this post was submitted on 02 Nov 2011
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[–]dietotaku 344 Punkte345 Punkte von

the blood clot thing is not as foul as it seems. i mean, which is grosser, using TP to wipe off a big gob of blood on an otherwise clean pad, or fucking sitting in it for the next several hours until the pad's full?

[–]bmoviescreamqueen 224 Punkte225 Punkte von

This. If it's fairly fresh, I'm not wasting it.

[–]lowlymortal 59 Punkte60 Punkte von

Yeah, pads are too expensive to be thrown away for no good reason.

[–]bmoviescreamqueen 33 Punkte34 Punkte von

It's ALLL so expensive. Boxes of tampons are ridiculous, and I don't want to get the CVS brand or something because even though it's probably the same, I'm worried it's cheapy. But I skip periods now with birth control so...I have a stock pile just in case.

[–]fwerp 19 Punkte20 Punkte von

Nothing worse than those shitty tampons with the cardboard applicators and the crunchy feeling absorption ... thing.

[–]Rinsaikeru 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

Unless you use reusable pads, menstrual cups or some other non throwaway sort of thing.

[–]bmoviescreamqueen 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

Never touching a cup. There is nothing settling about the thought of accidentally dropping it in a public bathroom. Chances might be small, but enough for me not to use them.

[–]Rinsaikeru 12 Punkte13 Punkte von

Well dropping it where though? You can boil the thing. I can understand not fishing it out of a toilet, but then you just carry back up tampons or what have you.

It's not like you'd take it out of the toilet basin to examine in a public place--you'd just dump it. If you dropped it then it's not like you'd have a tidal wave of gore or anything.

I mean, it's fine if the diva cup is just not the device for you--but your paranoia regarding catastrophe is pretty far fetched.

[–]bmoviescreamqueen 2 Punkte3 Punkte von

Knowing me, it'd end up on the floor. Main reason I don't like it is that it just doesn't appeal to me. Having a suction-like cup inside of me doesn't do it for me. I only just started using tampons a few years ago haha.

[–]SnapelovesHarrysMom 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

I swear by the cup. I get that it's not for everyone, but man, it's changed my life. It's so much more comfortable than having dry cotton up in there, and so convenient, I don't have to carry an arsenal of tampons/pads everywhere I go. It was also a lifesaver while backpacking in the Sierras this summer. Menstrual cups! yeah!

I hope you get to the point where curiosity gets the best of you and you try it out and it changes your life forever. :P

[–]shapesonshapes 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

god how i wish for the day i feel rich enough to buy PEARLS

[–]bmoviescreamqueen 1 Punkt2 Punkte von

My mom buys Pearl. Oddly enough I find them uncomfortable, like I have to go in and readjust. I use Kotex now and have zero probs

[–]jesus_swept 1 Punkt2 Punkte von

I don't see tampons being anymore expensive than pads, but I use less than one box of tampons per period. It's the cheaper, cleaner choice, personally.

[–]junglepoon 80 Punkte81 Punkte von

I just mentally puked in mouth.

[–]danE3030 98 Punkte99 Punkte von

[–]ChocolateButtSauce 26 Punkte27 Punkte von

Really? Cause I'm erect.

[–]CaptainTurtle 12 Punkte13 Punkte von

and i'mmmm leaving.

[–]LunaMcLovin 72 Punkte73 Punkte von

I only use tampons because I cannot handle that shit.

[–]MARKERL 80 Punkte81 Punkte von

Walked in on ex gf pulling out tampon in bathroom. My vision became so narrow but my screaming got so loud. The rest is blurry, but I remember waking up naked in a field of dead goats.

[–]CandyDaydream 45 Punkte46 Punkte von

Motherfucking diva cup.

[–]doctor_robocop 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

Fuck yeah. I had an awesome high five moment with a girl I had just met over our mutual choice of menstrual product. Yeah, it came up organically in conversation. Pretty weird, now that I think about it.

[–]Rinsaikeru 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

The first year I used the diva cup I was like the diva cup prophet. Everyone had to hear the word--and the word was good.

[–]LiteraryLife 102 Punkte103 Punkte von

Pads are gross, period. Not only do you sit on your blood for hours, there is a greater chance for there to be an odor.

