PrestaShop e-commerce software

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Download PrestaShop

PrestaShop is an Open-Source e-commerce software, freely downloadable.

Thanks for answering,
you can now download PrestaShop for free!

Whether to test the solution, to update your e-shop, or to begin an e-commerce activity, do not hesitate to download PrestaShop!
Please use a final (stable) release for production, release candidates (RC) are for testing only.
Current version: PrestaShop v. (stable)

More than 200 features! Free & Open-Source Over 40 languages Secure Flexible Multi-currency Multi-taxes SEO Optimized Scalable Customizable

Download Prestashop

PrestaShop is published under the Open Software License (OSL) v3.0.

New! Download the update guide to PrestaShop v1.4

Discover in video how to update your shop to PrestaShop v.1.4 !
PrestaShop has to be installed on a web server. System requirements:
  • - Linux, Unix, or Windows
  • - Web Server (Apache 1.3 or later, IIS 6 or later)
  • - PHP 5.0* or later
  • - MySQL 5 or later
* Some PHP 5 versions are bugged and prevent PrestaShop from working correctly:
  • - PHP < 5.2 (invalid date timezone)
Need help ?


Download the PrestaShop v.1.4 Userguide!


Discover our partners modules

Feel free to download our partners modules.

These modules are already or are going to be integrated into PrestaShop. They are at your disposal if you own an e-shop based on a former version of our software, and if you want beneficiate of these new features.

v1.2 18/10/2010 PrestaShop 1.3
v1.0 02/07/2011 PrestaShop 1.4
v1.2 09/23/2010 PrestaShop 1.3

v1.1 12/09/2010 PrestaShop 1.3
v1.0 12/09/2010 PrestaShop 1.3
v1.0 05/18/2010 PrestaShop 1.2
v1.0 10/26/2010 PrestaShop 1.2
v1.2 12/11/2010 PrestaShop 1.4
v1.2 12/11/2010 PrestaShop 1.4
v2.0 09/16/2010 PrestaShop 1.2
v2.1 12/29/2010 PrestaShop 1.4
v1.1 18/10/2010 PrestaShop 1.3
v2.0.1 10/26/2010 PrestaShop 1.3
v1.3 06/20/2011 PrestaShop 1.4
v1.1 09/06/2010 PrestaShop 1.4

See also

Language packs (translations) for PrestaShop

Language packs gather all the translations for the PrestaShop software: Front Office, Back-Office, modules, PDF… They are a part of our Community’s contributions.

You can also freely download our 40 language packs

Language ISO Versions Action
Arabic ar
Average percent
Azerbaijani az
Average percent
Bulgarian bg
Average percent
Catalan ca
Average percent
Chinese-Simplified zh
Average percent
Chinese-Traditional tw
Average percent
Czech cs
Average percent
Danish da
Average percent
Dutch nl
Average percent
Estonian et
Average percent
Finnish fi
Average percent
French fr
Average percent
Galician gl
Average percent
Georgian ka
Average percent
German de
Average percent
Greek el
Average percent
Hebrew he
Average percent
Hungarian hu
Average percent
Indonesian id
Average percent
Italian it
Average percent
Japanese ja
Average percent
Latvian lv
Average percent
Lithuanian lt
Average percent
Norwegian no
Average percent
Persian fa
Average percent
Polish pl
Average percent
Portuguese pt
Average percent
Portuguese-Brazil br
Average percent
Romanian ro
Average percent
Russian ru
Average percent
Slovak sk
Average percent
Slovene sl
Average percent
Spanish es
Average percent
Spanish-Argentine ag
Average percent
Spanish-Mexican mx
Average percent
Swedish sv
Average percent
Thai th
Average percent
Turkish tr
Average percent
Ukrainian uk
Average percent
Vietnamese vi
Average percent

Modules and templates

PrestaShop Addons

Discover PrestaShop Addons, the official marketplace for PrestaShop!

Several hundreds of modules, templates and logos are available on PrestaShop Addons, to help you to customize and personalize your PrestaShop e-shop easily and rapidly!
PrestaShop Addons is the official marketplace for PrestaShop, where the PrestaShop Team and the Community propose their contributions.

Visit PrestaShop Addons

For developers

Tests versions

SVN version of Prestashop

Are you proficient in PHP-MySQL and,or xHTML,CSS,JS? Would you like to contribute to the PrestaShop project or just sneak a peak at the very latest build?
Please use our SVN server. No registration required!

SVN access is public and allows you to fetch in real time the latest version of PrestaShop! Be careful, these versions are called "unstable" because we are developing every day. They allow you to follow daily PrestaShop developments and improvements. Get the latest patches, fixes without waiting for the next release.

To get the sources from our SVN, proceed as following:
  • - Download and install an SVN client software such as TortoiseSVN
  • - Create an empty folder on your hard drive
  • - Right click on this folder and and choose "SVN Checkout..."
  • - Fill in required fields such as described on our screenshot