32784), 1987. 

Vegan Nutrition. Pure and Simple, Gentle World, Inc., 1987. 

*Health Research Publishers has many more titles on vaccinations and other 

McBean, Eleanor, PhD, The Poisoned Needle, Health Research, 1974. 
Moskowitz, Dr. Richard, The Case Against Immunizations, American Institute 
of Homeopathy (Washington, D.C.), 1983. 

Mullins, Eustace, Murder by Injection, NCMC (P.O. Box 1105, Staunton, WA 
24401), 1987. 

Parry, W. H., Communicable Diseases, Hodder & Stoughton, 1979. Pearson, R. 
B., Pasteur. Plagiarist, Imposter, Health Research, 1941. 

Rappoport, Jon, AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century, Human Energy Press (Suite 
D, 370 W. San Bruno Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066), 1988. 

Ruesch, Hans, Naked Empress, or The Great Medical Fraud, CIVIS (P.O.B. 

152-Via Motta 51-CH 6900, Massagno-Lugano, Switzerland), 1981. (All Ruesch 
books available through PRISM.) 

_ Slaughter of the Innocent, CIVIS, 1978. 

_ 1,000 Doctors Against Vivisection, CIVIS, 1989. 

Sharpe, Dr. Robert, The Cruel Deception, Thorson Publishers, Ltd., 1988. 

Shelton, Dr. Herbert M., Vaccination and Serum Evils, Health Research, 1966. 

Stephens, Ian, Shot to Hell, Veritas Press (GPO Box 1653, Bundaberg, QLD 
4670, Australia), 1981. 

Wilson, Sir Graham, M.D., The Hazards of Immunization, The Authone Press 
(University of London, 2 Gower Street, WCI-LAN9535, England), 1967. 


1. T.L. Gustafson et al., "Measles Outbreak in a Fully Immunized Secondary 
School Population," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 316, No. 13, 1987, 
p. 771-4. 

2. Karen Feld, "A Little-Known Weapon Against Pneumonia" Parade Magazine, 
November 23, 1986, p. 8-9. 

3. Michael S. Simberkoff, M.D., et al., "Efficacy of Pneumococcal Vaccines on 
High-Risk Patients," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 315, No. 21, 1986, 
p. 1318 

4. Harris Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher, DPT: A Shot In the Dark. 

5. National Health Federation Health Freedom News, February, 1989. 

6. AP News, Boise, Idaho, printed in Ventura County Star Free Press, February 
15, 1987, p. D4. 

7. Janny Scott, "Researcher to Clarify Ties to Drug Company," Los Angeles 
Times, March 24, 1990, p. B3. 

8. Elben, Vaccination Condemned, pp. 13,38. 

9. Ibid., p. 120. 

10. Porter, British Association for the Advancement of Sciences presidential 
address, 1971, reprinted in "The Dangers of Immunization," Humanitarian Press, 
Quakertown, PA, p. 52. 

11. Elben, p. 67. 

12. Ibid., p. 65. 

13. Richard Leviton, "Who Calls The Shots?." East/West Journal, . November, 
1988, pp. 43-56. 

14. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, The People's Doctor newsletter, Vol.6, No. 10. 

15. Richard Leviton, "Who Calls The Shots?," East/West Journal, November, 
1988, p. 50. 

16. Dr. Richard Moskowitz, The Case Against Immunizations, p. 12. 

17. Dr. Robert Sharpe, The Cruel Deception, p. 30 (reprinted from MRCSpecial 
Report Series No.247, 1943. 

18. Dr. M.Beddow Bayly, in Hans Ruesch, Slaughter of the Innocent, p. 195. 

19. PBS (KCETLos Angeles) television reporton polio vaccine. 

20. U.S. Health Reports, reprinted in Elben, p. 28-9, 

21. Bill Curry, "Polio War-Renewed Controversy," Los Angeles Times, June 1, 
1985, Part 1, p. 1. 

22. Ruesch, Naked Empress, p. 54. 

23. "Israel Vaccinates Millions after Outbreak of Polio," Orange County Register 
newspaper, October 8, 1988, p. A22; Knight-Ridder newspapers. 

24. Elben, pp. 144-5. 

25. Centers for Disease Control report, reprinted in Elben, p. 145. 

26. Elben, p. 113. 

27. Jonathan Freedman, "The Return of a Killer," Los Angeles Times, June 4, 
1990, p. B5. 

28. Federal Government Morbidity and Mortality Report, June 6, 1986, reprinted 
in The People's Doctor Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 10. 

29. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, The People's Doctor newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 5. 

30. Archives of Neurology, 1972, reprinted in Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, The 
People's Doctor newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 12. 

31. JAMA report, reprinted in Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, The People's Doctor 
newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 12. 

32. Dr. H. K. Bourns, British Medical Journal, reprinted in Allen, p. 167. 

33. Dr. J.J.L. Albert, British Medical Journal, reprinted in Allen, p. 167. 

34. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, The People's Doctor newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 5. 

35. Hannah Allen, Don't Get Stuck, p. 142. 

36. Dr. George Baer, DVM, "The Natural History of Rabies," in report by 
Marilyn Gavranon on file with Council Borough of River Edge, New Jersey, 

37. The Humane Education Committee of New Jersey, Inc., reprinted in Allen, p. 

38. Marilyn Gavran, on file with Council Borough of River Edge, New Jersey. 

39. CDC report, reprinted in Gavran. 

40. Walene James, Immunization. The Reality Behind the Myth, p. 76. 

41. R.B. Pearson, Pasteur. Plagiarist, Imposter, reprinted in The AAV magazine, 
Vol. 92, No. 3, March, 1984, p. 8-9. 

42. Gavran, report on file with Council Borough of River Edge, New Jersey. 

43. Ibid. 

44. Dr. LC. Appel, reprinted in Elben, p. 50. 

45. Elben, p. 318. 

46. "The CFIDS Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome Chronicle" 
Physician's Forum, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 1991, p. 16. 

47. Elben, p. 368. 

48. Reynaldo Perez, "I've Got You Under My Skin," Spectrum newsletter, 

People for Reason in Science and Medicine, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1992, p. 1, 

49. Elben, p. 368. 

50. Dan M. Granoff, M.D., et al., "Hemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease in 
Children Vaccinated with Type B Polysaccharide Vaccine," New England 
Journal of Medicine, Vol. 315, No. 25, December 8, 1986, p. 1584. 

51. Ibid., p. 1585. 

52. Ibid., p. 1586. 

53. Ibid., p. 1586. 

54. Science magazine, March 26, 1977, p. 9, reprinted in The Dangers 
oflTTHHization (1983), p. 55. 

55. Dr. Archie Kalokerinos and Dr. Glen Dettman, "Does Rubella Vaccination 
Protect?," Australian Nurses Journal, reprinted in The Dangers of Immunization, 
p. 54. 

56. The Humanitarian Society, The Dangers of Immunization, p. 54-5. 

57. "New Cholera Vaccine Going to South America," Orange County Register, 
May 9, 1991, page A4. 

58. Elben, p. 420-1. 

59. Thomas G. Finn, "How to Avoid Compulsory Immunizations" 

60. Kalokerinos, Every Second Child, reprinted in The Dangers of 
Immunization, p. 41. 

61. Associated Press, "Measles Shots Tied to Welfare," Ventura County Star Free 
Press, March 12, 1991, p. B7. 

62. Dr. Milton Fried, D.C., in McBean, p. 193. 

63. Decatur, GA, The Voice of Fiberty, 1955, reprinted in Elben, p. 33. 

64. Elben, p. 275. 

65. Ruesch, Slaughter of the Innocent, p. 418. 

66. Dr. Walter Hadwin in McBean. 

67. Ruesch, Naked Empress, p. 102. 

68. Dr. Gerhard Buchwald in CIVIS Newsletter by Hans Ruesch, No. 8, p. 3. 

69. Revue de Pathologie Generale at de Physiologie Clinique reprinted in 
Ruesch, Slaughter of the Innocent, p. 378. 

70. LC. Vincent in Allen, p. 112. 

71. Dr. Forbes Laurie in McBean, p. 42. 

72. Dr. D.C. Okell, The Lancet Medical Journal, January, 1938, reprinted in 
Elben, p. 47. 

73. Henry Miller, M.D., et al., "Multiple Sclerosis and Vaccinations," British 
Medical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 5546, April, 1967, p. 211. 

74. Peterson and Good, Postgraduate Medicine, May, 1962, (Special issue: 
Connective Tissue Diseases, p. 422); parenthetical note added. 

75. John Saxon, M.A., Vet., M.B., M.R.C.V.S., "Title," International Association 
of Veterinary Homeopathy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988. 

76. W. Jean Dodds, DVM, "Current Issues on Vaccine Safety and Efficacy," 
Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department 
of Health, 1989. 

77. Jean Lyle, Wycliffe, "Damage Following Immunization," Poodle Variety, 
January, 1988. 

78. C.E.I. Day, M.A., Vet., M.B., M.R.C.V.S., "Isopathic Prevention of Kennel 
Cough-Is Vaccination Justified?," International Association of Veterinary 
Homeopathy, Vol.2, No. 1, 1987. 

79. Allen, p. 140. 

80. Ruesch, 1,000 Doctors Against Vivisection, p. 39. 

CHAPTER 3: Vaccination—The Silent Killer 

A Clear and Present Danger 
Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

Ida Honorof, consumer activist 


I feel most honored that I have been asked to write this foreword and I am most 
pleased to do it. 

The authors have taken on a mammoth task—that of attempting to convince the 
intelligent members of the public that they have been so consistently lied to and 
brainwashed by the government and medical practice that they actually believe 
the myths and fantasies which are endlessly spewing forth from these two 
'authoritarian' institutions. I put “authoritarian” in quotations since the only 
authority they actually have with respect to health and disease is what they have 
concocted for themselves—totally counterfeit authority, and all based on lies, 
superstitions, barbaric sterile theories, and their lust for personal wealth and 

The public only believes what it does because no one has been strong enough to 
reveal the truth by publicly challenging the charlatans with questions and facts 
which thoroughly refute their claims. Whenever such challenges have been 
made, they have been squelched by a conspiracy which includes government 
medical practice, and even the news media and the courts, as we found to our 
dismay in the 1976 swine flu hoax which we publicly exposed long before the 
massacre began. 

In order to preserve their authoritarian status and simultaneously fill their 
already overstuffed pockets with more of the victimized public's money, the 
following claims have been made by medical practice and supported by money- 
hungry, power-hungry and ignorant members of the government in the Executive 
branch, the Congress, the courts, and state and local agencies: 

1. Germs, or bacteria, cause disease. 

2. Viruses cause disease. 

3. Cures for cancer and other diseases are imminent if enough public money is 

4. Vaccines can prevent diseases and have virtually wiped out smallpox, polio, 
measles and others. 

These are only a few of the wild claims made by the medicine men, 
and gullibly swallowed by the public. But I assure the reader, these 
are all lies and no solid evidence can be produced to support them, 
while there is abundant evidence to prove them wrong. The claims 
that drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery can 'cure' diseases are 
absolute lies, as may be witnessed by their absolute failure and 
incessant changing, over the years. The medicine men will violently 
argue to the contrary for their own self-preservation, but they cannot 
produce any legitimate support for their argument. There is abundant 
evidence to prove them wrong. 

My space is limited here, so I will use it primarily to present 
information which should make intelligent people think those with 
preconceived opinions, beliefs and prejudices are generally too weak 
and ignorant to think for themselves and blindly accept what the 
'doctor' tells them, so this is not for ignorant un thinking people. 

First I want to say that there is not, and never has been, even a shred 
of evidence to prove that germs and viruses can or do cause diseases. 
The world is literally saturated with bacteria, and if they really 
'attacked' people the earth's population would have been extinct 
mill ions of years ago. The same thing is true of viruses. The medicine 
men had the public convinced as recently as 100 years ago, and for 

many centuries before that, that the sole cause of all disease was 'evil 
spirits'—something which couldn't be seen but which "invaded' and 
'attacked' a person's body. When public skepticism became strong, 
along came Pasteur with his germs, so the medicine men immediately 
abandoned the 'evil spirits' they had held on to for so long and quickly 
adopted the 'germ theory' (a fairy story of all diseases, and convinced 
the public that it was tiny invisible germs which caused all diseases, 
by "invading' and attacking a person's body. 

In the early part of the 20th century there was growing public 
skepticism about the germ theory since intelligent people began to 
realize that germs were everywhere in abundance, and yet the public 
survived, plus the fact that, in spite of the medical 'attacks' on germs, 
all the old diseases continued to exist with many new diseases arising 
as well-the numerous iatrogenic diseases caused by the medicine men 
and their witches' bags of drugs, medicine, vaccines, etc. With this 
growing skepticism the medicine men were desperate and, fortunately 
for them, about that time they discovered viruses-tiny submicroscopic 
non-living immotile bits of DNA or RNA packaged in a coat of 
protein, Viruses became the villains. Viruses are a necessary element 
of life, as germs and bacteria are, and appear in all living organisms in 
abundance. If they “attacked,” life could not exist. 

As extremely small non-living particles without the ability of self¬ 
movement (the same as vitamins, hormones, enzymes, minerals, etc.), 
there is no way for viruses to deliberately harm a living cell or a big 
collection of cells such as a human body, but the medicine men 
concocted an unproved and unprovable fairy story that these invisible 
particles were vicious and malicious and deliberately 'attacked' 
healthy cells to cause most of the diseases which just a few years ago 
they blamed on germs or bacteria-and remember, just before that the 
culprits were 'evil spirits.' WHY they “attack” and HOW they ’attack’ 
have never been explained. 

Vaccines (poisons) were concocted to “fight” harmless bacteria 
without success—the only result being the poisoning of the patients 
(victims) with severe disruption of normal body functions and 
processes, leading to more severe diseases than that which were being 
'fought.' Then more vaccines were concocted to 'fight' harmless 
viruses with success-the only result again being the production of 
worse effects than the normal natural beneficial acute symptoms they 
were trying to prevent. 

The public is thoroughly brainwashed in the virus theory, to the extent 
that the common excuse for an ailment is that “I've caught a virus” or 
“I've come down with a virus.” But now, since all of their 'attacks' on 
innocent viruses have failed, the medicine men are looking for other 
villains to blame for disease. They are now toying around with the 
idea of possession by 'evil spirits' again since they cannot find any 
other culprit. 

They claim psychosomatic causes. They are experimenting with 
acupuncture, used for thousands of years by the Chinese. They are 
experimenting with herbs, used for thousands of years by the Chinese. 
They are experimenting with new chemicals and drugs, concocted by 
the pharmaceutical empire since all of the old ones are absolute 
failures. They are experimenting with vaccines. And the gullible 
public furnishes all of the guinea pigs for their experiments. 

The medicine men and the public refuse to examine that only diet, 
habits and environment (rarely hereditary) can disrupt the normal 
health of a person—a matter of unwitting, ignorant, pure self-abuse 
and medical abuse. To admit this would put an end to medical practice 
forever, And those who would reveal these facts to the world are 
condemned by the powerful medical association—and the people who 
resist any idea that they are causing their own illnesses by their foolish 

diets, habits and environmental pollution, since they are addicted to 
their way of life and don't want to change it. 

Diseases of all names are the invention of men, designed to confuse 
and frighten the public and set up the medicine men as 'authorities,' to 
whom the people must look for help. A particular disease is not an 
entity as medicine men want you to believe, but the combination of a 
certain number of specific, simple symptoms acute diseases), or 
particular structural effects of persistent abuse of one's body (chronic 

An example of medical hocus-pocus is inflammation. All '-itises' are 
the same except that they occur in various parts of the body and are 
given the name of the part that is affected, i.e. bronch-itis, neur-itis, 
appendic-itis, nephr-itis, arthritis, dermat-itis, burs-itis, colitis, 
conjunctivitis, polio myel-itis, etc.—all of them being simply 
inflammation of a specific part of the body. The inflammation 
(symptom) is the same, but many diseases have been invented to 
frighten the public. The same has been done with words such as '- 
osis.' You, the public, have been thus frightened, deceived, victimized 
and conned by the medicine men. There are many '-itis' diseases, they 
are all simple inflammation, and the inflammation is a consequence of 
an irritation. It is only necessary to remove the irritation, the cause, 
and the inflammation or -itis will disappear as if by magic. But the 
medicine men drug people, adding poisons and contaminants to their 
already polluted bodies in a purported attempt to compensate for the 
inflammation without ever knowing or seeking to find out the cause or 
source of the irritation. This weakens the patient and, even though the 
inflammation may ultimately vanish as a result of the body's self- 
healing processes (not because of the drugs but in spite of them), 
assures more potential business for the medicine men as the result of 
the damages inflicted by the drugs along with their claims (lies) that 
the drugs healed the patient. 

Among the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people, 
and perhaps more devastating than the short-lived swine flu hoax of 
1976, is the polio hoax. Polio is a collection of mild symptoms 
experienced by people throughout the world without ever knowing 
that they had 'polio.' On rare occasions, when a person became 
paralyzed, it was called polio, and was highly publicized by the 
medicine men in order to frighten the public. Parents were (and still 
are) panicked into a fear that their child would be paralyzed—a 
condition which might ultimately develop whether in connection with 
the symptoms of polio or not. 

One self-serving charlatan by the name of Jonas Salk produced what 
he called a vaccine to prevent polio, and the pharmaceutical empire 
joined with him to flood the country with the vaccine in an attempt to 
have all children vaccinated, Great fame and profits were in prospect 
for all involved in this swindle. Government bureaucrats, the lackeys 
of the powerful medical association and the pharmaceutical empire 
were quick to jump on the bandwagon. Medical and government 
propaganda flooded the country and frightened the wits out of parents 
everywhere who gullibly believed the lie that polio presented a serious 
threat to their children. Mass 'immunization' of children took place, 
making mill ions of dollars for the medicine men and the 
pharmaceutical industry, with great fame for Jonas Salk. This hoax 
still continues and produces more illness and more patients and more 
money for the charlatans every time a child is vaccinated. 

The facts are that polio vaccine never prevented anything except good 
health for the people who were contaminated with the vaccine 
poisoning. Medical propaganda and counterfeit statistics prepared by 
the medical men attempt to convince the gullible public that polio has 
been virtually wiped out by the vaccination and that all children 
should continue to be vaccinated—all lies. Other statistics are 

concealed, principally the fact that with or without vaccinations, all 
people experience polio symptoms—but the medical men call this the 
flu, a common cold, or something else, not polio. 

The truth is, as I said before, that you and probably everyone else in 
the world has had “polio” one or more times and has not even known 
it. Kids, today, still get polio whether or not they have been 
vaccinated, and they recover without ill effects, and without knowing 
that they had polio. Those who have been vaccinated have had their 
bodies polluted by the vaccine and must look forward to a severe 
acute illness as their bodies eliminate the vaccine poisons or, as the 
only alternative, they must look forward to chronic illness resulting 
from permanent damage done by the vaccine poisons. 

Usual polio symptoms are fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, 
irritability, mild muscular pain or stiffness, and sore throat. It may be 
seen that these same symptoms are also present in influenza, 
encephalitis, measles, common cold and many other so-called 
diseases. The public relies on the medicine men to tell them which 
"disease" they have, although one charlatan may call their symptoms 
by one name while another charlatan may call them by a different 
name. If polio is being publicized, the medicine man will call the 
symptoms polio. If influenza is being publicized he will call the 
illness influenza. It is all a great hoax and will continue to perpetrate 
on the gullible public. Remember, polio symptoms never hurt anyone, 
polio vaccine has maimed millions. 

Epidemics are artificially produced by the medicine men with the 
unwitting but invaluable help of the news media whose people are just 
as ignorant as the general public, concerning health, disease, and all 
else pertaining to the human body. Whena few people in the same area 
exhibit similar symptoms, the medicine men 'proclaim' an epidemic, 
which is carried by the news media so that everyone knows about it. 

From the publicized moment on, the epidemic grows wildly. People 
are panicked, or psyched, into similar illnesses. Every illness is 
diagnosed by the medicine men as that of the epidemic disease, 
whereas normally there would be a large variety of diverse diseases 
diagnosed. And deaths resulting from all causes are attributed to the 
'epidemic' disease. 

The medicine men recommend vaccinations or other bogus treatment, 
the public desperately complies with great gullibility, and becomes 
sicker through the medical poisoning; a true epidemic of medical 
poisoning follows, with many deaths and other adverse effects, which 
the medicine men falsely blame on the 'epidemic' disease. The 
medicine men are very busy and make lots of money together with 
their pharmaceutical gurus and, the massacre continues for a brief 
period until people's bodies naturally throw off the medical poisons 
and return to normal, while many sustain permanent damage. 

This was exactly the course planned by the government medicine men 
in the 1976 swine flu hoax. There was never a single case of the bogus 
swine flu anywhere—the disease itself being the figment of 
someone’s imagination. Other illnesses were proclaimed as swine flu, 
and deaths were even attributed to it. The medicine men conned other 
super ignorant public officials into supporting the hoax, including the 
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, members of Congress 
and President Gerald Ford. The news media fell into line as usual, But 
this time there were a few, very few, skeptics and outspoken people 
who knew the true nature of such hoaxes, myself included. 

Fortunately, there was no mass illness of any kind in 1976 except 
among those who received a swine flu vaccination; otherwise, had 
there been a preponderance of flu-like illnesses, the hoax may have 
succeeded. Unfortunately for the victims, but fortunately for the 
mill ions of people who refused the vaccine, there were many deaths 
and cases of paralysis resulting from the vaccine (not from swine flu), 

and the pressures from lawsuits, mainly mine and the author's, and 
publicity concerning the fate of the victims forced the termination of 
the mass vaccination plan before a truly massive disaster occurred. 

In the long sordid history of medicine, the medicine men have never 
produced even a single cure of any disease, nor prevented any disease 
through their barbaric practices, in spite of all medical claims (lies) to 
the contrary. A case in point is that of the bubonic plague which was 
widespread in the dark ages, killing millions of people and spreading 
fear throughout the rest of the population. This plague arose 
spontaneously as a result of poor living conditions, physical abuses, 
dietary abuses, filthy environmental conditions, predominance of 
destructive habits such as alcohol drinking, and the unbelievable 
barbarism of the medicine men at the time. The medicine men were 
admittedly helpless to prevent the spread of plague even though they 
tried all manner of witchcraft potions, surgery, etc., which actually 
contributed to the disaster. 

But, without any medical help, the disease finally subsided by itself as 
the normal and natural physiological purging of the people was 
completed, together with improved environmental conditions. This is 
the case with all acute diseases, rising and subsiding spontaneously in 
cycles which are determined by the living conditions of the affected 
group of people. If the medicine men had had a vaccine in those days 
they would have taken credit for the elimination of the plague even 
though it ended of itself; and they were not sophisticated enough at 
that time to con the public into believing they were responsible for 
ending the plague. 

Today’s medicine men are more sophisticated in conning the people, 
and are quick to take credit for anything that may benefit them, even 
though they may not be involved in any way. They are also shrewd 
enough and organized enough to convince the public that they are not 

responsible for adverse events which they actually produce with their 
modern witchcraft. This can be documented by the thousands, or 
mill ions, of drug, medicine, radiation, and surgical deaths and 
disabilities each year—deliberate murder in many cases—which the 
medicine men are responsible for, but which they have conned the 
public to believe was not their fault. The point I am trying to make is 
that environmental conditions, dietary and other habits, hygiene, the 
general way of life of the people, and bad medical abuses are the 
major contributing factors in disease. If the people's physical 
condition deteriorates from unhealthy practices, diseases will occur. 
These diseases will be somewhat different but with similar symptoms 
from year to year and from place to place, depending on the way of 
life of particular groups of people, as the natural purging and self- 
healing processes of human bodies function according to nature. 

Flu-like, polio-like, measles-like, cold-like, and other diseases rise and 
fall in cycles. All the medicine men in the world cannot prevent these 
occurrences in spite of all of their vaccines and other barbaric things 
in their witchcraft bag of tricks. These acute illnesses will, and must 
occur periodically as part of nature's cleansing processes when 
people's bodies become severely contaminated...The medicine men's 
interference with these symptoms through introduction of more 
poisons into one's body in the form of vaccines or other drugs and 
medicines, only postpones the inevitable and, if persisted in, leads to 
ultimate chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis and 
others, as the body deteriorates as a result of this medical interference, 
and abuse which prevents the normal cleansing and self-healing 
processes from proceeding naturally. 

Left alone, without any medical interference, the mild cleansing 
cycles of acute symptoms such as flu, polio, cold, measles, etc. would 
proceed normally and fatal chronic diseases such as cancer and heart 
disease would diminish to insignificance. The blame for all chronic 

diseases and many acute diseases can be placed squarely on medical 
practices of today. Paradoxically, those who purport to cure diseases 
are the actual ones who produce them. As the medicine men modify 
their practices, so does the state of the world's health deteriorate. Any 
intelligent person can determine this for himself by just looking at the 
medical record and the world health record of the past few hundred 
years with particular emphasis on the past 100 years. 

The facts remain for anyone who is interested enough and intelligent 
enough to examine them: 

2. Evil spirits, germs and viruses do not cause disease—there is not 
one shred of evidence to implicate any of them in spite of medical 
unproved lies to the contrary. 

2. Diet, habits, environment and medical practices are the only major 
contributing factors to a person's health or illness—health or disease is 

3. There is no way that drugs, medicines, chemicals, radiation, 
vaccines or surgery can prevent or cure diseases. 

4. The medical claims that such diseases as smallpox, measles, and 
polio have been eliminated, are unproved lies using false statistics 
specifically designed to deceive the public. 

5. All symptoms are natural, albeit anomalous, responses of a human 
organism to abuses—either self-induced or medically-induced abuses. 

6. To prevent a symptom or interfere with it, is the same as preventing 
urination, bowel movements, perspiration and breathing. All of these 
physiological processes, including symptoms, are simply designed to 
eliminate wastes, toxins and contaminants from a living organism. 

I wish the authors great success with their endeavor and hope that 
millions of people will awaken to the truth as the result of this book. 

—Lewis E. Cook, Jr. 


The inspiration for this book came to us after we appeared at the Los 
Angeles County Board of Supervisors on May 31, and presented them 
with facts and figures to which they refused to listen. 

VACCINATION—THE SILENT KILLER was rushed into production 
in an effort to stave off another polio vaccination disaster which is 
now being planned. 

Experience and public records prove conclusively that vaccines, being 
highly toxic, often increases disease of the most severe nature—more 
often in people who already are sick, but often in healthy persons (the 
recent swine flu fiasco is a shining example). Trusting people suffered 
paralysis, blindness, post-vaccinal encephalitis (brain damage), 
impotence, skin diseases, and even death, shortly after injection of the 
toxins. Delayed reactions lay the groundwork for cancer, heart 
disease, kidney disease, tuberculosis and others. All of this has been 
documented many times. 

Vaccines have been popularized, and the vaccine makers hailed as 
"public benefactors." Dr. Jonas Salk, the man responsible for causing 
disease and death, recently was given one of the highest honors in the 
land, by our confused and misguided President Carter. 

Against centuries of false propaganda, favoring vaccinations, with this 

book we hope to stem the tide of shocking facts with documentation 
gathered from world sources of medical records, findings of dedicated 
researchers, congressional hearings and public health reports. 

HAZARDS ABOUT VACCINES, which has not been taught in 
schools, in the medical field (literature), in the news media, churches, 
or in public libraries. The people should be reminded that a normal 
healthy organism is naturally "immune." The body can never be made 
immune from its own accumulated toxins and poisoning by adding 
more poison and abuse to the already overburdened body. Only 
charlatans could conceive such humbug, and unthinking minds could 
accept it. This is medical witchcraft at its worst. Would you 
deliberately add more smog to Los Angeles' already contaminated 
environment in order to "clean up the smog?" Would that “ purify" our 

A well documented book on vaccine dangers was presented to the Los 
Angeles Public Library in the mid '50's and they rejected it saying 
they could not place it on the shelves because it was "against the 
accepted medical beliefs." Would the Medical Industrial Complex 
ever endorse any book that condemned their practices, and deprived 
them of more yachts, Cadillacs, Rolls Royce's, minks and sables? 

This timely expose, VACCINATION—THE SILENT KILLER, is a 
vital life and death matter! If the people want truth, the people must 
help support it! 

Lewis Cook is the publisher and co-author of one of the most 
comprehensive and broad spectrum philosophical texts, GOLDOT, a 
large volume of 7 books, encompassing all facets of human life, 
which includes a 493 page book titled Physical Man, highly 
condensed but comprehensive discourse on all facets of physical life 

examined from the very fundamental level of cellular life, 
organization, specialization and function with a brief but thorough 
study of basic anatomy and biology and an extensive detailed study 
and revelation of the cause and cure of all diseases with specific 
dissertations on the cause, cure and prevention of cancer, heart 
disease, arthritis, influenza and 56 other major maladies of humans. 

Cook conducted extensive scientific research in the field of health and 
the cause, cure and prevention of diseases in many countries with a 
comprehensive study of the modes and methods of medical practice 
and health care of wide ranging diversity. He lectured on health and 
the cause, cure and prevention of diseases at Miami-Dade Community 
College, Miami, Fla., and at numerous other groups and public and 
private assemblages. He has been an active health counsellor in the 
prevention of diseases, applied nutrition, physiological purification 
and the tried and proven cure of a wide variety of acute and chronic 
diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer, including 

GOLDOT is dedicated to all fellow humans on this planet with the 
sincere, deep and heartfelt prayer that from his text you will derive 
lasting benefits in your quest for physical, mental and spiritual 
perfection, and this work will be instrumental in helping you to find 
physical health, mental purity and spiritual illumination with a life of 
love, peace, harmony, health, happiness and prosperity in a world of 
peace and unity. (Lewis E. Cook, P.O. Box 787, Oceanside, Ca. 


—The Authors 

CHAPTER 20: Help Ban the Silent Killer: 

Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 


Although the people of this country have not even recovered from the 
last government sponsored and medically directed polio epidemic of 
the 1950's, in which thousands were killed and disabled by the polio 
vaccines (Salk and Sabin), the vaccine promoters are at it again. HOW 
DARE THEY? Perhaps they think the vaccine victims are all dead 
and won't talk, and there is an entirely new generation among us, who 
are unaware of that previous doctor-made disaster. Many of the 
vaccine deaths were falsified on the records to give the polio vaccine a 
good appearance to the public. But there were other public records not 
tampered with, which showed that polio increased over 300 percent in 
some of the states which had compulsory polio vaccination—all 
vaccinated. (See page 54 for figures.) 

Even if polio vaccine were a deterrent to polio—which it is not—there 
is no polio epidemic now, and none on the way, to justify this 
expensive, disease producing vaccine drive, which is an outrage 
against the health of the people. 

That previous polio vaccine campaign caused such widespread disease 
and debilitation that it sparked the largest polio epidemic of all time. 
Not one case was caused by viruses or germs or any other organisms 
which the doctors like to blame their mistakes on. No doctor or 
scientist has ever been able to prove that germs and viruses cause 
disease. Even Pasteur admitted this on his deathbed. (More about this 

later. It is the poisoning effect of the vaccines themselves, which cause 
disease; that is their admitted purpose. 

NOTE: Whenever the word vaccination is used, it also includes 
inoculation and immunization. 

This is not to claim that vaccines are the only cause of disease. All 
types of body poisoning cause malfunction and disease. A few of the 
common and popular poisons are INSECTICIDE sprays on our 
garden produce, PRESERVATIVES (poison) in our packaged foods, 
SYNTHETIC, coal tar products (poison) in food color and flavors, 
FLUORIDE and chlorine (poisons) in drinking water, MEDICINES 
(all drugs are poison, including aspirin and penicillin), devitalized, 
PROCESSED FOODS which unbalance our chemistry, STRESS, 
which generates toxins, COFFEE, TEA, COLA, ALCOHOL, SOFT 
DRINKS, TOBACCO, NARCOTICS etc., as all are loaded with 
poisons. Ordinary white SUGAR, which looks so harmless, is one of 
the worst enemies of health, and plays a prominent part in the cause of 
polio, heart disease and many other diseases. 

Polio is not contagious, and therefore, cannot be controlled by 
vaccines. If the above, poison—spiked foods and drugs (including 
vaccines) are avoided, there is no need to fear "catching" polio, no 
matter how many others have it. 

Our national health has declined down almost to the bottom of the list 
in comparison to other countries. Unless we reverse the trend away 
from commercial “foodless foods”, and get back to a safe and sensible 
health program, we will soon be past the point of no return. 

Putting it simply, we can avoid disease by avoiding the causes of 
disease, which are certainly not germs and contagion. The body has its 
own internal healing system. The right understanding and use of this 

knowledge can restore our individual and national health in record 
time. If anyone doubts this, why not try it out and see? It would not 
cost much and would be safe. 

The doctors know the vaccines are dangerous, and that is why they 
refuse to give any guarantees. When people drop dead from the shots, 
some doctors merely shrug it off by saying, "So what, we kill a few 
and save a few." But the gruesome fact is that they do not save anyone 
with vaccines. Shooting poison into the body in no way protects us 
from disease nor builds health. Poisons can only poison, and the 
disastrous after effects of serum poisoning continues on for years. 
Many are still suffering from shots they had in childhood. 

The fact that some survive the shots and do not get the disease, does 
not prove that the shots saved them; it merely means that they had 
enough internal resistance to counteract the poisons. They didn't get 
the disease because diseases are nothing but cleansing efforts of the 
body to rid itself of excess food and toxins. Some of the poisons are 
violently ejected by vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, etc. while 
other poisons are forced out by severs and sweating, eruptions on the 
skin such as smallpox, chickenpox, measles, boils, lumps, etc. 

If a person has a clean and healthy body (not overfed) he will have no 
need for a cleansing (called disease, by doctors), therefore, he will not 
"catch" any disease from others, because disease is no more catching 
than a dirty neck. 

Will our health and public authorities adopt a simple and sensible 
healing program? They are not about to, because vaccinations and all 
the popular medical programs are highly profitable to the promoters, 
and that is just what will be forced down our throats, unless we rise up 
and assert our rights. More and more public funds are being requested 
to promote more medical programs, to build more hospitals, subsidize 

more medical schools, to drug the population and keep them 
tranquilized while they sink into uselessness with increasing ailments. 