Plus, some dogs seem to like them and drag them out of the trash ಠ_ಠ

[–]luckynumber3 54 Punkte55 Punkte von

NSFLish related story: I saw a huge cockroach in the trash can eating part of my bloody pad once. I threw up.

[–]Rainbow_Explosion 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

It wasn't wrapped?

[–]saranowitz 62 Punkte63 Punkte von

Oh god, this happened to my wife once when we were guests at someone's house. It was mortifying.

[–]Birdie_Num_Num 73 Punkte74 Punkte von

In the name of Jesus what was your wife doing dragging used pads out of the trash?

[–]CaptainTurtle 45 Punkte46 Punkte von

They were sorta fresh, she wanted to re-use them.

[–]wilbus 36 Punkte37 Punkte von

I remember one time, when I was maybe five or six (young enough that my parents still dragged me to church, for some reason), someone taped a bloody pad to the door of our Church during service. After the service was over, everyone was walking out, staring at it, and some chubby, awkwardly-going-through-puberty teenage girl ran up, ripped it down, and ran away crying.

That's my only memory from going to church.

[–]alquanna 25 Punkte26 Punkte von

...she shouldn't have ripped it off, no one will know it was hers anyway :|

[–]KaylaS 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

You don't think like that going through puberty. It feels like EVERYONE always knows you're on your period.

[–]fromtheoven 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

As much as this story is awkward and unbelievable, as well as highly unfortunate for that girl, it's also fucking hilarious.

[–]Dreamstride 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

[–]superllama5 16 Punkte17 Punkte von


I see what you did there.

[–]jesus_swept 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

OR, you can use tampons instead? I only use pads when it's absolutely necessary; I feel unhygienic using pads, for that whole... bloody... reason.

[–]dietotaku 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

tampons don't seem to want to stay in place for me. they always feel like they're on the verge of falling out. as long as i can get a super-absorbent pad and catch those big gross clots, i'm pretty comfortable. :)

[–]luckynumber3 632 Punkte633 Punkte von* 

I think the funniest foul bachelorette frog I've seen was "Can't tell if horny, or really need to pee". EDIT: Jesus sunbathing christ, apparently a lot of you agree

[–]OutlawGrrl 357 Punkte358 Punkte von* 

This. This happens to me ALL THE TIME.

EDIT: I can't believe I got over a 100 karma for telling the internet I feel horny when I need to pee.

[–]joe_canadian 33 Punkte34 Punkte von

Honest does that work? I'm very confused.

[–]OutlawGrrl 57 Punkte58 Punkte von

Hell if I know.

[–]Changstein_El-Gamal 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

I imagine it's like pee-boners. sometimes you get a giant raging hard-on but you really just have to drain the lizard.

[–]GreenBalconyChair 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

This colorful language deserves all my upvotes!

[–]CircusAtari 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

When a girl is about to orgasm it can feel like they have to pee (which is a pretty common reason that many girls never "get there" because they panic and lose focus) so it probably has something to do with that.

Seriously tho, don't even try to comprehend the inner workings of females. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, you will never understand the other gender.

[–]parlezmoose 53 Punkte54 Punkte von

How? Is arousal really uncomfortable for you?

[–]soapyrain 158 Punkte159 Punkte von

No...the muscles that control urine flow are the same that contract during an orgasm.

[–]mulduvar 58 Punkte59 Punkte von

Now I see why my girlfriend pees so much when we're drunk and having sex.

Not while we're having sex mind you. She stumbles off to the bathroom first.

[–]explodingplant 51 Punkte52 Punkte von

Arousal doesn't make you pee, it just feels like it (although if it feels like it, she may go off just because of that). Drinking alcohol makes you pee though. Like a race horse that drank a lot of water and really needs to pee.

[–]Mark_Mark 46 Punkte47 Punkte von* 

Alcohol impairs the secretion of ADH (Anti-diuretic-hormone) from your pituitary gland. This, in effect, encourages urination. You didn't give her an orgasm and make her think she had to pee; it was the alcohol.

EDIT: Having re-read my comment, I now feel like a complete asshole.

[–]mulduvar 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

Trust me, me giving her orgasm and her urge to pee are not mutually exclusive.