Even before the other vaccine victims are cold in their graves, the 
vaccine promoters are plotting another, larger vaccine onslaught, and 
the people have not been given any say in the matter—the same as 
always. Have we ever been allowed to vote on whether or not we are 
willing to spend mi lli ons of our tax dollars for drastic poisons to be 
forced on the people, including our helpless children and the 
protesting soldiers? (For more details, see the topic headings, 

The medicine men have always had their way when they are out to 
foist another money making vaccine scheme on the public. It is 
always the people who do the suffering and the paying for it. 

WHOIS GOING TO STOP THEM? Up to now, no one has dared to 
stand up and confront them with the cold facts and shocking evidence 
about the hazards of vaccines. No one officially, had demanded that 
the whole sordid vaccine business be investigated, exposed, and the 
vaccine promoters stopped from their exploitation of the unsuspecting 

We plan to acquaint our public officials throughout the country, with 
the pertinent facts regarding the hazards of vaccinations and 
inoculations, so they will not have any excuse for claiming that they 
didn't know the facts when they supported the vaccine program. We 
invite the help of all who read this book and want to take part in this 
life saving project. (See page 51 for details). 



If anyone who is so backward and uninformed as to want a shot, he 
should certainly have the right to go to a doctor and personally pay for 
it. But, no more public funds, and no more high pressure advertising 
of vaccination should be tolerated, knowing that shots are damaging 
in 100% of the cases. 

So far, it has been so easy for the vaccine promoters to get vast sums 
of money for their vaccine sprees. They needed but to ask, and 
mill ions were handed to them by our medically dominated 
government officials, and no guarantees were ever asked or given, that 
the vaccines be safe and effective. A typical example of this reckless 
waste of public money, is that $135,000,000 which Pres. Ford handed 
over to the swine flu vaccine promoters, for which they killed and 
paralyzed thousands of people, and “billed” us for the $1,300,000,000 
billion) damage suits to pay for them. This misdirected waste of 
public funds must be stopped and reparations made by the guilty for 
the damage done. (An inept Congress and Pres. Ford agreed to pay for 
their damage suits, with taxpayer's money.) 


If vaccines were safe and effective, the promoters should not hesitate 
to give us a guarantee of that fact. We would not buy a car, TV, watch, 
etc., if we were not guaranteed that it would work for a certain period 
of time. Our health is even more important than our mechanical 
possessions, so why shouldn't we expect, and be given a guarantee 
that the medication be safe and effective? Yet, no doctor or laboratory 
will give any guarantee that the vaccines will not kill the people or 
cause paralysis or some other common after effect of vaccinations. 
They not only will not give any guarantee of safety, but they will not 
even give a guarantee that the vaccine will protect people from the 

disease it is supposed to. They know by their own voluminous records 
that all vaccines cause more disease than what the people would have 
had normally, without the shots. 

Who are these vaccine promoters who make wild, unsupported 
promises, not backed by any proof or guarantees? They are: 

-CDC (Center for Disease Control) 

-HEW (Health, Education and Welfare) 

-PHS (Public Health Service) 

-FDA (Food & Drug Administration) 

-AMA (American Medical Association) 

-WHO(World Health Organization) 

In addition to the above named organizations, we should also include 
the laboratories making the vaccines, the doctors and nurses giving 
the shots, the health departments in every state, city and town, the 
school boards, the news media, and the government officials who 
finance and support the vaccine programs. 


It is hard to believe that people in positions of trust and authority, 
deliberately meet together and work out schemes to trick, deceive and 
injure the people, just to make money for them selves, but it is true, 
and they usually get by with it without being caught in the act, and 
exposed. Even when caught, they live plausible excuses which 
convince some of the people. Only a few cases are discovered and 
reported. The following are two cases of medical treachery which 
were exposed: 


In my recent book SWINE FLU EXPOSE, (page 63) reported two 
medically-made epidemics, in Pittsburgh and Kansas City. As 
unbelievable as it may seem, the doctors, deliberately plotted a crime 
which disabled hundreds of people. 

At that time, the health of the people was good, but business was dull 
for the doctors, so they worked out a scheme to make some quick and 
easy money for themselves. They called a meeting for doctors only) 
behind closed doors, and actually moved and seconded that a 
smallpox epidemic be declared in the city, so they could stage an all- 
out vaccination drive to force the entire population into their 
vaccination centers. 

In an emergency, real or imaginary, the doctors assume dictatorial 
powers to control the people to suit their purposes. In these cases they 
used all these powers to the fullest extent, in terrorizing the public 
with all the fear tactics characteristic of racketeers. They created the 
necessary panic and fear of smallpox to stampede everyone into their 
offices for the shots. As usual, in all these vaccination campaigns, 
they told the people that smallpox was contagious and deadly (which 
was not true) and that the shots would protect them from the disease 
(which it didn't and that the shots were 'free' (which was not true 
either. Vaccinations are never free, because profit is the name of the 
game. Those 'free shots are always fully paid for by the taxpayers, 

There was no smallpox epidemic until after the vaccine poisoning 
created one, and there certainly was no emergency to justify the 
vaccination campaign, but the people didn't know it, so the scheme 
worked, and the doctors raked in millions of dollars from the shots, 
and even more from the diseases caused by vaccine poisoning, so the 
doctors filled their hospitals and had business to last all winter. 

This public poisoning onslaught never would have been brought to 
light if it had not been for an alert and dedicated little health group 
who suspected fraud, because there were no epidemics in the area 
before the vaccination campaign. Therefore, they hired a lawyer and 
had an investigation. The doctors were brought to trial, along with 
their books and records in question. When their subpoenaed books 
were read in court it revealed that the doctors were criminally 
involved in deliberately creating disease and suffering merely for 
monetary gain, with no consideration for the pain, cost, disability and 
permanent damage to the people. 

If we took a poll of doctor popularity at this time, we would find that 
most people like and trust their doctors, and want to believe that they 
can do no wrong, so they would rather not believe this shocking report 
of doctor-made epidemics. But, it is not a matter of choice to believe 
or not to believe; it is a fact; these are court cases which can be 

We would like to believe that these two cases were isolated and rare, 
but they are not. Medically made, vaccine induced epidemics are 
carried out every year in every city and town. There is not always a 
large outbreak of the disease after each vaccination drive, but there are 
always many cases of vaccine poisoning which are usually hushed up 
and kept out of sight in the hospitals. All vaccination campaigns are 
for the sole purpose of making money for the promoters, because 
there is never any other benefit from them. Vaccines cannot prevent or 
control diseases except to exchange a simple, harmless cleansing 
disease for a chronic killer disease later on. When the childhood 
diseases are suppressed with vaccines and other drugs, the poisons are 
retained inside the body where they corrode vital tissue and cause 
chronic diseases a few years later. Cancer, which was unknown 
among children until after vaccinations, is now the number one ki ll er 

of children under 15 years of age. 

Doctors say the cause of cancer is unknown. If they cannot see the 
obvious, it is because they don't want to see. 

If medically-made epidemics are carried on every year, why don't we 
find out about it? It is simply because there are very few dedicated 
health minded people, these days, who are capable and financially 
able to have an investigation and bring the culprits to trial. Court cases 
are expensive, and the doctors and drug houses have a battery of 
lawyers and multimillion dollar “slush funds" to spend fighting the 
opponents of the vaccine pushers. 

An important life-and-death matter such as this, should not be left up 
to the few struggling do-gooders (like Ida and me). Our government 
officials should be the ones to stand the costs of the investigation and 
legal fees. If they are not interested or capable of finding out what's 
going on in the way of medical skullduggery, they should pay salaries 
to those who are, or finance their work. 

All compulsory vaccination programs in the schools, military, 
businesses, hospitals, ports of entry, and wherever they have been 
entrenched, should be abolished at once, because vaccines have never 
and can never give any immunity from disease. The only immunity 
there is is that which the clean and healthy body generates within 
itself by the action of its own internal healing system. On the other 
hand, the toxic vaccines destroy that natural immunity. 


Up to this time, I had only read about a few medically made 

epidemics, but I had never witnessed one, first hand, actually being 
planned and steamrollered into operation by our tax supported, public 
officials. According to those court cases mentioned above (of 
medically-made epidemics), the doctors used to plan their 
skullduggery behind closed doors, with only their own handpicked 
backroom boys' or medical gang, but now, they are so brazen that they 
do it out in the open. I sat in one of their recent people—poisoning 
schemes being engineered, right in the Public Hearing Room of the 
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, (May 31, 1977) when they 
laid out their plans for a massive polio vaccine drive to take place 
immediately. Supervisor Pete Schabarum (no doubt prodded by the 
medico-drug combine, to make the “pitch”) said, 

“In order to step up our efforts to increase polio immunization levels, 
we need a greater commitment of federal and state funds. I therefore, 
move that the Dept, of Health Services be instructed to request 
substantial increases in federal and state fundings, and that efforts be 
undertaken immediately to plan a COUNTY WIDE POLIO 

Absolutely no proof, guarantees or evidence was given to prove that 
the vaccine would not kill the people, and none was given that it had 
ever prevented polio. Only unsupported claims and guesswork were 
given. Yet, all the supervisors voted for the motion, and already (as of 
the present writing—August 12, 1977) the wheels are set in motion, 
and the polio drive is in operation. Unsuspecting people are being 
rushed into the vaccination centers, not knowing that the toxic serums 
have always resulted in many cases of paralysis and other dread 
diseases, as well as numerous deaths. Over a billion dollars in vaccine 
damage suits prove this. 

I was appalled at the way the Supervisors allowed the vaccine 
promoters to con them into supporting this money funding, massive 

polio vaccine scheme, without one shred of proof that the vaccine was 
not a killer, or that it was needed, or that there was any threat of an 
epidemic, or that the vaccine could control it if there was, or that the 
exorbitant sum of money filched from the taxpayers would be used for 
anything good for the people. 

If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed that 
the Supervisors would have allowed the vaccine propagandists to 
bombard them with such false and dangerous lies, and unproved 
claims, with no factual evidence to support their claims. Every Board 
member accepted those fallacious medical opinions (no facts), and 
voted unanimously in favor of the increased funding and the massive 
vaccination drive. 


In such a life-and-death issue as this, you would think they would 
have enough compassion and public concern to at least, take a few 
days to consider the other side of the question, and then do some 
checking to find out the facts. I was there with my 30 years of 
research on hazards of vaccination, I had documentary evidence to 
prove that the propaganda which the vaccine promoters had given was 
false, but they did not want to hear the other side of the case, Ida was 
there with her vital research data, but we were allowed only a few 
minutes, not a fraction of the time which a matter of such grave 
importance deserves, 

The previous polio vaccination drive of 1954 - 1955 was a disaster. 
Public Health Records revealed that thousands of previously healthy 
people were killed or paralyzed by the vaccines Salk and Sabin). 
Mi lli ons of dollars in damages were paid to the victims of that polio 

vaccine campaign, but most of the cases were hushed up, 
'whitewashed' by calling them by some other name or disease, or the 
victims were paid off to curtail lawsuits. 

Obviously, none of the Board members had bothered to do any 
research on the matter before voting on that quick-and-easy money 
making scheme of the vaccine promoters. If the Board had checked on 
facts, or allowed Ida or me to present them, they would have been 
more cautious about supporting such a dangerous racket. 

The Board did not publicize their intent to stage another killer polio 
vaccine drive and rob the people to pay for it, or a record crowd 
would have been down to the Board Room to protest. 

Fortunately, Ida Honorof, (Consumer Activist and medical researcher) 
had learned ahead of time, that the Supervisors were intending to slip 
another deadly polio vaccine scheme over on the unsuspecting people 
without their finding out about it until it was too late. So she phoned 
and asked me to join her in a protest to the Board on May 31, 1977, in 
an effort to block this new manmade vaccine disaster. She had read 
some of my books on the hazards of vaccinations and knew I had 
done wide research and writing on the subject and had an abundance 
of documentary evidence proving that all vaccines are dangerous and 
have never done any good—except to the promoters—as a money 
making venture. 

Before the Board meeting convened, on that fateful day, we held our 
press conference (which was very well represented), to alert the news 
media about the planned vaccine onslaught. Most of the newspapers, 
TV and radio reporters learned for the first time in their careers, that 
there was another side to the vaccination question, and that they had 
been given a lot of false propaganda all down through the years. 

We had notified the Board, ahead of time, that we wanted to speak, so 
we would be on the agenda. We both had prepared statements to 
present, and typed copies to leave with the Board so that our message 
would be on record. My speech will be given in full on page 52, and 
Ida's will be given on page 59, because the Board didn't give us the 
time to present our entire message. Their minds were already made up 
before the meeting, and they didn't want to “be confused with the 

I'm quite sure the vaccine propagandists had worked on them before 
the meeting, and flooded them with many pages of slanted, false and 
misleading data, enough to crystallize their thinking in one track, so 
they didn't want a clear and fair discussion of the other side—the right 
side. I was not allowed one word of rebuttal, after Schabarum and 
Chamberlin tried to discount my statements. This vital subject which 
involves the very lives and future of the entire population, should be 

When I reached the point in my talk where I stated, "Polio vaccine, 
not only did not wipe out polio, as the proponents had claimed, but it 
actually increased it over 300 percent in some of the states which had 
compulsory polio vaccination, and the polio was in the vaccinated..." 
At this point, Chairman Ed Edelman, cut me off in a hurry, in the 
middle of a sentence to say, “Your time is up. You can't talk any 

I think he was afraid I was going to counteract every claim of the 
promoters and upset the whole medical scheme to stage another 
massive moneymaking drive. The Board had set no time limit on our 
talks—until after they found out we disagreed with accepted medical 
belief. This is why it is so hard to get many needed reforms. There are 
the vested interests who use the public officials in just this manner, to 
suit their own purposes. 

Edelman did the same thing when Ida started to talk. He cut her off 
just when she was starting to 'hit where it hurt.' I was that same 
Edelman who as a City Councilman in 1974, in introduced the motion 
to poison the entire Los Angeles water supply with sodium fluoride. 
However, Edelman and his dangerous plan were soundly defeated at 
the polls on May 27, 1975. We hope we can, somehow, do what is 
necessary to stop the present plan to poison the population with the 
proposed polio vaccination campaign. 

The vaccine promoters, Pete Schabarum and Morrison Chamberlin 
(director of the L.A. County Health Services) did not give any 
evidence or proof, whatsoever, that polio vaccine is either safe or 
effective in preventing polio. They made unfounded statements such 
as, “Polio vaccine wiped out polio”, but gave no proof, because there 
isn't any, No authentic records were given to support any of their 
statements. There is plenty of proof to the contrary, proving that the 
vaccine caused polio and other disabilities in a high percentage of 
cases. In spite of the weakness of their argument, the motion was 
voted into operation without one dissenting vote. 

After the vote was taken and the seal of approval given for an 
expensive killer vaccine drive, a strange thing happened, even the 
thoroughly brainwashed Board of Supervisors could see that the 
arguments of the promoters lacked substance, proof, evidence, and 
value. So Supervisor Baxter Ward, a reasonable man, requested that 
Mr. Chamberlin bring in some documentation. This seemed strange to 
me, that the documentation and proof or some need for the vaccine 
program, should not have been requested and given before the 
decision was made to squander all that money and stampede the 
people into the poison chambers, for shots. I think they could all see 
there was no proof given or substantial grounds, for a polio vaccine 
drive, or the requested expenditure of public funds for this useless and 

dangerous project. 

If the promoters had any proof, they would, surely have had it with 
them to present in their sales talk. Chamberlin gave the Board one 
short page of the same kind of false sales propaganda, with no proof 
or evidence that vaccine is either safe or effective. That is not 
surprising, as they would have presented it at the Board meeting if 
they had any. There is no proof that polio vaccines are safe, because 
the law suits prove otherwise, and there is no proof that it prevents 
polio because the authentic records prove just the opposite. That 
involves the Board in the guilt of the promoters, 

During the previous polio vaccination disaster of 1954 to 1960, 

Morris A. Beale, a publisher and writer, offered $30,000 to anyone 
who could prove that polio vaccine was not a killer and a fraud. This 
was a standing offer for five years, and there were no takers. If there 
had been any proof that polio vaccine was ever safe and effective, 
someone would have collected that $30,000. It would have been worth 
a try. The numerous law suits for polio vaccine damages prove that it 
was deadly from the start. This cannot be glossed over by making cold 
statements that polio vaccine wiped out polio. It didn't and there is 
court proof to support that. As there was a marked increase in polio 
among the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated, we know, by 
public records, that the vaccine did not wipe out polio; it did just the 
opposite. In my speech I listed the states which had compulsory 
vaccination, and their records showed the tremendous increase in 
polio among the vaccinated. But Edelman would not let me read those 
records to prove my statement. The whole Board preferred to vote 
their prearranged decision without any proof, rather than hear any 
proof to the contrary. 

As they have already voted for the dangerous program and it was 
started immediately (it is now in full swing, as proved by the public 

announcements). Will Chamberlin's lack of proof make any difference 
to the Board after their hasty vote in favor of this vaccine racket? Will 
they cancel their commitment to support the vaccine drive? How can 
they? It is already under way, poison ing the school children. They 
could say they were deceived by the vaccine promoters, the Public 
Health Services and other henchmen of the racket, but what good 
would it do now? The money is already being spent, and people are 
already being poisoned. Their premature approval of a measure which 
they did not bother to research, and which they refused to give time to 
authorities to present, reflects unfavorably on the reliability of the 
Board of Supervisors. 

Supervisor Baxter Ward had the graciousness to commend Ida for 
alerting people to the hazards of the swine flu vaccine last year 
(1976). It turned out that she was right, as everyone can see by this 
time (See Swine Flu Expose). If they (The Board of Supervisors) had 
listened to her then, and stopped the flu vaccination program, a great 
many people would be alive today who were killed by the flu shots, 
many of them just a few hours after they were vaccinated. The 
thousands who were paralyzed by the swine flu vaccine would be 
walking around today, and we would not have been billed in advance, 
for the $1,300,000,000 (billion) damage suits (claims) for the swine 
flu casualties, which should be paid by the promoters. But our 
manipulated public officials allowed the vaccine racketeers to dump 
them on the backs of the taxpayers. 

Baxter Ward, also surprised us with the startling statement that his 
own doctor had to retire from practice because he had been paralyzed 
by his swine flu shot, last winter. This should have told the 
Supervisors something. We wonder why they cannot see the 
connection between the disasters caused by previous vaccination 
drives and the disasters which are certain to follow their presently 
planned polio vaccine drive. There is no epidemic now, but they will 

surely make one as soon as the poison vaccine takes effect. 


Public records show that ALL vaccines cause paralysis and death in 
many cases, not just the polio vaccine, Vaccines are all made from 
decomposed protein, which in itself can cause quick blood poisoning. 
That is bad enough, but the vaccine makers then add several other 
drastic poison drugs to the concoction. How anyone could be induced 
to believe that this toxic mass of filth could be shot into the body 
without doing serious damage, is hard to believe. The corrosive 
poisonous substance deteriorates the delicate nerves, spinal cord, brain 
and all bodily tissue and causes various types of malfunction, disease 
and death. 

No viruses, germs or bacteria cause any disease. These organisms are 
useful parts of each cell, and take part in the building of the cell, and 
later in the disintegration of the cell when its life cycle is completed. 
The fact that they are seen under the 

microscope of the lab men when they are examining diseased tissue, 
does not prove that they caused the disease. The medical and drug 
fields are at least 30 years behind times. Their faulty theories are the 
cause of much disabling illness. Practically all diseases are caused by 
body poisoning, as stated before. Vaccines, drugs, tobacco, and poison 
food additives are among the worst of the poisoners. Vaccines do not 
build antibodies to fight germs. That whole concept is false and leads 
people and doctors away from the real cause of disease, which is body 
poisoning. (For more details, see my forthcoming book, Vaccination 

All vaccines, whether for smallpox, polio, measles, diphtheria, yellow 
fever, flu or anything else, cause diseases of all kinds, such as 

paralysis, brain damage, or post-vaccinal encephalitis, cancer, 
blindness, heart disease, impotence, hepatitis, etc. Many multimillion 
dollar damage suits have proved that all these diseases have resulted, 
directly from their vaccine shots. 

Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, reported 63 deaths and 28,585 
cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the shots the G.I.'s had at boot 
camp during the first six months of service. 391 deaths were reported 
among the soldiers in England, following their smallpox shots. 3,953 
cases of smallpox were reported as a direct result of smallpox shots at 
camp. It was reports such as these, which brought about the lawsuits 
in England which finally caused that government to abolish 
compulsory vaccination in the 

military. The numerous vaccine disasters had already legislated the 
abolishment of compulsory vaccination before that, in civilian life. 

Some of our worst epidemics have been sparked by the blood 
poisoning effects of vaccination campaigns. The injected poisons 
circulate throughout the body every 30 seconds or so, and continue to 
circulate and poison every cell. 


Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, 
the Spanish influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 
nationwide vaccine campaign. The doctors told the people that the 
disease was caused by germs, Viruses were not known at that time or 
they would have been blamed. Germs, bacteria and viruses, along 
with bacilli and a few other invisible organisms are the scapegoats 
which the doctors like to blame for the things they do not understand. 
If the doctor makes a wrong diagnosis and treatment, and kills the 

patient, he can always blame it on the germs, and say the patient didn't 
get an early diagnosis and come to him in time. 

If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it 
suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers 
were returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which 
all the known vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This 
mishmash of poison drugs and putrid protein of which the vaccines 
were composed, caused such widespread disease and death among the 
soldiers that it was the common talk of the day, that more of our men 
were being killed by medical shots than by enemy shots from guns. 
Thousands were invalided home or to military hospitals, as hopeless 
wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The death and disease 
rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher than among 
the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine 
promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was 
continued doggedly. 

It was a shorter war than the vaccine makers had planned on, only 
about a year for us, so the vaccine promoters had a lot of unused, 
spoiling vaccines left over which they wanted to sell at a good profit. 
So they did what they usually do, they called a meeting behind closed 
doors, and plotted the whole sordid program, a nationwide (worldwide 
vaccination drive using all their vaccines, and telling the people that 
the soldiers were coming home with many dread diseases contracted 
in foreign countries and that it was the patriotic duty of every man, 
woman and child to get 'protected' by rushing down to the vaccination 
centers and having all the shots. 

Most people believe their doctors and government officials, and do 
what they say. The result was, that almost the entire population 
submitted to the shots without question, and it was only a matter of 
hours until people began dropping dead in agony, while many others 

collapsed with a disease of such virulence that no one had ever seen 
anything like it before. They had all the characteristics of the diseases 
they had been vaccinated against, the high fever, chills, pain, cramps, 
diarrhea, etc. of typhoid, and the pneumonia like lung and throat 
congestion of diphtheria and the vomiting, headache, weakness and 
misery of hepatitis from the jungle fever shots, and the outbreak of 
sores on the skin from the smallpox shots, along with paralysis from 
all the shots, etc. 

The doctors were baffled, and claimed they didn't know what caused 
the strange and deadly disease, and they certainly had no cure. They 
should have known the underlying cause was the vaccinations, 
because the same thing happened to the soldiers after they had their 
shots at camp. The typhoid fever shots caused a worse form of the 
disease which they called para-typhoid. Then they tried to suppress 
the symptoms of that one with a stronger vaccine which caused a still 
more serious disease which killed and disabled a great many men. The 
combination of all the poison vaccines fermenting together in the 
body, caused such violent reactions that they could not cope with the 
situation. Disaster ran rampant in the camps. Some of the mi li tary 
hospitals were filled with nothing but paralyzed soldiers, and they 
were called war casualties, even before they left American soil. I 
talked to some of the survivors of that vaccine onslaught when they 
returned home after the war, and they told of the horrors, not of the 
war itself, and battles, but of the sickness at camp. 

The doctors didn't want this massive vaccine disease to reflect on 
them, so they, agreed among themselves to call it Spanish Influenza. 
Spain wasa far away place and some of the soldiers had been there, so 
the idea of calling it Spanish Influenza seemed to be a good way to lay 
the blame on someone else. The Spanish resented having us name the 
world scourge on them. They knew the flu didn't originate in their 

20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to be 
almost universal— or as far away as the vaccinations reached. Greece 
and a few other countries which did not accept the vaccines were the 
only ones which were not hit by the flu. Doesn't that prove 

At home in the U.S.) the situation was the same; the only ones who 
escaped the influenza were those who had refused the vaccinations. 
My family and I were among the few who persisted in refusing the 
high pressure sales propaganda and none of us had the flu—not even a 
sniffle, in spite of the fact that it was all around us, and in the bitter 
cold of winter. Everyone seemed to have it. The whole town was 
down sick and dying. The hospitals were closed because the doctors 
and nurses were down with the flu. Everything was closed, schools, 
businesses, post office—everything. No one was on the streets. It was 
like a ghost town. There were no doctors to care for the sick, so my 
parents went from house to house doing what they could to help the 
stricken in any way they could. They spent all day and part of the 
night for weeks, in the sick rooms, and came home only to eat and 

If germs or viruses, bacteria, or any other little organisms were the 
cause of that disease, they had plenty of opportunity to latch on to my 
parents and “lay them low” with the disease which had prostrated the 
world. But germs were not the cause of that or any other disease, so 
they didn't “catch” it, I have talked to a few other people since that 
time, who said they escaped the 1918 flu, so I asked if they had the 
shots, and in every case, they said they had never believed in shots 
and had never had any of them. Common sense tells us that all those 
toxic vaccines, all mixed up together in people, could not help but 
cause extreme body poisoning—and poisoning of some kind or 
another is usually the cause of disease. 

Whenever a person coughs or sneezes, most people cringe, thinking 
that the germs are being spread around in the air and will attack 
people. There is no need to fear those germs any more, because that is 
not the way colds are developed. Germs can't live apart from the cells 
(host) and can't do harm anyway, even if they wanted to. They have 
no teeth to bite anyone, no poison pouches like snakes, mosquitoes or 
bees, and do not multiply, except in decomposed substances, so they 
are helpless to harm. As stated before, their purpose is useful, not 


The 1918 flu was the most devastating disease we ever had, and it 
brought forth all the medical bag of tricks to quell it, but those added 
drugs, all of which are poisons, only intensified the over-poisoned 
condition of the people, so the treatments actually killed more than the 
vaccines did, as bad as they were. In my SWINE FLU EXPOSE I 
relate the day-by-day and hour-by-hour administration of medication 
given to soldiers in the army, in treating flu cases, and how the drugs 
ki ll ed them in a matter of hours. If they had had penicill in and other 
antibodies at that time, they would have used them also, and killed 
even more people, trying to suppress the symptoms of disease instead 
of removing the cause—or eliminating the poisons. Those 20,000,000 
people would not have died if the medical doctors had known the 
simple fundamentals of cause and cure of disease. This statement can 
be proved by the fact that the drug less doctors who used the right 
methods were getting 100% cures while the medical hospitals were 
losing 30 to 50% of their influenza cases. 

The Spanish Influenza had nothing to do with germs flying around or 
contagion, because some of the drug less sanitariums were located 
close to the medical hospitals and a large number of the medically 

treated cases were dying, while the drug less treated cases were 
recovering completely in record time, with simple cleansing and 
healing methods, to eliminate toxins and restore normalcy. Some of 
those successful drug less institutions of that day, were Battle Creek 
Sanitarium, Kellogg, MacFadden Health Restorium, Lindlar, and 
many private drugless doctors who understood the nature of normal 
recovery, These life saving treatments and many others will be used in 
the new NATURAL, HEALING CENTER which we are proposing to 
replace the decadent medical system which has brought our national 
health down to the all-time low of 92% 'under part condition of our 
people, with killer diseases and uncontrolled ailments on the increase. 

Another typical case of the difference between the medical and non¬ 
medical approach to healing is that of THE POLIO POSTER GIRL 
for the March of Dines. 

Little Winifred Gardella, had been treated for polio by medical 
doctors for two and a half years, and the best they could do was to 
release her as a hopeless cripple wearing crutches and leg braces— 
with no hope for the rest of her life. Her picture was used on the 
March of Dimes posters to jerk more donations from people, to carry 
on more of this failure system of medical mixup and mess. 

After she left the medical hospital, her mother took her to a drug less 
doctor, Dr. Lewis Robertson (Chiropractor), who treated her with 
special drug less methods and had her well and walking in less than 
six months. (See photographs, Fig. 1 and 2). 

These are just two (flu and polio) of the thousands of better and more 

successful treatments which the qualified drug less doctors have, 
which should be used, instead of the damaging medical methods. 
(More about this later.) 

TOP OFFICIAL ALSO FOOLED. Not only were our Supervisors 
misled by false propaganda to the point where they supported a costly 
and hazardous vaccination program, but even the top man in our 
government, President Carter, was hoodwinked and “snowed” into 
believing that the Salk vaccine had done some good, for he just 
awarded Dr. Jonas Salk one of the highest honors in the land, for 
making a vaccine, which has proved (by mill ions of dollars worth of 
court cases) to have killed and paralyzed thousands of innocent and 
trusting people. 

Both Salk and Sabin have been caught in public fights, each accusing 
the other of making a deadly vaccine. It's a case of the pot calling the 
kettle black. They are both guilty and are exposing each other. But 
they each want the limelight and all the glory, because it's profitable— 
boosts their business—even though it kills more people. 

SALK VACCNE REJECTED. The Salk vaccine is so obviously 
dangerous that it isn't even being considered for use in the new polio 
vaccine drive in Los Angeles. Four of five vaccine labs (were called 
the Rockefeller chain) which made the vaccine for polio programs of 
the 1950's have dropped out of the game this time around. Was the 
court evidence against it too damaging and the court costs too high, or 
was this high risk vaccine too chancy to make the kind of profits they 
were aiming at? We heard they had a $5,000,000,000 (billion) "take' 
before, Carter ignores all these glaring facts when he plays into the 
hands of the promoters. We wonder if this award is part of an 
advertising gimmick and promotional scheme to popularize another 
nationwide polio campaign, which has already been spearheaded from 
Los Angeles. 

the men in the highest positions in the land are either as willfully 
treacherous as the vaccine promoters or they have been deceived and 

misused by the medico-drug combine to carry out their plans. 

Perhaps the worst example of this mismanagement of public office for 
supporting a medical racket, was Pres. Ford. He allowed the vaccine 
con artists to use him to support one of the deadliest and most costly 
vaccine rackets of all time. When the swine flu vaccine promoters told 
him to hand over $135,000,000 of the taxpayer's money in advance 
for some questionable vaccine for a non-existent disease, he did so 
without even bothering to ask for a guarantee that it would not kill 
people, or that it was in any way justified. There was not one 
authentic case of swine flu in the whole world to base it on. The one 
case they cited, the soldier who died at Fort Dix, did not even have 
swine flu. His case was diagnosed by the Army doctors, as A-Victoria 
Flu. Even if they could have found a case of swine flu, it is not 
contagious and could not have started an epidemic, and therefore the 
vaccine could not have controlled it, even if they had an effective 
vaccine—which they didn't have. 

No one explained why they called it swine flu; the swine didn't have 
it. People all over the country started dropping dead a few hours after 
the shots, and when the vaccine was considered a disaster, and the 
people rejected it, the vaccine promoters tried to sell 80,000,000 doses 
to the swine raisers, but the swine farmers were smart enough to see 
through the fraud and turned it down in a hurry. They had been 
conned into buying shots for their hogs before, with disastrous results. 

We wonder why Pres. Ford and Congress could not have been as alert 
and concerned about our health as the swine farmers were about their 

Dr. Anthony Morris, a noted vaccine experimentalist, said that there 
was never an authentic swine flu vaccine made, because they had 
never had any swine flu to test it on. All that the laboratories had was 

an assortment of various flu vaccines which had never been 
successful, safe, or effective. But they had a large supply of it on hand 
which they wanted to sell at a high price, Therefore, they told the 
people the vaccine was tested and safe, and was a must, to protect 
them from swine flu—we know the rest, 

We wonder if Pres. Ford had some inside information, because of a 
printed statement to the effect that he said there would probably be up 
to $25,000,000,000 (billion) in legal costs from the shots. Who was he 
working for anyway? The only ones to benefit from the swine flu 
vaccine program were the vaccine promoters (doctors and drug 
houses) the lawyers and undertakers. The lawyers say the litigation 
will continue for another five years. 

DOCTOR'S MISTAKES. Whether we should or not, or want to or 
not, is immaterial to our public officials, who are dominated by the 
medico-drug combine. We were not consulted in the matter; the 
governing heads have already forced the people (all taxpayers) to pay 
for the multimillion dollar damage suits which the poison swine flu 
vaccine has brought down on us. Not only that, but doctors all over 
the country are trying to demand that the government also, pay their 
malpractice suits. Malpractice means the doctors have violated the law 
and made serious mistakes which killed or injured the patients. They 
should be punished, jailed and fined and lose their licenses, but the 
government inefficiency is considering protecting them in their 
crimes, subsidizing their dangerous inefficiency and paying their 
damage suits. This would encourage more deadly medication and 
unnecessary operations (87% are known to be unnecessary), and 
dangerous guess work. Is this what we are willing to tolerate This 
irresponsibility on the part of our government, and the incompetence 
on the part of our medical hierarchy is costing us billions of dollars, of 
which we get nothing in return. 

Should we pay for this inexcusable ignorance, mistakes and 
recklessness of our leaders and doctors, or should they have to pay for 
their own mistakes? Since we are paying their salaries, we want all the 
decisions to be made in our favor, not that of the crime gangs, such as 
vaccine promoters. Perhaps we should withhold their salaries by 
refusing to pay taxes, until they fulfill their sworn duties—to uphold 
the Constitution, etc. Vaccination violates our legal rights. We are 
guaranteed 'security in our persons,’ not public poisoning. 

Let us make our wants known. To begin with: WE, THE PEOPLE 

We know there is no law on the statute books which says the guilty 
can escape punishment by dumping their debts on the innocent. Yet, 
that is what Pres. Ford and his Congress voted for and now, Carter is 
upholding. That makes them all accomplices to the crime, and subject 
to penalties, along with the other culprits. 

We heard that there were a few Congressmen on our side, last year, 
who refused to vote for Ford's vaccine racket, and the conspiracy to 
make the taxpayers carry the burden of indemnification. Where are 
these honest Congressmen now, when we need them? There must be 
some way whereby they can get the decision reversed, so that the 
guilty (vaccine promoters) have to pay for their own crimes, the 
damage suits, and pay back the entire $135,000,000 which they took 
from the taxpayers under false pretenses. They promised that the 

vaccine was safe; it wasn't: they said the shots were free; they weren't. 
They cost us $135,000,000. Only $25,000,000 worth of shots were 
actually given, and the promoters pocketed the rest—which is 
$110,000,000. We want it back. 

DO WE NEED A MEDICAL ‘WATERGATE". If it takes that to 
uncover all the medical fraud which is dragging this whole country 
down to destruction, then let's have it. It may be that the doctors and 
vaccine makers will be willing to pay-up and shapeup without it. We'll 
wait a little while and see. 

U.S. HAS NO HEALTH PROTECTION. It may come as a surprise to 
some, to learn that our country (the U.S.) has no real health protection 
at the present time. Some may ask, 'What about FDA, CDC, PHS, 
HEW and the Federal, State and County health departments, etc. Don't 
they protect us? No, they certainly are not protecting us from vaccine 
poisoning and medical racketeering, although they are paid high 
salaries to warn and protect us from these hazards. FDA (Food and 
Drug Administration) has no laboratories to test vaccines and if they 
did, they probably would not be any more honest or competent than 
CDC (Center for Disease Control), which does have laboratories and 
facilities for testing vaccines, but they are staffed mainly with 
medically oriented employees and doctors who are there to maintain 
the status quo, promoting and profiting by the sale of vaccines. All the 
public health agencies take the word of the vaccine makers who say 
the vaccines are safe, when they never are. If there are any competent 
and honest officials in the health departments who know the dangers 
of vaccines, they have done nothing to stop this deadly racket. 

Our country has all kinds of laws to protect consumers from cheating 
and fraudulent business practices, so shouldn't it be even more 
important and urgent to have some protective regulations and 
punishments for those in the medical field who prey upon the sick and 

helpless for their profits? 

What is more shameful and cruel then to force poison vaccine shots 
into the clean and tender bodies of helpless infants and school 
children—or anyone else? This blood contamination weakens them 
and leaves them vulnerable to all kinds of diseases, a little later on, 
even cancer, brain damage, rheumatic fever, and blindness. Paralysis 
and death are too often the immediate after effects of vaccinations. 

The corrosive toxins in the vaccine begins to deteriorate their entire 
cell structure and undermine their health from the very first day of the 
injection. Many die of vaccine related diseases before their first 

VACCINATIONS MUST GO. We know by this time, that the vaccine 
evil must be eradicated, but who can we depend on to do this 
important public service. Our leaders, our government, and our health 
officials are in the vaccine business for profit, or supporting those who 
are. We can hardly expect those in the business to investigate, expose 
and prosecute themselves, can we? They know the fraud and the 
hazards hazards of the vaccine racket and have not done anything to 
abolish it, so they do not intend to. So we will have to figure out 
another way to protect ourselves, our children and our public funds. 

One way to do this would be to first get rid of all the poisoners 
themselves. When we say, 'we must get rid of we do not mean they 
must be killed, although vaccine promoters have killed more people in 
one vaccination campaign than A1 Capone killed in all his entire life 
of crime. We do not ask the death penalty for all these white collar 
criminals; however, they should be taken out of their present positions 
where they can't harm others. Their licenses should be revoked and 
they should be required to pay for all damages they have done, 
including their malpractice suits and all their damage suits which they 
have cleverly dumped on the backs of the taxpayers. 

WHO ARE THE GUILTY? The vaccine promoters know who they 
are. They are the ones who promote and make or sell vaccines. They 
include, CDC, FDA, PHS, HEW, doctors, nurses, health departments, 
government officials and news media who have promoted 
vaccinations, schools, businesses, (which require vaccinations), 
hospitals, and the military establishment which is the most ruthless 
enforcer of manpower sabotage, by way of poison shots. 

seven men dropped dead on the floor of the doctors' office after their 
shots at Boot Camp at Birmingham, Alabama. I wrote for details and 
the officer in charge, said they were not releasing that information. So 
I wrote to the Federal Government at Washington, D.C. and got 
verification from the War Dept., Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson's 
own report of that incident, not only showed records of those seven 
vaccination deaths, but also 63 more deaths and 28,585 cases of 
hepatitis, as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine, in only six 
months of one year. The G.I.'s were given a large number of shots, 
and each had its lethal after effects. He did not send me all the 
casualties, just those I asked for. The report didn't try to hide the fact 
that the vaccines were killing and disabling the men. Yet, they 
continued giving them. I have already mentioned the enormous 
number of vaccine casualties after the vaccinations during World War 
I. World War II was the same, deaths and disability for vaccines 
blamed on the rigors of war. 

I talked to a G.I. who had just returned from the South Pacific Sector, 
and he said there were 300 insane G.I.'s on the ship he came home on. 
He said there were only three who were sane, and they were the ones 
who had 'ditched' their yellow fever pills. These three hundred men 
were never mentioned in the papers, I wonder how many other 
hundreds or thousands were disabled, and no mention of it to the 

public. The military officers said it was due to the stress of battle. The 
enemy (Japanese) were under the same stress, but no insanity, They 
did not have the advantages (") of modern American medical science 
(?) and all the synthetic, poison pills and the large variety of shots. 

One of the servicemen I talked to after the war, said he could believe 
me when I say men were instantly killed by the shots at camp because 
he was one of the orderlies on detail to carry out the stiffs' after they 
dropped dead from the vaccines. 

After World War I hundreds (maybe thousands) came home added 
(brain damaged) by what the doctors called 'shell shock' but who had 
never left camp stateside, and had never heard a bomb. Many had 
never even heard a gun except in training practice. 

There is a large organization of disabled veterans and paraplegics— 
wheel chair cases. We wonder how many were disabled by medical 
shots and not by battle wounds. If there are any in those organizations 
who have this information, or if your own disability was caused by 
shots, write us. We are trying to help you and others who go into the 
mili tary with high hopes of serving their country and are cut down in 
their prime, with vaccine shots and poison medicines. 

Every military camp in the U.S. has its outbreak of paralysis after the 
shots, but they are usually hushed up. The military can easily do this 
by claiming that there is an epidemic, and no visitors are allowed. 
Diseases and epidemics are not contagious, but if the military doctors 
say they are they might as well be; they'll make one. 

There was the usual outbreak of paralysis after the shots at Fort Ord 
(1964) in California, and before the officers could clamp the lid on the 
news, and keep visitors out, the parents of one victim were already 
there and saw the situation. The news got out and spread, but the 

doctors laid the blame on viruses, so they and their 'poisoned needles' 
would not be suspect. Fourteen young, healthy men died needlessly 
from that vaccine onslaught, and 85 were paralyzed in that camp. This 
goes on every year, but the news is kept out of the papers. There were 
250 cases of meningitis at Fort Ord alone in three years, and 409 cases 
in one year in just the California camps. It happens in all camps in 
peacetime as well as war. I talked to one mother of a recruit who was 
killed at camp by the vaccine shots, and she was suing for $1,000,000. 
Everyone should rise up and demand that the government and the 
military stop this slaughter of the innocents for profit. 

vaccination is not only dangerous, sometimes deadly, and completely 
useless, but it is also illegal and unconstitutional. (See statements from 
legal authority on the outside back cover.) 

So many volunteers and inductees have contacted me to ask how they 
could avoid the compulsory vaccinations at Boot Camp, that I did 
some checking, to see on what grounds, if any, the military base their 
enforced vaccinations. I had written to General Eisenhower years 
before, when I was writing another book on hazards of vaccination, 
and asked him if there was a law on the military code books which 
declared that vaccinations were compulsory. He said he did not know 
of any such law. 

I knew that enforced medication of any kind, without consent of the 
person was illegal, and if the skin was punctured and poison injected 
without a signed consent form, it constitutes malpractice, I had an 
abundance of evidence proving that injected vaccines caused death 
and disease in thousands of previously healthy people. Therefore, I 
phoned March Field (a California military camp) and asked the officer 
in charge, if there was any compulsory vaccination law on their 
mili tary code books. He said he didn't know of any, but they all have 

to have their shots anyway. I said, “Compulsory vaccination is against 
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and it is not a law of the land 
and is not even on the code books of any branch of the U.S. military 
service, so they have no right to force the poison vaccines on the 
Innen under their command." 

He merely said, “You may be right, lady, but they have to have their 
shots anyway.” This is blind obedience to an illegal military 
regulation made by crooks who doit for profit. What can the soldiers 
do for protection from their own military medical treachery? The 
inductees are young and stand in awe of their superior officers. They 
are almost helpless in their military compound, which is like a 
concentration camp in that they are not allowed any say in rejecting 
vaccine poisons. 

These young 'captives' in our military need help. I talked to a lawyer 
at the American Civil Liberties Union, to see what rights the soldiers 
had in the Army (all mili tary services) when they do not want the 
vaccine shots. He said for the boys to go to the JUDGE ADVOCATE 
GENERAL and tell him they don't want the shots, and that there is no 
law in the land or the military code which requires it. I also contacted 
the CENTER FOR VETERANS RIGHTS, and they looked up the 
vaccination regulations in the official code book titled, UNIFORM 
CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE, and found that there is no 
compulsory vaccination law in any branch of the military 

The families of servicemen injured by military medicine can sue for 
damages. In fact, so many British families sued their government for 
deaths, paralysis and other disasters caused by the vaccinations, that 
the government abolished compulsory vaccination completely. They 
are ahead of us on that score. Why is this country so backward in this 
matter? Military law gives too much authority to the commanding 

officers and the military doctors. They override the law of the land, 
the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and all health consideration 
when they give vaccinations. They assume the role of absolute 
dictators in this respect and their power should be curtailed when it 
comes to the health of the men under their command. 


The military officials take no blame or responsibility for these 
killings. They merely pass it off by saying it was caused by viruses. 
Viruses have never caused any disease, and I challenge any doctor, 
scientist or anyone else to prove that they do. Thousands of dollars 
and centuries of time have been spent by medical opportunists, trying 
to prove that germs, microbes or viruses cause disease, so they, the 
doctors will not have to take the blame for their errors. 

false god whom the medical men have been following, to prop up 
their germ theory. They were all led astray, because the theory was 
wrong in the first place, and was never proved to have any scientific 
stability. Pasteur should have known better, because the most reliable 
and factual evidence of the falsity of the germ theory was 
scientifically proved in tests and numerous foolproof experiments by 
the renowned microbiologist, Dr. Antoine Bechamp, who lived in 
Pasteur's time. Bechamp was the foremost authority on the subject of 
bacteria, germs, microbes and other such organisms, and he learned, 
by factual proof, that these organisms do not and cannot cause 
disease. They help decompose dead tissue, but never attack or destroy 
healthy, living substance. 

Pasteur had tried to prove Bechamp was wrong, but after a lifetime of 
experiments in this direction he was totally unsuccessful. On his 
deathbed, he admitted to his assistant, that his life was wasted going in 
the wrong direction, and that he knew that microbes are not the cause 
of disease. Yet the entire medical field bases its whole structure of 
practice on Pasteur's admittedly false germ theory. (For more details 
of Bechamp's remarkable work, read BECHAMP OR PASTER by E. 
Douglas Hume, a British publication, but which may be purchased 
from The Natural Hygiene Press, 1920 Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 
60613. If they are out of stock, try The Shangri-la Natural Hygiene 
Institute, Highway 41 and Kentucky St., Bonita Springs, Florida 

vaccines which come from the laboratories all have package inserts 
which tell the doctors, in printed form, of all the poison drugs and 
other dangerous substances contained in the vaccine. This is merely 
for protection of the labs in case of lawsuits. It is not to warn the 
people, getting the shots, because this information is not given to the 
public. The doctors and their medical groups know the hazards, but 
conceal it from the vaccine customers. If people knew what was being 
shot into their children (and themselves) they would avoid all shots 
like the plague. 

When the vaccine promoters tell the people on TV, radio, press, etc. 
that their vaccines have been tested, they do not admit that it is only 
the laboratory tests which they are talking about. Their tests are made 
to fit their sales propaganda. That's like putting the foxes in to tend the 
chickens. They don't tell the people that the FDA has never tested any 
vaccine, and neither has any other reliable testing firm. 

The FDA nor any other government agency requires the vaccine 
makers to guarantee that the vaccine will be effective in preventing 

any disease. 

The vaccine promoters are not required to tell the people that the 
diseases caused by the vaccines are often more serious and deadly 
than the diseases the vaccines are supposed to prevent. These and 
other iatrogenic (doctor caused) diseases are carefully concealed from 
view as long as possible. 

We pay high salaries to FDA to protect us, but they are not protecting 
us from vaccine or many other hazards. When we want to learn the 
truth about this life-and-death matter, we have to spend our own time, 
money, and work searching for it ourselves, while the health 
departments make the job harder for us by hiding certain vital records 
from us—records which are supposed to be public property. It is this 
urgency, the misuse of public funds, the in efficiency of the public 
health departments and the deception regarding the hazards of 
vaccines, which has brought this book into being at this time. When 
our public protectors have failed us, we know we must do something 
about it to make the necessary adjustments—with or without their 

This book is written to warn of the extreme dangers of vaccinations. 
We have found out that we cannot depend on the government to 
protect and warn us of these hazards. They are in the camp of the 
enemy—giving medals to the killers, and giving money to the poison 
makers. We cannot depend on our highly paid health departments 
because they are staffed by medically oriented people who are geared 
to promoting vaccinations and other poison drugs and harmful 
treatments, which contribute to the degeneration of the health of the 
people. Therefore, until we can replace our decadent medical system 
with a more efficient drug less healing program, we will need to do 
our best to protect ourselves without their interference. 

In states where our constitutional rights have been violated by 
compulsory vaccinations being written into the law, the least we can 
do is to hold out for a written guarantee from those giving the shots. 
The people ordered to get the shots should have a guarantee written 
out for the doctor to sign, along with his address and hospital, and the 
date the shots are given. The guarantee should state that the doctor 
guarantees to pay (the one to be vaccinated—give name) the sum of 
$1,000,000 (or your price) in case the vaccination causes paralysis, 
blindness, post-vaccinal encephalitis (brain damage), hepatitis, or any 
other physical or mental damage. Also, the doctor must guarantee that 
the vaccine will be effective in preventing the disease for which it is 
given. If the disease occurs, the doctor pays the stipulated sum 
guaranteed. If a nurse is giving the shots, require her to guarantee the 
S 1,000,000 also, if the vaccine fails to do what it is claimed to do. If 
she refuses to sign the guarantee, then you refuse to have any shots 
without a guarantee. That is your legal right. 

As stated before, injected poisons cannot protect anyone from disease, 
and any such law forcing the people to submit to blood poisoning is 
an unjust law. "A bad law should be broken openly and often, 
Lawmakers who make laws which harm the people should be 
impeached and replaced with people who can serve the needs of the 
majority, not just a few medical opportunists. 


States and military establishments, or any other organization which 
have compulsory vaccination are legalizing malpractice and all those 
involved should be prosecuted for the crime for which they are guilty. 



The following is an example of the advertising propaganda for 
vaccination which is being circulated in the papers all over the city, 
even as I am writing this book. Although compulsory vaccination is 
illegal see back page), the people are told that the California state law 
requires it. They, the health (?) departments, want all the children to 
be thoroughly poisoned with the vaccines toxic drugs and 
decomposed protein for the following diseases: diphtheria, whooping 
cough (pertussis), tetanus lockjaw), or DPT—five shots each, three 
shots of polio and a measles shot. As previously stated, and admitted 
by the doctors, the vaccines all introduce the diseases into the body. 
What could be more insane and barbaric? In my new book 
Vaccination Condemned. I show photographs of people who 
developed cancers on the arm exactly where the vaccines were 
injected, and cases of blindness and paralysis from the shots. Parents 
must PROTEST against the manipulated law which says children 
must be deliberately poisoned. Read the Escape Clause of that unjust 
law, on page 53 to learn how you can avoid these shots. 

Ignore the following public notice for shots. 

Ignore the following public notice for shots. 

Greet) Sheet -Bulletin News. Star Review, Sentinel, News Heratd t Journal-$»tAuj 6 1977 

clinics due 
for children 

The final series of immunization 
clinics before the start of the fall 
school semester will be held begin 
King Aug. 18 at Ihe Northeast 
Health Clinic. 2032 Marengo SI 
in the Lincoln Heights area 

California law requires children 
entering school to be immunized 
according to the state health 
guidelines, Students must show 
prouf of five DPT shots it under 
six years old. three ^jio iiol im¬ 

munizations and a Ul-oay mm\v i 
i [inoculation 

Persons living in the Northeast 
area who have waited until ih< 
last part of the summer vacation 
a lull ill the state requirement? 
can expect wails of up to two 
hours at the local clinic, a 
spokesperson said. Regular mi 
mumzation hours begin at 8 a m 
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 
and at 4pm on Tuesdays There 
are no clinic hours on Thursday? 

Special back-to-school climes will 
be held Sept. 12-15 and 19 ami 
20 from 1-6 p m. to help Ihe ex 
peeled last minute rush Service 
can usually only be provided in 
the first 75 families during a tun 
hour clinic session, according if 
Dr Bruce Alexander senior health 

DISEASE. Drugs can mask symptoms, but they cannot cure anything, 
and because drugs are the mainstay of medical practice, they are 
dangerous and worthless props. They have no healing ability. Those 
who survive medical (drug) treatments, do so in spite of the 
medication, not because of it. The body is a self healing mechanism 
and will struggle to eliminate enough of the medicine to stay alive. 
Healing would be faster and more complete without any drugs. 

Medical doctors can't cure anything, not even their own ulcers (at 
least 50 to of them have ulcers). They have no cure for arthritis, 
cancer, heart trouble, diabetes, pimples or even the common cold. I 
used to work for medical doctors and I know what they know and do 
not know. 

They used to think they had a cure for syphilis, in penicitin, but they 
have recently found out that it does not cure it; it only masks the 
symptoms and lets the patient think he is cured, so he can go out and 
infect others. They are frantically looking for a cure, but they will 
never find it in the direction they are looking which is toward more 

Certain, well qualified drug less doctors, have successful 'cures' for all 
these diseases which baffle the medical men, and they don't use any 
drugs or harmful methods. These are the treatments we expect to use 
in our NATURAL, HEALING CENTERS (discussed later). 


During the various doctor strikes over the past few years, in Los 
Angeles, San Francisco, Israel, etc., the newspapers announced that 
there was a marked decrease in the death rate during the strikes. The 
lowered death rate was especially noted and bemoaned by the 
undertakers. This shows us that we are safer and live longer without 

medical doctors. There are only a few situations where sk ill ed doctors 
would be needed, such as surgery from accident injuries, and setting 
broken bones. 

Most ailments could be taken care of by the people at home, with the 
right knowledge and training. We expect to have a natural method 
training center in our new drug less health center. 

BUSINESS. Much has been said in the newspapers about the doctors' 
threat to go out of business unless the government (taxpayers) agree to 
pay their malpractice suits. I have reports from medical doctors who 
say that about 85% of the doctors are incompetent. The famous Dr. 
Charles Mayo (of the Mayo Clinic) said in a radio talk, a number of 
years ago, that with all their latest equipment and methods they get 
only about 20% of their diagnoses right. The autopsies on the dead 
bodies show them what their mistakes were. That means, even the 
best doctors do about 80% wrong guesswork. 

With a little common sense and good (drug less) health training, the 
home folks could do better guesswork than that, and safer treatments 
because they would not be using any poison drugs and other harmful 

If we agreed to pay their malpractice suits, that would be paying them 
to kill people. They didn't promise to stop their careless, reckless, 
dangerous treatments. They intend to continue as they are doing, only 
without any responsibility for the damages. They want to make their 
fabulous profits with no losses. 

If they intended to quit their bad practices (killing, maiming, etc.) they 
would do it now, and then there would be no malpractice suits to deal 
with. But, they either can't reform or won't; so let them go out of 

business. We don't need them, Maybe they could find an honest job 
somewhere—digging ditches perhaps. 

They have been literally getting by with murder, and now that they 
have been found out, they are miffed to find that we are objecting to 


In a KABC radio interview, recently, Edgar Berman, M.D., consultant 
on medical affairs to the White House and associate professor at Johns 
Hopkins School of Medicine made some startling statements, a few of 
which are as follows: 

"At least some 200,000 M.D.'s practicing medicine today are guilty of 
incompetence...I estimate at least 10% of these are actually fraudulent 
and corrupt...And an unfortunately small percentage—certainly less 
than 15%—are intelligent, hardworking, compassionate, and moral. 
The scramble for the dollar shows up in statistics Approximately 
1,500,000 (unnecessary) tonsillectomies a year...Some 14,000 
tol6,000 persons die each year because of the 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 
unnecessary operations performed, and God knows how many 
hundreds of thousands have complications. 

"Over the past 50 years doctors have been implicated in producing 
more infections, crippling and suffering than all the accidents caused 
by the combustion engine plus every illness foisted on the laborer by 
industry, from black lung to radiation poisoning. 

“Studies at Cornell and Yale have shown that 1,250,000 
hospitalizations a year are caused by prescribed drugs. And once in a 
hospital, you're still far from safe. Our hospitals, even the best in the 
land, produce over 5,000,000 cases of disease a year." 

Dr. wrote a book titled, THE SOLID GOLD STETHOSCOPE, It's a 
shocker. It “gives the lowdown on the high-ups" in the medical field 
and has the authenticity of a man—a medical doctor—who knows the 
story from the inside the seamy side. It's not only informative, it's a 
mill ion laughs. 


depends on doing something to save our own lives and restore the 
declining state of our national health. The medical field has been 
given free rein for over 200 years in this matter, and they have 
bungled the job. We are desperately in need of help, and even the 
medical doctors need help. We are not here to speculate on finding a 
better way. We already have it. A few in the drug less health field have 
the needed information and the successful curative treatments which 
can stabilize the health of our people in a relatively short time. If the 
people are interested and ready for this project, they must make their 
wants known. The money which is now being wasted on public 
poisoning vaccination programs and new hospitals for doctor-made 
diseases (iatrogenic diseases), and grants to medical schools to train 
more inefficient, incapable doctors, should be withdrawn from those 
sinkholes of destruction, and rerouted to our new NATURAL 
HEALING CENTER. This health project must be kept free from any 
medical domination or supervision. 

All the drug less doctors who want to practice in the centers would be 
tested for learning and capability in the natural healing field, and those 
who qualified would form the nucleus of the project. Others would be 
trained in the most successful methods of treating all illnesses. 

If our public authorities wanted a test of our drug less superiority over 

the present medical methods, we would arrange a testing program 
using our methods, and with the medical doctors treating the same 
kinds of diseases with their methods. The outcome would prove which 
is the system most worthy of public support. 

In getting started we need a name to distinguish it from the many 
other health centers, so for the present we will call it ELBEN 

More details will be presented as the project progresses. 

HOW YOU CAN HELP If you like the idea of a self help health plan 
which will bring you better health in less time and minimal cost, let us 
know, by mailing the enclosed coupon. If enough people are 
interested, we will contact you and ask you to write your 
Congressman and certain others for financing to carry on the work. 

Mail this coupon to: 

Mail this coupon to: 

c/o E, McBean 

Box 55278, Los Angeles, Calif, 90055 

Yes, I am interested in having the ELBEN NATURAL 
HEALING CENTER established, 

Remarks, if any__ 

Name ____— 

Address _______— 

City _____State, Zip_ 

STATEMENT of Eleanor McBean, Ph.D., N.D. to the Los Angeles 
Board of Supervisors on May 31, 1977. 

(This is the speech I intended to give, in an attempt to block the 
massive polio vaccination drive which the Supervisors were planning 
to launch on that day. See page 20 for direct quote. They had their 
minds made up to carry out their prearranged plan, so they refused to 
allow me to give my entire message, which, they knew was in 
opposition to their plan.) 

That is why, Ida and I decided to write this book. If the Supervisors 
would not let us warn and help the public from that level (local 
government), we would go directly to the people, and tell them the 

long suppressed facts which they need to know, in order to help 

SUPERVISOR SCHABARUM which is intended to promote a polio 
vaccine drive and ask for an increase in public funding. 

In his printed and circulated MOTION as of May 31, 1977 Supervisor 
Schabarum made three false and misleading statements which I have 
public medical records to refute. 

FALSE STATEMENT #1. He said that immunization is mandated by 
state law and is the responsibility of the Health Services and schools 
to carry out the responsibility. 

For over 100 years the vaccine promoters have been trying to get 
compulsory vaccination in United States just as they did for a time in 
other countries, but most of the people know enough to refuse this 
mass poisoning. All vaccines are made of decomposed rotten) protein 
and poison drugs. This has always increased disease and has never 
prevented it. 

In 1961, the vaccine promoters (AMA, drug houses and their lobby) 
managed to manipulate the California lawmakers into passing the 
compulsory vaccination law number A.B. 1940. This would require 
(force) every teacher and every pupil to submit to blood poisoning by 
way of the vaccinator's poisoned needle. 


Some concerned citizens rose up and gave enough contrary scientific 
evidence to prove the vaccines were dangerous and not effective, so 
note to the proper authorities and say they refuse the shots. 

On Aug. 23, 1961—No. 61/28, the old bill A.B. 1940 (Polio #20760) 
was changed to 3384 which is as follows: EXEMPTION FROM 

"3384, Immunization of a person shall not be required for admission 
to a public or private elementary or secondary school if the parent or 
guardian in the case of a minor), or the person seeking admission if an 
adult), files with the governing board of the school district of the 
governing authority of the private school, as the case may be, a letter 
stating that such immunization is contrary to his or her beliefs. 
However, when ever there is good cause to believe that a person is 
suffering from poliomyelitis, the person may be temporarily excluded 
from the school until the governing board of the school district of the 
governing authority of the private school is satisfied that the disease 
does not exist." 

This language would require a statement that the immunization is 
contrary to “his or her belief.” 

It does not limit the belief to a religious belief. Common sense would 
be reason enough to know that shooting poison into the body will not 
produce health. The antibody theory has been proved false, so 
vaccination hasn't a leg to stand on. 

FALSE STATEMENT #2. Your vaccine proponent Mr. Schabarum 
claims or strongly intimates) that immunizations are a means of 
controlling communicable diseases. This statement in his MOTION 

indicates that he has never done any investigation of the cold facts or 
he would have learned that just the opposite was true. For instance: 

In the Illinois Medical Journal (Aug. 1960, pp 84-93) a statement by 
Dr. Langmuir (in charge of Polio Surveillance of U.S. Public Health 
Service) after the nationwide polio drive of 1954 and 1955, was 'I 
predict that by 1957 there will be less than 100 cases of paralytic polio 
in the United States.' 

Four years later, the public records for 1959 showed 5,694 cases of 
paralytic polio in the U.S. during that time period. 1,000 of these had 
three shots or more. The highest incidence of polio was in the four 
states which had been induced to adopt compulsory polio shots. 

These are the figures for 1958 and 1959. INCREASE IN POLIO IN 

1. North Carolina—78 cases in 1958 before compulsory shots. 313 
cases in 1959 after compulsory shots. 

2. Connecticut—45 cases in 1958 before compulsory shots. 123 cases 
in 1959 after compulsory shots. 

3. Tennessee—119 cases in 1958 before compulsory shots. 386 cases 
in 1959 after compulsory shots. 

4. Ohio—17 cases in 1958 before compulsory shots. 52 cases in 1959 
after compulsory shots. Ohio had an 'escape clause' thus, fewer 

5. Los Angeles—89 (?) cases in 1958 before the compulsory shots. 

190 cases in 1959 after the compulsory shots. 

In 1961 California legislated the 'escape clause.' Besides the official 
public records, we have statements from such medical authorities as 
Dr. James A. Shannon of the National Institute of Health, who stated 

The eminent scientist and physician, Dr. Wm. F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D. 

Surgeon General Leonard Scheele, who was overseeing the country's 
largest polio vaccine drive told an AMA convention in 1955 that, "NO 
GIVEN TO CHILDREN." Dr. Salk, in his vaccination sales talks to 
the public said, “It has been tested and proved to be safe. It can't be 
safer than safe.” But, when he talked to a convention of doctors, he 
admitted that “no reliable test of the safety of the vaccine is 
known.” Yet, these men continued to promote the vaccinations which 
killed and paralyzed thousands. 

The Sabin (mouth) vaccine has had its casualties also There were 11 
cases of paralysis from Sabin Vaccine in Syracuse, N.Y., reported 
Sept. 15, 1961. Many of these cases were proved in court, and the 
vaccine promoters had to pay millions of dollars in damages for 

The failure of the vaccine and the lawsuits caused four of the five Salk 
vaccine companies to drop out of the polio vaccine racket. Lederle is 
the only one now making it, and they will not give any guarantee of 
its safety or effectiveness. For that matter, no vaccine lab, or doctor 
will give any kind of a guarantee of the safety or usefulness for any 

vaccine. The only ones who are bene fitted by the vaccine business 
are the drug houses, doctors, undertakers and lawyers. 

We must remember, compulsory vaccination is unconstitutional. 

ALL VACCINES ARE DANGEROUS. The vaccine promoters claim 
that vaccine wiped out smallpox, polio, diphtheria, typhoid and other, 
so called, contagious diseases. This is not true. It was the introduction 
of sanitation (sewers etc.) and improved nutrition which reduced 
disease. When we read of the many epidemics that swept over Europe 
in the eighteenth century, we have been taught to believe that they 
were controlled by vaccination. But, when we check the records, we 
learn that many of those epidemics were actually caused by 

Let's look at a few of the medical reports of that period. Japan started 
compulsory vaccination in 1872 and continued it for over 100 years 
with disastrous results. It didn't wipe out smallpox as they had hoped; 
it increased it every year. By 1892 their records showed 165,774 cases 
of smallpox with 29,979 deaths—all vaccinated. In Australia where 
they had no compulsory vaccination they had only 3 deaths from 
smallpox in 15 years. 

In Germany at the beginning of World War II (1939) vaccination was 
made compulsory, and the diphtheria rate soared up to 150,000 cases. 
All had been vaccinated against it. At the same time in unvaccinated 
Norway there were only 50 cases. 

In the Netherlands (1920-1929) there were 129 cases of post-vaccinal 
encephalitis (inflammation of the brain from vaccine poisoning) and 
40 deaths from it. 

In 1717 arm-to-arm vaccination was introduced into England and 

Europe, and in 1796 Edward Jenner started his cowpox vaccination 
craze which increased the smallpox epidemics to such an extent that 
the disease became endemic, and in 1837 to 1839 there was the 
sweeping epidemic which killed 22,081 people. In spite of this 
absolute proof of the deadly effects of vaccination, the vaccine 
promoters managed to get a compulsory vaccination law passed in 
England in 1853. The epidemics then increased to such an extent that 
by 1870 to 1872 there was the worst smallpox epidemic of all time, 
which killed 44,840 people. The English people fought the 
vaccination promoters until they were able to abolish compulsory 
vaccination in England in 1948. They have had no epidemics since 

Our U.S. Government staged a compulsory vaccination campaign in 
the Philippines which brought on the largest smallpox epidemic in the 
history of that country with 162,503 cases, and 71,453 deaths, all 
vaccinated. That was between 1917 and 1919. 

FALSE STATEMENT #3, of Scharbarum’s motion. He said we need 
to increase the public funding for more vaccinations. We do not need 
any funding at all for vaccination. Instead, we need to abolish this 
killer racket entirely. Vaccination has proved to be dangerous, 
expensive and without merit. I propose that we replace it with a 
natural-method-drugless healing program, not dominated by the 
medical field, I am willing to work out a more successful plan than we 
have now. 

Dear Reader: 

Since writing this speech, and being disappointed that the Board of 
Supervisors gave it no consideration (neither of our speeches), I 
decided not to give up on this life-and death issue, but to get the 
message to the people in another way. This book, although not 

complete in all the information which I have, is, nevertheless, an 
effort to give enough of the message to point the way toward a safer 
and more useful way to live. 

Little was said about proper nutrition and other health practices 
because they are big subjects and require more time and space. All 
these important health matters will be taught in our health Schools in 

write and express their opinions in this formative stage of progress. 

—E. McBean 
Box 55278 
L.A. Cal. 90055 


If you are in favor of the DRUGLESS NATURAL HEALING 
CENTER (ELBEN HEALTH CENTER—for short), you are invited to 
write and give your opinion so we can work out the details. 

I think it is a much needed and overdue step in the right direction 
toward solving our national and personal health problems. I have 
never seen a doctor, whether medical or non-medical, who knew all 
there was to know about health and healing. Therefore, if we pool our 
special skills and techniques, we can catalogue them at the center and 
direct the patients to those doctors who have the best and most 
successful abilities and methods. In that way we can help more 
drugless doctors and more people. 

If you are already established with a successful practice, or have your 
own health center, this does not mean you need to move to the 

ELBEN HEALTH CENTER. We need health centres all over the 
country, so you could certainly stay where you could do the most 
good. But you could add to your skills and abilities by using the 
pooled information and training we expect to accumulate in the Elben 
Health Center. 

Many drug less doctors have certain special diagnostic techniques 
which are much more accurate than the accepted' medical methods. 

As I stated before, Dr. Charles Mayo, one of the most prominent 
medical doctors, publicly stated that the present medical methods of 
diagnosis (x-ray, etc.) are 80% inaccurate. That isn’t good enough for 
US, is it? All drugless doctors do not know or use some of the 
successful techniques of others, so they could benefit by the pooled 
data of the CENTER. 

This book and my other books on hazards of vaccination, tell people 
that vaccinations will not and cannot protect them or their children 
from diseases, but we don't want to leave them wondering what to do 
for protection. The ELBEN NATURAL, HEALING CENTER would 
give them the best in health protection. 


Request to the President as Commander-in-Chief to abolish 
Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy, and to pardon all men 
condemned by Court Martial for refusing coercive vaccination. 

Compulsory vaccination is a serious danger to health and life, a grave 
medical malpractice and a gross violation of medical ethics, and of the 
American principles of Inherent Natural Rights guaranteed in the 
Declaration and the Constitution, and should be abolished. 

CHAPTER 21: Vaccination: A Clear and Present 


Ida Honorof 

’’’Predatory medicine on the loose, the greed 

of a national charity racket, and thousands 

of little white coffins...” —Morris Beale, Super Drug Story 

This is my testimony which the L.A. Country Board of Supervisors 
wouldn’t listen to. 