[–]OutlawGrrl 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

It also has a hilarious name. Pubococcygeus.

[–]motorstorm 38 Punkte39 Punkte von

the first time a guy found my g spot, I legit thought I was gonna piddle.

[–]rawren 23 Punkte24 Punkte von

seconded. I had two completely opposite urges -- to push him off of me and run pee, and to let that shit happen.

[–]motorstorm 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

exactly. I was like wtf, is the embarrassment of peeing in the process not worth it, or shall I forge ahead and taste more of this divine new sensation?!

of course, being Socially Awkward Penguin, I went and peed. ._.

[–]CaptainEZ 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

[–]gospelwut 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

I am shocked and somewhat (pleasantly) amazed this comment through could occur in f7u12 without a torrent of "lulz go on" type comment. (That one didn't count.)

[–]tsfn46290 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Go on...

[–]AgentHoneywell 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

Full bladder tends to push up against the inner ladyparts, and between that and the keigels you do to hold it in, it can actually feel kind of nice to need to pee.

[–]OutlawGrrl 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

No, it's not uncomfortable. I don't really know how to describe it. Maybe it's the feeling of being full?

[–]Practice4Me 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

Are you really saying that a woman's horniness is similar to a full bladder? Then would unloading that pee be similar to a woman's orgasm..? I think I finally understand...

[–]Steve_The_Ogre 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

...that she is a squirter?

[–]faylan7 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

I get that sometimes, and I have a penis

[–]notNedFlanders 40 Punkte41 Punkte von

I call those pee-rections

[–]tokomini 10 Punkte11 Punkte von

Copyright it, but don't tell your family.

[–]Practice4Me 32 Punkte33 Punkte von

If I masturbate when I have to piss really bad and then go to take a piss afterwards, my pee feels like it gets stuck in. One of the worst feelings I consistently have...

[–]Demi-Mentia 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

That happens to me all the time as a female.

[–]SurpriseBukkake 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

[–]wheresmyhouse 48 Punkte49 Punkte von

Needing to piss so bad you have an erection and then not being able to piss because you have an erection just goes to show that if there is a god, he's really into schadenfreude.

[–]tonyray 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

you can't piss with a boner?

[–]Mezmer1zed 81 Punkte82 Punkte von

You can, but it's a little hard.

[–]tonyray 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

pun intended?

[–]wunderlust 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

no, pun extended

[–]Sajun 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

Most men can piss with a boner, but that piss just goes EVERYWHERE

[–]Bejezus 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

Well seeing as you need to piss downwards, and my dick is sticking straight out and its really uncomfortable to force down...morning wood is curse in disguise. 90% of the time when I have morning wood, I have to piss, Im not horny.

[–]wunderlust 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

every male has an optimal pissing-with-boner trajectory. for some, it's straight outward (90 degrees with respect to the stomach). for others, like me, it's slightly lower, like 60 degrees (again, with respect to the stomach). so, i have to lean over pretty far to achieve my personal optimal erect urination trajectory.

[–]jmf145 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

You can, but the results are unpleasant.

[–]Solsies 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

flex your abs below your belly button + activate kegel muscle....

[–]0hn035 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

my orgasms are always better when I have a full bladder. it's sofa king weird.

[–]ElAvestruz 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

This happens to me too and I am a guy. Sometimes I just pee before time and I no longer have the urge.

[–]PerogiXW 2 Punkte3 Punkte von


This is another reason I enjoy having a penis. Best peeing mechanism ever.

[–]grubas[!] 49 Punkte50 Punkte von

I wanted to be sickened, but I've seen so much from guys that I'd be sad if girls didn't ever do this shit.

[–]_elleOHelle_ 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

Happy cake day.

[–]Racuh 88 Punkte89 Punkte von

Meh, those are all true. Ask about period blood that over-saturates your extra long nighttime maxipad while you're sleeping... then ruins your sheets, underwear and pj's. Haaaaaaa... Sorry bout' that visual.

[–]Octopudding 263 Punkte264 Punkte von

Go to bed on clean sheets.