How often must it be repeated before it sinks in? “The polio vaccine is 
the predominant cause of polio in the United States today.” Yet, 
despite the lessons learned from Ford's Flu Folly, the new 
administration now proposes another immunization campaign to 
“vaccinate 20 million children in the United States to reduce the 
threat of a return of such epidemics as po/z'o!” —Joseph Califano, 
Secretary of Health Education and Welfare (HEW). 

To add insult to injury, on July 4, 1977, President Jimmy Carter 
awarded the Medal of Freedom Medal of Honor (!) to Dr. Jonas Salk 
for his work in developing the (infamous) Salk vaccine, "...for 
improving the American way of life...” This medal should rightfully 
be called the Medal of Horror—and in place of medals, Salk, Sabin, 
and other “scientists” (who are responsible for deaths, paralysis, brain 
damage, blindness and other diseases caused by their concoctions) 
should be placed be hind bars for the rest of their natural lives, to pay 
for the damage inflicted on human beings and experimental animals! 

Obviously Carter is oblivious of the hundreds of thousands of lives 

that were wasted by Salk's (and Sabin's vaccines. He seems to be 
unaware of the October 1976 Senate Committee testimony proving 
that the polio vaccine had caused all of the “ reported cases of polio in 
the U.S. since 1961...that the vaccine may be riskier than no vaccine 
at all.” Even the Center for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that 
over one-half of the polio cases in the United States (since 1973) were 
vaccine associated. 

Many medicos admit that vaccinations are dangerous. Seven years 
prior to the Swine Flu Fiasco, The International Medical Journal 
(July 1969 advised that “the profession must revaluate the principles, 
purposes, and hazards of immunization.” 


Addressing the American Cancer Society Seminar for Science 
Writers, Dr. Robert W. Simpson (Rutger's University, New Jersey) 
stressed that “ immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps 
and polio may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form 
proviruses which will then become latent cells throughout the 
body...some of these later proviruses could be ‘molecules in search of 
diseases’which under proper conditions become activated and cause 
a variety of diseases...(including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple 
sclerosis, lupus erythematous, Parkinson's disease and perhaps 
cancer.”’ (Report to the Consumer, June 1976, No. 127). 

This is what Dr. Eleanor McBean warned about in The Poisoned 
Needle, and she was hounded by government authorities, including 
the U.S. Post Office, who issued a “fraud order” and refused her mail 
delivery. The Better Business instructed newspapers [L.A. Times and 
Herald Examiner ] not to sell her advertising space, and they obeyed, 
without due process of law, or proof of guilt! 

I wrote to Dr. Simpson asking his opinion on the proposed swine flu 
vaccine, and much to my astonishment he replied "...While the 
occurrence of swine flu next year as a major pandemic strain is highly 
questionable—public health authorities have been placed in a position 
whereby they have no other recourse but to proceed with a large scale 
immunization.' So what if it causes cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc., etc. 
Ford handed down the edict and the Medical Industrial Complex 
snapped to attention. Will the real Dr. Simpson please stand up and 
identify himself! 


It matters little whether the polio vaccine is Sabin's "attenuated' or 
Salk's 'killed virus." They are both equally perilous. The vaccine 
consists of 3 types of polio viruses which have been propagated in 
(diseased, putrid) monkey kidney tissue culture, plus (decomposed) 
calves serum, plus antibiotics streptomycin, neomycin, nystatin, and 
sorbitol is used as a stabilizer, (according to the Lederle insert) all shot 
into your body under the guise of 'Preventive Medicine.' 

Any time you allow these toxic substances (decayed, putrid animal 
matter, plus toxic drugs) to be shot into your body, or even taken 
orally, you invite additional disease. These toxins are compounded in 
our bodies with other inharmonious substances including refined 
sugar, refined flour, devitalized grains, sodium chloride (common 
table salt), MSG, convenience foods, T.V. dinners, Tang, Kool Aid, 
hocus pocus ice cream, Coca Cola (and other addictive soft drinks), 
pesticide-riddled fruits, vegetables and grains! You invite danger by 
adding more toxins to your weak undernourished, already over- 
polluted body, You will be the first to suffer because you have 
neglected yourself, by eating processed, devitalized food less 'food,' as 

experienced by the gullible persons who fell for the 'slick shtick' 
Operation Oink. 


In his statement submitted to the House of Representatives 
Subcommittee on Health and The Environment, 94th Congress, Dr. 
Thomas E. Baynes (Assistant Professor of Law at the Nova University 
Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., under a contract with HEW, CDC, 
No. 39204) reported to our elected officials that “...In 1949, a polio 
vaccine was only a that dream has turned into a 
nightmare. The extent of litigation involving vaccine injuries in 
humans had been minimal until the advent of the Salk and Sabin polio 
vaccines. Resultant litigation from vaccine injuries will require a 
reevaluation of current efforts to immunize vast numbers of people 
from communicable diseases.” 

In the Gottsdanker v. Cutter Labs, litigation, there were 63 separate 
cases filed against Cutter Labs, relative to one mass immunization 
program involving the distribution of Salk polio vaccine. 
Approximately 400,000 persons, primarily grade school children, had 
been inoculated with Cutter vaccine during a 10-day period of mid- 
April, 1955. Over the ensuing 2 months 94 cases of poliomyelitis 
among Cutter vaccines were reported...Evidence showed some 6 lots 
of Salk vaccine had amounts of live poliomyelitis, (which caused 
numerous people to contract the dread disease. The vaccine used in 
L.A. County is live' vaccine.) Cutter was found liable without fault— 
strictly liable. Cutter was not one of those protected by the 
'Rockefeller umbrella' and became the prime patsy for the medical 

In 1962 the bulk of the polio cases were settled following an 
unsuccessful appeal in the Gottsdanker case. At that time 54 suits with 

a total of almost $12 mi ll ion were settled for just over $3 mill ion. 
Since 1962 there have been 8 claims settled for a total of $200,500. 
One additional polio claim remains pending. Gottsdanker was a case 
involving strictly liability (i.e. breach of warranty stripped of its 
contractual trappings), it also was a case where the product was 
defective, although it appears that Cutter had no way of knowing its 
safety tests had 'fundamental weaknesses.” (HEW's entire 
immunization program is fraught with disaster—not just 'fundamental 

In 1965, plaintiff alleged he had contracted Type 1 poliomyelitis is 
after taking American Cyanamid's (Lederle). Orimune Vaccine at a 
physician's office in Tennessee. Even though the Federal District 
Court dismissed the suit on the pleadings, the U.S. Court of Appeals 
reversed and remanded. The case was ultimately settled for $10,000. 
(It is interesting to note here that Lederle, the sole manufacturer of the 
polio vaccine, has asked hat or government carry the indemnification 
— based on precedent set by the swine flu venture. It remains to be 
seen whether the public will stand for another ripoff—a lavish gift to 
the pharmaceutical companies!) 

In 2 cases of similar facts (Stromsodt v. Parke-Davis and Tinnerholz v. 
Parke-Davis involving the administration of Parke-Davis' Quadrigen 
—the company was held liable-the product was found to be defective. 
The poliomyelitis component in conjunction with the preservatives 
caused the vaccine to become unstable. In Nov. 1962 the company 
halted all production and marketing of Quadrigen. (Why weren't the 
people informed of the hazards?) 

In the Stromsodt case, a 3 month old child received the vaccine from a 
private physician, "Uncontroverted medical testimony disclosed that 
the child had suffered damage to the brain and central nervous system. 
The action against Parke-Davis alleged both breach of implied 

warranty and negligence. The federal trial court found that Parke- 
Davis had breached its liable for negligence. The danger must be 
reasonably for seen and the injury must be proximately caused by the 
failure to warn. The defendant knew or should have known that 
Quadrigen might cause Encephalopathies in some users, and to warn 
of the danger.' The court supported its findings because Parke-Davis 
received information of patients having severe reaction to Quadrigen, 
but the company made no effort to determine the cause of these 
incidents or to warn the consumer or inform the governmental 

fluke is an outstanding example. The sudden death of 53 persons after 
getting their swine flu shot, didn't deter our government from 
continuing their deadly inoculations, until their own 'advisors' 
detected a positive link with Guillain-Barre (paralysis) and the swine 
flu vaccine.) 

As to negligence, the Court of Appeals ruled that the lower court was 
justified in finding Parke-Davis negligent because of the company's 
inadequate warning of possible dangers. As to knowledge of the 
instability of the drug, the courts stated ' . when this information came 
to the attention of Parke-Davis, it should have taken steps to warn the 
medical fraternity of the facts, even though the adverse affect involved 
only a statistically small percentage of those upon whom it was used. 
The warning Parke-Davis had given was held to be insufficient to 
convey the known dangers to the majority of the medical profession.' 
In the cases Nelson v. American Cyanamid, Givens v. American 
Cyanamid, and Otte v. C. Pfizer, the respective parents of polio 
vaccinated infants had contracted polio by merely handling the 'child's 
diaper which contained the polio-vaccine contaminated feces. The 
vaccine is mighty powerful and deadly! 

March, 1963, a mass immunization program was begun by the Idaho 
Falls Medical Society. A suit was brought against Wyeth (Davis v. 
Wyeth Labs) by Plaintiff who had received Wyeth's Type 3, Sabin 
Polio vaccine. Within a month Plaintiff was diagnosed as having Type 
3 poliomyelitis. Davis brought action against Wyeth alleging 
negligence, breach of warranty, and strict liability. The jury found in 
favor of Wyeth, but the Federal Appellate Court reversed. The 
plaintiff brought action against the drug company for the negligent 
manufacture of the drug, its negligent failure to warn of the dangers of 
the drug strict liability, and breach of implied warranty of fitness. Also 
the duty to warn on the part of Wyeth arose when the company was 
aware, from the Surgeon General's report of the susceptibility of 
adults to unfavorable reactions from the administration of Type 3 
poliomyelitis vaccine. This would have been 6 months before Davis 
participated in the mass immunization program. 

While the court admitted that there are circumstances where the risk is 
so minor that a warning would be unnecessary, it rejected Wyeth's 
contention that the one-in-one million possibility of a reaction 
from the vaccine was so minor as not to create a duty to warn. 

(HEW must have been aware of the paper published in 1966 which 
proved that Guillain-Barre paralysis was caused by vaccinations, not 
just the influenza vaccine but other vaccines as well. The other paper 
published in 1969 proved that blindness and brain damage was 
associated with inoculations. Arch Intern Med. —Aug. 1966, Epid, 
Aspects of Immunization—1969). Yet, people were coerced into 
signing a phony "Registration Form instead of the legally required 
'Consent Form," and they weren’t informed that the swine flu vaccine 
could cause paralysis, nerve damage, blindness, impotency and death! 
They released misleading information to pregnant women, 
jeopardizing not only the women's health, but the unborn child's as 

well. More on page 109. 

“When in a particular case, the risk qualitatively (e.g. of death or of 
major disability) as well as quantitively on balance with the end sort 
to be achieved, to such as to call true choice judgment medical or 
personal, the warning must be given. The package insert contained the 
warning—it accompanied each via of vaccine. The company gave a 
warning to the medical society. Both were found to be insufficient as 
meeting the duty imposed by statement 402A of the 
Restatement...Here was a mass immunization and no attending 
physician who could have ascertained and balanced the risks.” 

During my many personal visits to the various inoculation clinics in 
Los Angeles County (dressed in my handmade sandwich sign warning 
people of the known and unknown hazards) most of the clinics had 
NO doctors in attendance, and the few that did knew less than the 
patients! Those I asked whether they knew what to do for heart attack 
or other potentially fatal reactions suffered after inoculation, were 
completely dumbfounded. 

“In such cases then it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to see 
that warnings reach the consumer, either by giving warning itself or 
by obligating the purchaser to give warning Wyeth knew that the 
warnings were not reaching the consumer.” (In the case of the swine 
flu program, the pharmaceutical as well as the insurance companies 
knew how hazardous their vaccine was. They conspired (with the 
blessings of many people in Congress) for the taxpayers to shoulder 
the entire indemnification load. Four drug companies split $100 
mill ion, and now, according to the General Accounting Office's 
“Report to Congress” (June 27, 1977). "The insurance companies will 
profit to the tune of $8.65 million.” 

The flu shot was one hell-of-a lucrative shot in the arm for the 

doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance companies! 

There are two decisions decided between Davis and Reyes cases, 
which involved human vaccine injuries, Grinnel v. C. Pfizer; and 
Stahlheber v. American Cyanamid (Lederle). Grinnel involved two 
adults who contracted poliomyelitis after taking Pfizer's Type 1 polio 
vaccine at a mass immunization program. The Court found the 
company had breached its expressed warranty, found in the vaccine's 
package insert (which read), "There are no known contraindications to 
oral polio virus vaccine.' This was the same package insert Wyeth 
Labs had claimed set forth adequate warning. The Stahlheber decision 
was tried on the 'failure of the drug company to warn of the possible 
dangers in taking the polio vaccine.' The court determined that Pfizer's 
duty to warn arose when the company became aware of the Surgeon 
General's Report on the susceptibility of certain adults to injury from 
polio vaccine. 

In the recent decision of Reyes v. Wyeth Labs, 'an 8month old child 
contracted poliomyelitis after receiving Wyeth's trivalent polio 
vaccine during a mass immunization program in a rural Texas 
community. The jury determined Wyeth was strictly liable for the 
injury not withstanding the fact (that) there was a polio epidemic in 
progress at the time of immunization. Wyeth's vaccine was classified 
as an “Unavoidably Unsafe Product” (WHICH ALL VACCINES 

The Court established "Whether the product is so unsafe that 
marketing it at all is ‘unreasonably dangerous per se,' and if not, 
'whether the vaccine had been introduced into the stream of commerce 
without sufficient safeguards and is thereby unreasonably dangerous 
as marketed. Wyeth accepted the court's classification which was ‘an 
admission that the vaccine was dangerous, which in turn also 

established Wyeth's duty to warn. The court held Wyeth's failure to 
warn the Reyes family of the known dangers of polio vaccine caused 
the vaccine to be considered defective and therefore ‘unreasonably 
dangerous as marketed.’” 

The court held that "In the case of a prescription drug which is 
unavoidably unsafe, and to which there is a certain though small risk 
throughout the population, there must be either a warning— 
meaningful and complete-or an individualized medical judgment that 
the treatment for medication is necessary and desirable for the 
patient...Where the danger is known, notwithstanding the pureness of 
the prescription drug, the drug company will be held liable unless he 
warns of the known dangers.” 

The court equated the "unavoidable unsafe” products as being 
“dangerous” and the failure to warn created defective ness and made 
the vaccine “unreasonably dangerous as marketed.” Normally, the 
warning need only go to the physician, but in mass immunization 
programs, the warning need only go to the ultimate consumer unless it 
appears there is a physician present during the administration of the 
drug, who can make an "individualized medical judgment' that the 
treatment or medication is necessary and desirable for the patient.” 

According to the limited 'mentality' of the medicine men, there was 
NO swine flu problem—THEN WHY SHOOT MILLIONS OF 
gotten the vaccine in the first place), on the ARMED FORCES, who 
have long been used as guinea pigs. The Military are routinely 
pumped full of toxic vaccines, but the casualty lists are kept “top 
secret” and/or the death certificates are falsified. (See pages 27, 39, 40 
of Part I and page 100 of Part II.) 

(The swine flu vaccine is formulated with a variety of toxic poisonous 
substances including alien viral protein particles, formaldehyde, 
residues of egg and chick embryo substances, sucrose, thimerosal (a 
mercury derivative, Polysorbate 80 and other extraneous 
contaminating poisonous substances, and water.) 

Lederle Labs (American Cyan mid) the one and only company who 
manufactures the “Live, Oral Trivalent Orimune, Polio virus Vaccine 
admits that Paralytic disease following the ingestion of live polio virus 
vaccines has been reported in individuals receiving the vaccine, and 
in some instances in persons who were in close contact with subjects 
who had been given live oral polio virus vaccine...It is believed by 
some that at least some of the cases were caused by the vaccine.” 

(Rarely ever does the vaccine recipient see the package insert. That 
information is considered “top secret” making it that much easier to 
deliberately mislead people) very few doctors bother to read the 

The insert does warn that Orimune is to be administered orally under 
the supervision of a physician. “Under no circumstances should this 
vaccine be administered parentally.” 

WHY NO GUARANTEE? After learning that Supervisor Schabarum 
(L.A. County Board of Supervisors) was going to introduce a motion 
asking the federal and state government for additional funds so that 
the County could initiate a countywide mass polio immunization 
program. I phoned Lederle's office in Pearl River, N.Y. (914-7355000) 
and talked with Mr. Vallencourt, requesting a guarantee from him in 
writing, that after taking the vaccine person would suffer no adverse 
reactions (paralysis, brain damage, blindness or death). He would give 
me no such guarantee 'It was simply impossible for Lederle to do so."' 
Vallencourt informed me of the HEW hearings that were held 

primarily to discuss the liability system as it stands today 'It's a mess... 

The most satisfactory solution would be for the government to initiate 
an indemnification program for all biologicals.' (Congressman Henry 
Waxman had warned that if our government takes over the 
indemnification of the swine flu program it would set a dangerous 
precedent." The manufacturer should be relieved of all of the 
problems associated with liability—relieved of the kind of problems 
such as the Reyes incident...The corporations want to know why they 
should continue putting their necks out..." No he could not give me 
any letter guaranteeing absolute no risk with the polio vaccine. The 
Drug Companies have our government over a barrel. They simply will 
not carry the insurance. The grim reaper mowed down thousands of 
innocents, and crippled thousands—earning glory, fame and fortune 
for scientists like Salk and Sabin and glory and profits for the serum 
trust...and the dynasty that is growing fatter and fatter with HEW, with 
a swollen annual budget of $140 billion—and what accomplishments' 
can they show for it, except additional fluoridation of public drinking 
water and mass immunization programs' both leading to more disease 
all over the U.S. 

There is a continuous feud raging between Salk and Sabin, the “Two 
Polio Boys— Tweedledee and Tweedledum,” and if you recall, Public 
Health Services switched to the Sabin vaccine following “excessive 
deaths and paralysis” among children who had gotten the Salk polio 
vaccine. Salk is determined to get back into the good graces of 
HEW...and little by little the truth seeps out. 

In an article in Science (March 4, 1977) Jonas Salk and Darrell Salk 
let the cat out of the bag. “Live virus vaccines against influenza and 
paralytic poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it 
intended to prevent...the live virus vaccine against measles and 
mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis (brain damage), 

and the killed vims vaccines against measles and the respiratory 
syncytial virus have caused undesirable hypersensitivity reactions in 
individuals subsequently exposed to natural infections.” (We don't 
recall Salk complaining to either FDA or HEW when Dr. Anthony 
Morris was fired by Comm. Alexander Schmidt. Dr. Morris had 
proved the above, and many other hazards associated with 
inoculations which FDA, HEW, and CDC didn't want to hear. (See p. 

In the November 1976 Current Prescribing, Roberta G. Marks quotes 
Salk's testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Health (9/23/76) 
“more than 140 cases of paralytic polio (are) linked to use of the live 
virus vaccine since 1961 the last several years the oral vaccine has 
been the principal cause of domestically arising cases of polio...At the 
very least, Dr. Salk says, and Senator Kennedy agrees—physicians 
and parents should have the option of choosing which vaccine a child 
should receive, Kennedy said he believed every parent should be 
informed that the live virus carries a l-in-300,000 risk of causing 
polio...He couldn't imagine a parent so informed choosing the risks of 
the live virus vaccine if a zero-risk product were available as an 

(It is obvious that Sen. Kennedy doesn't read Hearing transcripts, or 
he would know that there is NO SUCH THING as a safe vaccine. We 
are mailing a copy of our book to Kennedy, so that he can also study 
the incidents proceeding the 9/23/1976 Hearing). 

Ms. Marks writes, "Those who remember the killed virus vaccines 
period in the U.S. will remember also that there were cases of polio in 
children who had received what was then considered a full 
immunizing course.” She concludes with, "So who's left to pay this 
negligible price? Apparently, the Government. If the government 
wants vaccination programs it will have to protect participants from 

financial liability.” (This means taxpayers money will pay the bill at 
the same time that we take all the risk with HEW's insane inoculation 


Testifying before 95th Congress—House of Representatives 
(6/14/77), Dr. Irwin D.J. Bross (Director of Biostatistics, Roswell Park 
Memorial Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. 14263) supported by a grant CA- 
11531 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DHEW) lashed out at 
the bad advice our government gets from “experts.” 

"...The general public and its elected representatives have been getting 
consistently bad advice from the so-called experts on the scientific, 
medical, and other technical issues that are so important to the public 
health and welfare. Sometimes Congress gets good advice from 
experts but it comes too late as, for example, the retrospective advice 
about the Swine Flu program. Dr. Sabin wrote an excellent piece in 
The Sciences on the scientific mistakes that were made in the Swine 
Flu program...pointing out that the current programs for influenza 
immunization of high risk groups are making the same mistakes. 

Unfortunately, Dr. Sabin's advice is a bit too late to avoid the big 
furor, the waste of money, and the deaths and disabilities that were 
produced by the ill-advised Swine Fu program. 


"Congress can now get plenty of advice from experts, even from 
virologists, that the 'cancer vaccine" program of the NCI was a fiasco 
—a waste of time, effort and hundreds of mi lli ons of taxpayers 
dollars. In this instance, a number of people, myself included, had 
pointed out before this program started that the public was being sold 

a bill of goods, that there was virtually no prospect of a ‘Cancer 
Vaccine.’ No one was listening then. But now, 5 years and more than 
$500 million later, the only thing that this program has accomplished 
is to show conclusively that it had no chance of success. Although the 
‘cancer vaccine’ program now stands out as a particularly obvious 
example of the incredibly bad management that has plagued the 
"Conquest of Cancer program from the start, it is by no means the 
only (or even the worst) example. The overall panorama of programs 
that have been set up in the past 5 years is one of a vast wasteland 
with a few fertile Oases spotted here and there. Much of the money 
that Congress has appropriated for the 'Conquest of Cancer' has been 
wasted on Scientific boondoggles such as the dangerous Breast 
Cancer Detection Demonstration Programs. 

Dr. Bross emphatically states "DON'T LET TECHNOLOGISTS 
MAKE THE DECISIONS: "One of the worst of the mistakes is to let 
technologists have the say about the uses of their technologies. It was 
a mistake to let the Center for Disease Control and its virologists 
dictate the shape of a public health program for mass immunization 
against Swine was in this area that the worst mistakes were 
made. It was foolish to expect virologists to give an honest and 
accurate assessment...and tell the truth about practical prospects for 
'genetic manipulation.” (Report to the Consumer #155) 

Perhaps we can all be a little more optimistic to know that there are a 
few honest scientists around who refuse to do the bidding of the 
Medical and Petrochemical Industrial Complex. Dr. Theodor Sterling 
challenged Dow's faked experiment results...Dr. Melvin Reuber did 
the same with other laboratory findings...and Dr. Bross, despite the 
fact that he was under an NCI contract, dared to tell them the truth! 


During the previous iatrogenic (doctor caused) polio epidemic, Dr. 
Sandler, nutrition expert at the U.S. Veteran's Hospital in Oteen, N.C. 
realized that one of the puzzling characteristics of polio was its 
prevalence in hot weather, when children consume gobs of artificially 
sweetened products, hocus pocus commercial additive-laden) ice 
cream, Coca Cola, etc. This increased consumption of sugar produces 
a lowering of blood sugar and thereby a reduction of the body's 
resistance to polio and other diseases. Dr. Sandler issued a warning to 
the people of North Carolina, which was reported in his hometown 
newspaper The Asheville Citizen. He urged all parents not to allow 
their children to eat any refined sugar, including candy, ice cream or 
soft drinks, especially during the hot weather. The people heeded his 
warning and cut out a least 90% of the above contraband foodless 
“foods”, and polio in North Carolina dropped 90% in 1949, compared 
with the 1948 season! (Their State Board of Health had reported 2,498 
cases of polio in the Terheel Commonwealth during 1948). By taking 
Dr. Sandler literally and heeding his warning, the polio cases dropped 
down to 229 in 1949. 

Then the Milk Trust, the Drug, Steel, Aluminum and Auto gang got 
together. The Drug Trust instructed the Health Officers that “no 
campaign to wipe out polio must ever be started if it concerned itself 
with reducing the consumption of ice cream, Coca Cola, soft drinks, 
etc...” No way, if it would cut into their profits. As a result the 
incidence of polio in North Carolina increased 200% in 1950—over 
1949, and “everything was back to NORMAL.” This experience in 
prevention is a very valuable lesson. 


The polio vaccine (as well as all other vaccines) is a deadly killer. 

The undertakers, the medicine men, and Lederle Labs., will be the 
only real beneficiaries. Six drug houses were originally licensed by 

USPHS to manufacture and market the polio vaccine. Allied Labs 
(Pittman-Moore Div.); Eli Lilly; Merck & Co. (Merck, Sharpe & 
Dohme); Parke-Davis; American Home Products (Wyeth), and Cutter 
Labs. (Cutter was the only drug firm the Rockefellers didn't own stock 
in.) They were all prepared to go to market with the same 'juice' from 
the kidneys of diseased monkeys. 

Then a laboratory technician with National Institute of Health (NIH) 
reported to NIH officials that the vaccine had no value as a 
preventive, and that it was a deadly killer. NIH officials refused to let 
their own children be vaccinated with this vaccine. 

In one of Walter Winchell's broadcasts, he predicted that the vaccine 
would be a killer—one of the best predictions he ever made. Juan 
Miller, a blood chemist in Coral Gables (Fla.) protested against the 
injecting of pus of diseased monkeys into the bloodstreams of helpless 
children. He also predicted that wholesale deaths would occur and 
mailed out thousands of postcards all over the United States, 
graphically illustrating his point with a long row of little white coffins. 
The National Foundation of infantile Paralysis (NFP) framed him on a 
trumped up charge of 'violating the postal laws.' 

On June 19, 1955, James Spaulding (staff writer for the Milwaukee 
Journal), covering the A.M.A. convention in Atlantic City reported 
that the 'NFIP was supplying money to scientists and exerting 
pressures to continue the program, even after the vaccine was found 
dangerous. If the truth ever got out it would jeopardize the investment 
of the pharmaceutical firms who were participating in the vaccine 
program. The Paralysis Foundation suppressed the fact that live virus 
had been detected in 4 out of the 6 supposedly finished 'safe' lots of 
vaccine. The only hint doctors had was Walter Winchell's report, after 
he had been tipped off by a scientist, that the vaccine would be a 
ki ll er. The public wasn't advised, and the mass polio immunization 

campaign produced more little white coffins than any other plague in 
the world's history! 

I wasn't allowed to give very much of my prepared testimony, most of 
my testimony consisted of "questions and answers." I started by 
telling the Board members of Jonas Salk's statement last year that 
"anywhere from 55 to 60% of the polio that's around today has been 
caused by the polio vaccine." At which point Supervisor Kenneth 
Hahn interrupted me with "What did he mean by that, Ida?" 

Honorof: "That these people are paralyzed—their paralysis was 
caused by the vaccine. As a matter of fact, I've asked Dick Carmen if 
he would do a survey among the Polio Victims in L.A. County, 
whether they got polio, after they got their shot. This is what Salk was 

Hahn: "By saying that, are you inferring—if they didn't get the 
vaccine that they wouldn't have—that thousands of people would have 
been paralyzed...? 

Honorof: "In all probability the shot caused the paralysis. All diseases 
run a level, and then they equalize—and taper down. Is we weren't 
injecting these toxic putrid substances, and here we're talking about 
the diseased monkey gland, plus—I have here the Lederle insert 
showing the composition of the vaccine (and I submitted that to the 
Board.) Now if you recall during the swine flu program, I warned the 
Board not go go ahead with the program until they knew positively, 
what the true hazards were. It was because I became so involved in 
exposing the Swine Flu Fiasco, and did research, I received this book 
which is a Senate Hearing transcript—and that's what my testimony 
consists of today. This is information that appears in the 
Congressional transcripts. 

“What I am asking is that rather than Schabarnm's motion asking 
more State and Federal money in order to start another mass 
vaccination campaign, I would suggest that as long as you're asking 
for State and Federal money, ask for money to start an educational 
campaign—teaching these same people how to live—teach them 
about proper nutrition... 

There was a Dr. Sandler in North Carolina" (then 
Supervisor/Chairman Edelman asked that I "wrap up my 
testimony...take a minute of two of two. 

Honorof: "Yes, I will, and this is all very important, because there are 
students in the audience (there were about 100 students in the 
Auditorium) who will be given this polio vaccine and they will be told 
that there's nothing hazardous about it. when the truth is just the 
opposite.” I related the experience of Dr. Sandler, and how by 
eliminating sugar products he was able to eliminate most of the polio 
in North Carolina... 

Hahn: "Because of your dedication in this, particularly in the field of 
nutrition, would you be against, like polio, like smallpox—just give 
me a yes or no." 

Honorof: “It can't be answered with a yes or no. I will only say that I 
was a fool when I was raising my children, and my 4 children were 
vaccinated, and one child got deathly sick, lucky they weren't all 
paralyzed from the shots. I trusted in the medical establishment—I 
wrongly placed doctors on a pedestal, because I had been brainwashed 
into thinking they were 'God.' I was a fool, and I regret it to this day, 
for allowing my children to be shot full of toxins. I can't undo it, but 
what I can do is warn people. Teach Other people about the hazards. 
These vaccines are toxic poisons. Kenny, look around you—take a 
look at the sky, which isn't visible, look around at the environment 

with all of that crudely smog. Would you deliberately add more smog, 
in order to clean up the smog?” 

Hahn: “Then you wouldn't be for this, would you?” 

Honorof: “Absolutely not-not after all the research I've done on the 
subject of vaccinations. I tell you, I was a fool, but I no longer am, the 
swine flu fiasco opened my eyes—and they're wide open now—Ford's 
flu folly did that for me. This Senate Hearing Transcript substantiates, 
corroborates every word we've said—from our own Congress. I 
challenged Dr. Shirley Fannin to debate, and I have her response 

“Dear Mrs. Honorof, in answer to your request to public debate on the 
issue of immunization, no thank you.' The question of immunization 
cannot withstand the light of public scrutiny. 

Baxter Ward: "With regard to the flu vaccine, it is quite possible that 
Mrs. Honorof is correct, and I think that her appearances here 
provided some comment that proved prophetic. I got a note in the mail 
the other day from my own doctor, who said he was going to have to 
give up his practice, as a result of a recent illness that he suffered, and 
the recent illness was a reaction to the swine flu shot, that sent him to 
the hospital...His nurse gave him his shot, he suffered a paralysis, or 
something, and now he's having to give up his practice. That's, I think, 
a unique case, however.' 

There is absolutely nothing 'unique' about people becoming paralyzed 
after getting a vaccination—(Swine Flu, Polio, or any other), Baxter. 
The 200 persons that filed claims with USPHS, charging that the 
swine flu vaccine had caused their paralysis (Guillain-Barre) will 
attest to that. USPHS/HEW now also admits it. According to the new 
and revised "Consent Form," issued on Feb. 1977, “People who are 

vaccinated are approximately 10 times more likely to get Guillain- 
Barre (paralysis) than those who are not vaccinated...Recent statistics 
indicate however, that in about 5% of the cases the patient dies, and in 
about 10% of the cases some muscles will be weak for a long time or 
permanently...For elderly and chronically ill persons, the risk of death 
from Guillain-Barre is much greater!” 

That information was available in 1966, which proved that 
vaccination would cause paralysis, but our government ignored the 
warning. In changing the form from “Registration” to “Consent,” and 
in now warning people (after all the damage has been done), HEW 
admits their GUILT. The form used originally was illegal! 

In February 1977, HEW Secretary Joseph Califano stated that “The 
swine flu vaccine cannot be given legally, unless those receiving sign 
a ‘consent’ form.” How much more do we need to nail them to the 
wall? Every person who took the swine flu shot did so under false 
pretenses—they weren't advised that they were accepting the risk of 
becoming paralyzed, blind, impotent, suffer nerve damage, or even 
die, because Ford was attempting to steamroller himself back into 
office—using this high pressure vaccine program as a stepping stone 
toward re-election. The entire program was conducted illegally. The 
indemnification was illegal—the 'registration' form people signed was 
illegal subterfuge to con then into getting their shot, to save them from 
an imaginary epidemic! 

Business Week (3-14-1977) reports that “Events of recent months 
have shown that the fears of the insurance companies were valid, 
however vaguely they were understood and however vaguely they 
were defined.” The National Immunization work Group (March 15, 
1977) carried that information in their report, "The Justice Department 
requests authority to hire 28 more staff members to handle the influx 
of swine flu claims, which are expected to hit the 10,000 mark. 

Sources at Justice say that as many as 60% of the claims will wind up 
in court with claimants seeking sizeable awards..." 

It wasn't only the average 'John Q. Public' that fell for the slick shtick 
propaganda—even doctors (who are supposed to know better (?) fell 
for the President's and H.E. W.'s pitch. I have obtained information 
that there were 4 doctors in the San Fernando Valley who suffered 
adversely, and am attempting to document that information. 

I asked Supervisor Ward for his doctor's name (paralyzed after 
receiving his swine flu shot, but he refused to reveal it, Being a 
respected, prize winning investigative reporter, I went to work and 
learned that one of the doctors who suffered adversely from Operation 
Oink is Dr. Yule Penzell (a member of the L.A. County Medical 
Association, a staff physician at Northridge Hospital, with private 
practice at 74.07 Reseda, in Reseda, Calif. He has since sold his 
practice to Dr. Chin-Lon Yin). It is irrelevant whether Penzell was 
Ward's doctor—what is important is that Dr. Penzell survived to tell 
the story. There are literally hundreds of thousands of vaccination 
victims (including those cut down by Ford's Flu Folly) who will never 
be able to acknowledge that the shooting of putrid toxic substances 
will never bring them health—it will only shorten their life! These 
toxins attack the weakest organ (heart, brain, eyes, muscles, genitals, 
etc., etc.). The proof claims filed with USPH on the latest vaccination 

The only way to restore health is to live in Accordance with Natural 
Faw—avoid all processed devitalized products which parade as 
'foods.' Avoid refined sugar, refined flour, commercial table salt (use 
sea salt with moderation). Eat a balanced natural food diet, whole 
grains, vegetables, beans, seaweed, fruits sparingly—only in season— 
organically grown whenever possible. That's one of the ways to regain 
our health. 