Wake up on Japanese flag. :(

[–]anyalicious 88 Punkte89 Punkte von

Then the frantic "oh please don't be on the mattress, please don't be on the mattress it's on the mattress. fuck it"

[–]Racuh 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

waterproof mattress cover :(

[–]Rainbow_Explosion 18 Punkte19 Punkte von

it makes the bed crinkly

[–]abowden 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

Am I the only one who literally never uses pads? Everything about them sucks.

[–]lunitabonita 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Diva Cup!

[–]zeert 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

It seems like most women use tampons... but I can't stand them. I prefer pads or cups. No risk of TSS or dry vagina or any of the other terribly gross things associated with tampons. >>

[–]nuttyrussian 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

They feel like diapers to me, and they always shift around when I'm walking and gah. I hate pads.

[–]Anovan 23 Punkte24 Punkte von

Welp, I am officially foul bachelorette frog.

[–]BadKitty420[!] 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

wait...guys on 4chan thought this was disgusting? I've been on 4chan and I've seen some shit, man

[–]roseday 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

You'd be surprised how much the mere hint of something menstrual related will make even the most disgusting male run for the hills.

[–]tonyray 35 Punkte36 Punkte von

My wife just said, "it's called wash your hands."

[–]MaximilianKohler 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

boys* you mean

[–]IrisIllych 116 Punkte117 Punkte von

I'm not apologizing for pulling bloodclots off of pads. Yeah, if a pad has been festering for hours- dump that shit. BUT! If my vag decides to drop one on a fresh pad? Well...

[–]beardbeast 64 Punkte65 Punkte von

I can't decide whether to puke or just go into a coma

[–]Midgetfidget 96 Punkte97 Punkte von* 

You do not deserve your username. Pansies cannot have a username like beardbeast.

[–]CuddleFactory 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

Or, just grow up.

[–]Darth_Phrakk 165 Punkte166 Punkte von

Meh you're all pussies...

[–]danE3030 114 Punkte115 Punkte von

I know, this stuff is relatively tame. What a shock that girls are human.

[–]anyalicious 46 Punkte47 Punkte von

WOAH. WOAH WOAH. Don't be crazy.

[–]AUBeastmaster 16 Punkte17 Punkte von

I for one don't want a human girlfriend.

[–]danE3030 50 Punkte51 Punkte von* 

Then you can be like the guy with the stuffed bearwomen.

[–]minifidel 8 Punkte9 Punkte von


[–]AUBeastmaster 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

So supple.

[–]Eviltwinpixie 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

I'm guessing he picked out the worst ones he found for the comic. I'd like the see the equivalent worst ones on the male side... I bet they'd be equally hilarious and horrifying! :D

[–]avengepluto 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

I love that it's not just "use as table to eat." Instead, it is specifically "eat bowl of ravioli." Disgustingly brilliant.

[–]Eviltwinpixie 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

Yeah, I went and looked right after posting this. 99% are about fapping--should've seen that coming. ;) But the first one I ran into was this charming mental image: :D

[–]ittehbittehladeh 41 Punkte42 Punkte von

Guys are so squeamish, it's hilarious.

[–]reverendfrag4 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

check if she's on her period

everything tastes like pennies all day


[–]NotaPoet 41 Punkte42 Punkte von


I went to bed with my [ex]girlfriend a few years ago. Sleeping soundly after lovely sex, both still nude, with a now-pulverized pillow spouting out feathers [she used it to prop up her ass and we kind of popped a hole in it]. Penis kind of hanging out by her ass, spooning style.

Few hours go by, she wakes up and gets all grindy-hips on me. Sleepily get an erection, but realize that my now hard penis is touching something kind of thick and....gritty?..... Blink eyes and think, "wtf?" Switch on overhead reading lamp.

Blood. Everywhere. All over the sheets. Goopy blood, too. AND FEATHERS. BLOOD AND FEATHERS.

I've fucked girls on their period, but this shit was fucking retarded. It looked like we'd slaughtered doves to Yahweh or something.

Between the gritty vaginal blood on my cock and the feathers everywhere, I firmly in that "laugh maniacally so you don't cry" mode.

[–]RsonW 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

I lost it at "sacrificing doves for Yahweh"

[–]Pit_of_Death 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

this thread has one of the best comment sections I've ever read.

[–]d4nny 39 Punkte40 Punkte von

my personal favorite

[–]NowISeeTheFunnySide 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

Not sure if disgusted...

or jealous.

[–]TehAubz0rz 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

Female here, I do not understand how that would work. Someone care to explain?

[–]zeert 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

If you stick your fingers in your vagina, you can push against the wall that faces the rectum, and sometimes squeeze poop out that way. >>

[–]polkadot123 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

This just changed my life. Trying ASAP

[–]apoptoeses 72 Punkte73 Punkte von

OK, seriously, men get to be disgusted by leaving leg hair in the bathtub when I have to deal with my boyfriend FUCKING SHEDDING EVERYWHERE IN THE HOUSE BECAUSE HE IS COVERED IN HAIR? Unacceptable.

It's human hair. It's made of keratin fibrils. you'll live.

[–]sockrocker 10 Punkte11 Punkte von* 

As a male, I rarely find my own shedded shed hair lying around. However, I used to find my ex girlfriends' hair all over the place in in the most random of spots. Granted, their hair is much longer and easier to see, but the fact is that I almost never see my own fallen hair.

Upvoted anyway for sharing your experience.

[–]apoptoeses 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

he is quite hairy, and we have hardwood floors. I think this compounds the issue. It becomes little hair tumbleweeds usually concentrated in the kitchen and bathroom. It's all short body hair too -- not head hair. Must have the right dynamics for tumbleweed formation.

[–]dakth 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

Are you dating a dog? Wtf?

[–]katia064 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

One I can relate to: " date canceled, shaved pussy for nothing"

[–]crashd1 83 Punkte84 Punkte von

A friend of mine who had contracts to clean several retail stores said the girls' bathrooms were always more disgusting than the men's. Not dirtier, just more disgusting.

[–]boozecruisin 40 Punkte41 Punkte von* 

When I was a camp counselor, there was a rotating schedule which allocated janitorial responsibilities to different members of the first year staff. Everyone had to endure at least one dreaded "maintenance week" a summer. It was the fucken worst. The boys' bathrooms were really gross, but the girls' ones were...unearthly. I suspect many of the female campers were getting their first periods and just didn't know how to deal with it. One day, I found a...collection of sorts behind one of the toilets. A very big, very old, very stuck collection. Imagine cooking a quiche in a foot squared pan, letting it burn, then not cleaning the pan for two weeks. I had to use a chisel. A CHISEL. The whole time, all I could think was "I am getting paid less than 10 cents an hour to do this."

tl;dr Period blood. Chisel.

EDIT: This was in 2004, when I was 17. I'm Canadian. I was paid about $450 for the whole summer (nine weeks), plus room and board. I was technically "on duty" 24 hours a day, but you're right, it was actually about three times that much, more if you don't count the time when I was asleep and my two days off. I know this may come across as whiny - it was actually a great overall job and summer. You don't become a camp counselor to make money.

[–]justbecausewhynot 63 Punkte64 Punkte von

When I was a bag boy at a grocery store I hated cleaning the womens restroom at the end of the day. Did you know they have their own little mini trash cans in the stalls? I had to clean those. Oh my god the smell.. Oh god the smell.

[–]KatieYijes 107 Punkte108 Punkte von

Yes, period blood is disgusting, we know. Thats why we get those little garbage bins; so we dont have to carry a used bloody pad through a crowded bathroom and try to get it in the garbage without any other women noticing.

[–]justbecausewhynot 42 Punkte43 Punkte von

Little do you know your period blood, and other women period blood fester in that tiny trash can all day long creating a putrid odor bomb when someone goes to clean it.

[–]boobsarecool 68 Punkte69 Punkte von

I'm going to go back to pretending I didn't know any of the stuff I just read really happens

[–]k4tertots 38 Punkte39 Punkte von

try living it

[–]tokomini 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

Sorry, but that is absolutely not how this works.

[–]Pariah_ 13 Punkte14 Punkte von

boobs are not so cool now

[–]Advancedphish 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

Some women aren't smart enough to properly wrap the damn things. :: shudder ::

[–]AyaJulia 32 Punkte33 Punkte von

I didn't even realize until I read your comment that it was an option not to wrap them. ಠ_ಠ

[–]KatieYijes 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

I clean them at the bar I work at, and yeah, its totally gross. Sorry, if I (and I'm assuming most other women) could choose not to have a period (without going on crazy hormonal birth control) I would!