My thanks to Morris Beale, the author of The Super Drug Story, for 
his excellent expose on the last polio vaccination fraud—which 
wasted hundreds of children's lives. Those that didn't die immediately 
are confined to wheelchairs—'living proof of the hazards of 
MEDICAL INSANITY ON THE LOOSE! This information and the 
information Eleanor McBean had researched is what the Supervisors 
didn't want to listen to. They were more concerned to hear Morrison 
Chamberlin (Director of L.A. County Health Services) do his 'Hearts 
and Flowers' routine, and justify the program by any means at his 

“Mr. Chairman—Members of the Board: The efficacy of the 
immunization program worldwide, has been demonstrated for many 
decades. Those who are opposed to immunization programs would 
want to turn back to the dark ages when plagues and epidemics 
ravaged the world. The motion by Supervisor Schabarum today is 
certainly one that the department welcomes—one that we have 
recognized the need for... 

‘Preventive’ programs, and are pursuing with diligence. We have had 
our people in Atlanta, meeting with Community Disease Center (sic) 
to address not only polio, but the whole broad subject of 
immunization. We have committees that will focus not only within the 
Department of Health Services, but within the private sector, 
including schools, to develop appropriate immunization programs, 
and the education of parents and communities, in the importance of 
this preventive effort. To focus on the Swine Flu Program (sic) 
(Chamberlin seemed nervous) and to hold it up as a bad problem, 
therefore, that no other immunization program should be undertaken, 
is totally wrong, and I think that there are National and International 
authorities in the field that have dedicated themselves to that research 
who speak very clearly for the appropriateness of those programs. It 

would be our recommendations, the Department of Health Services, 
that we undertake this, and other immunization programs...” 

That was the extent of Chamberlin's testimony, and the Board voted 
unanimously, despite the fact that they hadn't wanted to listen to our 
documentation and proof showing the vaccine was hazardous and 
deadly, Supervisor Baxter Ward added the following to the motion: 'I 
believe that Mr. Chamberlin would solve the problem with regard to 
polio, if you would simply provide the Board, and the public, with the 
statistics of the effectiveness of the vaccine. The number of cases, 
prior to the development of the vaccine, through the 30s and 40s and 
then I think the vaccine was introduced in 52 or 53, and there was a 
dramatic reduction in polio cases, and that reduction has been 
maintained ever since. So, while Mrs. Honorof could be correct that 
some vaccines might be hastily or improperly prepared, the 
effectiveness of the important vaccines such as polio has been 
demonstrated for at least 2 decades and Mr. Schabarum's motion 
should be supported..." 


I must add here that Baxter Ward and Kenneth Hahn are two of the 
more intelligent Supervisors. They are also understanding and 
sensitive to people's needs. It was Kenneth Hahn who introduced the 
unprecedented motion (although a bit too late) asking H.E.W. to 
explain the TRUE HAZARDS of the swine flu vaccine. Neither Ward 
nor Hahn allowed the swine flu vaccine to enter their own bodies— 
but they still believe in medicine men. 

Due to my continued insistence, on Oct. 21, 1976, the L.A. County 
Board of Supervisors, “acting on a petition filed by Consumer Activist 

Ida Honorof,” wrote to H.E.W. Secretary David Mathews, requesting 
full disclosure of all the hazards associated with the swine flu 
inoculation. That same month, the Los Angeles City Council passed a 
motion presented by John Ferraro (president) requesting the same 
information, H.E.W. didn't even bother to reply to either 
communication. There was no way H.E.W. would admit that the 
vaccine was hazardous—could cause death, paralysis, blindness, 
impotency, brain damage—that would kill their entire immunization 
program forever. 


At the Second National Immunization Conference held in Bethesda, 
Md., April 4, 1977, Dr. Gene H. Stollerman stressed that the media 
must also play its role for public acceptance of the 
vaccination/immunization programs. 

“Although public education and publicity has its own work group, we 
feel that we need to comment specifically. The high visibility afforded 
immunization and the often controversial nature of the subject matter 
which must be handled by the communications media underscore the 
need for public (mis)education and the need for expert public relations 
concerning this emotionally charged subject...communication 
difficulty arises from the fact that all immunization decisions are 
founded on an assessment of benefit vs. risk (we take the risk while 
the Pharmaceutical industry and the doctors collect the benefits)— 
both of which are always finite—and the public is generally 
unfamiliar with the benefit/risk ways of thinking about their 
individual health concerns (poor dumb public!). It will require a 
coherent coordinated response from a coalition of socially responsible 
forces with high credibility. (Would People Against Political 
Vaccinations IPAPV be considered socially responsible) to offset 

public insecurity and confusion about immunization." 

And so the seed for a National Immunization Commission was 
planted. Will our group—PEOPLE AGAINST POLITICAL 
(the largest Consumer Health Organization in the U.S.) be invited to 
be on this elite and prestigious' handpicked group, or will it be 
handled in the same manner that HEW's first Immunization 
Conference was last November. Theodore Cooper handpicked his own 
‘lickin' good” cronies and paid with our tax money for their 
transportation and hotel expenses, 

In his discussion at the same conference, Dr. Weisbuch felt that 'a 
public media individual should be representative on the National 
Commission (they need a person who can be manipulated, in the same 
manner they insidiously controlled most of the news media during 
Operation Oink the swine flu catastrophe). The purpose behind that 
was not to co-opt the media, (not much) if you will, but rather 
recognizing the importance of the demand side of the equation when 
you are talking about the distribution, delivery and ultimately—well, 
the delivery of a product (to brainwash the public). 

"The demand side of the equation requires that people who are to 
receive this product and parents who encourage their children to 
receive this product must understand the importance and the value, 
not in terms of cost/benefit/risk ration, but in terms of the general 
value of that particular project for themselves or for their children...” 

ROBOT LOR HIRE. Dr. Conner, also present at the Immunization 
Conference, wasn't so happy with the media...There has been some 
press involvement, and I worked on several committees recently 
where having the press present was not an entirely salubrious 
experience because some of the members of the press wished to make 

headlines and were not entirely responsible about the weight they put 
on things that they reported.” Obviously Dr. Conner didn't want 
objective reporting, he wanted robots and “yes men” so they could be 
manipulated to do the bidding of the poison pushers! 

PHS, HEW, CDC has yet to prove that there ever was any benefit 
derived from vaccines. The only ones who benefited were the drug 
companies and those bureaucrats within government agencies who 
knock out large salaries, plus “fringe benefits.” 

When this big push started last year to inoculate “every man, woman 
and child” in the U.S., immediately called most of the news media in 
Southern California (radio, television and editors of newspapers) 
requesting rebuttal time so that the public would at least have “a 
balanced account” and learn the true hazards. I was ignored (as if I 
didn't exist—as if I was hallucinating) despite the fact that on many 
occasions I had proven my worth as an investigative reporter and had 
won the Associated Press first prize for investigative reporting—I had 
established my credibility time and time again. 

I received a phone call from Fran Lee, a Consumer Advocate in New 
York City, suggesting that I send a letter to the Federal 
Communications Commission, and a copy to all of the media, which I 
immediately did. Fran had been in Los Angeles, had appeared on the 
Regis Philbin Show (Channel 9) last May, and had creamed Dr. 

Shirley Fannin (L.A. county Chief of Communicable Disease). Since 
then Fannin has refused to appear anywhere with anyone who opposes 
the 'establishment' point of view. Eleanor McBean and I challenged 
her to debate the question of 'measles immunization' and the only 
reply received was "No thanks."' 


I must pause here to pay tribute to Fran Lee, for her untiring efforts to 
protect people—for her successful appearances on TV throughout the 
East, New York, Washington. When we couldn't break through the 
“vaccine curtain” in Los Angeles, Fran Lee did. Fran was successful 
in arranging interviews and debates between Dr. Anthony Morris 
(wrongly fired by FDA Commissioner Alexander Schmidt for 
opposing the swine flu vaccination program, Attorney Jim Turner 
(author of “The Chemical Feast”, currently Dr. Morris' attorney, and 
fighting to have him reinstated), against the establishment doctors 
who favored Ford's vaccination program. In a letter to me dated 9-2- 
1976, Fran writes: “Jim Turner, Toni and I were on WTOP in 
Washington for a half-hour, and then 3 apologists for the government 
came on, and the host of the show voiced some strong opinions about 
drug companies. They phoned the head of the station—luckily we 
were on live so it all went out over the airwaves. The show was to 
have been repeated on Saturday, but they cancelled it. 

It was Fran Lee (founder of Children. Before Dogs, famous for 
alerting the world to the dread disease, Toxocariasis (that is spread by 
contact with dog feces) who first interviewed Dr. G. Nossal of World 
Health Organization. When asked for his opinion on the swine flu 
program, his reply was 'You Americans ought to have your heads 
examined—no way would we permit it—there are too many 
unknowns.' My hat's off to Fran Lee for the splendid work she's doing 
to protect people's health. 

After listening to Dr. Fannin sell her soul to the devil (aptly following 
in the footsteps of Ford, Mathews, Cooper, Sencer, Salk, Donald 
Millar and company) on KDAY-Radio, requested rebuttal time and 
news director Roger Aldy allowed me time on the air. During and 
after the interview he criticized my position. He was actually 
convinced that there was a swine flu problem, and that there was 
nothing wrong with the swine flu program—until people started 

dropping dead—and paralysis set in from the shots. He phoned me to 
apologize and admitted that was correct in warning people not to take 
the shot. 

I should mention here that on my own radio show (KCSN-FM, 
National Public Radio Station at California State University, 
Northridge), I did a number of special programs devoted to this mass 
killer vaccine, and each week I would devote at least 5 minutes of the 
broadcast to an update of the swine flu fiasco, warning people not to 
take the shot until HEW advised them of the hazards, KPFK-FM, 
listener sponsored radio in Southern California (my alma mater), did a 
number of interviews after we filed our suit to halt the swine flu 
program...And Channel 7 sent Sandy Hill (one of their top notch 
women reporters, who is now on Good Morning America), to 
interview me at a Jewish Temple in Encino, where I was parading 
around, distributing literature, dressed in my sandwich sign, warning 
people of the hazards of the swine flu shot. 

The sign had bold 4” and 5” lettering printed on both sides (there's 2 
sides to every question). 

4 drug companies will 
SPLIT $100 MILLION $$$’s 

(the other side) 

Demand to know the 

you from a phantom virus! 

of the Swine Flu Vaccine 
(which our government has 
suppressed), before you 
“roll up your sleeves! 


I know I was effective, because dozens of people would phone me at 
home, thanking me for awakening them—I practically lived in this 3- 
foot by 4-foot sandwich sign, and then when the deaths started with 
vengeance, and the paralysis set in-then the callers would thank me 
for 'saving' their life! Nobody saved their life—their brains were 
finally working! 

My letter to the Federal Communications Commission was sent on 
October 30, 1976, with a copy to every major and minor TV and 
Radio Station. Copies were sent to newspapers, large and small, as 
well as to magazines throughout the country. The only one to respond 
was Channel 5 in Los Angeles (KTLA). They “would keep my 
request on file.” My letter follows: 

Mr. Richard E. Wiley, Chairman 
Federal Communications Commission 
Washington, D.C. 20554 

Re: Rebuttal time on the Swine Flu Inoculation Program 
Dear Mr. Wiley: 

The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has embarked on a 
nationwide mass immunization program to inoculate 'every American 
with a swine flu vaccine, and they will be using radio and television, 
as well as newspapers and magazines, in their 'Roll up your sleeves 
America' campaign, attempting to get people to take the swine flu 
injections, at the same time that they have failed to alert people to the 
dangers of said program. Inasmuch as the inoculation program is 
highly controversial, and since there has been absolutely no evidence 
of swine flu anywhere else in the world (not even in Philadelphia) and 
since many doctors and scientists throughout the world are against the 
program, I, a consumer activist and award winning investigative 
reporter and medical researcher, am asking fro Rebuttal Time so that 
the public has a balanced account and learns of the hazards associated 
with the swine flu vaccine, before they expose themselves to this 
hazardous inoculation. The public must be made aware of: 

1) The true hazards of the Swine Flu vaccine, which our government 
has refused to reveal; 

2) The fact that children convulsed when given the vaccine; 

3) The true reason that the insurance companies would not and could 
not issue indemnification coverage; 

4) The Fact that Dr. Martin Goldfield, New Jersey Health Officer, is 

opposed to the program. 

5) That Dr. Albert Sabin, who originally backed the program, has 
retracted his position and refused to back said program; 

6) That Dr. A. Chanin of Los Angeles advises people against taking 
the vaccine, and especially children, stressing that the American 
Academy of Pediatrics has never routinely recommended flu shots for 

7) That the eminent Dr. Nossal of Australia (with World Health 
Organization) in no uncertain terms has labeled this program as “ill 

8) The firing of Dr. Anthony Morris (Director of the FDA’s Slow, 
Latent and Temperate Virus Branch) with the department for 35 years 
or more, for refusing to go along with the program, and warning of its 

I have been advised by a number of attorneys to go on record with all 
stations, and newspapers, etc., and with the Federal Communications 
Commission, requesting rebuttal time. We hope it will not be 
necessary to take any further steps guaranteeing us rebuttal time, 
whenever the proponents of the program receive time on the media. 


Ida Honorof 

Post Office Box 5449 

Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91403 


(I never heard from the FCC—they were part of the unholy alliance.) 

The July/August 1977 Journalism Review carries an excellent article 
by David Rubin, “SWINE FLU, the Media as a Mirror of Confusion 
—Remember Swine Flu?” Rubin refers to the “$135 million gamble 
that failed—the illegitimate birth of a clumsy public relations effort of 
the Ford administration designed to aid the reelection of the 
incumbent. Some blame the medical community for misreading data 
and bending to extraordinary financial and political pressures. Some 
are convinced that the press sensationalized the story, distorted the 
facts and led a scare campaign that convinced much of the public that 
the program was dangerous and il conceived (The press in Los 
Angeles painted the program as perfectly safe! The press has also 
been condemned as the handmaiden of the medial establishment in 
selling the program to the public.” He took the words right out of my 

Rubin says he analyzed stories in daily newspapers and TV coverage 
and it was “neither sensational nor inaccurate—on the contrary—it 
faithfully reflected the confusion among public officials at the Center 
for Disease Control (CDC) Department of Health, Education and 
Welfare (HEW) and in local public health units. Few dissenters to the 
program were quoted, and spokesmen for the government viewpoint 
had a virtual monopoly of the airwaves and news columns.” The 
media focused on numbers of dead rather than causes of death and on 
the defenses of the public health establishment, rather than on the 
underlying logic of the entire program. None raised such obvious 
questions as 'What is flu vaccine? Or “What is a vaccine?” “What are 
the risks of inoculation?' 

“CBS provided what may have been the biggest boost for the 
beleaguered program when Walter Cronkite interviewed President 
Ford and provided him a platform to advise all 215 mill ion Americans 
to get the shot. This was contrary to the advice of Ford's own advisors, 
but Cronkite did not correct the President's error...It was a sad 

performance by the medium on which 36 percent of Americans say 
they rely exclusively for their news...” 

Despite the many hundreds of experts who might have been asked by 
the press for comments on the deaths (after taking the Swine flu shot), 
the same group of government authorities who were hook, line and 
sinker in favor of the program, Dr. David Sencer and Dr. Donald 
Millar of C.D.C., President Ford's personal physician, and Ron 
Nessen, Ford's press secretary, etc.) was quoted to the virtual 
exclusion of everyone else. 

Rubin explains that the reason the emphasis was placed on such a 
small group, despite the fact that the area was potentially volatile was 
"because an uncertain reporter is comfortable dealing with official 
sources—it is the safe approach, because no editor would second 
guess a reporter who solicited a comment from an official of the CDC, 
or the local head of the public health program—and information 
obtained from anyone outside that sphere would be difficult to 
evaluate and potentially troublesome. Only reporters with a grasp of 
the problem, and a detailed network of reliable sources outside the top 
levels of officialdom, could risk questioning other people. Only NBC 
gave air time to one of the dissenting voices to the swine flu program 
—Dr. J. Anthony Morris, a virologist, formerly with the Bureau of 
Biologies. None of the networks probed deeply into the background of 
immunization, swine flu vaccine, or swine flu itself...It is fair to call 
the bulk of press coverage, unimaginative, predictable, superficial, 
and unfortunately, typical. 

As far as the level of cooperation between the media and CDC, 
reporters said they were treated in a haughty manner by public 
relations people. One reporter who got through to Dr. Millar said 
Millar had been “abrasive, pompous and antagonistic, while another 
said CDC was the most offensive” of all government agencies with 

which he had dealings. Dolores Frederick, science and medical writer 
for the Pittsburgh Press, said that one local P.R. aide told her, “I'm 
tired of running around getting information for the Pittsburgh Press." 

Rubin correctly states that the swine flu inoculation program was 
undoubtedly a painful lesson in public relations for CDC, but it should 
also have taught journalists a few things about improving the quality 
of coverage of public health and medical news. Reporter Thomas 
O'Toole of The Washington Post, gloomily predicted that people may 
never again accept the word of government in a matter of public 
health, but Rubin thinks that is “unnecessarily pessimistic. It is more 
likely that both the public and the press are still prepared to accept the 
word of public health officials where lives may be at stake. But the 
credibility of both institutions cannot stand too many more such 

I would suggest that David Rubin, who wrote a splendid article, get a 
copy of Ivan Illich's excellent Medical Nemesis, in which the author 
over and over again explains to people that they would be far better 

What bothered me was that the media caved in after Theodore Cooper 
who has since been relieved of his services) criticized them for their 
'tendency to get carried away by a 'body count’ mentality."' Not a 
single member of the media, outside of yours truly, took issue with 
that and special criteria (set up to suit CDC, HEW, USPHS and Gerald 
Ford). Only those people who died within 48 hours after inoculation 
would be shown as “Swine Flu Vaccine Casualties.” Anyone who died 
49 hours following injection was ruled out...It was done deliberately 
so that people would think they had no right to sue—“they would 
have died anyway.” These insane bureaucrats set themselves up as 
judge, jury and God! 

THE SELLING OF A RACKET. Ford, Mathews, Sencer, Cooper and 
company could never have pulled off their fiasco without the assist of 
the media. HEW had signed a $170,000 contract in July 76 with 
Advertising Council to con the public into accepting this treacherous 


For some mysterious reason, according to Advertising Age, the 
contract with Advertising Council went sour, and HEW hired some 
Grey North staff on a per diem basis. “They needed the help that good 
creative types from an agency can offer," to prepare the gullible public 
into accepting this hazardous program. 

It is still a mystery to me why so many Americans naively accepted a 
high pressure campaign, without asking serious questions from the 
perpetrators. It was public knowledge that 6 British volunteers were 
deliberately exposed to swine flu virus— and nothing happened—the 
men didn’t become infected. In what other country would people 'roll 
up their sleeves' for paralysis, blindness, impotency, brain damage, 
and even death without questioning WHY? Is it patriotic fever to 
blindly follow the edict of an individual who was so anxious to get re¬ 
elected that he sacrificed mi lli ons of people who blindly trusted in 
him (CDC is finally putting together statistics on swine flu vaccine 
symptoms and there are many). 

WHAT WAS IN FORD'S SHOT In order to bolster up confidence in 
his waning flu folly, Ford's personal physician is pictured giving Ford 
a swine flu shot. This came at a time when a number of people had 

collapsed at the Swine Flu Clinics and some had dropped dead. The 
entire scenario reeked to the high heavens, and inspired the following 
telegram (to which he never replied): 



IDA HONOROF, Chairperson 
People Against Political Vaccinations, 

P.O. Box 5449, Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91403 

In the face of dozens of deaths, it would seem preposterous for any 
rational person to take a shot of the same deadly vaccine that had 
ki ll ed so many persons—Gerald Ford was panic stricken, his plan was 
tottering With a tremendous flourish, amidst an array of 
photographers, he showed the world that he dared. Nobody, except his 
private physician, Rear Admiral William Lukash, will ever know what 
was in that hypo. For the Chief of State to expose himself to anything 
other than a 'saline solution would have been sheer insanity—and if 
that's Ford's mentality, it is a good thing he wasn't re-elected. We also 
wonder why he didn't stand waiting in line like cattle at a Swine Flu 

Clinic with other seniors—and why the shot wasn't given to him with 
a Jet Gun, which penetrates through the skin, exploding with 1200 
pounds of pressure, through the tissue, into the lymph glands, into the 
bone, and into the bloodstream, and many times, heads straight to the 
heart. Is it any wonder so many seniors dropped dead right at the 


Early in September I learned that a man in San Diego had filed suit to 
halt the swine flu program. I phoned the San Diego Union and 
obtained Lewis Cook's phone and address, and immediately contacted 
him. He had done exhaustive research and was determined that the 
swine flu vaccination program must be halted. We agreed! I contacted 
Charles Crecelius, President of the National Health Federation in 
Monrovia, and we decided we would also file suit (proper), in Los 
Angeles, which we did on Sept. 23rd... 

A civil action to enjoin the expenditures of federal funds, pursuant to 
Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution of the First 
Amendment of the Constitution of the United States by promoting and 
carrying out a nationwide program for the vaccination and inoculation 
of the population of the United States against the so-called “Swine 
Flu," unless and until the grave doubts and hazards associates with 
this massive program are disclosed and fully made known to the 

We filed our suit against GERALD FORD, President of the United 
States; DAVID MATHEWS, Secretary of Health, Education and 
Welfare; THEODORE COOPER, Assistant Secretary of H.E.W., and 
DAVID SENCER, Director, Center for Disease Control. The 
following is from our original brief: 



On March 25, 1976, the President of the United States submitted to 
the Congress of the United States a message requesting the 
appropriation of additional funds by the Congress “to combat Swine 
Influenza.” In the course of such message, the President stated that he 
had directed the defendants, MATHEWS and COOPER, “to develop 
and implement plans that will make this vaccine available to all 
Americans” and that he was asking each and every American to make 
certain that he or she receives the vaccine this fall. Nothing in the 
message explained either directly or by implication that the 
administration of vaccines on such a scale is of doubtful merit and of 
necessity is fraught with hazards to the life and health of many of the 

At brief Congressional hearings the defendant, COOPER, testified in 
part 'Since there is a real possibility that there will be no swine 
influenza pandemic, the program we propose is a bold one. 

On information and belief, the sole basis of the foregoing action by 
the President was the appearance at Fort Dix, New Jersey early in 
February 1976 of an influenza-like illness, and the isolation from four 
soldiers stationed at that base of viral isolates of a virus reported to be 
similar to the Swine influenza virus; no other case of this disease has 
been reported since that time anywhere in the United States nor 
elsewhere in the world, not even in Philadelphia. 

On April 15, 1976, the Congress of the United States passed and sent 
to the President as a part of Public Law 94-266 a supplemental 
appropriation for the Center for Disease Control of the Department of 
Health, Education and Welfare to be expended for a comprehensive 
nationwide influenza immunization program, the sum of 

$135,064,000.00 with the provision that vaccines may be supplied to 
state and local health agencies without charge. 

Since the foregoing actions were taken by the defendants they and 
other agencies and representatives of the United States Government 
have engaged in a systematic, comprehensive, nationwide program to 
advertise, mobilize public support for and implement the swine 
influenza immunization program, featured by news reports and 
articles in all of the media. On information and belief, the defendants 
have recruited federal agencies and state, county and municipal public 
health offices to inform the public of the plans for immunization and 
to convince the public to request and receive inoculation with the 
swine flu vaccine. 

There has been no meticulous study and careful deliberation on the 
Swine Flu vaccine. Education and Welfare heads and members of 
Congressional Health Subcommittees failed to call on opposing views 
regarding this mass inoculation. Although the usefulness of flu 
immunization is controversial no dissenting views were sought or 
permitted. Dr. J. Anthony Morris, FDA's leading authority on 
influenza trends, vaccine and latent effects was fired by the Food and 
Drug Commissioner, Alexander Schmidt, in mid-July for expressing 
concern about the effectiveness and risks associated with this new 
swine flu vaccine. Following this, all of his test animals in four 
laboratory rooms were ruthlessly destroyed. Dr. Morris' study showed 
that a flu vaccine when inhaled by laboratory animals "tended to 
enhance cancerous tumors." 

In 1972 Senator Abraham Ribicoff held hearings on the laxness of the 
Bureau of Biologic Standards (then part of National Institute of 
Health). Expert testimony proved that many of the vaccines licensed 
by said Bureau of Biologic Standards were substandard, of low 
potency, and ineffective. As a result this Bureau was transferred to the 

Food and Drug Administration and renamed Bureau of Biologies. At 
many Congressional Hearings, three of the four manufacturers 
(presently manufacturing the swine flu vaccine) were consistently 
revealed in a poor light, such as 'failing to report serious and even 
fatal side effects of their drugs' to the Food and Drug Administration 
and to physicians. Case in point: Chloromycetin, Mer 29, Indocin, and 
Thalidomide. Were it not for the dedication and caution exercised by 
Dr. Kelsey, Thalidomide would have been approved in the United 
States and we would have thousands of children victims of that drug. 
Such records do not inspire confidence. 

In or about the month of July 1976 it became known through the 
media that the casualty and liability insurance industry had refused 
and would continue to refuse to write or carry liability policies 
insuring the manufacturers of the swine influenza vaccine against 
liability for damages on account of the administration thereof. The 
insurance companies were obviously aware of the true hazards and 
refused to provide insurance at any price. These hazards have not been 
revealed to the American public. Thereupon, as a result thereof, 
legislation was introduced in the Congress of the United States, which 
was ultimately adopted on August 12, 1976, authorizing the 
government of the United States to indemnify manufacturers held 
liable for damages resulting from the administration of the vaccine. 

According to the plans of the defendants, actual administration of the 
vaccine under the mass immunization program is to begin early in the 
month of September 1976 and continue through November. 
Contradictory information comes from defendant THEODORE 
COOPER, who publicly stated (in April 1976) that the mass 
inoculation must be started in July and in full operation during August 
and September, and that 'any delay beyond this timetable would doom 
the effort to failure. Upon his own admission, the program is already 
'doomed to failure,' and if implemented at this time would be 

hazardous and ineffective. 


Notwithstanding all of the foregoing, on information and belief it has 
not been conclusively established that the swine flu virus is a virulent 
type of influenza virus or that it even exists in man; responsible 
opinion in Great Britain holds that the Fort Dix cases may have been 
only an isolated event. Lancet, the respected British Medical Journal, 
has been highly articulate in its amazement and disbelief that such an 
irresponsible plan would be proposed and carried out by the United 
States government. On information and belief, there has not been a 
single case of contagious swine flu reported anywhere in the world 
since the four cases at Fort Dix in February 1976; in the past no 
pandemic of influenza has ever occurred without being preceded by 
several local outbreaks in various parts of the world. On information 
and belief, influenza vaccines in general and swine flu vaccine 
specifically are not consistently effective in protecting recipients from 
the disease nor even in causing a rise in flu resistant antibodies. Dr. 
Anthony Morris states that the flu vaccine now being manufactured 
'produces the wrong kind of immunity.' It elicits systemic antibody 
that can be measured in the blood, but does not produce the local 
antibody, in the lungs and nose, needed to protect against infection by 
the flu virus. 

On information and belief, the risks to life and health from the high 
incidence of fever and other side effects of the vaccine are substantial. 
Public health experts in the United States estimate that approximately 
1590 of those persons inoculated with the swine flu vaccine will 
suffer disabling illness. Arnold Chanin, M.D. states that most children 
should not be given influenza injections. The American Academy of 
Pediatrics has never recommended immunizing children routinely. 

The cumulative effects of repeated flu injections is not known and 
may not be known for decades. Therefore, many school children 
without chronic respiratory disease will be unnecessarily immunized 
against the 1918-A-N.J. virus.' Competent United States medical 
opinion believes that the major flu type disease to be expected in this 
country this winter is not swine flu, but swine flu-vaccine disease. 

No other country in the world has adopted a mass immunization 
program against the Swine flu, like that promoted by the defendants as 
alleged above. In those countries which have taken action at all, the 
action has been limited to preparing vaccines for stockpiling, for use 
in the event of an outbreak, or for administration to high risk persons, 
such as those with respiratory or cardiovascular ailments and the 
immobile elderly. 

facts set forth in paragraphs above preceding are known to the 
defendants. None of these facts have been disclosed by the defendants 
to the public nor released and made known by them to the information 
media. The defendants and those associated with them have 
effectively concealed from the people of the United States the 
existence of these grave questions and hazards inherent in this mass 
inoculation program. 

The expenditure of federal funds by the defendants for the 
implementation and publicizing of the said program, without at the 
same time informing or allowing the public to know of the serious 
doubts and hazards involved constitutes a violation of the people's 
right to know as secured by the First Amendment to the Constitution 
of the United States. 

By reason of the facts alleged in the above paragraphs, the 
government of the United States has become an active participant in 

the dissemination of propaganda and the promulgation, promotion and 
administration of the Swine flu mass immunization program. 

Said program has been and is advertised to be a voluntary program 
available to residents of the United States solely as a matter of 
individual choice. By reason of the facts herein above alleged, 
however, the population of the United States is not and will not be in a 
position to make an informed choice or give informed consent to 
inoculation because the public has not been informed either 
adequately or at all of the doubts and dangers involved as alleged in 
paragraphs above. 

In August, 1976, a national commission told a federal agency (Center 
for Disease Control) that more than 60 mill ion forms printed for the 
Swine flu program should be thrown out because they had failed to 
explain adequately the possible risks of immunization. The flu 
immunization forms, printed for participants to sign, were identified 
as 'Registration Forms’ rather than “Consent Forms.” The word 
“Consent” is NOT used, and the patient is not told he is giving his 
permission for injection of the Swine flu vaccination. 

Plaintiff has no plain, speedy or adequate remedy at law, and unless 
the relief requested herein be granted plaintiff and other taxpayers and 
residents of the United States will be irreparably injured. 

WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for a preliminary and permanent 
injunction enjoining and restraining the defendants and all persons 
acting in concert with them from continuing to expend funds 
appropriated by the Congress under Public Law 94266 for the the 
swine flu immunization program unless and until the defendants have 
taken immediate, reasonable and effective steps to disseminate 
information respecting the dangers and questions concerning the 
program on the same scale and with the same urgency as they have 

released and disseminated information in support of the program; and 
for such other and further relief as the court may deem just. 

Dated September 22, 1976 
Ida Honorof, Plaintiff 
Charles Crecelius, Plaintiff 

Bid to Halt Flu Funds Fails 


A suit by consumer activist Ida 

Honorof seeking to halt the federal 
government’s swine flu inoculation 
program was dismissed in Los An¬ 
geles by U.Sl Dist. Judge Robert M. 
Takasugi. The judge granted the mo¬ 
tion by the federal government to 
dismiss the action on grounds that 
Mrs. Honorof and Charles I. Crecelius 
had nd standing to bring the suit. The 
pair maintained that research regard¬ 
ing possible negative effects of the flu 
vaccine had been hidden by scientists 
at the Food and Drug Administration 
and that the program should be halt¬ 
ed until all research has been made 

An attempt to halt federal spending 
of $135 million for the nationwide 
swine flu inoculation program was 
turned aside by U.S. Dist. Judge 
Robert Takasugi in Los Angeles. The 
judge refused to grant a preliminary 
injunction requested in a suit filed by 
antifluoridation advocate Ida Honorof 
and Charles I. Crecelius of Monrovia, 
president of a group called the Na¬ 
tional Health Federation. Takasugi 
said there was no proof.the plaintiffs 
had proper standing to file the action. 
Defendants in the suit included Pres¬ 
ident Ford and Secretary of Health, 

fr w 

Education and Welfare David Math¬ 

Both Lewis in San Diego, and we in Los Angeles fought this thing 
out, hoping to be able to halt the program and save the lives of naive 
but innocent people. We all worked together, supplying each other 
with material. Lewis traveled down to Los Angeles a number of times 
to assist us. There were interrogatories—amended complaints, 

rebuttals, etc., etc...all to no avail the laws are written FOR THE 
didn't have 'standing' to sue! 

When asked how we could get 'standing, we were told that "if you 
took a shot and dropped dead, that would give you standing.” That 
was too dear of a price to pay! This is another area that needs 
changing—laws were written for the perpetrators of crime—including 
this law. How many years will it take before the people take back their 
country and run it for the benefit of the people, instead of for the 
benefit of the fat cats? It was a race against death—we exhausted 
every avenue we possibly could, and of course were assisted by Lewis 

People were dropping like flies—some of the “clinics” closed down— 
but the push continued—until reports came in that there was a high 
rate of Guillain-Barre syndrome among people who had gotten their 
shot...and while the phony investigation was held to determine if there 
was a “relationship,” the shooting continued. But the lines were 
thinning out—people were beginning to use their brain. There is no 
swine flu problem, why the devil should we jeopardize our life?” 

They were actually thinking instead of letting Big Brother think 
for them! 

Let's backtrack a little and pick up on how Congress was shafted (and 
of course that means we were shafted). If you recall, the entire 
program was being held up because the insurance companies refused 
to indemnify the drug companies—justifiably so-the risk was just too 
great. Business Week, 5-3-1976, reported that “Swine Flu Vaccine 
Liabilities May Exterminate Suppliers...” 

“Swine flu vaccine may create more health problems than it is 
supposed to prevent. The potential claims arising from unforeseen 

side effects from the Swine flu vaccine could wipe out the 
pharmaceutical manufacturers of the vaccine, according to the 
underwriters (Federal Insurance, primary underwriter for Merck & 
Co., Inc., and others)...not only the product liability exposure, but the 
administrative tangles expected with a program of vaccinating 
upwards of 200 million people in the space of a few months, makes 
the risk uninsurable...Though Merck has done business with Federal 
for some 30 years and carries a deductible of an estimated $10 mill ion 
on its liability policy, the underwriter felt it was ‘not convinced Merck 
has had time to test the vaccine for side effects’ (and that's not the 
only problem) Scientist had gone so far as to predict that the 
vaccine can actually cause serious illness in a large proportion of the 
children and elderly who are inoculated.” (Ironically that's why Sir 
Crocodile Ford was initiating the program) 

“The whole program is being pushed too fast”, a spokesman for 
Federal told Business Insurance. “It should be the federal 
government's responsibility to bear the risk of liability for possible 
side effects from the vaccine. Attorneys for the 4 drug manufacturers 
are currently negotiating with H.E.W. to devise contract language to 
insulate the drug manufacturers from liability. Pharmaceutical 
Manufacturers Assn, asked congress to include limited immunity for 
the drug manufacturers in the area of product liability. In a letter to 
HEW, Merck stated, “Our own insurance carrier is willing to insure us 
only against negligence or fault on our part...because of the massive 
number of people involved the insurance carrier considers it not 
feasible to place any broader coverage in the existing world market at 
virtually any price...A reinsurance company approached by Federal 
refused to cover Merck even for negligence in developing the 
vaccine...What worries me (said a spokesman for Federal) is the 
claims that could arise in the year 2000 as a result of side effects we 
have no way of knowing about in 1976." (Report to the Consumer 
#127, June 1976) 

The insurance companies were holding out. They knew this vaccine 
would wipe them out, it was hazardous, and the entire “show” was up 
for grabs if Congress didn't indemnify...A number of Congressmen 
were up in arms—especially Congressman Henry Waxman (Los 
Angeles, Calif.). In no uncertain terms he condemned the entire idea 
of indemnifying drug companies. “It would set the most dangerous 
precedent" and he refused to budge an inch. Then manna from heaven 
—along came the Philadelphia Legionnaire's incident in early August 
—and even though there was absolutely no connection with the deaths 
in Philadelphia and Swine Flu—it was sufficient to push the panic 
button and the Congressmen fell hook-line-and-sinker—and the 
indemnification was settled—on your back—always on your back! 
You were already paying for the vaccine (a $100 million gift to the 
drug companies)—now you were picking up the insurance tab 
whether you liked it or not—next you'll be able to sue yourself if you 
suffer adversely or die—if the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WILL 
ALLOW IT (more on that later). 

I met with Congressman Waxman on July 29th, and we discussed the 
indemnification rip off, and Waxman stated, “I claimed that the 
hysterical move by the Ford Administration in using the Legionnaires' 
Disease to get Congress to adopt the indemnification of the drug 
manufacturers for liability as a result of the swine flu vaccine, was 
equivalent to the Gulf of Tonkin incident being used to panic 
Congress to adopt a Resolution in support of the war in Vietnam.” 

Waxman was determined to pursue 'indemnification" even further, 
because he knew that the worst precedent had been established. He 
approached Congressman Paul Rogers, asking for a G.A.O. 
investigation, and Rogers gave him the cold shoulder. He then went to 
Congressman John Moss, and Moss was anxious to go ahead with the 
investigation. When Rogers got wind of Moss' interest he promised 

that he would get the investigation Started—and that's where it stands 
now—out in the cold. We could start a campaign to get a thorough 
investigation going and expose this entire indemnification ripoff. 
Otherwise our children, grandchildren, and great great grandchildren 
will be shelling out the money to pay for the mistakes made by HEW! 
If we continue taking the vaccinations there won't be many of us 
around much longer! 

As of August 5, 1977 there have been claims totalling 
$1,334,463,319. Of these, 62 were for wrongful death totalling 
$1,028,121. (The family of one man in Castro Valley, California, sued 
for $1 billion, but the Department of Justice refuses to give us the 
name of either the deceased or the family, because “The Privacy Act” 
forbids him to do so. I've challenged him under “The Freedom of 
Information Act”, because I’m aware that claims will be settled 
secretly and their guilt will be swept under the rug. It will be 
interesting to watch the outcome of this battle, 207 people filed claim 
for paralysis (Guillain-Barre)—$170,258,656. Then there's the other 
small matter of 675 claims for Personal Injury (which includes 
blindness, impotency, brain damage, etc., etc.) for $305,835,064. I've 
just finished urging Dr. Penzell's wife to get her husband to sue. There 
must be literally hundreds of thousands of people who should sue for 
damages, but they don't know they can sue, so again, I will repeat the 
information I carried in Report to the Consumer. Write to the U.S. 
Public Health Service Claims Office, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers 
Fane, Rockville, Md. 20852, and request a claim form. The 
Department of Justice expects to be busy for 10 years just processing 



We warned people that the following would take place. The Center for 
Disease Control (CDC) is stuck with 80 milli on doses of the highly 
dangerous swine flu vaccine, and the latest word (8-8-1977) is that 
they are once again renewing their campaign to con people into being 
vaccinated with this toxin, despite the fact that the vaccine was 
banned in January because it had caused a high rate of paralysis, 
blindness, impotency, brain damage and death. Beware of this latest 


The National influenza Workshop (held March 25, 1976) revealed 
some interesting highlights. Dr. Karzon reported, “In 2 children of 16, 
under the age of 3, we had FRANK HARD CONVULSIONS 
ACCOMPANYING TEMPERATURE OF 103 and 104, each of them 
exactly at 6.5 hours. These children had not had convulsions 
before...We concluded that the cutoff point of this phenomenon of 
high fever accompanied occasionally by convulsion may be restricted 
to the under 3 group.” Then Dr. Karzon referred to another study: 
“They had 9 of 13 children with a very high fever. Their 13th child 
had a convulsion and they stopped their experiment at this point. 

There are 29 children and 3 episodes of convulsions—a rate of 10%.” 

Another Panel member, Dr. Sam Katz, stated: “There are 9 milli on 
kids under 3 years of age...If 10% of them have a seizure after 
vaccine, that is 900,000 seizures. If 1%, it is 90,000 kids with seizures 
you know. I don't want to see it all happening on, you know, Sunday, 
September whatever it is. So we are running scared and the idea of 
making the formulation more complicated just makes it that much less 

possible to come up with any of the answers in advance, (p. 86) (From 
report to the consumer) 

Addressing the 2nd National Immunization Conference, 4-4-1977, Dr. 
Dickson (Acting Assistant Secretary of health) informed the 
assemblage that HEW is now developing “plans for a National 
Childhood immunization initiative, an effort that will seek to close the 
serious and widening gaps in present efforts to protect the children of 
this country against preventable diseases.” Another speaker at this 
same Conference, Dr. Lepow, in a discusSion on meningitis, 
suggested that they must start “an effective and safe means of working 
with young volunteers—children under the age of two...” Your 
children will be used as guinea pigs if you allow it! 

The drive to immunize our children continues, despite the dangers. 

The question of giving children shots for measles has been frowned 
upon by most pediatricians, yet during the swine flu fiasco, all kinds 
of pressures were exerted to get pediatricians to inoculate their child 
patients. Some didn't need much pressure, as an example, Dr. Bernard 
Portnoy at USC Children's Hospital received 250 doses of vaccine 
(even before the program officially started)—and he immediately 
starting “shooting” patients. 

I raised the alarm at a Board of Supervisors meeting, and he called a 
halt...His alibi was that the shipment came in and he geared up. His 
patients were children with “chronic” disease—considered “high risk” 
suffering from pulmonary, heart, diabetes, kidney, cancer, leukemia, 
etc. Children whose bodies are already weakened by their condition. 
These shots are all that was necessary to push them over the brink. 
Portnoy was convinced that it was perfectly “safe” to give them the 
shots even before he was officially authorized to do so...If they 
“weren't safe, CDC would never have released them.” Some doctors 
have been so brainwashed—it's a crime that they're the “keepers” of 

human life. 

Throughout the world dedicated doctors and public officials are 
challenging the atrocities committed in the name of “preventive 
medicine.” Earlier this year the Honorable Jack Ashley, a member of 
Parliament's British Labor Party, stated: "The human toll from 
vaccinations is far too great...Over a 25 year period, 300 children in 
Britain have been deafened, blinded, or suffered permanent brain 
damage after immunization against whooping cough, diphtheria, and 
tetanus...Happy, healthy children have been turned into cabbages 
within a few days.” Ashley wrote to the government ombudsman, Sir 
Idwal Pugh, requesting a full inquiry, while parents of the vaccine 
damaged children are seeking “millions of pounds in restitution from 
the British government for the injuries caused their children.” Even 
though vaccinations are not compulsory in Britain, parents fall prey to 
the same scare tactics used in the U.S.—then they suffer the pain of 
deformed and damaged children. Vaccinations for D.T.P. (diphtheria, 
tetanus and pertussis whooping cough) are routinely administered in 
the U.S. despite the known dangers associated with these deadly 
toxins. We are also calling for a full scale investigation into this insane 


For years the Department of Defense has violated every Civil Right in 
the books—the military were treated as guinea pigs, and they could do 
very little about it. One of my subscribers (to Report to the Consumer) 
wrote me a while back. “I remember while a member of the U.S. 
Marine Corps, as an NCO in Vietnam a few years ago, we were 
needlessly and forcefully subjected to a multitude of injections of 
relatively high dosages. All in all, over 40 such injections during the 
course of the 4-year enlistment. I believe the military to be 

particularly guilty of these forced injections, and the bulk of which 
aren't needed for international travel, which is the basic purpose of the 
program in the first place. MILITARY-ARISE-THESE VACCINES 
are a few Senators and Congressmen who really care about our 
military personnel—perhaps we should start a campaign to awaken 
them. There is absolutely no reason for the forced inoculation 
program in the military. If any member of the Armed Forces insists on 
getting his “shot”—so be it, but not the entire Armed Forces. 

In February after I learned that 2 Navy men were facing court martial 
for refusing to take the shot, I submitted the following article to a 
number of newspapers and magazines. Let's Live printed it in June... 


In November, 1976, two Navy men at the Key West Boca Chica Naval 
Air Station refused to be vaccinated against Swine flu or to produce a 
doctor's letter explaining why they shouldn't receive the injection. 
Petty Officer Robert B. Allen (of the Moslem religion—his legal 
name is Kaleeq Kashief) and Airman Ricky L. Gardner were 
threatened with court martial, and if convicted could have been 
sentenced to 6-months confinement at hard labor. During that period 
of confinement they would forfeit 2/3 of their pay, in addition to 
receiving a bad conduct discharge. 

These two men were aware of the hazards of the swine flu shot—they 
knew of the hundreds of deaths and paralysis suffered by persons who 
had 'rolled up their sleeves,' and they refused to allow the toxic serum 
to be injected into their bodies. 

On Thursday (2-9-1977) they faced their accusers at the court martial 
trial, and won a precedent setting victory...a “verbal reprimand” and 

the charges will not appear on their records! 

When we (People Against Political Vaccinations) mounted our 
campaign to halt Ford's Flu Folly, we received a number of letters 
from military personnel requesting guidance in combatting the swine 
flu inoculation which was “voluntary” for civilians, but mandatory for 
all military throughout the U.S., Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Wake 
and Midway Islands, etc. 

CASE-BY-CASE. I drove to the March Air Force Base in Moreno, 
Calif, on Oct. 4, 1976, and met Hospital Commander Colonel Smith. I 
was assigned to Major Daly (Office of Information) and was told, “If 
the air person refused to take the swine flu shot, we'd have to address 
each case, on a case-by-case basis, and we'd have to consider what 
actions to take at the appropriate time.” Daly refused to respond to my 
question as to whether the military persons would be faced with court 
martial proceedings if they refused inoculation. 

The “voluntary” nationwide swine flu inoculation program began, 
officially, in October 1976, but was suspended after a number of 
elderly people died after getting their shots. The suspension was lifted, 
and despite reports of dozens of cases of paralysis, and hundreds of 
deaths, the program continued, until December, when Health, 
Education and Welfare and Center for Disease Control, could not 
longer suppress the information that the rate of Guillain-Barre 
paralysis was far greater among persons getting the swine flu shot, 
than it was among the unvaccinated. In early February, our new 
Health, Education and Welfare Secretary, Joseph Califano, reinstated 
the program and ordered that bivalent flu shots be made available for 
the “elderly and chronically ill,” because of the threat of “A-Victoria” 
flu...and, as he put it, “A-Victoria flu to the high risk group far 
outweighs the danger of a paralytic ailment associated with the 


There is no information coming from the military at present. We do 
know that there is far more disease and death caused by vaccination 
among the military than from the disease it is supposed to prevent. 

And each year the military is reimmunized—shot full of an array of 
vaccines-typhoid, tetanus, and diphtheria toxoid, poliovirus vaccine 
live oral, trivalent I, III and III), yellow fever, influenza, cholera, 
plague, adenovirus, meningococcal and several others. Immunization 
also applies to all children on the various bases. 

One (phone) caller advised me that when her husband refused the 
shots in 1975, he was “jumped by 3 Military Police” and shot “so full 
of vaccine, that he spent a whole week in the hospital, deathly sick.” 
Once you get into the armed services, your body becomes the property 
of the military, and the dosage shot into bodies is far greater than 

In the Regulations for Immunization Requirements and Procedures, 
issued by the Department of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and 
Transportation, dated March 22, 1974, they list the 'Dosage Schedules 
for Basic Series and Reimmunizations for Adults." 

It is interesting that under Vaccine doses, schedules and specific 
geographic requirements notes it reads: “The schedules and dosages 
contained in this document shall be adhered to regardless of the 
schedules and/or dosages contained in the manufacturer's package 
insert unless otherwise noted.” (Italics mine.) 


Dr. Anthony Morris (Former chief of Slow Latent and Temperate 

Vims Vaccines, with H.E.W.) stated that at no point were the flu 
vaccines effective. Yet the military is still inoculated with these 
ineffective and dangerous vaccines. 

Even though there have been no cases of virus reported, such as 
smallpox, the armed Forces continues vaccinations. When I spoke to 
Major Gerald D. Gantt at the Fort Knox, Kentucky installation 
(Dept/Army-Hidats U.A. Army Armor Center at Fort Knox), after 66 
men were admitted to the hospital with high temperatures, he advised 
and confirmed by personal letter (dated 10-14-76) that the soldiers had 
been given 3 different flu vaccines—Hong Kong, Victoria and Swine 
types, in addition to tetanus, diphtheria and typhoid. 

Perhaps some of our intelligent and honest public servants will soon 
start an investigation into the armed services practices of 
indiscretionary vaccinations of the military. The problem is that the 
mili tary withholds information about illness due to vaccinations, and 
when there is death, which is caused by vaccinations—it is either 
covered-up or termed some 'vague' disease. There is no record of the 
chronic diseases the military suffer from, of times due to being 
vaccinated with these potent poisons. 

—Ida Honorof 

Lawrence Holliday Fink, M.D. Asst/Chief of Neurosurgery, Natl 
Naval Medical Center, wrote a very interesting letter to the 
Washington Post (12-28-1976) in Letters to the Editor. 

developments in the swine flu immunization program should serve to 
underscore, once again, the potentially disastrous consequences of the 
politicization of medicine. As an honorable profession medicine has 
maintained its ethic and its effectiveness only by remaining above and 

beyond the reach of politics. 

“Now, for what is probably the first time in American medicine, the 
political concerns and campaign rhetoric of the federal executive have 
conspired to launch a poorly conceived and virtually untested mass 
immunization program, the unfortunate consequences of which are 
now becoming apparent, as in the development of Guillain-Barre 
syndrome. There are ample indications that the government did not 
fully consider all the available evidence and, indeed, chose to ignore 
contrary advice that such a program was ill-advised. It is truly 
remarkable to consider that, whereas it takes years of carefully 
controlled investigation to introduce any new drug in the United 
States, despite the fact that such a drug may have been successfully 
used in other Western nations, the swine flu program was put together 
in a few short months, to meet a political deadline, based only on the 
mere speculation that an outbreak of swine flu might occur in this 

“In a campaign of terror, the government likened the potential of 
swine flu to the influenza pandemic of 1918, which claimed mi lli ons 
of lives worldwide, and chose to ignore, entirely, the fact that the vast 
majority of those deaths occurred as the result of secondary 
complications that could be readily treated today with common agents 
not then available, such as antibiotics and intravenous solutions, to 
name two. 

“Notwithstanding the fact that less than five documented cases of 
swine flu had occurred in a population of over 200 mi lli on, the 
government demanded a mass immunization program, the 
complications of which, already known and yet to be discovered, 
probably exceed the risk of the disease itself. And, with the most 
craven disregard for the fundamental rights of its citizens, the 
Department of Defense made this immunization mandatory for all 

mili tary personnel. Indeed, without any foundation whatsoever, DOD 
attempted to require double dose injections for the military and were 
deterred, not by medical considerations, but only by the fact that the 
double dose was impractical in the auto injector selected for use. To 
the credit of many physicians, civilian and military alike, they refused 
to be stampeded into taking the injection themselves or advising their 
patients to do so. 

“In this era of costly congressional investigations of remote events, 
the American public certainly deserves a full scale investigation into 
the negligence of the White House, HEW and CDC in advocating and 
DOD in requiring this ill-conceived and exceedingly risky program, 
the need for which was never demonstrated and the complications of 
which were never appreciated or admitted." 

Perhaps the mi li tary is also awakening. I have dozens of letters from 
military persons who asked for advice as to what they can do to avoid 
taking this political vaccination. The suggestion of an investigation is 
excellent but a Congressional investigation would be like Nixon 
investigating Watergate! 


I come now to one of the most important reasons for this book...There 
was One man in all of the United States who challenged the CDC and 
the FDA where it hurt...His tests proved that the Swine flu vaccine 
was hazardous. We may not agree with him entirely, but the fact 
remains that as long as Big Brother is allowed to brainwash people 
with false concepts, we need people like Dr. Anthony Morris. The 
following was my immediate reaction when I heard of the carnage 
perpetrated by the FDA THE BIG PUSH IS ON. With the 'insurance 
problem' tucked away, it is expected that daily (starting mid-Sept.) 
mill ions of Americans will meekly submit to Ford's Flu Folly. We are 

willfully deceived into believing that, except for Dr. Albert Sabin's 
'drafting of a letter to Ford asking that the nationwide inoculation 
program be delayed until it is determined that an epidemic actually 
exists,' all is quiet, NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE 

On July 13th, Dr. Anthony Morris (once the chief vaccine control 
officer—see RTC #5-#127), Director of FDA’s Slow Latent and 
Temperate Virus Branch was QUIETLY FIRED and ordered by FDA 
Comm. Schmidt to be out of the building by Friday, July 16! All 
evidence irrefutably proving the hazards of the flu program had to be 
destroyed! What followed would put Hitler's book burning rampage to 
RUTHLESSLY DESTROYED it will take from 2 to 3 years to repeat 
the influenza studies destroyed by the FDA in their mad stormtrooper 
frenzy to cover up the truth, so that millions of Americans can be 
duped into blindly following the demagogic tyrants and meekly 
allowing this UNDER developed and UNDER tested vaccine to be 
injected into their bodies. The insurance companies knew full well 
how hazardous the vaccine was, now taxpayers will be allowed to sue 
themselves if they suffer illness or death. OPERATION OINK MUST 

"Five of the 7 employees working under Dr. Morris have been detailed 
to other jobs. The other 2 do not yet know their fate, but (they) have 
been stripped of all their research records and equipment and told to 
get rid of their vaccine cultures,” writes Aurora K. Reich* a 
syndicated columnist) in the Indianapolis Star. New locks were 
installed on all (Dr. Morris’) laboratory doors. Special permission is 
needed by the 2 men, yet to be detailed elsewhere, to view even their 
personal papers. One employe was detailed to inventory all the 
iceboxes and walk-in freezers used over the years by Dr. Morris and 
his staff for the storage of vaccines and cultures. The government 

wasted no time in destroying hundreds of mice and dozens of guinea 
pigs, hamsters, ducks and chickens that had been on longterm studies 
to determine the hazards of vaccines. One of these involved hundreds 
of mice on hypersensitivity studies with influenza viruses. 

For years Dr. Morris had been telling government officials that 
followup studies on influenza vaccine were essential—especially 
hypersensitivity studies. Hypersensitivity means that if a person gets a 
flu shot and then is later exposed to the flu, he will come down with 
an even severer case than he would have gotten had he NOT taken the 
flu shot. This could mean that insurance companies could be faced 
with mi lli ons, even billions, of dollars in claims for years to come. In 
one 1968 study alone, 54% of those getting a flu shot came down with 
severe cases of influenza during the next flu epidemic, while only 
25% of those not taking the flu shot got the flu. Another study in a 
small group of industrial workers showed similar results-55% of the 
immunized group got the flu, while 26% of the UNimmunized got flu. 

Government officials did not permit Morris to do followup studies on 
influenza—they even prevented him from buying the necessary 
materials to do so." On Jan. 1, 1975, Dr. Morris filed a grievance with 
the government (which he won) only to have the decision of the 
Grievance Hearing Examiners overruled by Alexander Schmidt, a few 
days prior to his handing in his own resignation as FDA 
Commissioner. He had served his masters well—but it had gotten too 
hot in the kitchen and Alexander Schmidt had abdicated the throne to 
return to Univ/Ill. The recent exposure, “Pressure from the drug 
industry exerted to get approval of dangerous drugs—some of them 
on the U.S. market as well as throughout the world—top echelon 
within the FDA catering to the powerful pharmaceutical industry— 
files pilfered and memorandums changed—scientific testimony 
altered”, etc. The expose was a bit too much for The Second 
Coming...Farewell to Schmidt whom will the drug, chemical and food 

manufacturing cartels surprise us with, to head the FDA on Dec. 1, 

We are reminded by Reich that, "For more than 3 decades Americans 
have faithfully taken their flu shots each season yet our track record 
for conquering influenza is not good. Government figures show that 
during the 1968 Hong Kong epidemic alone, nearly 30,000 persons 
died of the 50 mill ion who came down with it—in spite of a readily 
available vaccine. According to government reports this epidemic 
alone cost our nation an estimated $4 billion. Aurora Reich explores 
the risks associated with killed virus vaccine. 

“First, serious reactions—including fatalities—have occurred in 
individuals sensitive to the chicken egg protein in which the vaccine 
virus is grown. The egg protein contains blood group substances 
which induce antibody against these substances. This could pose a 
serious threat of fetal damage to women who might later become 
pregnant. Recognition of this possibility led the Public Health Service 
(PHS) to remove pregnant women from their 'high risk group' list to 
get the vaccine in 1963, after being on the preferred list since 1962 
along with the elderly and informed. Last year PHS recommendations 
stated that "Pregnancy is not an indication for or against influenza 

"Second, the virus itself has toxic properties, even after it's killed 
which can cause fever and convulsions, especially in children. 
January's Journal of Pediatrics carried the research of doctors at 
Atlanta and Sheffield, England, working together testing a purified 
k ill ed influenza vaccine. They concluded that even the purified 
vaccine is too toxic to be given to children 2 years or younger. This 
study showed 69% of the infants ran high fevers 6 to 12 hours after 
vaccination, and 1 infant had a convulsion. Other Studies show similar 
results. One doctor pointed out that there are 9 million kids less than 3 

years of age. If 10% of them had convulsions, that's 900,000 kids with 
convulsions...The routine vaccination of infants and children with 
ki ll ed flu vaccine has not been recommended by PHS for several 

"Third, there are an unpredictable and unknown number of people 
who will develop what is called "hypersensitivity” to the flu vaccine 
—be it the New Jersey swine strain or some other flu strain. The 
recent trials conducted at Atlanta on 140 human guinea pigs showed 
some 3 to 5% adverse reactions. Assuming the same dose is given, 
this extrapolates out to some 6 to 10 mi ll ion adverse reactions in 215 
mill ion Americans from the New Jersey swine flu vaccine —not 
counting hypersensitivity. 

“What risks are we taking by aiming to vaccinate some 215 million 
Americans with a flu vaccine not yet fully developed and tested?” 
asks Aurora Reich. “The truth is, WE CANNOT MAKE A SAFE 
AND EFFECTIVE FLU V ACCINE...But perhaps the American 
people may have already pondered this. A recent government poll 
revealed that only 16% of those polled were willing to take a flu shot 
this fall. At an Influenza Workshop in February, Dr. Maurice Hilleman 
of Merck, stated, “The fifth freedom is freedom from vaccination. You 
can't force anybody to take it...It's going to take time to get the pig 
virus worked up.” (REPRINTED FROM RTC SEPT. 1976) 

(*Aurora Reich was former Director/Office of Scientific 
Communications, in the Div/ Biologies Standards, under National 
Institutes of Health) 

Dr. Morris had been with the Division of Biologies (DOB) since 1940. 
After learning some disturbing facts about DOB, Senator Abraham 
Ribicoff in 1971 requested that the General Accounting Office 
investigate the regulation of vaccines As a result, DOB was taken out 

of the jurisdiction of N.I.H. and transferred to FDA. The name was 
changed to Bureau of Biologies, but nothing else changed. Scientists 
who stand their ground against the chemical industry are still harassed 
—the same conflict of interest exists—proof the swine flu fiasco. 
There must be an immediate investigation not only into the swine flu 
program—the indemnification coverup—but into the entire INSANE 

Equally important, so long as we must contend with immunization 
programs, we need dedicated scientists to watch over the efficacy and 
toxicity, for those persons who are still living in the dark ages. 

Therefore we must mount a MASS CAMPAIGN and DEMAND 

Every day more truth is allowed to see the light. The following 


On April 14, 1977, Dr. Jerome Andrulonis, a 32 year old researcher 
working in the rabies laboratory of the New York State Department of 
Health (completely immunized) contracted rabies “by inhaling a 
rabies vaccine he was experimenting with.” Andrulonis, according to 
the Associated Press, “was fully immunized and had antibodies for the 
disease, was hospitalized in a serious condition.” 

The Center for Disease Control Morbidity and Mortality Report (6-3- 

77), "On April 21, the patient fell into deep coma...between April 22 
and May 3, remained in deep coma...Since May 4, patient has shown 
gradual but noticeable improvement. Although he is unable to respond 
to verbal command or to communicate with those caring for him, he 
no longer requires respiratory demonstrating purposeful 
movement." Despite constant pre-immunizations against rabies...he 
was fully immunized and had antibodies for the disease, he still 
contracted rabies 

Andrulonis, a senior researcher for the State Health Dept, had been 
researching methods to immunize wild animals against rabies. He was 
working on a new oral rabies vaccine, virus in a pharmaceutical 
machine onto sugar particles, which were to be put in meat that would 
be left for animals. Despite the fact that Andrulonis was wearing 
protective gear (face mask and gloves) during his research work, he 
probably inhaled an unknown quantity. His condition continued to 
deteriorate and he was diagnosed as suffering from encephalitis or 
inflammation of the brain. He spent several weeks in the clutches of 
death, sometimes in a coma. He definitely suffered partial paralysis, 
again, despite the fact that Andrulonis received continual 
immunization boosters, as well as blood tests required by the 
department, which confirmed “adequate antibodies against the 
disease” CDC, PHS and HEW suffer from derangement, they simply 
refuse to admit that the disease was implanted in Andrulonis during 
inoculation. (In a future book we will pursue the Rabies vaccine, and 
its hazards. Eleanor McBean in VACCINATION CONDEMNED 
explores the Rabies scene. 


For the past few years the Center for Disease Control has Wrongly 
been advising inoculating pregnant women for measles, contrary to 
the insert warnings. On 7-7-1977 they awakened to the fact that they 

were violating their own rules. (What else is new?) Merck, Sharpe & 
Dohme specifically warns that "Women of childbearing age should 
not be considered for vaccination unless there is no possibility of 
pregnancy in the next 3 months...because of the potential risk of 
vaccination in pregnancy, and because significant congenital 
anomalies occur regularly in approximately 3% of all births and their 
fortuitous appearance after vaccine has been given during pregnancy 
could lead to serious misinterpretation.” That isn't the true reason— 
the vaccine has been known to penetrate through the placental barrier 
—and the baby was born deformed—but to get Merck to admit it is 
another story...The vaccinations are DANGEROUS FOR ALL—LET 
ALONE FOR THE UNBORN (fetus) child. They are shot down 
before they even emerge into this world. 


In February 1977 Secretary CALIFANO stated that the Swine Flu 
cannot be given legally, unless those receiving shots sign a 
CONSENT FORM. Ever since the Swine Flu program started, people 
have been signing a 'Registration Form' which simply means the 
entire program has been conducted ILLEGALLY. The form has now 
been rewritten to include the fact that the shots may increase the risk 
of contracting Guillain-Barre syndrome. The form now reads: 


After reading the following paragraphs warning you that you might be 
paralyzed from vaccine, would you still take your shot? 


As mentioned, there is recent evidence that Guillain-Barre appears in 

some people after vaccination. When it appears, it generally does so 
within a few weeks of vaccination. Information collected for the 
purposes of the flu immunization program to date shows that among 
persons who have not taken flu vaccine, slightly more than one in a 
mill ion get Guillain-Barre during any eight week period. However, 
during the period of eight weeks after vaccination, about ten out of 
every mill ion persons vaccinated have suffered Guillain-Barre. Thus, 
while the risk is not high, evidence suggests that persons who are 
vaccinated are approximately ten times more likely to get Guillain- 
Barre than those who are not vaccinated. 

Guillain-Barre can be relatively mild to very severe. It causes a 
paralysis, usually of the legs and arms. I most cases the paralysis 
disappears and the recovery is complete. Recent statistics indicate, 
however, that in about 5% of the cases the patient dies, and in about 
10% of the cases some muscles will be weak for a long time or 
permanently. Thus, the risk of death from Guillain-Barre for persons 
of all age groups who are vaccinated is approximately 1/2,000,000 (1 
in 2 million, or 0.00005%). For elderly and chronically ill persons the 
risk of death from Guillain-Barre is approximately one out of every 
mill ion persons vaccinated. 

Any person who suffered adversely can file a claim—the handwriting 
is on the wall—Ford outsmarted himself—he was in such a hurry to 
get the program started. 

The section dealing with women has also been changed but not 
sufficiently. It does not say that the vaccine penetrates the placental 
barrier—which it does—and is unsafe for pregnant women—and for 
every living thing on this earth. 


Many people ask about the risks of flu vaccination during pregnancy. 
There is not now any specific data on whether the risks are the same 
or different from what they are for the general population. For this 
reason a pregnant woman should be advised by a doctor on the 
benefits and risks for her or her offspring. 

Never a dull moment. The following releases should be of great 
interest—we beg your indulgence. We have met with a number of 
elected officials and there should be some action in Washington. We 
ask you to also start the ball rolling in the area in which you live. 









Consumer Activist Ida Honorof, chairperson of PEOPLE AGAINST 
POLITICAL VACCINATIONS, who filed suit last September to halt 
the swine flu program, and last week condemned the Department of 
Justice, Health, Education and Welfare, Center for Disease Control, 
and Public Health Services for VIOLATING THE FREEDOM OF 
INFORMATION ACT, today charged the Department of Defense, 
specifically, The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) with 
being guilty of CONFLICT OF INTEREST 

The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology makes the final 
determination as to which claim shall be considered or denied, despite 
the fact that for many years the Department of Defense has 
deliberately concealed the hundreds of thousands of illnesses and 
deaths among military personnel (within the Armed Services) who are 
routinely shot full of putrid and deadly toxins against their will, “How 
can any agency who forces people under their command to take 
vaccinations, be fair in judging claims?” 

Even though the swine flu inoculation program was supposedly 
voluntary among the civilian population who were intimidated by the 
high powered Public Relations scare tactics, the military were forced 
to “roll up their sleeves against their will. The military suffers 
adversely, but that information continues to remain “top secret.” 


AND PRESENT DANGER—MUST BE circulated to your friends 
who are still confused about vaccinations—to everyone of your 
elected, Federal, State, County and City officials. 

Purchase a bundle of books, please write us for volume price. 

P.O. Box 5449 
Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91403 


The President's Message to the Congress Requesting a Special 


Appropriation for the Production of Vaccine, March 25, 1976 
To the Congress of the United States: 

The nation faces a serious potential public health threat this winter 
from a strain of virus known as swine influenza. 

One month ago this strain of influenza was discovered and isolated 
among Army recruits at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The appearance of this 
strain has caused concern within the medical community because this 
virus is very similar to the one that caused a widespread and very 
deadly flu epidemic late in 1918-19. Some Americans will recall that 
548,000 people died in this country during that tragic period—and 20 
million people worldwide. 

I have consulted with members of my Administration, leading 
members of the health community and public officials about the 
implications of this new appearance of Swine flu. I have been advised 
that there is a very real possibility that unless we take effective 
counteraction, there could be an epidemic of this dangerous disease 
next fall and winter here in the United States. 

The facts that have been presented to me in the last few days have 
come from many of the best medical authorities in this country. These 
facts do not suggest there is any cause for alarm. The scientific 
community understands what we are dealing with and they have 
developed a vaccine that will be effective in combatting it. The facts 
do suggest, however, that there is a need for action now—action by 
the Government, action by industry and the medical community, and 
most importantly, action by all of our citizens. 

Although no one knows at this time exactly how serious this threat 
could be, we cannot afford to take chances with the health of our 
people. Accordingly, I am taking the following action. 

I am asking the Congress for a special supplemental appropriation of 
$135 million—prior to their April recess—to insure the production of 
sufficient vaccine to inoculate every man, woman and child in the 
United States. 

I have directed HEW Secretary David Mathews, and the Assistant 
Secretary for Health, Dr. Theodore Cooper, to develop and implement 
plans that will make this vaccine available to all Americans. 

Finally, I am asking each and every American to make certain he or 
she receives the vaccine this fall. Inoculations are to be available at 
schools, hospitals, physicians’ offices, and public health facilities. 

Extraordinary measures are necessary because of the short time period 
available to assure adequate vaccine production and to mobilize the 
nation's health care delivery system. An extensive immunization 
program must be in full scale operation by the beginning of 
September and should be completed by the end of November, 1976. 

I urge the Congress to act immediately to pass this special 
supplemental appropriation separately. This $135 million 
appropriation, if acted on promptly, will be a key factor in putting this 
threat behind us before next winter. 

The White House, March 25, 1976 


The President's Letter to the Speaker of the House and to the Majority 
Leader Liability Protection Against Untoward Reactions to the Swine 
Flu vaccine. August 4, 1976 
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Senator Mansfield:) 

On March 24, 1976, after meeting with a distinguished group of 
physicians, scientists and public health experts, I asked the Congress 
to appropriate $135 million for the production of sufficient swine flu 
vaccine to inoculate every man, woman and child in the United States. 
I also directed the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare to 
develop plans that would make appropriation request, and I was 
pleased to sign it into law April 15. 