[–]Advancedphish 45 Punkte46 Punkte von

I would like to submit "hovering". If you sprinkle while you tinkle, be a sweetie and sit on the fucking seat because you aren't actually going to catch AIDS from it you stupid hag.

[–]death_and_reposts 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

instead of making those stupid covers for seats why don't they just include wipes that you can run over the seat and disinfect it?

[–]Advancedphish 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

Right? Remove the toilet seat wreath dispenser and replace with sanitation wipes. Genius!

[–]andrewchi 37 Punkte38 Punkte von

When I was a lifeguard I had bathroom cleaning duties after my shift was done and my first day on the job I was assigned the women's restroom. Man, I was not prepared. I was like, why are there trashbins in every stall? So, I opened one to get the bag replaced and it was the fucking exorcism of emily rose in my nostrils.

[–]death_and_reposts 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

there has to be some guy who has a fetish for that who would do it and pay you money. Post an add on Craigslist for like 300$ or something.

[–]ittehbittehladeh 17 Punkte18 Punkte von

TIL some people dont know about the little trash bins in the stalls.

[–]NinjaSkillz810 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

Yeah. These people, like myself, are called men.

[–]icelolly 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

My work hired a company to look after the "female product disposal bins".

The company forgot about us, and we had a change of manager and just never checked up on it.

Long story short, one day someone realized the bin hadn't been changed in literally months.

MONTHS of bloody tampons and pads sitting in this bin. MONTHS. there were maggots. I will never forget that smell.

[–]dietotaku 12 Punkte13 Punkte von

one of our renters complained to us on more than one occasion that the other girls had left menstrual blood on the toilet seat. those girls would then in turn complain about the one guy in the house leaving pee on the seat. i found it very difficult to sympathize with the girls.

[–]Eviltwinpixie 24 Punkte25 Punkte von

I don't get either one. DO PEOPLE NOT CHECK?

[–]jun2san 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

As someone whose family owns an office cleaning business I can confirm this.

Almost puked cleaning a female restroom.

[–]MossyMemory 54 Punkte55 Punkte von

Okay, for the record, when I check, I use toilet paper like a normal person. :I

[–]LifeFailure 54 Punkte55 Punkte von

I just pull my pants down to see if there's blood in my underwear.

[–]Et4020 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

i feel up my ass checking for dampness, but hey to each their own

[–]avengepluto 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

You had me at "I feel up my ass".

[–]aspmaster 11 Punkte12 Punkte von


[–]Racuh 14 Punkte15 Punkte von

Put hand in pants... Check under fingernails

[–]Donald_Pietrowski 59 Punkte60 Punkte von

[–]eat4fun 23 Punkte24 Punkte von

I find this difficult to fap to.

[–]PedroTheNoun 19 Punkte20 Punkte von

But you're gonna try, damn it!

[–]tokomini 26 Punkte27 Punkte von

Anything is possible, I once fapped to Living Magazine. A woman was mopping a floor in a Swifer ad and you could almost see nip.

Proud to say I lasted awhile.

[–]MuffinOnfire 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

[–]Sk33tshot 79 Punkte80 Punkte von

You have never laid a towel down on your bed and been with a girl on her period. You need to get over this. Women have needs, cater to them and understand.

[–]Racuh 21 Punkte22 Punkte von

I like the cut of you jib mister.

[–]c_megalodon 4 Punkte5 Punkte von


[–]shirleyhouseofwolves 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

Now, please.

[–]BrodoFaggins 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

I WOULD, but she gets super shy about being on her period. I did have a girlfriend once in college that would get her horniest when on her period though.

[–]sofsof 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

Actually, most girls get really, really horny when they're on their period. There's just a lot of hassle and mess and embarrassment, so a lot of times it's just ignored and down-played.

[–]BlackbeltJones 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

Gasp all you like, you know damn well if men had internal genitalia, the frog would be much, much fouler.

[–]James-VZ 60 Punkte61 Punkte von

I remember in week 3 of basic training, hadn't even seen a girl since day 0. We got a female instructor in for some class, who tried to keep things lively by telling us about one of her female flights. I mean, even at the mention of 40 chicks in one room you could hear every dick in there stand at attention.