Since that time HEW, working with the medical profession, State and 
local health officials, vaccine manufacturers, and other groups, have 
developed able to all Americans can be met. 

We continue to be faced, however, with a major problem in meeting 
our goal. Although experience indicates that there is a very low risk of 
untoward reactions to the vaccine, the drug manufacturers producing 
this vaccine for HEW need some form of appropriate liability 

On June 16, in anticipation of this situation, I directed HEW Secretary 
Mathews to immediately submit legislation to the Congress to enable 
the government to assume a proper share of risks so that this 
important program might move ahead. 

This morning I received a report from the Secretary that after seven 
weeks of discussions and negotiations, the Health and Environment 
Subcommittee of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce 
Committee acted last night to report legislation that would, if enacted 

by the House and Senate, correct this problem, which has 
unnecessarily delayed this vital program. 

I am writing to you this afternoon to urge that the House of 
Representatives (Senate) move quickly to enact this legislation so that 
the vaccine can be made available without further delay. 

In conclusion, let me reiterate a point that I made in March and again 
to Chairman Paul Rogers on July 23: The threat of swine flu is 
genuine. Data from both the scientific and medical communities 
support the need for an inoculation program. Clinical tests conducted 
to date show that the vaccine is both safe and effective. There is no 
excuse now to let this program—a program that could affect the lives 
of many, many Americans—be delayed any longer. 

—Gerald R. Ford 

Following is a partial list of claims filed with D/HEW, PHS, CDC, 
Nat’l Influenza Immunization Program/Surveillance & Assessment, 
Atlanta, Ga. 30333. 

All claims are for blindness caused by Swine flu vaccine. In all cases 
the names had been blanked out. 

62 year old male—resides in Marion, No. Car. SF Vaccine 
administered 10-1276. Mfr. by Parke-Davis. Diagnosis: “Optic 

Male—(age was blanked out), resides in Merryville, Ind. SF Vaccine 
administered 11-22-76. Mfr. by Richardson, Merrill. Diagnosis: 

“Optic Neuritis” 

30 year old male—resides in New York City. SF Vaccine administered 

10- 16-76. Mfr. Richardson, Merrill. Diagnosis: “Conjunctivitis 360.0' 

27 year old male-resides in Boston, Mass. SF Vaccine administered 

11- 22-76 at employee Health Clinic (no mfr shown). Diagnosis: 
"Optic Neuritis, iridacyclitis (?) 367.0” 

71 year old male—resides in Dade County, Fla. SF Vaccine 
administered “late Oct.” (No mrf. shown.) Diagnosis: “367.0” 

Female (age blanked out)—resides in Warwick City, R.I. SF Vaccine 
administered 11-19-76. Mfr. Merrell Natl. Diagnosis: “Unilateral 
Retro Bulbar Neuritis 367.0” 

50 year old female—resides in New York City. SF Vaccine 
administered 10-1576. Mfr. Richardson-Merrill. Diagnosis: “Retro 
bulbar neuritis” 

Male (age blanked out)—resides in Middletown, R.I. SF Vaccine 
administered 12-5-1976 (in this case they went to patient's home- 
shown as Mr. Nelson's home). Mfr. Merck, Sharpe, Dohme. 
Diagnosis: “Possible Optic neuritis R/O M.S.” 

31 year old female-resides in Elizabeth, N.J. SF Vaccine administered 
10-2776. Mfr. not shown, Lot #1498F. Diagnosis: “Optic Neuritis 

Female—age blanked out-resides in San Joaquin area (info blanked 
out). Person completing report was Jack J. Williams, M.D. Stockton, 
Ca. 95201. SF Vaccine administered 11-16-1976. Mfr. Merck, Sharpe, 
Dohme. Diagnosis: "Reportedly optic neuritis (right eye) 367.0” 

Female, 66 years—resides in St. Louis, Mo. SL Vaccine administered 
10-27-76. Mfr. Merck, Sharpe, Dohme. Diagnosis: “379.3” 

20 year old male (race: black) (Didn't use std. form) SF Vaccine 
administered 11-10-76. Merrill Natl. No diagnosis is shown—patient's 
right eye was sore, itching, swollen. 

68 year old female-patients initials M.L.T. (This seems to be a 
mili tary report form. SF Vaccine administered 11-26-1976 (looks as if 
she also received another drug at same time)—’’serious retina”— 
difficult to read this report. 

White female, resides in Temple, Texas. Report date 10-13-1976 (S. 
Hunt, M.D.). Rec’d Parke-Davis vaccine. "Edema under eye and 
lower eyelids” 

68 year old female-resides in San Antonio, Texas. SF Vaccine 
administered 11-21-1976 at Army Med Center. Diagnosis: "Bilateral 
Central Serious Retinapathy—377.0” 

In addition to the above, Mrs. Emily Spruell, of Clayton, Okla. (918) 
569-7620, has sued for $6,200,000 through her attorney, Gene Stipes, 
McAllister, Okla. (918) 423-0421 (office), residence: (918) 423-6368. 
Article appeared in the National Enquirer. 

Contacted also by brother of Marie Pickens (61) who resides in Lake 
Odessa, Mich., at age of 61 she was very active, church-activist, 
bowled regularly, played golf, took care of invalid husband and an 88- 
year-old mother. Now has less than 50% vision remaining in her 
“good eye”—lost total vision in other eye. Have a taped interview 
with brother who lives in Calif. 

Also, there were 2 cases of impotency caused by swine flu vaccine 
that were called to my attention. One of the claimants filed suit for $5 
mill ion. 

In addition there were a number of cases for brain damage caused by 
swine flu vaccine. 


DANGER has concentrated almost entirely on exposing the dangers 
of vaccinations. In doing so I hope that I've proven that vaccinations, 
immunizations, inoculations, are nothing more than medical 
witchcraft which originated in the dark days of Superstitious yore. 

There have been too many atrocities committed in the name of 
preventive medicine by the Medical and Chemical Industrial Complex 
and it is high time to call a halt. Where it concerns vaccinations, 
statistics prove that nearly 90% of the total decline in mortality for 
scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children 
up to 15, occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and 
widespread part attributed to improved housing and 
to a decrease in the virulence of microorganisms, but by far the most 
important factor was a higher host resistance due to better nutrition. 

“After a pursuit of medical utopia, and contrary to current 
conventional wisdom, medical services have not been important in 
producing the changes in life expectancy that has occurred. A vast 
amount of contemporary clinical care is incidental to the curing of 
disease, but the damage done by medicine to the health of individuals 
is very significant. These facts are obvious, well documented and well 
repressed. An expanding proportion of the new burden of disease of 
the last 15 years is itself the result of medical intervention, in favor of 
people who are or might become sick. It is doctor made or iatrogenic.” 
—Ivan Ilyich, Medical Nemesis 

The injection of vaccines consisting of foreign diseased protein matter 

and toxic drugs (including formaldehyde a proven carcinogen), 
thimerosal (a mercury derivative) or streptomycin, neomycin, etc.) is 
in itself a poisoning practice. The preceding chapters have 
documented that. It is the fantasy of a deranged mind! 

Good sound logic proves that the normal healthy organism is naturally 
immune from all forms of disease, since health is the exact opposite of 
dis-ease. Immunity can never be artificially introduced. Dis-ease (dis, 
“deprived of”; ease, “free of pain”) is a condition which develops 
within the body due to abuses, which show up as symptoms when the 
abuse and accumulated toxemia reach intolerable heights. 

Vaccinations can never produce "immunity' because the vaccine is 
additional poison heaped upon an already overburdened, 
inharmonious burden within the body. 

We are calling for a full scale Congressional Investigation into the 
entire insane practice of immunization—but not a “fox watching the 
chicken investigation”—there must be people on the Investigation 
Panel who have proven their dedication to humanity—doctors who 
practice drugless medicine, nutritionists, and dedicated and 
knowledgeable researchers such as E. McBean and I, a many-time 
award winning consumer activist. 

Researching the material for this book has been an eyeopener and an 
education which cannot be obtained in any school. There is no way all 
of the material I’ve accumulated could go into this book, and in the 
near future I plan to do a larger—more in depth look at vaccinations— 
a clear and present danger. 

order. Write us for price on orders: 


P.O. Box 5449, Sherman Oaks, Ca. 

Qepoftt to the Co nswneii 


1 17 

Mo 3JonOftoj: 

'\A Report to 

The combined probing and pressure of the 
United Farmworkers Union and consumer 
advocate Ida Honorof forced disclosures of 
illegal residues of Monitor-4 and Phosdrin 
in head lettuce throughout the US. Since 
then, the Department of Agriculture has 
admitted finding additional residues of Pa 
rathion, Lannate, Thiodan, Cycon and oth- 

tie ConsumcA" 

er toxic chemicals in lettuce. Most of oOr 
fields and orchards are heavily contaminated. 
Agribusiness continues to boost the soil with 
synthetic high powered stimulants and poi 
sonous sprays, robbing the soil of the valu 
able micro-organisms, destroying natural soil 
fertility and life. How do you grow life- 
giving food on dead soil? 

Alexander Auerbach, in the March 20 Los Angeles Times writes: "Mrs. Honorof has waged a continuing battle 
against the use of chemicals in foods--she was among the first to campaign to halt the use of the chemical DES 
in meat-she was aware that organophosphates are a type of pesticide used to replace DDT. They can be lethal..." 
The story of lettuce contaminated with the organophosphate Monitor-4 was aired February 1 on KPFK, and it 
"might have died there, known only to KPFK's relatively small audience, if Mrs. Honorof hadn't turned her 
energy toward the major media...where she was greeted with the traditional journalistic skepticism...but a Chicago 
press conference with (Cesarl Chavez (United Farmworkers Union) got national attention..." The rest is history. 

Published bi monthly, by Award Winning Consumer Activist 

Chairman of DOOM (Committee to gat Drugs Out Of Meat! 



Subscription rate $8 per year Make checks 
payable to Report to the Consumer, fill in 
blank and mail to P.0 0o« 5449, Sherman 
Oaks, California 91403. Please Print 

Searching, probing, stimulating, provocative. 
Striving to bring you awareness 




tttte zip 


KPFK's Consumer Advocate IOA HONOROF speaks out at a legislative hearing 
on the pesticide Monitor-4. 



Ida Honorof is the publisher/editor of Report to the Consumer, read 
worldwide. She is the recipient of many awards for her 'untiring and 
relentless effort to protect the consumer.' She served for 5 years as 
volunteer Consumer Advocate on radio station KPFK-90.7 FM (and 
will be resuming that function this September). She currently hosts. 
The Conquering Consumer on radio station KCSN-88.5 FM, at the 
California State University/ Northridge. Both stations are in Southern 

Ida Honorof is the co-Chairperson of D.O.O.M. (Committee to get 
WITH TOXIC PESTICIDES; founder of C.H.A.M.P. (Consumer 
Health Against Monopolistic Profiteering); Organizer of 

one of the leading figures in the Los Angeles Anti-Fluoridation 
victory; is credited with savings thousands of lives in Los Angeles 
County during the battle to expose Ford's Swine Flu Fiasco. 

She is the winner of National Health Federation's Media Award, the 
winner of A.R's First Prize Award for Investigative Reporting. Captra 
News Editor Cal Werner wrote, “Mrs. Honorof continues to take on 
government agencies—and anything else—in her partisan fight for the 
consumer.” Alexander Auerbach (L.A. Times Business & Finance 
writer) on 3/20/1973 reported, "Mrs. Honor of has waged a continuing 
battle against the use of chemicals in foods—she was among the first 
to campaign to halt the use of the chemical DES (diethylstilbestrol in 
meat—and she was aware and warned of the organophosphates used 
to replace DDT. They can be lethal; the amounts required to kill an 
adult are measured in tiny fractions of an ounce. 

Frederick I. Scott, Editor of American Laboratory, extolled Ms. Honor 
of as a “highly respected medical and scientific researcher..." David 
Rorvik, renowned journalist, winner of Alicia Patterson Foundation 
Award, writes: “Ida Honorof, a feisty lady—a consumer protectionist 
tough enough, in my view, to loom as the female Ralph Nader— 
credited by the L.A. Times and other publications with breaking some 
of the biggest horror stories of our time.” 

^REPORT TO THE CONSUMER is a semi-monthly newsletter. 
Subscription rate: $8.00 per year. Write to, 

P.O. Box 5449 
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has again created a climate of 
fear in an attempt to scare people with Legionnaires Disease...A dread 

killer is once again sweeping the country...Legionnaire Disease will 
strike 35,000 Americans and kill as many as 6,000 annually." Backed 
against the wall CDC experts admit they've exaggerated. 

Interviewed by National Inquirer, Dr. Anthony Morris, top U.S. 
virologist who warned against the swine flu program, stated: "It's the 
swine flu fiasco all over magnify their own importance CDC 
allowed a climate of fear..." 

In order to distract people away from the swine flu fiasco, which took 
a severe beating, and to re-establish identity, CDC, in another face¬ 
saving device, on 12-15-1977 announced that "a distant cousin" of 
swine flu virus has been discovered in the Soviet Union and Hong 
Kong, and since CDC had evidence that "the virus is spreading and 
will soon reach the U.S." they are busily preparing a vaccine. What a 
golden opportunity to unload, despite the fact that the Soviet's 
Minister of Health informed W.H.O. that they had no intention of 
panicking since the outbreak is of "moderate clinical severity," but 
CDC is determined to prove their mettle, thereby enabling them to get 
bigger and better funding. 

Dr. Edwin Kilbourne (Mt. Sinai School/Medicine,) #2 chief architect 
of the 1976—The infamous Disabler/Killer Swine Flu Vaccine, urged 
that the "Russian Flu' vaccine be manufactured in quantity as soon as 
possible. "I hope we won't be frozen into immobility by memories of 
1976...What confounded the situation last year was the absence of the 
disease..." (Brilliant doctor!) 

—Ida Honorof 
December 20, 1977 


At this point, no one with one-pennies worth of gray matter will deny 
that Ford's Swine Flu Folly was a total medical fiasco, and in addition 
to causing death, paralysis, blindness, impotency, and a lifetime of 
suffering for Mafia will cost taxpayers mi ll ions of dollars in damage 
payments. Countless Americans who were paralyzed, and many 
families of those who died after gullibly falling for our government's 
hucksterism, will not be compensated, since HEW deliberately halted 
monitoring vaccine recipients ten weeks after inoculation, and it may 
be difficult to provide 'expert' testimony to prove that illness or death 
was directly due to the inoculation. 

As of March 23, 1979, 3,687 claims were filed for personal injury, 
totalling $3,351,065,779. Of these 304 (totalling $344,908,244) were 
for wrongful death, and 1,045 (totalling $952,549,317) were for 
Guillain-Barre paralysis. This for immunization against a phantom 
virus, that was to have cost us a mere $135 million. 

According to HEW's report of April 12, 1979, there were 25 claims 
settled for $320,483. Of these, one (for $30,000) for wrongful death, 
and 14 (for $274,200) for Guillain-Barre. There were 603 claims 
totalling $260,220,212 denied. $226,668,429 for 551 claims for 
personal injury, including 45— totalling $33,551,633 for death. 

It's truly ironic—first HEW/PHS FDA CDC, and the entire Medical 
Industrial Complex, con people into taking the shot—literally 
frightening them out of their wits—now they will have to hire an 
attorney to seek justice from the "Justice" Department! Close to 500 
lawsuits have been filed to date—and as claims are denied, the 
number will swell. There will be many persons who deserve 
compensation, who will be denied—by our government who was so 
quick to shoot them full of poisons! 

Many persons who were paralyzed could have been spared had the 
Center for Disease Control and Health Education & Welfare released 
the information they were sitting on—“that neurologic signs would 
follow the use of the vaccine," yet CDC lied to the public and denied 
they had this information. Michael Hattwick, M.D. admitted that “the 
risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome seemed to be eleven 
times greater with vaccination than without...the public problem posed 
by Guillain-Barre syndrome— inability to state the risk for a consent 
form—need not have taken anyone unawares The Swine Flu Affair- 
Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease $100,000 of our tax money 
was paid to the authors, Drs. Richard Neustadt and Harvey Feinberg 
(both Harvard men) to bring us this gem. (See Report to the Consumer 
No. 190.) 

More than 80 milli on doses of the swine flu vaccine are still hanging 
around in public health' warehouses throughout the country—and 
their “shelf life" has long run out—Beware of another con job—to 
unload those toxins onto you. 

To people in Public Health (Disease) Service, preventive medicine 
means two things— fluoridation and immunization. In all of the 
transcripts on immunization, I have yet to hear our public servants 
expound the need for good nutrition. Money is being appropriated for 
immunization purposes, but not a single penny is being spent by HEW 
to educate parents and children of the importance of GOOD 

“Supplemental grant funds of $4 million were appropriated in fiscal 
year 1977, for a total of $17 million, to begin carrying out an 
initiative. In fiscal year 1978, $23 mi lli on or grants is included..." 
(National Child Immunization Programs—95th Congress—8-31- 
1977). In his statement before the Subcommittee on 
Oversight/Investigations, Committee on Interstate/Foreign Commerce, 

held in Los Angeles, William Foege, M.D., Director of Center for 
Disease Control stated that “25 mill ion will be sufficient for 1978," 
but for fiscal 1979, they will be asking for additional money. When 
questioned by Cong. Henry Waxman about the fact that "some 
children who were vaccinated against measles, are still getting 
measles," Dr. Foege replied that “...the vaccine was given at an early 
age. We now know that, prior to 12 months of age, there is a 
decreased incidence of takes because of antibodies in the 
child...measles vaccination is a lifelong procedure.” 

What Foege failed to tell Congressman Waxman was that "there are 
mill ions of children, who after having been vaccinated, are now (5-to- 
10 years later) more susceptible to measles than if they had never 
vaccinated. Those children who had NATURAL measles, after they 
get the measles vaccination get DEATHLY SICK, yet knowing all this 
and after it has been known for years—Meyers (Dir/Bureau of 
Biologies) approved the inactivated measles for inoculation of 
children. In the ensuing years, if these children come in contact with 
'wild measles they come down with a form of measles that is far more 
severe (a more severe rash and severe fever) than ever occurs in 
children who have never been vaccinated." (Quotes are from a live 
interview with Dr. Anthony Morris, bacteriologist, who is certainly in 
a perfect position to know, since he was employed by the Bureau of 
Biologies (BoB) for 40 years, fired in July 76 for opposing the Swine 
Flu Program. The entire interview was aired on KPFK-90.7fm on Jan. 
22, 5 PM.) 

"What about the live measles virus vaccine which causes 
encephalitis...It's absolutely inexcusable, to give a child, who has had 
measles, any measles vaccine. This has a natural a result 
of having had measles naturally, he has lifetime protection. There is 
sufficient evidence, and CDC is well aware of it—that children who 
have had natural measles—during the first few years of their life—if 

they are vaccinated (because it is required to get into school) many 
these children develop Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalitis (SSPE), 
a disease involving the brain, which is invariably fatal." 

This isn't what Foege wanted the committee to hear. Neither did he 
want them to know that Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. reports: 

"Measles vaccine is designed primarily to prevent measles 
encephalitis which is said to occur in l-out-of-1,000 cases of measles. 
Any of us who has had decades of experience with measles must 
question this statistic. The incidence of 1/1000 may be accurate for 
children who live in conditions of poverty and malnutrition, but in the 
middle and upper classes, if one excludes simple sleepiness from the 
measles itself, the incidence of true encephalitis probably is more like 
1/10,000 or 1/100,000. Meanwhile, the vaccine itself is associated 
with encephalopathy in 1 case per milli on and with a series of other 
complications such as SSPE. Other neurologic and sometimes fatal 
conditions associated with the measles vaccine include ataxia 
(inability to coordinate muscle movements), retardation, learning 
disability of hyperactivity, aseptic meningitis, seizure disorders and 
hemiparesis (paralysis affecting one side of the body)." —The 
People's Doctor, Medical Newsletter for Consumers 

Mendelsohn wonders whether the current epidemic of hyperactivity in 
children may have its origin, at least in part, in the measles vaccine. 

One of the important things that must be remembered is that Measles 
is one of the natural cleansing processes the child's body is 
detoxifying itself, expelling—ridding itself of poisons. For 9 months 
the baby survived on one of the most concentrated proteins— 
mother's blood—once the baby emerges into the world, it ingests 
other toxins, and measles is the most natural way of expelling the 

excess protein and toxins. To immunize the child to push these toxins 
back into the body is a crime against nature. I had measles—my 
mother put me into a warm bath with baking soda, then put me to bed, 
drew the shades) until I expelled the toxins. Left alone, without 
medical (witchcraft) interference, the entire world's population would 
be far healthier than it is today. All Chronic and many acute diseases 
are caused by modern medical practices 

Please remember IMMUNITY AGAINST DISEASE begins with 
what you grow in your garden—and what you cook in your 
kitchen—Immunity starts with Proper Nutrition—Avoid all 
processed and convenience "foods”—as if they were the plague. 

$3.95 < UPDATED <C 


Compulsory vaccination or any tax supported vaccine 
program violates the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, 
THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, Article IX and X, 1780, and the 
Preamble, and ARTICLE SIX of the BILL OF RIGHTS. 

Our U.S. Declaration of Independence promises us that, 
“All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable 
rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happi¬ 
ness.” Enforced vaccine-poisoning violates all of these three 

The Sixth Article of the Bill of Rights promises, “The 
right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be 
violated.” Enforced medication (vaccination) violates their right. 

Blackstone, one of the most renowned lawyers of 
Qr. Britain stated, “No laws are binding upon the human 
subject which assault the body or violate the conscience.” 

Judge Cooley, of the U.S. Supreme Court, said, “No 
right is held more sacred or is more carefully guarded by the com¬ 
mon law, than the right of every individual to the possession and 
control of his own person.” 

Thomas Jefferson, writer of our U.S. Constitution, 
taught that “Liberty in all essential needs, is not a privilege 
granted by Government, but an inherent right possessed by all 
men.” Thus, the chief function of all governments is to secure and 
enforce these human rights, not to invade or violate them to 
satisfy medical dogmas or other oppressive, dangerous, and 
illegal theories. 

Government sponsored vaccination drives violate these 
human rights. 

CHAPTER 22: Polio was a Manmade Disease 


Various sources 

"Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is 
NO proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence that anyone 
caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that 
any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient." —Sheri Nakken, RN, MA 

The polio death rate was decreasing on its own before the vaccine was 
introduced, and there is no credible scientific evidence that the vaccine caused 
polio to disappear. Cases of polio increased after mass inoculations. 

The United States Centre for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that the vaccine 
has become the dominant cause of polio in the US today, with 87% of cases 
between 1973 and 1983 caused by the vaccine. More recently, 1980-1989, every 
case of polio in the US was caused by the vaccine. Doctors and scientists on the 
staff of the National Institute of Health during the 1950's were well aware that 
the Salk vaccine was ineffective and deadly. Some frankly stated that it was 
"worthless as a preventative and dangerous to take". The Salk "inactivated" or 
"killed-virus" was actually regulated to permit 5,000 live viruses per million 

A large vaccine trial in 1955 showed a total failure of the Salk vaccine to protect 
against poliomyelitis. During a 1959 epidemic in Massachusetts, 77.5% of the 
paralytic cases had received three or more doses of the inactivated vaccine. 

In 1956 with the infamous Francis Field Trials they discovered large numbers of 
children contracted polio after receiving the vaccine. Instead of removing the 
vaccine from the market, they decided to exclude from the statistics all cases of 
polio that occurred within 30 days after vaccination on the pretext that such 
cases were "pre-existing". 

In 1958 mass vaccination triggered a disastrous increase in polio, the highest 
being 700% in Ottawa, Canada. The highest incidence in the USA occurred in 
those states which had been induced to adopt compulsory polio shots (1). 

Four of the five Salk vaccine companies ceased producing this vaccine due to its 
failure, and because of the lawsuits against them. 

"Use of either Salk or Sabin vaccine will increase the possibility that your child 
will contact the disease. It appears that the most effective way to protect your 
child from polio is to make sure that he doesn't get the vaccine " —Dr 
Mendelsohn MD, 1984 

Where polio vaccination programs have been instituted worldwide, reported 
polio infections show a 700% increase as a result of compulsory vaccination. 


Statistics on polio were manipulated. One such way was to redefine the disease, 
renaming it "viral or aseptic meningitis" or "cocksackie virus". In one US 
county, for example, in July 1955 there were 273 cases of polio reported for 50 
cases of aseptic meningitis, compared to 5 cases of polio in 1966 and 256 cases 
of aseptic meningitis. These new diagnostic guideline's were issued by the CDC. 
If you object to polio vaccination, and you get polio—it is usually called "polio." 
If you have been vaccinated and you get "polio", it is called meningitis(2). 

Coxsackievirus and echoviruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are clinically 
indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis. (John H. Menkes, Textbook Of 
Child Neurology, 5th ed., page 420) 

"Dr. Thomas Francis did not mention in his key evaluation of the 1954 Salk field 
trials that those who contracted polio after their first inoculation and before their 
second inoculation were placed in the "not inoculated" list.' (Maurice B. Bayly, 
The Story Of The Salk Anti-poliomyelitis Vaccine, 1956). 

Dr. Buchwald responds that prior to the introduction of polio vaccinations in 
Germany, anyone was counted as having polio, even if they only had the virus in 

their feces. It is known, he goes on, that there are people who are healthy but 
who evacuate polio viruses when they go to the bathroom. Based on this criteria, 
the number of cases was approximately 4,000 per year. After the introduction of 
the vaccine, statistics included only those polio cases of people who were 
paralyzed for at least six weeks. —Testimony of Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

A former public health officer, Dr Ratner, reported that just before the 
introduction of the first polio vaccine the National Foundation For Infant 
Paralysis was paying physicians $25 for each reported diagnosis. "A patient 
would walk into a doctors office with a limp from an accident. He'd say he had a 
fever a few days ago...and guess what the diagnosis would be?" It was well 
known Paralytic polio cured itself 50% of the time within 60 days. After the Salk 
vaccine was introduced, the definition of polio was changed by the CDC. Now, 
in order to have paralytic polio, you had to have it longer than 60 days (16). 

Because the Salk vaccine was promoted as being incapable of causing polio, 
cases that occurred following administration of the vaccine were denied, and 
excluded from the Vaccine injury table (4). 

Many doctors refuse to report vaccine reaction, and I worked out that of over 
200 families of vaccine damaged children contacting JABS, the support group, 
only about 3% had been reported damaged by their doctor. In the USA the FDA 
admits that 90% of vaccine damage cases go unreported (4). 

Dr. Bernard Greenberg, a biostatistics expert, was chairman of the Committee on 
Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 
1950s. He testified at a panel discussion that was used as evidence for the 
congressional hearings on polio vaccine in 1962. During these hearings he 
elaborated on the problems associated with polio statistics and disputed claims 
for the vaccine's effectiveness. He attributed the dramatic decline in polio cases 
to a change in reporting practices by physicians. Less cases were identified as 
polio after the vaccination for very specific reasons. 

"Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his 
patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization and was being 
community minded in reporting a communicable disease. The criterion of 
diagnosis at that time in most health departments followed the World Health 

Organization definition: "Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis: signs and symptoms of 
non-paralytic poliomyelitis with the addition of partial or complete paralysis of 
one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours 

Note that "two examinations at least 24 hours apart" was all that was required. 
Laboratory confirmation and presence of residual paralysis was not required. In 
1955 the criteria were changed to conform more closely to the definition used in 
the 1954 field trials: residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset 
of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset....This change in definition meant 
that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis 
with a longer lasting paralysis. Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have 
continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have 
been distinguished from paralytic poliomyelitis. Prior to 1954 large numbers of 
these cases undoubtedly were mislabeled as paralytic poliomyelitis. Thus, 
simply by changes in diagnostic criteria, the number of paralytic cases was 
predetermined to decrease in 1955-1957, whether or not any vaccine was used. 

"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any 
significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to 
provide protection.” —Dr Sabin, developer of Polio vaccine. 

Health officials convinced the Chinese to rename the bulk of their polio to 
Guillain- Barre Syndrome (GBS). A study found that the new disorder (Chinese 
Paralytic syndrome) and the GBS was really polio (41). After mass vaccination 
in 1971, reports of polio went down but GBS increased about 10 fold. 

"In the WHO polio vaccine eradication in the Americas, there were 930 cases of 
paralytic disease—all called polio. Five years later, at the end of the campaign, 
roughly 2000 cases of paralytic disease occurred—but only 6 of them were 
called polio (41). The rate of paralytic disease doubled, but the disease definition 
changed so drastically that hardly any of it was called polio any more." —Greg 

"They started vaccinating in 1985 (in the Americas). Within 4 months they had 
350 cases...They caused a substantial, huge outbreak of polio but they started 
‘discarding’ most of the cases (put as flaccid paralysis)." —Dr. Viera Scheibner, 

PhD (42). 

Chronic Fatigue: A polio by another name 

William Campbell Douglas 

Bruno RL, et al. Parallels between post-polio fatigue and chronic fatigue 
syndrome: a common pathophysiology? Am J Med. 1998 Sep 28;105(3A):66S- 
73S. PMID: 9790485; UI: 99005146. 


"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or 
toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukaemia...Vaccines do predispose 
to cancer and leukaemia." —Professor L. Vincent, founder of Bioelectronics. 

During the 1950's and 60's millions of people were contaminated with a cancer 
causing monkey viruses called SV1 to SV40 (simian virus) from the polio 
vaccines due to using kidneys from the Rhesus macaques monkey to make the 
vaccines. Of these SV40 (the 40th one found!) was the most researched. It is 
commonly used by scientists to induce genetic changes in other viruses. In 
animals it causes large numbers to develop sarcomas (cancer), and decreases 
protein production leading to muscle wasting—symptoms of AIDS. The 
administration of Salk vaccine, in New Zealand (1956-66), with SV40 was 
related to the appearance of SSPE, 100 times greater than expected (1). 

A study of 58,000 women who had received the IPV (killed virus) during the 
time that SV40 contaminated the vaccine (1959-1965) showed a thirteen fold 
increased risk of brain tumours in their children. 

Another virus from monkeys—respiratory syncytial (RS) was found in the polio 
vaccine in 1956, where a relationship was found to respiratory tract illness. 

That monkey viruses can be deadly was demonstrated when over 10 vaccine 
researchers died, after being bitten by monkeys, from monkey B virus—a herpes 
virus. One of these was a colleague of Sabin in 1932. 

In 1976 researchers at the US bureau of Biologies found that 3 samples of 
Lederle polio vaccine contained between 1,000 and 100,000 simian viruses per 
ml. of vaccine, a much higher concentration than later safety regulations allowed 
(Kyle, 1992). 

Not forgetting the slaughter of thousands of monkeys to make these vaccines. 
Amass polio vaccination in Finland (1985) resulted in a higher incidence of 
Guillain-Barre (GBS) cases in the first two quarters (16 total) compared to a 
mean incidence of GBS in the population of 3 cases per quarter during a 6 year 
surveillance period, 1981-1986. Ten of these were diagnosed within 10 weeks 
after vaccination with OPV. The Vaccine Safety Committee has acknowledged 
that OPV causes both paralytic polio and Guillain-Barre syndrome. 

Louis Pascal has demonstrated that AIDS originated in the Belgian Congo as a 
direct result of mass oral polio vaccination which was contaminated with another 
monkey virus—the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and bovine retrovirus, 
again as a result of using African Green monkey and calves kidneys to make 
vaccines. If the green monkey had anything to do with AIDS it was through 
generously "donating" it's kidneys (1). 

The AIDS virus is called Human T-Cell lymphoma/leukemia virus 3, or HTLV 3, 
since changed to HIV. Very similar to the monkey leukemia virus HTLV 4 (SIV), 
and almost identical to Visna sheep virus and Bovine Leukemia virus (BLV). 
Human Leukemia virus is HTLV 1, which looks like BLV and causes the same 
kind of disease in humans as it does in cattle, and is also virtually identical to 
STLV 1, another monkey virus(12). Myers et al (1992) asked whether HIV 
might simply be SIV adapting to a human host (1). 

It doesn't take much to see how the polio vaccine can cause leukemia in children. 
"Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccine, being made of 
monkey kidney tissue....has been directly responsible for the major increase in 
leukemia in this country." —Dr. Klenner, M.D.(19) 

"Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some strange 
phenomena like the year before the first 300,000 does were given in the United 
States childhood leukaemia had never struck in children under the age of two. 
One year after the first onslaught they had the first cases of children under the 

age of two that died of leukaemia..Dr Herbert Radnor observed that in a small 
area of this little town, in an area where no cases of leukaemia had been 
expected or at the most one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they 
suddenly had a rash like an epidemic within a few blocks.” —Dr Snead 

Leukemia also has a mercury component, also found in the DPT, Hib, & Hep B 
vaccines with the mercury solution Thimerosal. A dentist, Dr Pinto, cured a girl 
of Leukemia by removing her mercury amalgam fillings. To prove his point, to 
her sceptical doctor, he replaced the amalgam, and the leukemia came back. He 
removed them again and the Leukemia went away again (17). 

Mercury is used in laboratories to induce autoimmune disease in animals (17). 
Formaldehyde, found in the polio, HepB, and DPT vaccines is a known 
carcinogen. The DTP also contains sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, 
hydrochloric acid and aluminium. The MMR contains neomycin, an antibiotic. 
The Hib also contains saccharides, sodium chloride & aluminium hydroxide. 
The Hep B also contains aluminium hydrochloride and sodium chloride (4). 

"Thimerosal is the preservative in immunisation shots, so anytime you get an 
immunisation shot you are undergoing the same procedure that in the University 
Lab that we used to give animals autoimmune disease—give a little tiny 
injection of mercury. And when you get an immunisation shot you are getting a 
little tiny dose of mercury there." —Dr. Hall Huggins, DDS 

Three shots of these chemicals and metals plus bacteria and viruses: diphtheria, 
pertussis, tetanus, influenza type b, (plus hepatitis B in America), & 3 types of 
polio with the DPT, Hib, and Polio vaccines into babies before 4 months of age! 
Then the MMR at 12-18 months. Then again at 4 years. Twenty one vaccine 
mixtures before 5 years. 

"Even to this day, the government, the FDA is refusing to use the sophisticated 
biotechnology to evaluate the contaminants in the vaccines such as the polio 
vaccines that they are administering. I think (people) would be appalled that 
some of the vaccines that are being currently being used are still laced with 
viruses,"—Leonard Horowitz., D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. 


In Polio Network News, 1992, it was reported that 4,236 petitions have been 
filed with the US Claims Court for injuries and deaths caused by polio 

One woman in New Zealand in 1983 had both legs amputated after a "dirty" 
polio shot containing SV40 was administered. This was after 10 years of 
suffering (14). 

The FDA recently permitted the live polio vaccine to be released for use even 
though it did not meet existing safety standards. After losing a court case they 
rewrote their rules so these previously unacceptable safety measures would be 
allowable (4). 

To add insult to injury the UK government will take you through hell before they 
admit liability, and then offer derisory amounts, and then only if you are over 
80% damaged! All the "expert witnesses" are members of the allopathic medical 
profession; as vaccination (and the companies who make the vaccines) is one of 
the pillars of allopathy they are not exactly impartial. 

The Wellcome company recently gave up making vaccines as "there was too 
much litigation and too little profit". 

In the US from 1990-1993 (3yrs) the FDA counted 54,072 adverse reactions 
following vaccination. They admit only 10% are reported which puts the real 
figure at over 500,000. A comparative figure for the UK would be 45,000 per 
year, although we would be less as we have not mandated vaccines (4). 

The Polio Connection of America & Polio vaccine victims: 

Considering deaths alone we now had an estimate of over 3000 individuals from 

Our curiosity thus was aroused and the net result is that we began our own 
investigation. We commissioned an OPV Vaccine Report and started making all 
kinds of other inquires. The OPV Vaccine report that we received was a 
shocking report. It covered a recent period a little less than 5 years and the 
following is the summary for that period: The number of Vaccine Associated 

events that occurred: 13,641. 

-The number of events requiring emergency room visits: 6,364 
-The number of life threatening events: 236 
-The number of events requiring hospitalization: 1726 
-The number of events with unknown recovery status: 1695 
-The number of events resulting in permanent disability: 133 
-The number of events resulting in death: 540 

It now seems we have discovered a Second Polio Deception and it is not 
Splendid! It seems we have exposed this nonsense of 8-10 cases of vaccine 
associated Poliomyelitis (VAP) each year’ for what it is and as the saying goes 
we seem to have opened Pandora's Box. We also wonder how a figure of 8-10 
VAP per year can be arrived at when there are in a full 5 years over 1,695 events 
(330 events per year) with unknown recovery status. How can any figure be 
valid with so many unknowns? 

Polio vaccine adverse reactions. 


1) Diet: Stephen Cooter found that the description of an acute polio virus 
infection is almost identical to vitamin B1 deficiency caused damage, Beri Beri. 
This is commonly caused by dextrose and alcohol as well as eating white rice. 

Klenner, Southern Medicine & Surgery, April, 1951 

"...reviewing the findings of McCormick in 50 confirmed cases of poliomyelitis 
in and around Toronto, Canada, during the epidemic of 1949...families eating 
brown bread who came down with poliomyelitis did not develop paralysis; 
whereas in those families eating white bread many of the children having 
poliomyelitis did develop paralysis. The point here is that brown bread has 28 

times more vitamin B1 than does white bread. Obviously, then, the paralysis 
which complicates acute poliomyelitis appears to be due to a B1 avitaminosis." 

Dr Sandler in 1949 warned the residents of North Carolina to decrease 
consumption of ice cream, soda pop, and artificially sweetened products in hot 
weather. The incidence of polio dropped by 90% (20). 

"Intensive research during the past twelve years on the relationship between diet 
and susceptibility to infection, not only in polio but also in common respiratory 
infections and tuberculosis, has convinced me that the human organism can 
protect itself against infection virtually completely by proper nutrition." —Dr 
Sandler 1952 

Dr McCormick pointed out that the first case of polio was reported in Vienna 
one year after roller-mill white flour was first sold there. He calls polio the form 
of beriberi that follows the use of de-germinated flour (2). 

Another factor is the protection provided by human milk. Vaccination could not 
be successfully administered to breast fed babies. 

Dr George Starr claimed that "every case of infantile paralysis he had been able 
to check up on had been the victim of denatured (pasteurised) milk", and his 
observation that, "a child has never been known to have infantile paralysis if the 
nursing mother took fruit juice in the place of milk and that, similarly, no child 
was ever known to have infantile paralysis if fed on fruit juice instead of milk". 

"The milling of wheat destroys 40% of the chromium, 86% of the cobalt, 68% of 
the copper, 78% of the zinc, and 48% of the molybdenum. By the time it is 
completely refined it has lost most of its phosphorus, iron and riboflavin, as well 
most fiber. Wheat flour has been plundered of most of its vitamin E, important 
oils and amino acids. White bread also turns to glucose as quick as white sugar 
(This is the staple diet of the majority). 

Enriched and vitamin fortified foods are an outlandish ripoff...after enrichment 
white flour has less than half the calcium, a third the phosphorous and 
potassium. In one experiment 2/3rds of the rats kept on a 90 day diet of enriched 
bread died before the experiment was finished!. The 8 vitamins sprayed on most 

"fortified" breakfast cereals represent only a small portion of the nutrients 
originally present—not to mention fibre which has been removed almost 
entirely." —Paul Stitt (food scientist). 

Dr Melvin Page D.D.S. found that when he was able to get patients to achieve a 
calcium level 2 1/2 times that of phosphorus, degenerative diseases disappeared. 
The prime agents to cause an imbalance in the phosphorus calcium ratio are 
animal products (meat has a 20-1 ratio) sugar and soft drinks. (The average 
yearly sugar intake is 110 lbs. Average soft drink intake in the USA is 1-2 cans. 
Soft drinks are highly acidic, about 2.5 pH. It would take 32 glasses of alkaline 
water of pH 10 to neutralise one glass of cola.) 

Dr Hal Higgins D.D.S states that pasteurised milk will rot your teeth at twice the 
rate of sugar. 

"Pasturised milk is dangerous and destructive. It causes disease. It has not one 
redeeming quality. All it does is mask spoiled milk so that big business can make 
big money." —H. Diamond, nutritionist. 

Dr. Gordon Stewart, Prof of Epidemiology and Pathology, states that polio and 
other viruses can be carried for months, even years with no effect. According to 
Dr Dennis Geffen, of every 100 people who contract polio virus, 90% remain 
symptomless; 9% only develop slight signs of the illness such as a stiff neck or 
sore throat, whilst only 1% develop definite paralysis. 

"Viruses and bacteria are not the sole cause of infectious disease, there is 
something else". —Prof Rene Dubois. 

2) Provocation polio from vaccines, antibiotics & pesticides such as DDT 

"The oral polio vaccine is not a deep puncture wound, but the magnitude of the 
assault of the vaccine strain of virus (ironically more virulent than the wild 
virus) with the accompanying toxins and the interference with the gut flora, i.e. 
still harming the outer levels of defence, still appears to have a sensitisation 
effect. Further, when you realise that we needed vaccination to provoke polio in 
the first place, with the first known outbreak not occurring until mass smallpox 
vaccination 100 years ago, well then you realise that avoiding the administration 

of the other vaccines almost entirely removes any threat of polio anyway." — 
Bronwyn Hancock 

Not only did the polio vaccine have nothing to do with the decline of paralytic 
polio (or polio in general), evidence shows that vaccinations for this and other 
diseases, notably diphtheria, triple antigen (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) and 
smallpox were responsible for its increase. The decline of cases not caused by 
vaccination began to disappear in the West with improvements in hygiene and 
sanitation and most of the decline occurred well before the widespread use of 
polio vaccination. 

The following information by the National Anti-Vivisection Society (UK) gives 
some insight into the relationship between the diphtheria and triple antigen 
vaccines and paralytic polio: 

"The early triple vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus had 
also been shown beyond doubt to cause paralytic polio in some children to 
whom it was administered. The incidence of polio in children recently 
vaccinated against diphtheria was statistically greater than in unvaccinated 
children, symptoms showing in the vaccinated limb with 28 days of the initial 
injection. This scandal broke in Britain during 1949, an epidemic year for polio, 
other reports soon following from Australia. Papers dealing with this topic are 

One, British, gives details of 17 cases of polio which followed 28 days or less 
after various injections. 

Another, Australian, gives details of 340 cases of polio, 211 of which had been 
previously vaccinated against whooping cough and/or diphtheria. Of these, 35 
had been vaccinated within the preceding 3 months and a further 30 within the 
previous year. Dr Geffen reported similar findings from the London borough of 
St Pancras, where 30 children under the age of 5 developed polio within four 
weeks of being immunised against diphtheria or whooping cough or both, the 
paralysis affecting, in particular, the limb of injection. Two medical statisticians 
at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine examined these reports 
and concluded that: 

"In the 1949 epidemic of poliomyelitis in this country cases of paralysis were 
occurring which were associated with inoculation procedures carried out within 
the month preceding the recorded date of onset of the illness." 

Dr Arthur Gale of the Ministry of Health reported 65 cases from the Midlands, 
where paralysis followed about two weeks after an injection: in 49 of these, 
paralysis occurred in the injected limb. Then it was reported that of 112 cases of 
paralysis admitted to the Park Hospital, London, during 1947-1949, 14 were 
paralyzed in the limb which had received one or more of a course of immunising 
injections within the previous two months. In the majority of cases, the interval 
between the last injection and the onset of paralysis was between 9 and 14 days. 
Again, combined whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus injections were 

This outbreak of polio followed an intensive immunisation campaign during that 
time, 1947-49. Following these findings, the Ministry of Health recommended 
that diphtheria and triple vaccines should not be used in areas where polio was 
naturally present. "From that time onwards, the incidence of paralytic polio 
decreased rapidly in Britain, even prior to the advent of Salk vaccination..." 

"Provocation polio. That is the truth about those outbreaks of polio. And I offer a 
well considered personal opinion that polio is a man made disease." —Viera 
Scheibner (42). 

A recent Romanian study demonstrated that injections of antibiotics following 
polio vaccination could cause polio. The researchers suggested the rate of 
"vaccine-induced polio" in Romania could be reduced from 10.3 per year to 1.4 
per year, if antibiotic injections were avoided for 30 days following polio 
vaccination (41). 

Correlations with the injections of antibiotics were found: a single injection 
within one month of vaccination raised the risk of polio 8 times, 2 to 9 injections 
raised the risk 27-fold, and 10 injections or more raised the risk 182 times 
(Washington Post, Feb 22, 1995). Study Associates Polio Increase With 
(antibiotic) Injections. 

A study in India suggested that 3/4 of cases of paralytic polio in the past decade 

were caused or made more severe by unnecessary injections (41) (The Lancet 
vol 341)). 

Provocation polio 

POLIO from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and pesticides 


Today, various other forms of the the word "polio" are still used to describe the 
effects of poisoning, though usually with regard to paralysis in animals. A search 
of Medline ("polio" and "poison") finds about 45 contemporary articles where 
poisoning causality is attributed to polio. The terminology found was: 
"polioencephalomalacia", "poliomyelomalacia", "polyradiculoneuritis", 
"neurological picture similar to that of poliomyelitis", 

"polioencephalomyelomalacia", "lumbal poliomyelomalacia", "cerebrocortical 
necrosis (polioencephalomalacia)", "Lead poisoning in grey-headed fruit bats 
(Pteropus poliocephalus)", "multifocal-poliomyelomalacia", "spinal 
poliomalacia", "Polio and high-sulfate diets", "Atypical porcine enterovirus 
encephalomyelitis: possible interraction between enteroviruses and arsenicals", 
"Polioencephalomalacia and photosensitization associated with Kochia scoparia 
consumption in range cattle", "bovine polioencephalomalacia. —Jim West, 
Health and 

Research Publications 

"When the population is exposed to a chemical agent known to produce in 
animals lesions in the spinal cord resembling those in human polio, and 
thereafter the latter disease increases sharply in incidence and maintains its 
epidemic character year after year, is it unreasonable to suspect an etiologic 
relationship?" —Biskind 

"Since the end of combat in the Philippines, poliomyelitis has been among the 
leading causes of death in American troops. Even though only the paralytic cases 
are reported from there, the incidence of poliomyelitis in American troops in the 
Philippines has been at least ten times as high as in the Army within the 
continental limits of the U.S. during the past two years. Actually, I believe that it 
is even higher because hundreds of cases which would have been diagnosed as 

dengue-like or sandfly-like fevers...under conditions which , in my opinion, 
would preclude the occurrence of both dengue and sandfly fever. And yet checks 
of the surrounding native population revealed no outbreaks of poliomyelitis." — 
Albert Sabin (Clinical Intoxication from DDT) 

Citation with OPs as risk factor for GBS/polio 

Third of ME cases are pesticide related 

First polio epidemic—1887 Sweden. Patent of first pesticide sprayer—1873. 

3) Tonsillectomy: Doctor’s are starting to think that the polio epidemics of the 
1940’s and 1950’s may have been caused by the high number of tonsillectomies 
done in the 1920’, 30’s and 40’s. They have discovered that the only area of the 
body that can synthesize the antibody to poliomyelitis is the tonsils. If you don’t 
have tonsils you can’t fight off polio. 

"During the polio epidemics it was found that people who had their tonsils 
removed were 3-5 times more likely to develop paralysis...There were many at 
that time that suggested that polio was an iatrogenic disease...we caused 
thousands of cases of paralysis. We did not cause the polio , but we converted 
people who would have recovered from a vial illness into people with a paralytic 
illness." —Dr mark Donohue (41) 

The paralysis associated with tonsillectomy was a type called ‘bulbar’—the 
worst, involving the lungs (41). 

4) Hygiene. In an outbreak in Taiwan of 1.031 cases in 1982 they found children 
were 5 times more likely to contract polio if they received non-municipal water 
rather than municipal water. 


Within 2 years after the discovery of ascorbic acid, Jungeblut showed it would 
inactivate the virus of poliomyelitis. This was pre-Salk. In 1949 Dr Klenner 
described his successful treatment of polio using Vitamin C, with many dramatic 
case histories (5). 

-97-100% recovered under correct Hygienic treatment 

-91%-100% recovered under certain chiropractic care 
Polio poster girl cured 

-72% recovered under Nurse Kenny treatment 
-35% recovered with no professional care 

-17% recovered under medical care(8)! (Except for Klenner, who is really 
Nutritional/Orthomolecular/Metabolic Medicine) Vitamin C in Acute 
Poliomyelitis: Greer, Medical Times, November 1955 "Large doses of vitamin C 
have proven beneficial in the management of five serious cases of acute 

The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C: 
Klenner, Southern Medicine & Surgery, July, 1949 "The treatment employed [in 
the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948, 60 cases] was vitamin C in 
massive doses...given like any other antibiotic every two to four hours. The 
initial dose was 1000 to 2000 mg., depending on age. Children up to four years 
received the injections intramuscularly...For patients treated in the home the dose 
schedule was 2000 mg. by needle every six hours, supplemented by 1000 to 
2000 mg. every two hours by mouth...dissolved in fruit juice...All patients were 
clinically well after 72 hours. Where spinal taps were performed, it was the rule 
to find a reversion of the fluid to normal after the second day of treatment. 

Another legacy of vaccines is the suppression of cures such as vitamin C and the 
suppression of the nutritional cause and prevention of polio. Of course, an easily 
cured disease would threaten the billion pound vaccine industry (and food 
processing & sugar industries) as well as show people the true cause of disease: 
germs arise through pleomorphism (form changing) of cells into bacteria, 
viruses, and fungi from a diseased/toxemic condition. Disease creates germs, not 
germs create disease. Flies do not create garbage, they just arrive to clear up the 
mess, like germs. Of course if your body is polluted/diseased or what is called 
toxemic then it is just the place for any germs from another diseased body to 
jump ship and tuck in. The immune system will also be in a depleted state due to 
the toxemia of waste products from cell breakdown. "There are no specific 

diseases only specific disease conditions." —Florence Nightingale. 

Witness the recent cases of TB in "down and outs". One source of TB infection 
was traced to a man who drank 18 pints of lager every night (30/31/14). 

Acceptance of the theory of contagion is contingent upon the germ theory of 
disease—that specific bacteria and "viruses" produce specific disease symptoms. 
This theory has been repeatedly demonstrated as incorrect in the scientific field, 
and was even admitted by Pasteur as incorrect. 

Nevertheless, the germ theory and the belief of contagion is difficult to 
overcome since almost everyones mind has similarly been "infected" by 
exploitive "health care" industries that have a vested interest in disease and 
suffering and in perpetuating such erroneous beliefs. Basically the populace 
believes what the medical establishment wants it to. These false theories 
maintain demand for drugs, medical and hospital practices, and they are the only 
ones that teach that health is recovered by administrating poisonous drugs. If 
germs play any role in the causation of disease, it is never a primary one but is 
always secondary to those causes that lower our resistance or impair health. 
(A.Baker, M.A.) 

"Diseases are crises of purification, of toxic elimination." —Hippocrates(lO). 

"There is but one cause of disease, poison toxemia, most of which is created in 
the body by faulty living habits and faulty elimination.” —Sir A. Lane, 80 years 

The germ theory came from Louis Pasteur, a chemist, who has been found to be 
a fraud, and plagiarist of Prof Antoine Bechamp (erased from the history books) 
a genius contemporary of his who discovered the true theory of disease. Even 
Pasteur on his death bed admitted "the terrain is everything". It was a tragedy for 
the man in the street that Pasteur's theory became the dogma, but very fruitful to 
the medical establishment who have frightened him rigid with germs ever since 
while fleecing him in the process. 

"To believe that sickness results solely from the visitation of some itinerant germ 
or virus and to accept treatment by some poisonous drug is to be found guilty of 

the most naive superstition". —Dr D. Phillips 

"I have myself, through Natural Hygiene, over 16 years, treated all forms and 
hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia's, measles and 
dysentery's, and have not lost a single patient. The same is true of scarlet and 
other fevers. No medicine whatever was given". —Dr. Trail, 1860 


[2012] Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on while India has 
been polio free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute 
flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of 
NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the 
incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. 
Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not 
investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated. 

[2012 April] Rise in paralysis cases after polio vaccine a definite co-relation 
between the increase in the number AFP and the irrational administration of 
OPV. Normally, he said, the chances of children under the age of 15 getting 
affected by non-polio AFP are 1-2 per 100,000. But, the rate of non-polio AFP 
nationally “is now 12 times higher than expected.” In 2011, an additional 47,500 
children were newly paralyzed, over and above the standard rate of 2 children 
per 100,000 non-polio AFP cases, says the paper in the journal. 

[2011 May] Polio and lemmings by Hilary Butler Polio has not been eradicated 
at all. And will not be eradicated. Polio has been renamed...Why have Acute 
Flaccid Paralysis and Polio been put together? Because Acute Flaccid Paralysis 
is a catch-all name for what looks like polio, and what you call polio when the 
crucial polio viral tests don't show polio VIRUSES at all...While the cases of 
"polio" have gone down, cases of polio which didn't return a positive virus test, 
and which are now called "Acute Flaccid Paralysis" have skyrocketed. Nice little 
bit of magicians' sleight of hand...?! A parent who saw that WHO website 
page, wouldn't know that Acute Flaccid Paralysis was simply polio of old, which 
covered the same syndromes and symptoms, caused by a large variety of viruses, 
as well as various toxins. A parent looking at the WHO website, would think to 

themselves, "Acute Flaccid Paralysis must be some other "valid" disease in it's 
own right"...All the kids who used to be on clumsy iron lungs, are now on high 
tech iron lungs and renamed under the autoimmune moniker called Transverse 
Myelitis and no doubt other creative titles to spread the decoys around... 

All the kids who used to be on clumsy iron lungs, are now on high tech iron 
lungs and renamed under the autoimmune moniker called Transverse Myelitis 
and no doubt other creative titles to spread the decoys around. And here is your 
proof. Hidden away in the forward of a book, by a specialist doctor. Of course, 
paralyzed cases of transverse myelitis on modern iron lungs isn't something 
either the media, or WHO will shout from the rooftops. So today, instead of kids 
with polio in callipers and iron lungs, we have lots of kids with autoimmunity, 
and...widespread chronic diseases. 

As a faculty neurologist and neuroscientist at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in 
Baltimore Maryland, I have spent the last decade evaluating and treating patients 
with autoimmune disorders of the nervous system. I founded and continue to 
direct the Johns Hopkins Transverse Myelitis (TM) Center, the only center in the 
world dedicated to developing new therapies foe this paralyzing autoimmune 
disorder. Increasingly, I see that more and more patients are being felled by this 
devastating disorder. Infants as young as five months old can get TM and some 
are left permanently paralyzed and dependent upon a ventilator to breathe. But 
this is supposed to be a rare disorder, reportedly affecting only one in a million 
people. Prior to the 1950s, there were a grand total of four cases reported in the 
medical literature. Currently, my colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and I 
hear about or treat hundreds of new cases every year. In the multiple sclerosis 
clinic, where I also see patients, the number of cases likewise continues to climb. 
—Douglas Kerr, MD, PhD 

VACCINATIONS by Dr. Viera Scheibner. These days, when a vaccinee develops 
poliomyelitis, it may not be called poliomyelitis; instead, it may be called viral 
or aseptic meningitis, ascending paralysis (Guillain-Barre syndrome), cerebral 
palsy (over 75 per cent of cases are not diagnosed at birth but after six months) 
or other such names. According to MMWR (1997; 32[29]: 384-385), there are 
30,000 to 50,000 cases of aseptic meningitis every year in the United States. 
Considering that the vast majority (99 per cent) of the reported cases in the pre¬ 
vaccine era were non-paralytic and would have corresponded to aseptic or a viral 

meningitis, then vaccination has actually increased the incidence of 
poliomyelitis. In the pre-vaccine era, such high numbers only occurred in some 
epidemics. Now, such numbers occur every year, year by year. 

Jim West, Health and Research Publications: 

Polio has not been eradicated by vaccination, it is lurking behind a redefinition 
and new diagnostic names like viral or aseptic meningitis. According to one of 
the 1997 issues of the MMWR, there are some 30,000 to 50,000 cases of viral 
meningitis per year in the United States alone. That's where all those 30,000 - 
50,000 cases of polio disappeared after the introduction of mass vaccination"— 
Viera Scheibner 

"Today, various other forms of the the word "polio" are still used to describe the 
effects of poisoning, though usually with regard to paralysis in animals. A search 
of Medline ("polio" and "poison") finds about 45 contemporary articles where 
poisoning causality is attributed to polio. The terminology found was: 
"polioencephalomalacia", "poliomyelomalacia", "polyradiculoneuritis", 
"neurological picture similar to that of poliomyelitis", 

"polioencephalomyelomalacia", "lumbal poliomyelomalacia", "cerebrocortical 
necrosis (polioencephalomalacia)", "Lead poisoning in grey headed fruit bats 
(Pteropus poliocephalus)", "multifocal-poliomyelomalacia", "spinal 
poliomalacia", "Polio and high-sulfate diets", "Atypical porcine enterovirus 
encephalomyelitis: possible interraction between enteroviruses and arsenicals", 
"Polioencephalomalacia and photosensitization associated with Kochia scoparia 
consumption in range cattle", "bovine polioencephalomalacia. 

"The United States Public Health Bureau is extremely reticent about reporting 
diseases caused by vaccination but the report from 1922 to 1931 admitted that 
there had been 85 cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis, which DeKruif states "is 
the twin of infantile paralysis." —Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

In 1958, the CDC formally adopted the “Best available paralytic poliomyelitis 
case count” or BAPPCC: 

“Cases must be clinically and epidemiologically compatible with poliomyelitis, 
must have resulted in paralysis, and must have a residual neurological deficit 60 
days after onset of initial symptoms...the BAPPCC does not include cases of 

non-paralytic poliomyelitis, of those in which paralysis is more transient. The 
original purpose of developing these criteria was to omit cases possibly due to 
enteroviruses other than polioviruses.” People who showed polio like symptoms 
that previously would have been diagnosed as Polio were now being diagnosed 
as: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP), Transverse Myelitis, Viral or Aseptic 
Meningitis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chinese Paralytic Syndrome, 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epidemic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Spinal 
Meningitis, Spinal Apolexy, Inhibitory Palsy, Intermittent Fever, Famine Fever, 
Worm Fever, Bilious Remittent Fever, Ergotis, ME, Post-Polio Syndrome aka 
GBS. Coxsackie virus and echo viruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are 
clinically indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis. 

"Paralytic cases were not distinguished from non-paralytic cases until a 
recommendation was made by the Dominion Council of Health in 1949—The 
LCDC figures provided from 1952 and onward represent this administrative 
change: recording only those cases adhering to the requirements for a diagnosis 
of paralytic poliomyelitis. In a report released in June of 1959, another adminis¬ 
trative change was recommended by the Dominion Council of Health, further 
altering the way in which apparent cases of poliomyelitis would be reported. All 
non-paralytic cases of poliomyelitis were to be henceforth recorded as 
"meningitis, viral or aseptic," a disease which itself only became reportable in 
1952." These two administrative changes effectively reduced the apparent 
incidence of poliomyelitis. In particular, since the latter change is temporally 
correlative to the introduction of the polio vaccines, the vaccines appear to have 
been responsible for a reduction in poliomyelitis cases when it is entirely 
possible that the administrative changes are primarily responsible." —Catherine 
Diodati, MA, “Immunization History, Ethics, Law and Health”, p.116) 

Statistics on polio were manipulated. One such way was to redefine the disease, 
renaming it "viral or aseptic meningitis" or "cocksackie virus". In one US 
county, for example, in July 1955 there were 273 cases of polio reported for 50 
cases of asceptic meningitis, compared to 5 cases of polio in 1966 and 256 cases 
of aseptic meningitis. These new diagnostic guideline's were issued by the CDC. 
If you object to polio vaccination, and you get polio—it is usually called "polio." 
If you have been vaccinated and you get "polio", it is called meningitis. 

Beddow Bayly, author of the book “The Case Against Vaccination” said: “After 

vaccination was introduced, cases of aseptic meningitis were more often 
reported as a separate disease from polio, but such cases were counted as polio 
before the vaccine was introduced. The Ministry of Health admitted that the 
vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis. If a person who 
is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a 
different name.” 

Coxsackievirus and echoviruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are clinically 
indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis. (John H. Menkes, Textbook Of 
Child Neurology, 5th ed., page 420) 

The definition of 'epidemic' was changed from 20 cases/1000,000 to 35 
cases/100,000. Pre-vaccination, cocksackie virus and aseptic meningitis were 
classified as polio; post-vaccination they were classified separately. In addition, 
non-paralytic polio cases were now reported as viral or aseptic meningitis. 

"Ralf R. Scobey, M.D., president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute. Inc. 
Syracuse, New York (in the Archives of Pediatrics, Sept. 1950) lists 170 diseases 
of polio-like symptoms and effects but with different names such as: epidemic 
cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy, inhibitory palsy, 
intermittent fever, famine fever, worm fever, bilious remittent fever, ergotism, 
etc. There are also such common nutritional deficiency diseases as beriberi, 
scurvy, Asiatic plague, pellagra, prison edema, acidosis etc." —Dr. Eleanor 
McBean, PhD, ND 

"Dr. Thomas Francis did not mention in his key evaluation of the 1954 Salk field 
trials that those who contracted polio after their first inoculation and before their 
second inoculation were placed in the "not-inoculated" list.' (Maurice B. Bayly, 
The Story Of The Salk Anti-poliomyelitis Vaccine, 1956). 

Dr. Buchwald responds that prior to the introduction of polio vaccinations in 
Germany, anyone was counted as having polio, even if they only had the virus in 
their feces. It is known, he goes on, that there are people who are healthy but 
who evacuate polio viruses when they go to the bathroom. Based on this criteria, 
the number of cases was approximately 4,000 per year. After the introduction of 
the vaccine, statistics included only those polio cases of people who were 
paralyzed for at least six weeks.—Testimony of Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

A former public health officer, Dr Ratner, reported that just before the 
introduction of the first polio vaccine the National Foundation For Infant 
Paralysis was paying physicians $25 for each reported diagnosis. "A patient 
would walk into a doctors office with a limp from an accident. He'd say he had a 
fever a few days ago...and guess what the diagnosis would be?" It was well 
known Paralytic polio cured itself 50% of the time within 60 days. After the Salk 
vaccine was introduced, the definition of polio was changed by the CDC. Now, 
in order to have paralytic polio, you had to have it longer than 60 days. 

Because the Salk vaccine was promoted as being incapable of causing polio, 
cases that occurred following administration of the vaccine were denied, and 
excluded from the Vaccine injury table. 

Dr. Bernard Greenberg, a biostatistics expert, was chairman of the Committee on 
Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 
1950s. He testified at a panel discussion that was used as evidence for the 
congressional hearings on polio vaccine in 1962. During these hearings he 
elaborated on the problems associated with polio statistics and disputed claims 
for the vaccine's effectiveness. He attributed the dramatic decline in polio cases 
to a change in reporting practices by physicians. Less cases were identified as 
polio after the vaccination for very specific reasons. 

"Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his 
patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization and was being 
community minded in reporting a communicable disease. The criterion of 
diagnosis at that time in most health departments followed the World Health 
Organization definition: "Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis: signs and symptoms of 
non-paralytic poliomyelitis with the addition of partial or complete paralysis of 
one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours 
apart." Note that "two examinations at least 24 hours apart" was all that was 
required. Laboratory confirmation and presence of residual paralysis was not 

In 1955 the criteria were changed to conform more closely to the definition used 
in the 1954 field trials: residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after 
onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset....This change in definition 

meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic 
poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis. Furthermore, diagnostic procedures 
have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis 
have been distinguished from paralytic poliomyelitis. Prior to 1954 large 
numbers of these cases undoubtedly were mislabeled as paralytic poliomyelitis. 
Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic criteria, the number of paralytic cases was 
predetermined to decrease in 1955-1957, whether or not any vaccine was used. 

Health officials convinced the Chinese to rename the bulk of their polio to 
Guillain- Barre Syndrome (GBS). A study found that the new disorder (Chinese 
Paralytic syndrome) and the GBS was really polio . After mass vaccination in 
1971, reports of polio went down but GBS increased about 10 fold...In the WHO 
polio vaccine eradication in the Americas, there were 930 cases of paralytic 
disease—all called polio. Five years later, at the end of the campaign, roughly 
2000 cases of paralytic disease occurred—but only 6 of them were called polio 
(41). The rate of paralytic disease doubled, but the disease definition changed so 
drastically that hardly any of it was called polio any more." —Greg Beattie 

"They started vaccinating in 1985 (in the Americas). Within 4 months they had 
350 cases...They caused a substantial, huge outbreak of polio but they started 
‘discarding’ most of the cases (put as flaccid paralysis)."—Dr. Viera Scheibner, 



1. Vaccination, The Medical Assault on the Immune System—Dr V. Scheibner 

2. Immunisation, The Reality Behind The Myth—Walene James 

3. Immunisation. Are They Really Safe And Effective?—Neil Miller 

4. Immunisation. Theory vs Reality—Neil Miller 

5. Vitamin C, Natures Miraculous Healing Missile—Dr Kalokerinos M.D. 

6. Vaccination. Social Violence and Criminality—Harris Coulter 

7. The Cancer Solution—Dr R. Willner M.D. Ph.D. 

8. Immunity. Why Not Keep It—Lisa Lovett N.D. 

9. Vaccinations. How Safe & Effective?—Ian Sinclair. N.D. 

10. Health—The Alternative To Vaccines—Ian Sinclair 

11. Immunisation—Leon Chaitow 

12. AIDS and The Doctors of Death—A. Cantwell M.D. 

13. Confessions of A Medical Heretic—R. Mendelsohn, M.D. 

14. The AIDS Time Bomb—J. West, Ph.D. 

15. The Medical Mafia—G. Lanctot, M.D. 

16. AIDS Incorporated: Scandal of the Century—Jon Rappoport. 

17. It's All In Your Head—H.Huggins, D.D.S. 

18. Beating Chronic Ilness—S.Cooter. 

19. Animal Research Takes Lives—B.Overell. 

20. Vaccines: The Modern Plague—P. Rattigan 

21. The Blood Poisoners—L. Dole 

22. Immunisation—R. Moskowitz (Homeopath). 

23. The Great Medical Fraud—Hans Ruesh 

24. Dirty Medicine—Martin Walker 

25. Racketeering in Medicine 

26. Murder by Injection. The American Medical Association Conspiracy against 

27. The Cancer Industry—Ralph Moss Ph.D. 

28. Pasteur—Plagarist, Imposteur!—Pearson 

29. Natural Therapeutics. Vol 2. Practice—Henry Lindlahr, M.D. 

30. Awaken Self Healing Body (Natural Hygiene)— 

31. The Cancer Microbe—Dr A. Cantwell, M.D. 

32. Every Second Child—Dr Kalokerinos, M.D. 

41. Vaccination by Greg Beattie 

42. Diet Prevents Polio Dr Sandler 1952 


32. Vaccination—Nightingale (Epoch Magazine 1983) 

33. The Origin of AIDS—Tom Curtis (Rolling Stone Magazine, 19/4/1992). 

34. Asthma and the DPT vaccine—Dr Odent, M.D. 


35. Dr Eva Snead on Vaccines 

36. Dr Viera Scheibner on vaccines 

37. For An Informed Choice 

38 Dentistry and The Immune System—H.Huggins, D.D.S. 

39. Ralph Moss on Chemotherapy. 


40. Dangers & Ineffectiveness of Vaccines—V. Scheibner. Ph.D. 

42. Vaccination: The Hidden Truth (tel: 612 4787 8203 Australia) (UK: 
Informed Parent) 

Books UK: Whale Books, PO Box 38, Hereford, UK. Tel: 01981 240 125. 

Copyright Information 

“One of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest 
of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there.” —Steve 


PART I: The Swine Flu Expose 
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 

PART II: The Vaccination Connection 

Sue Marston 


The People for Reason in Science and Medicine 

PART 3: Vaccination: The Silent Killer 
A Clear and Present Danger 
Dr. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 
Ida Honorof 

PART 4: Polio Was a Manmade Disease 

Various sources 

Restored and updated by 
Trung Nguyen 
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 

v V 

ISBN: 9781927091579 

Where applicable, no part of this part may be duplicated in any format without 
the written consent of the author or publisher. 

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