But she tried to downplay it, like chicks were disgusting. Buddy next to me elbowed me and said he'd fuck a cow patty with a wig on it at that point, he didn't care. I didn't care either, I'd have probably settled on one without a wig.

I guess she realized she wasn't getting through to us (probably noticed the boners weren't going down), and decided to tell us about the leg hair. These chicks hadn't shaved in over a month. You could literally braid their leg hair, she said. Of course we're like, whatever, a little leg hair never killed nobody. Then she told us about period synchronization, and how for a week out of the month the showers had an inch thick layer of period blood in them, on top of really catty girls who sometimes got in fights in it.

It was at that point you could hear every boner in the place deflate, and retreat inwards.

[–]warriorsmurf 34 Punkte35 Punkte von

I'm sure you know this, but for the benefit of teen boys who don't know better... this is extreme exaggeration. Period blood would just go down the drain, it's not going to turn into an inch of gelatin for catty women to wrassle in. And even very hairy women can't braid their leg hair even if they never shave.

[–]Silly_Walks 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

However armpit hair is perfect for braiding.

[–]completelydeck 6 Punkte7 Punkte von


[–]dakth 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

TIL penises make sounds.

[–]JPBarnesbuckle 5 Punkte6 Punkte von


[–]takinter 16 Punkte17 Punkte von

I have been reading the wrong frog. Foul Bachelorette Frog hasn't lost her chops like Bachelor Frog has.

[–]Injustpotato 39 Punkte40 Punkte von


[–]TransAm 9 Punkte10 Punkte von

But it IS a comic... so isn't it an appropriate use?

[–]Injustpotato 11 Punkte12 Punkte von

Yes, but it would look better sans the font.

...clever, no?

[–]yankyal[S] 8 Punkte9 Punkte von

Forgive me.

[–]Injustpotato 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

Impossible. However, I am yet to see a comic using Papyrus.

[–]r1385l 22 Punkte23 Punkte von

semen is a thousand times more disgusting than blood. there are actual things swimming around in that goop!

[–]Korpiklaani 100 Punkte101 Punkte von

[–]ersatztruth 130 Punkte131 Punkte von

[–]tokomini 74 Punkte75 Punkte von

I can only interpret this one way. The taller you are, the closer you are to a purple troll stealing your pickle.


[–]AyaJulia 19 Punkte20 Punkte von

I believe it's more of an "sweet ZOMBIE JESUS I'd rather go gay than deal with these disgusting chicks" thing.

[–]VikingTy 12 Punkte13 Punkte von

Don't you know? Guys can be gross, but girls can't. It's illegal now, thanks to the "Road Warrior Queef."

[–]berhnardhoffman 42 Punkte43 Punkte von

Done with the internet today. its all yours.

[–]NinjaSkillz810 6 Punkte7 Punkte von


[–]KnifeyJames 12 Punkte13 Punkte von

Yep, still gay.

[–]Uber_Nick 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

Are you guys still accepting applications?

[–]Eviltwinpixie 15 Punkte16 Punkte von

Dramatic crash of thunder, horror movie wolf howl

Agggghhhhhhh! Girls are human tooooooooo......

[–]ProfessorSomething 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

I read one where this chick was constipated or something, so she stuck her finger up her vagina and pushed against the back wall of her vagina to push the poop out of her ass...

[–]DanceswWolves 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

This just in: women are just as disgusting as men.

None of this grosses me out, perhaps that has to do with growing up around more women than men.

[–]ClownBaby90 5 Punkte6 Punkte von

[–]Cyb0rgazm 4 Punkte5 Punkte von

This makes me want a girlfriend even more.

[–]doubledklondike 7 Punkte8 Punkte von

[–]asdfman123 16 Punkte17 Punkte von

Damn women, u scary.

[–]om1ss10nsixsix 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

This was my first experience with Foul Bachelorette Frog. She is a classy lady indeed.

[–]michiroo 3 Punkte4 Punkte von

....I've done all three. Haters gon' hate.

[–]pondwater5 6 Punkte7 Punkte von

All this means is that I will never love again.